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Posts posted by maadhav


    VEDIC ACCENTS: In order to have full conception of the inner meaning of the Vedic prose, poetry and lyric (the Yajus, the Rk, and eh Saman), one should be familiar not only with the grammar of the language, and the etymology of words, he should also be conversant with proper accentuations. The old interpreters of the Vedic verses have laid great emphasis on proper accentuations. Being the earliest divine human speech, the words of the Vedic language are in their most fluid and plastic state. A slight change of accents brings about very often a considerable change in the meaning of the words. And therefore, our ancestors, not only made heroic attempts to preserve the Vedic texts to this day by reciting and memorizing, they did their best to retain the accents also. Panini, the great grammarian and the author of Astadhyayi devotes a number of aphorisms in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 8th chapters, and Dayananda edited a collection of these Sutras, and published it under the title of the Sauvara with notes and explanations.


    … It must be remembered that the readings of the Vedic texts are of two types: . pATha (pd paQ), with each word (.) or term spoken clearly and distinctly,(.) and when these padas are connected together according to the rules of euphony or sandhi, we get the sa.nhitA pATha (s<ihta paQ); in fact, sandhi is the euphonic junction of final and initial letters in grammar grammar, (.)…

    Four types of accents - ..only vowels (..) are accentuated(.) (The accents are:)



    udAtta (%daÄ),anudAtta (AnudaÄ), svarita (Svirt), and kshaipra (]Eà).


    (Pg. 251.) Venkata Madhava has thus clearly stated, that if the accent differs, the interpretation should also be changed.


    - (Veda Prathisthana Publication New Delhi) Rgveda Samhita Vol. 1, Pg. 237



  2. << And who is really benefiting from this argument? >>


    which argument?

    my message is for all the vedic peple of the world,

    and specifically the hindus of india.


    << 'sanskrit' language and culture exists outside "india", this is a 'fact'. >>



    and it has not invaded there, nor the hindus forced it upon them. many europeans however learned sanskrit and studied the vedic culture with a wrong attitude - know thy enemy. their purpose is to find faults and defame it rather than take benefit from it. Hk's are the exception. they love the vedic culture. they need to protect the dharmic political interst of the home land of the vedic culture also. one can not say, "mother, i love you teaching me krishna bhakti, i love your yatra dhamas, but i do not care if the invaded and local asuras rape you."



  3. by trade. and by its own intrinsic beauty, not by forceful conversions or threats or entices.


    hindu preachers would not preach to any one who is not friendly and is not interested in hinduism.


    the world will have peace when the xians and islam adopt this hindu policy.


    just as a rose does not need any agent to have some one like it, hinduism does not need an agent to have some one like it. if one sincerely studies religions and compares, he/she would choose hinduism most likely than islam or .. this makes the competing religions jealous of hinduism. they spend very much time and money to defame hinduism in various ways. this will not work.

    no matter how much dust one throws at the shining sun, it cannot engulf the sun. it will shine.


  4. << Thousands of years later you find Muslims living in a country along with non-Muslims and so were the Christians and and Jews. They learn to understand each other’s belief >>


    not true.

    please preach to the muslims and xians of india.


    muslims/islam has invaded in india and has done forcible conversions. even now after 1000 years of living with the hindus, the muslims, even when a minority, are not appreaciative of the vedic culture of the land. they want all the world to be converted to islam. xians wlaso want the same. pope wants to "harvest" the souls from india.

    your greatest threat is islam. so please focus attention there. you seem to have more affinity with abrahmic religions that with the truth.


    you can also preach to pope how to produce

    good pastors in the churches.

    till you succceed in it, please do not come to preach the vedic people of india.



  5. << Does that disprove the Mahabharata and Ramayana?

    no. however, many anti-vedic people do not hold good opinion/reverence about these epics.


    << Does that disprove Hindu concepts? >>

    if we hindus choose to not get confused by anyone,

    then no one an do anything about it.


    << What does it mean if AIT is true? >>


    then it gives an argument to those who identify them selves as aryan "race" that they - the race is superior, and what ever is good in hinduism is due to them. this is a way to steal the credit from those who erally should get.


    some points to not forget are:

    - aryan is not a race.

    - many different races do have arrived in india. those who came from outside, did not bring the vedic culture with them. they, after coming accepted teh vedic cuture i would think. teh cradle of the vedic civilization - that ia arnay civilization - in india, and no other place. AIT was fabricated by anti hindu european academic indology scholars to make people - indians - to look down and give up hinduism, and accept ..


    - we have record of mahabharat war, but have no record of any aryan invasion/war. we have all the records of islam's barbaric invasions. even alexander came to invade, but coudl not cross sindu, got exhausted amd returned then died on the way. also the mongols (chengiskhan) never invaded india.



  6. as far as i know, brahma, vishnu, siva

    cannot be said to fall under 'tantric' category.

    only goddess worshipers are tantric or close to tantic in my view.


    gita has nothing tantric.

    and gita is the book to refer to about hinduism.


    besides i do not know tantrics.


  7. yes. heaven does really exhist.


    according to the vedic literature

    there are a variety of heavenly and hellish planets.


    swarg means heaven.

    narka means hell.


    << But spirituality says heaven and hell is within you only. >>


    when most or all people keep good thoughts in their minds, good words on their tongue and good actions in their lives, and if they are K conscious, then they would feel a if they are in heaven. most importantly, they would create heavenly atmosphere anywhere they are. asuras do not have such thoughts, words or actions. they create hell for the suras and themselves. asuras sufffer in their minds and bodies also.


    a sick mind can feel hell or make hellish condition even when living in heaven, and a spiritually advanced person can feel heaven in any place or condition.


    a KC persons goal is not just to feel heaven and go to heaven (because that is very selfish,) but to make sure (by united orgnized activities) that the asuras do not win in their efforts to check the activities of the suras. they must defeat the asuric ideologies first, and as a final choice (if other ways fail to check the asuras), kill the asuras.


  8. << To know the truth you need to search your heart. >>


    so, all the criminal investigation department people and accident investigators are fools. the do not search their heart. is is what you are saying? all courts and judges also are wasting their times?



    << the Buddhist who created Buddhism from the teachings of Siddartha who later came to be know as Gauthama Buddha. >>


    this is a total misreprsentatin of facts.

    Buddha gave buddhism, none else.


    << There is no final scripture. >>


    could not agree.

    The vedas and gita have survived since the beginning of the creation. they are sruti. if you have difficulty understanding it, then fine. we, know gita and the vedas will guide for ever. of course you can choose to not read it.


    sure, new religions and sects will come and go.

    that is all re-distribution and re-packing differently of the (consciously or unconsciously) selected fundamental tennets or principles or messages with or without some mixture of adharmic/impure/untruth things in it. e.g. potato or wheat is a basic food. one can make a variety of food items with different names. some would be healthy some could make you sick. it all depends upon who made it, how made it, when to use it when to not use it, etc.


    also at any given time, it is not a wise idea to say "no scripture is final. so I would not care for any."

    some know there is god, and want to know and please him.

    so they need to choose a religion from what are available.

    the choice has to be made. one who cannot follow even one religion well, cannot follow or understand any religion well.


    which religion you follow please?


  9. << Why is there a need to depict the asuras as "being dark skin" >>


    suras and asuras come in all colors and forms.

    read daiva asura sampad vibhag yoga chapter of gita.


    india has produced ungly looking dark colored saints, some even born in shudra varna.


    world has seen very beautiful and even wealthy asuras

    in disguise of suras and saints.

    see abc or cbs news. some asuras serve as church chapleins, some as swamis.



  10. krishna has said in gita:


    aham aadir hi devAnAm.

    He always was/is /will be.

    devtas came afterwards.


    He also says:

    na me viduH sUraganAh


    even the devatas do not know His origin.


    gita is 700-verses summary of the vedas with 20,416 verses.


  11. we have past to lern from.

    so we need to keep all the history as it was, and record "now" for our future generations as teh history for them.


    then we have now to make a future we want.


    ben ladin an party wanted a futer of 9/11.

    they got it.


    what future you want?

    what you do now for it?

    does the past hold any history, any scripture, any house, any text book made for you to use now?



  12. << 2. But my only concern is, are we not working against nature? Its just not conquering the natural animal urges, its something that has to do with inhibiting the biological mechanism. >>


    yes, the body will act accroding to nature, but teh soul within the body, the ruler of the body nad to decide to control it or just live like animals do. western culture and foods make it very difficult for a brahmachari.

    the veidc culture, its teachigns and proper choice of foods helps a lot.



    <,3. Why is it that it is important only to males? Why not females? >>


    it is important for all. besides, a wome raised in the vedic culture has very less probability to break her celibacy. she will hardy think of engaging in artificial sex or sex with any one except her husband. so women are not mensioned much. actually the vedic women are more serious about dharma than many males. theyr are capable of raising god conscious children.


    are you jealous of them? or are you a female?


  13. << Vast majority of highly qualified scholars accept the AIT >


    See the quotes below that exposes such "highly qualifed scholars":



    Max Muller and other scholars of the west laboured hard on the Vedic texts, not only as pure academicians, but they were also sure, that if they could show to Indian people how meaningless and debasing the concept of their own Vedic scholiasts were, their future generations, more enlightened on account of the advances of modern philosophy and sciences, would refuse to accept the Vedas and the Vedic theology as their solace. *


    · Max Muller, as a true Christian, was convinced of the fact, that his translations of the Vedic hymns based on the interpretations of Sayana and other scholiasts, would take away the faith of Indians from the Vedas, and in consequence, Indians would also become Christians in due course. We are told that he wrote a letter to his wife in 1968, in which he remarked thus, whilst he was busy in editing the Rgveda:


    “I hope I shall finish that work and I feel convinced, though I shall not live to see it, yet this edition of mine (of the Rgveda) and the translations of the Vedas will hereafter tell to a great extent on the fate of India and on the growth of millions of souls in that country. It is the root of their religion, and to show them what the root is, is, I feel sure, the only way of uprooting all that has been sprung from it during the last three thousand years.”


    Of course, the result has been otherwise. Due to Dayananda and people who have shared his view, the Vedas are much more popular in Indian society today than in Max Muller’s days, and their teachings have started revitalizing human mind, and now again they have started exercising a dynamic impact on our society.

    - Rgveda Samhita Vol. 1, Pg. 116




    Are you a supporters or fan of such scholars?


  14. << Illusions is good, yes. >>


    srimad bhagavata says that two kinds of people are feel happy. those who are in full knowledge of the truth, and those who are totally ignorant, like a toddler child. (even a toddler knows some truth - where to suck for milk.)


    there are so many truths, and we do not need to know all.

    (e.g. hardly one one needs to know the truth how may hair one has on one's body.) we need to know only the truths that solve our problems.


    only the real smart ones know what it their real problem.



  15. << Vast majority of highly qualified scholars accept the AIT >>


    all anti-hindus.

    highly qualifed in passing a lie as a truth to screw up real history of the hidus. they manufacture history, secretly smuggle out artifacts and scriptures from india, convert hindus in theri own homeland, and the muslims destroy temples.


    highly qualified to do all these!



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