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Pratyatosa Dasa

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Everything posted by Pratyatosa Dasa

  1. It would be interesting to hear what their respective wives have to say about this! Seriously Tarun prabhu, where did Ali get this "sex causes weakness" idea from? Srila Prabhupada? His Muslim preceptors? I find the whole thing very inspiring, and I'm sure that it has inspired many others also. Thank you very much for posting it. [This message has been edited by Pratyatosa Dasa (edited 02-15-2002).]
  2. I found the following in the Folio, which more or less confirms the above: Conversation, Melbourne, 2 July, 1974 Madhudvisa: ...cooking cheese and spicing it with asafoetida and ginger, meat taste can be simulated very, very nicely. Prabhupada: This cheese as it is you take, it is as beneficial as meat. Madhudvisa: Protein. Guest (2): Yes, yes. Similar protein. Prabhupada: So why the animal should be killed? Take milk.
  3. Here's one for a reasonable price ($4.95): "Copper Tongue Scraper" ( http://www.raymondandco.com/raymond/coptonscrap.html )
  4. When I was a "brahmacari", living in ISKCON temples (1970-73), I was told by a fellow "brahmacari", that Prabhupada said that taking a warm shower is like embracing a naked woman, but maybe this "Prabhupada said" was started by a temple president who was trying to save money on the utility bills. An alternative to taking a cold shower is to walk around wearing nothing but a dry gumcha (loincloth) after taking a warm shower. Do this until completely dried off and cooled down. Then perspiration will be completely stopped and the pores closed so that bacteria can't enter, and by getting completely dry, especially between the toes and the genital area, fungi have a more difficult time to grow. [This message has been edited by Pratyatosa Dasa (edited 02-13-2002).]
  5. I have heard that Srila Prabhupada said that people who like the taste of meat will be completely satisfied by eating preparations containing curd deep fried in ghee.
  6. Here's the URL for the original article (including a photo of Smith): http://sg.movie.lycosasia.com/arts/seen/seenhg/1288.html
  7. By searching the Vedabase, I was able to find three lectures wherein Srila Prabhupada stated that wine is needed to properly digest meat, but he does not give any reference sources for this information. Since most of the meat eating influence in India comes from the British, who seem to be totally ignorant of this information, it seems that most Indians would share this ignorance. The French, on the otherhand, make a habit of drinking wine everyday, and, as a result, have significantly less obesity and heart disease than the British or the Americans ( http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/heart/9907/06/wine.heart/ ). I am concerned about this because nursing homes and assisted care facilities in the USA force their elderly patients to consume lots of meat and lots of ridiculously expensive prescription drugs, but refuse to allow them to consume any alcohol, therefore endangering their health and decreasing their life span. This, in my humble opinion, is a health care scandal of monumental proportions, and which, therefore, needs to be investigated! The health care givers must be informed that if they want to restrict their patients from drinking alcohol, then they should also restrict them from eating meat or drinking coffee ( http://www.drkaslow.com/html/coffee-caffeine.html )! Where did Srila Prabhupada get this very important information? Related items: "The world's oldest man, 112-year-old Antonio Todde, who said the secret of his longevity was a daily glass of red wine..." ( http://www.cbsnews.com/now/story/0,1597,323218-412,00.shtml ) "Jeanne Calment, believed to be the world's oldest person, died Monday at age 122...Calment credited her longevity to Port wine, a diet rich in olive oil..." ( http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9708/04/obit.oldest/ )
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