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Everything posted by Azuric

  1. The most important lesson in life is to be true to yourself. Accept who you are. You are how you are for a reason, and when you accept this you will be able to lead your life happily. Do not listen to philosophical or religious banter which promises ways of changing yourself, because those offering it are applying their own beliefs of what is right or wrong...the truth is, only God knows, and god has given you this life. Instead, listen to your heart and lead your life with service to God. Azuric
  2. No Guest i didnt delete your post. 1 - i wouldnt do that. 2 - the servers of this site were changed, in the process some posts were lost. anyway...in regards to your comments, i agree. Education is the first step to understanding. But its not just upto the state to educate, the parents should be responsible. I have witnessed some cases where parents have some sort of "barrier" with their children. I think this is where (in some cases) parents still cling heavily to their cultues and live their ways in Britain. They also enforce these traditions and ways of living on their children. What they fail to see is that their children are not growing up in India/Pakistan... but in Britain, with british children. I think this causes some friction and influences the children to act as "rebels" or "bad boys". It also has been observed that Indian Children do have the highest average educational results, with Pakistani and Bangladeshi children not far behind, but does this make them better people? I think not. All i am saying is to the people who like to generalise all the Pakistanis and all the Indians...you are wrong. We are all individuals. We all have our own atman. You cant blame one man for the mis-education and actions of his friend. Azuric
  3. "I don't think Azuric is a british indian or pakistani, so is unqualified to talk on the subject." Excuse me 'Guest', but i AM a BRITISH INDIAN. I was born in a city with one of the largest "Asian"(yes i do mean Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Hindu/Sikh....) populations in Britian and have grown up along-side a variety of ethnic groups/cultures. Who are you to say i am unqualified in the subject? I take a great deal of interest in the politics of Britain and the "Asian" community and i like i said i agree that the media is wrong to 'put us all in the same bag' and we should be individually acknowledged for our achievements. BUT...what does it really matter? Who are you doing such things for? To show the media? Or to obtain good Karma and to serve God? You need to get your priorities right. "I should make it clear that even though some British Indians do commit crime the vast majority is by pakistani/muslims." Can you prove this idiotic statement? Azuric
  4. Thanks Barney. That is what i meant, and thanks again for your contribution.
  5. Wow madaav, thank you for that informative contribution. I can understand to an extent why my heart is beating, by "miracle" i refer to events/occurances that openly outlaw the rules of science. I do not find your cynical attitude helpful. I wish in future that you would contribute to a discussion only if you have something beneficial to say, and not to reflect your pedantic attitude. Azuric
  6. John i agree wholesomely with your point that we are two very different peoples and the media do need to pick up on this. Yet, the French, Brits and Germans are refered to together as Europeans. Do you hear them complaing? "It is the ignorant eye which sees Indians and Pakistanis as the same" John it seems you have the ignorant eye, "Why should the Indian community be blamed for problems which the Pakistani community is responsible for? Why should the Pakistani community get credit from the achievements and good nature of the Indian community?" you are forgetting that it works both ways. Indians act negativly too, and Pakistanis have good nature and high achievments also. Azuric
  7. Madaav your idea that islam must be ridden of in the "vedic land" is foolish. In case you are not already aware, there are followers of Islam peacefully living in India and have been for many hundreds of years. Hinduism teaches to be tolerant of all other religions. Your idea that external powers are involved in the partition deliberatly to harm Indian/Hindu progress is intreguing. Do you agree that the British purposly split India into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh how they did in the hope that future wars would always keep India weak? And if so, dont you think that instead we should co-operate and work together? Azuric
  8. Just an interesting topic i thought id bring up to see your oppinions on, miracles. What are miracles and how do they manifest themeselves in our so scientific world? They prove that everything we 'learned' beings have found the universe to be scientifically is false. Or, do you think they are mere conincidences? What are your views on the phenomenon where in 1995 all around the world, statues/murtis of Lord Ganesh drank milk? Azuric
  9. Azuric


    wow Barney, thanks. That actually answered my questions on what Maya is. A good read, like many of your other posts. Azuric
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