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Nanji Patel

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Everything posted by Nanji Patel

  1. dear comfused devoti why do you think your female friend is ignoring you or blanking you to give any answers to your soul searching question? it could be that she is deeply in love with you and whatever past she as had, if any, she does not want to loose you. besides if you really love her you must and will have to ignor her previous relationship because that would be so unfair on her. no one can and must judge us on our previous behaviours because that is not our role but for god to judge. instead judge what you see now and have. as for your pain, you are making the pain more by constantly worrying about her previous when you should be looking forward to your future and only you can decide if this girl is what you are looking for. try not to be too attachted in the begining and let her see if you are what she is looking for and maybe she will herself tell you her past history. in short trust your inner instinct and not your outter views of her i hope this is of some help
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