Correct me, but I always thought that the sign of bhakti is that a servant of Our Sweet Lord Krishna is patient and understanding towards all people and has no enemy.
I have tried very hard to see Prabhupad as what you see in him, but he is just a man with a stone-cold heart and you as his disciples do exactly what he did: spread hatred. Shame on you.
Sexually inverted people have no place in your "Vedic" society? You make me laugh. They can be found in Hindu society as well as in any other society. And they are persecuted like in any other socierty, may it be Catholic, Protestant, Muslim or other, although they do not harm anyone. And why? Because they remember the so-called men (especially men) of another, more gentle and less violent side of their personality "normal" men have to fight against to keep up the whole business of hatred, domination, violence and patriarchy also called "social order".
Isn't it true that according to the Mahabharata in his 13th year of exile Arjuna served the prinesses at the court as a dancer, wearing dresses and long hair?
Isn't it true that Shri Chaitanya often wore women's dresses to enjoy bhakti in the role os Srimati Radharani?
And, gentlemen, if you hate homosexuals so much, did you never ask yourselves why you are attracted by God in a form of a graceful young man wearing eyeliner and jewellery?
His Name is Lord Krishna.