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Madhumangala Das

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About Madhumangala Das

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    New Orleans, Louisiana USA
  1. Although I am a Vaisnava, I think the most important thing is developing a personal relationship with a specific aspect of the Supreme, be it Krsna, Siva or Shakti and offer yourself in love and devotion. The name is not important because God knows what is in your heart.
  2. Haribol. What yantras are accepted for Vasinavas? Sri Yantra? But isn't Sri Yantra an aspect of Parvarti and has it's origins in Shaktism? I am Vaisnava (Gaudiya) and if I wanted to incorporate yantra into my devotion, which one should it be?yantra Thank you. Hare Krsna.
  3. Where in the puranas do they glorify rudrasha? I am a Vaisnava and we wear Tulasi. In the Padma Purana there are thirty chapters describing Tulasi's appearance. Her glorious attributes are recounted throughout the Vedic literature. "Just by looking at Tulasi, all of one's sins are removed. Just by touching Her, one's body becomes purified. All diseases are removed by praying to Her. Fear of death is destroyed by watering Her. Just by planting or transplanting Her, one achieves realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If someone offers Her leaves at the lotus feet of Sri Krsna, Tulasi will award liberation and devotion to Lord Sri Krsna." (SKP) Sri Krsna is very fond of Tulasi, also called Maharani. Vayu Purana states: "The Supreme Lord Hari does not accept anyone's worship without Tulasi." The poet Candrasekhara says that Krsna does not care for even one of fifty-six offerings or thirty-six curries if they are offered without a Tulasi leaf. "All the places of pilgrimage on this planet and in the millions of universes, take shelter in a Tulasi leaf." (PP) "Sri Krsna who is very affectionate toward His devotee, sells Himself to devotee who offers merely a Tulasi leaf and a palmful of water."(CT)
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