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  1. I think you don't understand, Prabhupada has transferred all managing authority to the GBC ,infact all powers, So the GBC has the right to change certain rules. Things can be altered to suit the changes for the next 10,000years, But the 4 principles should remain and the message of Krishna should remain unchange.
  2. Can ...if you can show me a Krishna now who can fufil this verse...Krishna also says... Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all living entities, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form.(Bhagavad Gita 4.6) If you can show me anybody who cannot grow Old and has remain youthful despite being 70 or 80 years old, than i will proclaim he is God. Krishna was baoyt 125 years when he spoke the gita, but he did not grew old and remain youthful in the 20's.
  3. Krishna says i am in every atom...means, In each atom there is a Super-Soul, not necessary a Soul(Jiva). So Sperms which are moving under the microscope could possess a Super-Soul within each Sperm. The Paramatma is in every living and non-living enity. The Souls lowest Existence is possibly a Bacteria,Grass I don't think it can go even lower than that. Lower than that consitutes of the Super Soul. If there are other arguments on this i would like to hear. Hare Krsna
  4. Did Prahupada's Guru appointed Prabhupada as Guru ?? Go and find this proof first.
  5. I was from Ritvik with them for 4 years left them and now i have joined iskcon....Prabhupada did not or never intended a ritvik system. It is a new creation by Krsnakant. The Vedic Principles is when a Guru moves on his disciples , some may act as Guru and initiate their own disciples. This is the Vedic Truth. Ritvik system creates a bunch of devotess who are envious and lack humbleness. They can rebel against their senior devotess because they are not gurus. Without a Guru telling them what is right or a wrong , a ritvik man can go on speculating and says ""Oh because Prabhupada says so" Pls read and understand the Vedic System of Guru and disciple. Or read prabhupada's quotes on Gurus.
  6. These are clear proof that Prabhupada never intended a Ritvik system after his departure. Because introducing a Ritvik system means going against the Vedic System.
  7. You are a Muslim for sure...Can i challenge you for a one on one debate on the concept of God ???
  8. Prabhupada have asked all his devotees to be Gurus, but it is up to his devotees to take it up. But in the Presence of Prabhupada none can be a Guru unless ordered, After his physical departure, any of his disciples can be a Guru, provided he has the qualification. "So far designation is concerned, the spiritual master authorizes every one of his disciple. But it is up to the disciple to carry out the order, able to carry out or not. It is not that spiritual master is partial, he designates one and rejects other. He may do that. If the other is not qualified, he can do that. But actually his intention is not like that. He wants that each and every one of his disciple become as powerful as he is or more than that. That is his desire. Just like father wants every son to be as qualified or more qualified than the father. But it is up to the student or to the son to raise himself to that standard." (San Diego, June 29, 1972) "You each be guru," he said. "As I have five thousand disciples or ten thousand, so you have ten thousand each. In this way, create branches and branches of the Caitanya tree." (Mayapur GBC meetings 1976)
  9. Yes Wrong word to use...Sorry, Yes i'm a Follower of Lord Caitanya and Sirla Prabhupada. All glories to Prabupada. I'm not against any branches of the Hare Krishna movement, i'm not against Ritvik too, but based on my calculated research, Prabupada never intended a Ritvik system which they claim to be. Yes Some Gurus have fall, and this is a Learning Experience for future followers. Anyway i'm attending Iskcon programs and all is well. Humbleness,Sincerity and strong faith is the hallmark of the Hare Krishna movement, i ve seen that within Iskcon but not with the Ritvik, because it seems many Ritvik followers lack the humbleness, maybe because they don't have a Guru to tell them "Hey be Humble"
  10. At one time i was a Free-Thinker, i research on various religious thoughts and scriptures but found only half truths. All these research lead me to Krsna Consiousness and after reading Prabhupada books, i'm convinced that Krsna Consiousness is the Real Religion. My research never go wrong in the end. After being interested in the Hare Krsna movement, My First contact with devotees were from Ritviks, Learn a great deal of Vedic knowleage from them for 4 Years. I was convinced that Ritvik was right and Iskcon was wrong, The entire Ritvik system was based on the July 9 letter. I've read it many times and was convinced that Prabhupada wanted a ritvik system. As i was so convinced that Iskcon followers were fallen, i prayed to prabupada and told him why is there so many division within the movement, the next moment i came across a quote from prabupada from the internet. "A devotee should have intelligence to know who is deviating. Surrender by your intelligence but don't surrender your intelligence." (SP to Bali Mardana, 1974) This quote wake me up. So i look thru the Final order book, and studied the the July 9 letter, search thru the internet, done my own research just based on the this letter. And i have realized that Prabhupada Never intended a Rivik system at all. It was all a Hoax. Prabupada was not feeling well at that time and so he appointed 11 of his disciples to act as ritviks because the movement was growing all around. The letter was a temporary provision because Prabupada was weak. Ritvik says that these letter will last for the next 10000 years which does not make sense because the letter address to the 11 disciples would NOT LIVE FOR 10,000YEARS !!. Prabupada said Prabhupada: Yes. That is formality. Because in my presence one should not become guru, so on my behalf, on my order... Amara ajnaya guru haia. Be actually guru, but by my order.May 28, 1977 If i use my God given intelligence. Prabupada is very clear, after his physical departure one may be a Guru, but if he is around One cannot be a Guru unless Ordered by Prabupada. Prabhupada had given permission to all his devotees to be Spiritual Masters, but is up to them to take it up. "So far designation is concerned, the spiritual master authorizes every one of his disciple. But it is up to the disciple to carry out the order, able to carry out or not. It is not that spiritual master is partial, he designates one and rejects other. He may do that. If the other is not qualified, he can do that. But actually his intention is not like that. He wants that each and every one of his disciple become as powerful as he is or more than that. That is his desire. Just like father wants every son to be as qualified or more qualified than the father. But it is up to the student or to the son to raise himself to that standard." (San Diego, June 29, 1972)" ""You each be guru," he said. "As I have five thousand disciples or ten thousand, so you have ten thousand each. In this way, create branches and branches of the Caitanya tree." (Mayapur GBC meetings 1976)" The above quotes are just fragments of my research...Went thru for months researching on the Guru path and read many various qutoes by Prabhupada, infact i even reserach on other Vedic Traditions. The Conclusion is... Students will never be students, one day they will become teachers and initate their own disciples. This is the Vedic Truth. Just like a Chinese Kunfu Master, he would expect all his disciples to be better than him and spread the skills so that his disciples will become master themselves and accept their own disciples. This is common sense. Ritvik sorry to say, but i think you have move away from Prabupada instructions and accepted Krishnakant (IRM) instructions. My wife did not make any kind of progress when we were Ritviks for 4 years. She often felt to leave Krishna Movement for Good. But After joing ISKCON and attending their programs, My Wife Krsna Consiouness have improved so much that she is often singing the Hare Krsna mantra and talks about Krishna always. A Chanting Rounds improve from none to 5 Rounds now. This happens by the mercy of Krishna and Prabupada. I felt the potency. Thanks Prabupada was opening up my intelligence to understand your quotes. All one needs is pray to prabupada to understand his quotes, than the Truth will come. "Just Try to learn the truth by apporaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth" (Gita 4.34(P259) If you have a Ritvik system, you cannot apporach a Spiritual master you can only apporach a Temple President. Which is infact going against the Vedic system. Guru works in 2 ways..Its a 2 way communication, he can either accpet or reject...But in the Ritvik system it is a one way traffic...Everything rest on the temple president which is not right. Yes the Ritviks wants the GBC to reform..But that will never happen and has not happen because Krishna does not sanction it simple as that. Hare Krishna Sincere Iskcon Follower now Looking for a Guru to render Service and Inquire from him.
  11. Tough one for the devotees of Krishna.? Vasudeva offered to bring Kamsa all of Devaké's children so that Kamsa could kill them. Why then should Kamsa kill Devaki now? Kamsa was satisfied by this proposal. In due course of time, when Devaké gave birth to a child, Vasudeva brought the newborn baby to Kamsa, who, upon seeing Vasudeva's magnanimity, was struck with wonder. When Vasudeva gave Kamsa the child, Kamsa, showing some intelligence, said that since he was to be killed by the eighth child, why should he kill the first? Although Vasudeva did not trust him, Kamsa requested Vasudeva to take the child back. Later, however, after Närada approached Kamsa and disclosed to him that the demigods were appearing in the Yadu and Vrishn dynasties and conspiring to kill him, Kamsa decided to kill all the children born in these families, and he also decided that any child born from the womb of Devaké must be killed. Question: Why Narada agitated Kamsa to kill all children of Devaki?
  12. What are you saying ?? i dont get you ?.....Pls can anybody explain ? Haribol
  13. In Vaikunta and Goloka there are several animals who have spiritual bodies, but we fall into Material Nature because we wanted to enjoy without Krsna meaning we wanted to be independent of Krsna. So to have these thoughts means we must have been Spiritual Human Bodies in Vaikunta/Goloka and we made a Decision so now we are here, If we have animal bodies in vaikunta i don't think it is possible to question or leave Krsna and fall into material nature because Animals are just animals, without the capacity of a Spirtual Human Nature in Vaikunta. So is there a Chance where we could be animals in the Spiritual Universe ?? Pls any comments ??
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