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Posts posted by R_Srisan

  1. With regards to "Hinduism", the term is primarily racist, meaning that which is done by one delineated through the INDU river valley, and those Dravidians later who were also considered "indu" as being aboriginal to India. Hinduism is not a "religion" it has absolutely no standardized precepts nor practices.


    It is true that no one can be converted to be "born German", or "Born Indian"; though in terms of anything Vedic, also there are no authorized "converts" amongst the modern schools of Indian "religion", though originally there was provision of anyone being accepted and consecrated into the Vedic Fold who were accepted by the priesthood as being devout and qualified by devotional and capability, not birth.


    It baffles me as to how any Indians even think they "have a religion" when they don't do the first thing they puport to be imposing upon. Anyone who is caring to be a better person, had best not associate with Dravidians anyway. Ever asked for simple directions in Calcutta? Ever done any business with Indians? Ever trusted an Indian to perform honorably, and be reliable?


    The works of the Soul, being of prime concern.




  2. Twisted Tricksters in India there may be.

    Though None were ever authorized to the Vedic Tree.

    All termed Vaishnava are in contempt of the Personal Holy Name

    as VISHNU is HE who is inconceivably EVERYWHERE..

    not ever profane, to remain for anyone's senses nor half-breed brains.


    There are absolutely no Dravidians authorized to Vedic Devotional Service, they are patently offensive, and eventhough they may call HARI, it is only crow calling: "theif, away, nothing remain, theif, jackal drewl, away, away"...


    The Holy Name is only Holy if chanted unoffensively, thus the totally offensive absurdities compounded by Gaudiya, and the false brahminizm of Sri Ramanuja nowadays disqualifies anyone from Hari Nama; and the founts of mercy simply do not apply to those who fraudulently imposed damnation by the Holy Name...


    So take your Heaps of Hindu Hookers, and herbs and piss in your face fools and seekers of dravidian dog barking.

  3. RiG VEDA, Mandala One, 164, 46; [Rig Verse 1761] -


    dram mitram varunamagnimahu-----ratho divyahñ sa suparno garutamana ;

    eka sadvipra bahudha vada-----nyagnim yamam matarisva-namahuh.


    "The One Absolute Lord is beyond infinite scope of superlatives; He is called The Supreme Experiencer Doer, Kind Lord of all, vast Lord sustaining and fulfilling infinity's infinitely infinite infinitudes, The Transformer as Fire and Death, Divine Spiritual Wonder, Guardian of Eternal Energy, Supreme One Absolute Person of Infinite descriptive names, referred limitlessly being so infinitely beyond Infinity."




    Visnu and Siva are One and The Same, being different mellows, rasas, and lila pastimes.


    The modern "Siva" is a distortion of Vedic "Rudhra"... and totally distorted by Dravidian deluge.


    The Puranas are garbage, can't anyone on the path realize that yet !!!


    But it makes good speculation cinema for tribal totemists.




  4. AUM


    I like this thread... actually I love J Krishnamurti, and agree that if there are plenary avatars, or descended ones, for specific sectors, then it is very possible that JK could be seen an a sort of Buddha Impersonalist Upanishadic "Neti Neti" sort..


    and the UG is also very interesting... at many times such indifference is how actual understanding interfaces with the fools of the world, so to speak. It's centered in real worlds we can relate to, and is worth looking into consideration of. It's better than Amnesty International's report on India; though may not contain the same extent of MahaTattva.




  5. AUM


    I like this thread... actually I love J Krishnamurti, and agree that if there are plenary avatars, or descended ones, for specific sectors, then it is very possible that JK could be seen an a sort of Buddha Impersonalist Upanishadic "Neti Neti" sort..


    and the UG is also very interesting... at many times such indifference is how actual understanding interfaces with the fools of the world, so to speak. It's centered in real worlds we can relate to, and is worth looking into consideration of. It's better than Amnesty International's report on India; though may not contain the same extent of MahaTattva.




  6. AUM... ooooopppps


    Picked up on the thread.. but not the UG site...


    My previous entry was regarding J. Krishnamurti not UGK..


    Least anyone say I don't know what I'm talking about !! Flashing through these pages.... heeheehee..



  7. AUM... ooooopppps


    Picked up on the thread.. but not the UG site...


    My previous entry was regarding J. Krishnamurti not UGK..


    Least anyone say I don't know what I'm talking about !! Flashing through these pages.... heeheehee..



  8. What page ? The seer and the seen are the absolute at the time of real seeing; is that not purported by the impersonal Buddhist anti-brahman double-bind Upanishad oneness trickster?


    What we seen here is not real, when the page is there, and we are here there is nothing seen, there is no reader, there is nothing read... only when the KNOWLEDGE is clearly the page in and of itself, both the reader and the content read.. then and only then...


    and in the meantime piss on your mentor, defame all the devotional service of the Upanishads where one would steal such tricks.. and live in absolute luxury with the sentimental publishing house that floated by in his garbage... and retire in Ojai with a bunch of rich retired hippies looking for something to smooth out the edge of their absolute confusion... and he was expert in presenting that which "fused the opposites"...


    I love Krishnamurthi... I like is "Commentaries on Living Series"...


    Go for it... but don't jump... cause ain't nothing like Bhagavat Seva of The Holy Name !@!!




  9. What page ? The seer and the seen are the absolute at the time of real seeing; is that not purported by the impersonal Buddhist anti-brahman double-bind Upanishad oneness trickster?


    What we seen here is not real, when the page is there, and we are here there is nothing seen, there is no reader, there is nothing read... only when the KNOWLEDGE is clearly the page in and of itself, both the reader and the content read.. then and only then...


    and in the meantime piss on your mentor, defame all the devotional service of the Upanishads where one would steal such tricks.. and live in absolute luxury with the sentimental publishing house that floated by in his garbage... and retire in Ojai with a bunch of rich retired hippies looking for something to smooth out the edge of their absolute confusion... and he was expert in presenting that which "fused the opposites"...


    I love Krishnamurthi... I like is "Commentaries on Living Series"...


    Go for it... but don't jump... cause ain't nothing like Bhagavat Seva of The Holy Name !@!!




  10. Jaya Sri Hari !!!


    Better to start defining Srinivasa's service with the History of the Vaikhanasa Agama, than the Padmavathi or Scanda Puranas.


    Also it may be best to note that it is TIRUMALA or the Sapthagiri Hills, not "Tirupati". Tirupati is a relatively recently "founded" town on a "long and diverted path" which was founded by Sri Ramanuja; and was not the primary "access town downhills. They refer to the place now as Tirumala-Tirupati. But the Temple is situated at TIRUMALA, uphills.


    I wish all your viewers a delightful ascent to the Lotus Feet, and I hope you view this as helpful.




  11. My experience with the Acharyas of Ragavendra Svami, true, is very limited; that I do affirmatively agree.


    As I said though, I have discussed this matter personally with visiting present Acharyas and Dignitaries (trustees) of the Ragavendra Math in Tamil Nadu, when they had occasion to stay or visit the main installation that I serve.


    They come over when visiting our dham, as we are the presiding Sampradaya of the pratistha.


    During those brief discussion, the point about the Jiva being locked into a fixed guna was brought up as their primary platform; and a first I questioned that could be the fact, though they showed me in their formal publications.


    It is possible that there may be some difference between the Madhva Sampradaya and the Ragavendra in South, though they have the same tilak, and appear to be the same.


    Experience is not speculation. And I had considered their teachings to the extent at which time it precluded "nirguna devotional service" of Prapanna.





    They come over when visiting our dham, as we are the presiding Sampradaya of the pratistha.


    During those brief discussion, the point about the Jiva being locked into a fixed guna was brought up as their primary platform; and a first I questioned that could be the fact, though they showed me in their formal publications.


    It is possible that there may be some difference between the Madhva Sampradaya and the Ragavendra in South, though they have the same tilak, and appear to be the same. Though there was no mention of the HK vocative whatsoever by them in South.



  12. Melvin:


    That is a most noble undertaking, there are hundreds of other languages to translate them to. Organize a team and try bit by bit.


    Roam the amazon for experts in the local dialects, climb mountains in western Nepal where no outsider has ever gone; jump into the outter pit of piggmies; scale the alps for the old time dialects and isolated souls of the world.. be Johnny Krisha-Nama Seed... that all may "chant & Be Happy !!!"


    Hari Hari Bol !!!!


  13. Jndas:


    You acknowledge that you had approached a person regarding the same "distortions"; and inquired. The person answered that "He Only Knew of One Type" nitya-siddha "Hari-Das".. oh how comforting that must have been for him, such that he could swat the fly so easily...


    I am not in the Ragavendra Line, and due to the specific points that I found in advanced literature which was rendered to my Ashram from visiting authorities and dignitaries of their sect; I assumed that their formal books contained actual content of their Guru's teachings. If you have something to clarify this for me; I would sincerely appreciate it.


    I do not keep any of his books or teachings at any of my places of service; and I am not willing to send out for any. BUT I am most eager for your reference in this matter, which I may then follow up.





    <FONT SIZE=1><i>All these nectarian opportunities to hear, glorify and remember devotional service are of a technical nature and vast scope that inadvertently may trigger many conflicting terminologies and concepts. May The Lord be so merciful that everyone has an answer for anything, inclusively with being merciful to this Srisan service of The Jiyer, as I have omitted much in support, do not intend to offend, and as it is given not to argue.


    "May The Lord Bless You and Keep You onto His Devotional Services throughout the infinite. For as the great medical doctors are mostly seen amidst the sick, or pressing forth directly into the depths of disease; so march forth the millions of Devotional Servants of The Holy Name, carrying The Lord's torchlight of graceful mercy throughout the Three Worlds securing the darkest regions of violate temporal nature. We do not claim to be pure, we only beg to serve the purification; for we have pursued the Priesthood onto The One Supreme Lord Orderer of Infinity, knowing but the least; we are not He we serve."</i></FONT>




  14. Jaya Radhe !!!


    If the "3rd" is the little one notedOr maybe is the authority of this guy"...


    <IMG SRC="http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/5152/vramana_small_2.jpg" align="absmiddle"> This Acharya is the highest consecrated and positioned presiding Classical Adi-Vaishnava Dikshita in charge of the oldest and most authoritative Sampradaya in the World. Who was the first to every consecrate a westerner into the exclusive Order he serves, which previously was strictly by birth; thus as such He is the first Classical Adi-Vaishnava to establish actualy Praman to Prapanna; seeing that the others such as Ramanuja had done it on their "own accords" and were not presiding Pradhan classically. He is the highest Diksha Pradhan in the World, except for me that is.


    He doesn't argue.



  15. Ragavendra Svami's doctrine purported that all Jivas were "locked into Guna Types"; that there was no Prapanna, and no mercy of surrender engaging in Nama Saranam.


    His teachings were that if the Jiva was one of the Tama Guna Jivas, that it would eternally remain in Tama Guna. That precludes all the means of Nama Saranam, and Prapanna. He is considered a blasphemer by many formal Vaishnava sects; and like many others has a twisted array of dualism to confuse about anyone into not surrendering one's Jnana, Mana, Prana, and all the Kosa capabilities of the entity into unqualified devotional service surrender to the Holy Name, and thus be situated "Nirguna"... or enganged in devotional service beyone the gunas...


    More on request.





    Posted Image</CENTER>



    Does anyone care to realize what it is,

    and what calibre of authority it establishes?

    Or is it only a nice verse? Who cares whether it

    is one of the only ones to correct meter

    and CC format; and who cares whether the content

    defeats all the "isms" done in Gouranga's name?



    Or maybe is the authority of this guy: Posted Image

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