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Everything posted by Shaktidevi

  1. Koran is how Europeans first thought they heard the way the word was being said. Later, when they developed some sophistication in writing how things sound, they wrote quran. Although, to be more exact, it should be qur'an. K and q represent 2 similar but not identical sounds in Arabic. o and u represent the sound of the Arabic letter u, which is said as o in some arabic dialects. The mark ' represents a stop sort of like a hiccup.
  2. The universe is, and always has been, multidimensional, with inhabitants at every level who have always interacted with us humans at this level. So, some of these beings may have gone from country to country, and are known under different names, but for sure, they are there and still interacting with us. Or else what is religion all about? A history club? Peace, Shakti
  3. Namaste, Whitelotus109! I am a devotee of goddess Shakti, and keep her uppermost in my thoughts as much as possible if not all the time. I find that if I have the presence of mind to ask for her help, she always answers in ways that are for me personally. I know that whatever good I accomplish in a day is actually Shakti working, that I am Shakti doing the good. Based on my experience, I think it is quite reasonable to think that people even more devoted and centered than I would receive even greater manifestations. Peace, Shaktidevi
  4. I can't provide references, but an observation: humans exist at various levels, that is, physical, astral, and causal. So, in a sense, do idols. In themselves, they are pieces of metal or stone, and we don't worship physical substances, we direct our prayers and devotion to the being represented by the idol. But at the same time, as we relate to an idol and continue prayer and acts of devotion and puja, it becomes "energized" and is then a mode of presence of the deity in the temple or in our homes. It is a link between the divine and human realms, just as our own bodies and minds are the same. Anyway, that's my opinion, and hope it helps a little. Peace, Shakti
  5. Shaktidevi


    The Supreme manifests to each according to his/her abilities.
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