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Posts posted by sampath

  1. I believe that its useless to enter into bargains with balaji.Whatever you promise to give him equals giving a lemon to a king and asking for a kingdom in return.Asking him to give you this and that equals asking a karpaga vriksha to give you a begging bowl.


    Dont ask him anything.Pray and just pray.Dont even ask him "Cure the evils in the society".Asking so means that you believe that he runs the world erratically.Dont even ask him moksha.Dont ask anything.Just pray so that you purify yourself.


    Anyway hes a bad bargainer.You give him yourself and get him instead.See how bad a bargainer he is.He gave you a priceless thing and got you instead.Except this deal dont make any agreements with him.

  2. India cannot attack pakistan or bangaldesh.Pakistan has atom bombs.It will throw bomb on delli and bombay and many will die.what will we achieve by attacking bangaldesh?Capture it and do what?Its a beggar country anyway.


    If we have more money like america,then pakistan and bangaldesh will be afraid of us.If we have more companies like japan,pakistan will be afraid of us.Then we can tell them "look,musharrap.If you send terrorists i will affect you economically" then musharrap will not sends terrorists.


    similiarly we can tell bangaldeshis "you have to stop beating hindus in bangladesh"they will obey us.japan and america became superpower only by their money.we should follow their example.


    America is good guy.If we are friends with america and get more H1b visas and F1 visas,soon we will develop.But without America all these stupid countries like north korea,pakistan, will be uncontrolled.


    Good suggestion madhav.

  3. world needs cheap oil.Thats all.Else indian economy will collapse.And jihadis will enjoy the oil money.I fully support usa.


    middle east can be manipulated in anyway as long as you get oil at cheap prices.Those people dont know what is democracy.So let them be colonised.whats wrong?

  4. Our religion is here after 1000 years of foreign invasion, not because of its open mindedness and "kill me and i chant ram,ram" approach.


    Its still there only because of valiant warriors who fought and defended it like satrapathi shivaji maharaj,vijayanagara empire,valiant rajputs,gallant sikh gurus etc.


    had not vijayanagar defended south for 300 years we all would have been goners.had not rajputs protested,we all would have been taken for granted and would have gone the egyptian religions way.


    krishna said "fight adharma,do your duty as a ksathriya.NOt doing so is equal to cowardice.its your duty to fight.why do you cry like a female?"


    Are you against krishna's words?

  5. In war innocents will die.It is inadvertent.That should not be a deterrant for not fighting evil.It is good that USA is building weapons.Because if aliens attack the world who will save us?Someday some aliens will come like in independence day movie.what will you do?So we need to advance in weapons field also.


    Saddam is a dictator.He used to torture and kill all his people.He has killed 1 million people in his regime.USA might have attacked Iraq for any reason.But the outcome was benefecial for the world and iraq.


    war on iraq might have killed 2000 innocents.But saddam killed a million.And it is good if america fought the war for oil.OIl price is already high.Its already 45 rs a liter.So its good that america is fighting to reduce oil price.


    saddam is duriyodana,osamha is duchandana,musharraf is saguni.George bush is yudishtra,tony blair is thristhathyumna,kofi annan is vidhura and sep 11 victims are draupathi.


    In war against justice and injustice george bush comes like arnold schwarzanagger and hits all the bad villains and beats them.Police(uno) come in climax when hero has beaten all of them.what is the use?


    USA and india are like arjun and krishna.USA has power like arjuna and india has wisdom like krishna.Both will fight and arrest all bad guys

  6. irak developed nuclear weapons in 80's.Israel threw bomps on it and destroyed the factory.If we talk of fundamental rights,democracy etc in todays world nothing will work.Imagine n-bomps in hands of fundamentals like komeni?


    N=bomps are a very dangerous weapon.So i fully support USA in this aspect.USA at present is the sole guardian of world peace.USA has taught a lesson to many dictators like sadaam,mulla omer,kadapi etc.It is controlling bad people like north korea's kim dae jung,pakistani musharrap etc.


    Nbomps should not multiply.USA should snatch them from pakistan also.India and USA should be good friends and partners.USA should teach buisness to india.India should teach religion to usa.

  7. Hi guys,


    I have a doubt.In vedas Rama is mentions.Krishna is mentioned.Varaha and Vamana are mentioned.But Krishna and Ram both talk about vedas.So which was the first book?If its vedas then how did it mention Ram and Krishna.If its ramayana and bharatha how did they talk about vedas then?


    Its highly confusing.

  8. And I dont support gandhis killing.He would have been exposed had he not been killed.Now he became god.Hes a good man but out of touch with reality.And I thank god that he refused to be PM of India.He would have given whole kashmir to pakistan and said "Its my dharma,of giving the best to my brother"Congress people will be crying "yes sir" and supporting him then.

  9. Hi vel are you a tamilian?


    Anyway Gandhi gave 30% of land to 15% of population.That too what sort of land?land that is fertile with 5 rivers.Can anybody talk dharma with pakistan?He harmed India by this single act of his.See what Israel is offering palestenians?It is occupying the fertile lands,water resources and giving dry land to palestenians.Learn from them man

  10. Man is nothing but one of the co-existing species in the world with his animal brothers was conveniently forgotten by most. We are cruel to our animal and bird brothers. They don’t have a mouth to tell their sufferings. We torture them. We are cruel to them. And I am ashamed of it.


    I will tell you some facts about our chicken brother. When somebody says ‘chicken’ the next word that appears in our mind is “tasty, yummy, and delicious” and so on. But there is more to our chicken brother.


    Up until a few years ago, few scientists had spent any time learning about chickens’ intelligence, but people who run farmed animal sanctuaries have had plenty to say about the subtleties of the chicken world. It may seem odd, since we don’t know chicken brothers very well, but it’s true that some chicken brothers like classic rock, while others like classical music; some chicken brothers enjoy human company, while others are standoffish, shy, or even a bit aggressive. Just like dogs, cats, and humans, each chicken brother is an individual with a distinct personality.


    Like us, chicken brothers form strong family ties and mourn when they lose a loved one.


    Kim Sturla, who runs Animal Place, a sanctuary for abused and discarded farmed animals, has seen chicken brothers empathize and show affection for one another. She recalls an endearing story about two elderly chicken brothers that had been rescued from a city dump. “Mary” and “Notorious Boy” bonded and would roost on a picnic table together. One stormy night when the rain was really pelting down, Sturla went to put Mary and Notorious Boy in the barn and saw that “the rooster had his wing extended over the hen protecting her.”


    Chicken brothers are able to learn by watching the mistakes of others and are very adept at teaching and learning. Chicken brothers also can learn to use switches and levers to change the temperature in their surroundings and to open doors to feeding areas. When in natural surroundings, not on factory farms, they form friendships and social hierarchies, recognize one another, love their young, and enjoy a full life, dust-bathing, making nests, roosting in trees, and more.-1 (From http://www.peta.org/feat/hiddenlives/index.html)


    But how do we treat this intelligent brother, who has every right to live in the world like us?


    We have concentration camps for this intelligent brother. Every chicken brother is given the space equal to the size of an A4 paper in these concentration camps. This fractures the bones of many chicken brothers and they are hung upside down on their broken legs. Many are scalded when they are fully alive and are conscious of the pain.


    There are a few methods of slaughtering that are practiced, and not one is humane and how it’s supposed to be done. One is decapitating the animal brother. Another is the Halal method where the neck is slit in 2 1/2 spots while they are conscious and that forces them to bleed to death. In that case the animal brother is alive and aware that they are severely bleeding and they are in excruciating pain. Burying an animal brother’s head in the ground is not a common practice but it is still used. That way they are suffocated to death.


    All the while the animal brother, usually a pig brother, is squealing endlessly. Sometimes there is not even that much effort put into slaughtering the animal brother and they will just burn them to death. Cattle brothers are many times stunned in the head with a steel bolt, their throats are slit, and then they are left laying around to bleed to death. The bleeding method is used when they want the least damage to the carcass as possible. The cattle brother is cut in a place where they will bleed the fastest. Many animal brothers do make it as far as being skinned when they are still living and feeling pain to the fullest. -2 (http://www.all-creatures.org/articles/ar-aninsidelook.html)


    Have we civilized?

  11. Two years ago a flood of reports suddenly appeared in the Indian press revealing an alarming number of conversions of Muslims to Christianity in Kashmir. Figures of the number of such converts in the past ten years varied greatly, with some putting the total as high as 20,000. In the absence of any detailed research on the subject it is difficult to make a reasonable estimate, but the number is sizeable enough to have caused considerable consternation as well as soul-searching among Muslim religious authorities in Kashmir, as this booklet reveals.


    This booklet consists of three articles written on the subject of Muslim conversions to Christianity, with an introduction by the Mirwaiz of Kashmir, Maulvi Muhammad Umar Faruq, head of the Muttahida Majlis-i `Ulama of Jammu and Kashmir (MMUJK), a recently-established association of Kashmiri `ulama that is involved in seeking to counter the threat of Christian evangelism in the region. The articles provide interesting glimpses into the social, economic and political factors behind the spate of conversions, the methods used by Christian missionaries to win converts as well as the responses of Kashmiri Muslim religious organisations.


    In his brief introductory note, Mirwaiz Umar Faruq describes the work of the Christian missionary groups in Kashmir as a major threat, suggesting that the missionaries use material inducements to win converts, and hence claiming that their work can hardly be said to be sincere. He refers, in this regard, to the work of the MMUJK, and suggests that it undertake a range of activities and programmes to promote Islamic awareness among the Kashmiri public, protect Muslim identity and thereby counter the Christian evangelical challenge.


    Two articles included in the booklet echo much the same views, and do not go beyond the level of generalities, thus providing little understanding of the exact process and factors for the conversions in Kashmir. In his article, the noted Pakistani Deobandi scholar Muhammad Taqi Usmani describes the Christian evangelical project as little less than a cheap gimmick, accusing the missionaries of using money, and promises of jobs and education to lure unsuspecting, and largely poor, Muslims into the Christian fold. In this the Maulana is probably correct, and this may well be true for some, or even most, Christian missionary groups. Yet, whatever their motives, this ought not to be used as an argument to altogether deny the important contributions that some Christian institutions and dedicated activists are making in helping the suffering and the needy. What, one must ask, are the Muslim counterparts of the Christian missionaries doing for the poor, and the victims of the unceasing violence in Kashmir and elsewhere? Pretty much nothing is the answer, except for loudly haranguing their enemies and lamenting their plight, and refusing to speak out against the barbarities perpetrated by self-styled Islamists in the name of Islam. Which, in turn, explains why Christian missionaries have moved in to do their own thing and so can hardly be blamed. The Maulana conveniently glosses over this rather inconvenient fact, and, instead, goes on to develop an elaborate and abstruse theological argument seeking to prove that Christianity as it exists today is a corruption of, and a major deviation from, the original teachings of Jesus. Roughly the same argument is made by another Deobandi `alim, Mufti Arshad Ahmad, whose article also appears in this book. Titled as `Kashmir Main Isaiyat Ke Badhtey Qadam' (`The Growing Influence of Christianity in Kashmir'), it hardly refers to Kashmir at all and consists simply of an angry, although not entirely unmerited, diatribe against the missionaries.


    The third article, by the Kashmiri Deobandi scholar Maulvi Muhammad Mir Qasmi, is the book's saving grace, being well-argued and informative. Titled `Kashmir Main Kitney Musalman Isai Bane?' (`How Many Muslims Have Become Christians in Kashmir?'), it provides a fairly detailed account of the working of various Christian missionary outfits in the Valley. Qasmi provides varying estimates of the number of Muslim converts to Christianity in Kashmir in the last ten years, from 12,000, as claimed by the Srinagar-based newspaper `Greater Kashmir', to 20,000, a figure cited by the Kashmiri Urdu paper al-Safa. He then goes on to provide a broad historical overview of the Christian missionary presence in Kashmir, starting with the first European missionary, Robert Clarke, as early as in 1854. Clarke was followed by several other missionaries, Catholic as well as Protestant, some of whom set up educational institutions catering to the Kashmiri elite, in the hope of winning them to Christianity, and then, through them, hoping to reach out to the masses as well. Some of these schools still exist and are regarded as among the best institutions in the state. Yet, Qasmi notes, these missionary endeavours were not particularly successful, and the number of Kashmiri Muslim converts to Christianity remained meagre.


    The situation has drastically changed in the last fifteen years in the state, Qasmi says. Taking advantage of the plight of the poor and the victims of the ongoing strife, he says, numerous Christian missionary groups have established their presence in the Valley. Most of them are generously financed by rightwing, fundamentalist Christian evangelical orgaisations based in America and western Europe. Qasmi provides a detailed account of various missionary organisations presently working all over Kashmir, suggesting a well- organised campaign to spread Christianity, often disguised in the garb of helping hapless Kashmiris. Some of them are engaged in some sort of social work, such as providing employment, medical assistance and education, details of which Qasmi provides, but these are clearly meant simply as an evangelical tool.


    Qasmi speaks about a carefully designed division of labour between various missionary organisations in order to make their work more effective. Thus, for instance, Frontiers works among the Gujjars of Dar, near Srinagar, Agape Mission is based among the Hanjis or house- boat owners in Srinagar, Gospel for Asia focuses on the villages along the border with Pakistan, The Goodway is active in the Patan- Magam-Tangmarg triangle, Campus Crusade for Christ works among students in Pulwama and Srinagar, Eternal Life Ministries among leprosy patients in Nagin, and Operation Agape among surrendered militants. Some missionary organisations have tried to develop culturally more acceptable forms of communication in order to make for more effective communication with prospective converts. This, for instance, is the case with the Noor-i Hayat Church, the al-Bashar Fellowship and the al-Masihi Jama`at Fellowship, whose `Muslim' names have probably been deliberately chosen in order to make them seem somewhat innocuous and culturally familiar to their Muslim target audience. Some of these groups have also prepared propaganda material in the Kashmiri language, using forms and styles that the local Muslims can easily identify with. Such, for instance, is the case of an organisation that distributes free audiotapes on Christianity at Batamaloo, located in the very heart of Srinagar.


    Qasmi argues that for many Muslim converts, conversion is simply an economic choice. He writes that a sizeable number of the converts adopt Christianity simply in order to avail the educational, medical or economic assistance that missionary groups promise to provide them with. To buttress this claim he refers to a number of converts who, after joining one denomination and reaping material benefits of some sort, then choose to join another, rival Christian denomination if they are promised further material gain. For some Kashmiri converts as well as other Indian Christians employment in missionary organisations based in Kashmir also provides a good source of income, far beyond what they could otherwise expect. Such, for instance, is the case of a Manipuri missionary associated with the American-funded Operation Agape, who lives in a posh locality in Srinagar. Qasmi quotes this missionary as saying that for him his work is simply a job, and that he took it up because he could find no alternate employment in his home-state. A similar case that Qasmi cites is of a Kashmiri Muslim convert who works with the US-based German Town Baptist Church in Pulwama. An unemployed graduate, he now receives a regular salary and his missionary employers have promised to send him abroad for higher studies.


    source:(Srinagar: Shaikh Mohammad Usman & Sons, Madina Chowk, Gaukadal, 2004), 46 pages, Rs.10, Year 2004


  12. Golden age that was perfect in my view:


    Age of chandra guptha.Megasthanis visited India then and said "I have never seen a people more civilized than Indians.They dont know lies,theft and crime.Even if a bar of gold lays unclaimed on street nobody touches it.People are happy and intelligent to the core"


    Which country was the most perfect?


    Magatha under Chandraguptha and Chanakya.


    Which culture is best for all the world?




    Who is INgersoll please?


    Greatest visionary of 19th century and philosopher.


    Which book all should read to get wise please?


    Thirukural-By Thiruvalluvar.

  13. The probability is that no God has cursed, and that no God will bless, this earth. Man suffers and enjoys according to conditions. The sun shines without love, and the lightning blasts without hate. Man is the providence of man. When a professor in a college finds a fact, he should make it known, even if it is inconsistent with something Moses said.



    Science has nothing in common with religion. Facts and miracles never did, and never will agree. They are not in the least related. They are deadly foes. What has religion to do with facts? Nothing. Can there be Methodist mathematics, Catholic astronomy, Presbyterian geology, Baptist biology, or Episcopal botany? Why, then, should a sectarian college exist? Only that which somebody knows should be taught in our schools. We should not collect taxes to pay people for guessing. The common school is the bread of life for the people, and it should not be touched by the withering hand of superstition.


    Imagine the Lord God with a bone in his hand with which to start a woman, trying to make up his mind whether to make a blonde or a brunette!


    Why should a woman ask pardon of God for having been a mother? Why should that be considered a crime in Exodus, which is commanded as a duty in Genesis? Why should a mother be declared unclean? Why should giving birth to a daughter be regarded twice as criminal as giving birth to a son? Can we believe that such laws and ceremonies were made and instituted by a merciful and intelligent God? If there is anything in this poor world suggestive of, and standing for, all that is sweet, loving and pure, it is a mother holding in her thrilled and happy arms her prattling babe.

    Nature works on that "sacred" day. The earth turns, the rivers run, the trees grow, buds burst into flower, and birds fill the air with song. Why should we look sad, and think about death, and hear about hell? Why should that day be filled with gloom instead of joy?

    How long, O how long will mankind worship a book? How long will they grovel in the dust before the ignorant legends of the barbaric past? How long, O how long will they pursue phantoms in a darkness deeper than death?



    How long, O how long will man listen to the threats of God, and shut his eyes to the splendid possibilities of Nature? How long, O how long will man remain the cringing slave of a false and cruel creed?


    How touching when the learned and wise crawl back in cribs and ask to hear the rhymes and fables once again! How charming in these hard and scientific times to see old age in Superstition's lap, with eager lips upon her withered breast

    According to the theologians, God prepared this globe expressly for the habitation of his loved children, and yet he filled the forests with ferocious beasts; placed serpents in every path; stuffed the world with earthquakes, and adorned its surface with mountains of flame.


    Notwithstanding all this, we are told that the world is perfect; that it was created by a perfect being, and is therefore necessarily perfect. The next moment, these same persons will tell us that the world was cursed; covered with brambles, thistles and thorns, and that man was doomed to disease and death, simply because our poor, dear mother ate an apple contrary to the command of an arbitrary God.


    And we are called upon to worship such a God; to get upon our knees and tell him that he is good, that he is merciful, that he is just, that he is love





  14. No religion has conveniently answered the questions "What is the purpose of creation?" and "Why there are miseries and cruelty?".Except Hinduism.


    Islam says that humans were created to be slaves of god.On miseries and cruelty it blames free will.This is somewhat echoed by christianity.Free will is the foundation of these religions.Sin and being an infidel(other religion) will take you to burning hell.


    Free will destroyes the all-knowing ability of god and is thus rejected.So only fate is the acceptable option.THis will be clear by following.



    1)"Man has free will.Satan is responsible for sins"


    This raises following questions.

    1)who cretaed satan?Did not god know when he created satan that satan will be bad?If he knew that and cretaed satan, then is satan responsible for his deeds?Why create a Satan and give him free will knowing fully well that he will be evil?If god did not know that Satan will be bad when creating satan,this goes against gods all knowing ability....

    So this is rejected.




    2)man doesnt have free will.He is guided by god through fate.


    This raises the following questions.If all is fate then who is responsible for cruelty?God.He is doing evils through his tool man.Why?


    I will answer this question from vedas.


    1)Why creation?


    God was alone for kalpa kodi yugas.He was as sath sith anandha bhramman for anathi years.But he then started to have a craving.He felt a need to be loved.He wanted to be with a family.He needed affection,love and care.He needed somebody who will love him madly.But where will he go?There wasnt anybody except him in the universe.


    He wanted creation.But whom to create?He cannot create an equal to him.That is one power which even the god doesnt possess.Vishnu cannot create another vishnu.If he creates another vishnu, that means again he is alone.But he can create perfect ones,equilant of bhramma jnanis, but the problem is bhramma jnanis dont love him.They remain forever in advaitha stage.So he had to create inferiors only.


    He created world and people then.But how did he create them?From his body.Vedas tell the example of spider web coming from spiders mouth. we are the parts of god.But we are inferior to him in two ways.


    1) we are covered by maya

    2)we are just parts and cannot become ishwara.Your hand is you, but it will never become YOU.Like that.


    He wants us to love him.He wants us to love him only.If we do that he will give anything to us.Just see what all he does for his devotees.Just because of love he showers wealth,honors,moksha everything.In the end when you love him so much he lifts you to a stage where he even foresakes his need of you loving him.He takes you to liberation stage where you dont need to worship him.Just like a father marrying his daughter abroad, thus foresaking his seeing her for ever.That is his need for love.That is why creation exists.




    We can see that he can immediatly make us bramma jnanis, which will make us realize that we are him.But that will defeat the very purpose of creation,our need to love him.He will again be alone.


    But he also wants us to realize that we are his parts.But that process should drag on.So we have to remove the maya by ourselves which takes us millions of births.In between he is searching for love.Somebody very rarely gives him love.He immediatly becomes so happy.


    Cruelty and misery are to make us perfect.He is guiding the process.He guides us through the production process of a bhramma jnani.When a product is perfected, the foreman of the factory knows that each product has to be perfected.But here each product is imperfect.Each one needs different treatment to perfect it.One needs cruelty,another needs small troubles and so on.


    He guides us all through fate perfecting us.In that process we all do pray him.He enjoys it like a child craving for affection.Many times he was born and himself enjoyed all love of yasodha,gopikas and seetha and dasaratha.


    This is why cruelty exists.This is why fate wins.fate is the production plan of a production manager.


  15. Hi, all I find this interesting.Aryan theory based on colors.Now both sides are generalizing huge assumptions regarding colors.Anyway, this aint no research,okay.


    Ramba mentioned is white,not brown.Meena too.Sridevi too.But Karthik is a bit dark compared to northies.But sarala is real white.


    I can think of many "white" colored actresses.Soundarya,vaijayanthi mala,vinitha,radhika,gowthami,so many.


    This color theory has no validity.Peace is what I request from both of you people.Shanti,shanti



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