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Posts posted by nekozuki


    this is true, there are many astral beings and entities that are malicious.. but one who chants dont have to care about these as long one ignore them and only wanna chant the Glorious Names of the Lord!


    True, true. But chant and be careful lol.


    How true that is, nekozuki!

    Whenever I WANT to do it, it doesn't happen.

    whenever I forget about wanting to do it, it happens!


    So i promised myself to just forget about it,

    and it'll happen when it happens :)


    One time I did it, I psychic attacked myself (I think...?) My physical body-eyes opened and I saw my celestial body looking down at me,

    and I nearly had a heart attack! I remember I crashed back down into my body and I ached for days!


    But at the same time - it was so wonderful to know that it worked, that I wasn't just dreaming!


    Just be careful because there are "beings" that don't care for humans much.


    Exactly my point too, which is why Krishna is not mentioned in non-Indian literature.


    It is tiresome to see these weak attempts to create imaginary links between Krishna and Jesus to entice christians. Surely, you do not think such dubious links will draw people into your religion?


    Why not, just be honest and refrain from such tactics?




    And yet the facts have been put in front of you. No one is trying to draw anyone to Hinduism by doing this. More or less we're trying to clear up some tension between Christianity and other religions. If you think the similarities between Jesus and Krishna are coincidental, please look again. Jesus even has similarities to Osiris. Guess where the two spiritual centers of the ancient world were: Egypt and India. Greeks went to India heard the name Krishna and it got adopted into their own tongue as Kristos. The fact of the matter is that the Greeks knew of Indians and their religion, ever heard of Apollonius? Deny the facts all you want to, but what better way to make a religion out of those already around ;)


    nekozuki -


    I have OBEs all the time! & I don't even know how I'm doing it either..?


    Yeah, they tend to happen more spontaneously. Doing them willingly is hard, you have to be pretty adept in it. I've heard to be careful though if you do it willingly, Ï've been warned of psychic attacks. :eek2:

  5. I think dreams are more than just chemical reactions in your brain. I had a dream of Sheshanaga after converting to Hinduism and praying to Vishnu. I've also had two dreams of Hanuman and a dream of Krishna, all of these were very real. When I was Christian I never had any dreams about Jesus or angels, but when I switched to Hinduism it was like a light switched on.

  6. Yeah, I would say he looked more into it. I don't know him personally but my stepdad told me about it. It was a very neat story. But yeah, I think our past lives affect us greatly on religion. For instance, Í'm Caucasian and converted to Hinduism, i've had past life dreams of India, so it's possible my Indian past life affected my religious choice. I found Christianity to be miserable for me, I did not feel close to God, with Hinduism i do.

  7. So because you cannot find historical records on someone means they don't exist. Since his life is told in story form he doesn't exist. What people fail to realize is that the ancients did that a lot, they told stories to explain things. Look at The Iliad for example, everyone thought it was just a made up story until someone found Troy. ;)

  8. Yeah, but the future isn't always set in stone. And if things keep going the way they're going us humans probably won't be around much longer. Either we'll blow ourselves up or we'll destroy the planet and us along with it. So, I think it's about time for Kalki to come.



    Whenever there is a withering of the law

    and an uprising of lawlessness on all sides,

    then I manifest Myself.


    For the salvation of the righteous

    and the destruction of such as do evil,

    for the firm establishing of the Law,

    I come to birth, age after age.


    ~ Bhagavad Gita, Book IV, Sutra 5, 7, 8


    Look at that very closely.


    The fire being nuclear perhaps?


    And what will the fifth world be like? I thought that most religions only talk of four worlds or eras. Even Christianity divided time into 4 eras, didn't they? Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze or something like that? If so, why is it the Mayans seem to think there will be a FIFTH world then, when most religions only say four?


    They might be thinking in a linear concept, such as after the fourth will be the fifth. I find this a bit creepy I should say. We'll know on December 21,2012 I guess.

  10. 2012 in Mayan legend is when we enter the fifth world. Think about this, in Hinduism we're in the fourth yuga. According to Mayan legend we're in the fourth world. The mayans say the last world was destroyed by WATER! This one will be destroyed by fire. Does anyone see a connection here? I do, and it's a bit creepy. This goes along with the Hopi prophecy too. And since there are civilizations mentioned before the flood, could this be where the stories of Atlantis come from? Even Egypt says their civilization is 35,000 years old if i'm not mistakened.


    It was the Emperor Constantine who banned reincarnation from Christianity and the apostle Paul who forulated much of the Christian beliefs in the church today, also went against it. The early Christians had many gospels that different from the ones we have now. The Church today only follows four, when there are thirty - these are ignored and termed heretical by the church. The Gnostic Christians who followed these other gospels did believe in reincarnation. Alot of their teaching are similar to Vedanta.



    yeah, Gnostic Christianity is actually what Christianity is supposed to be. So much for listening to Jesus. :eek4:

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