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Everything posted by suchandra

  1. I just typed all the letters of Kevin and Nathalie with Sanskrit fonts and that's what came out. but I'm not from India. If you know how to write it, please post.
  2. "We of Neturei Karta have been in the forefront of the battle against Zionism for over a century," when will you join? "Judaism believes in One G-d who revealed the Torah. It affirms Divine Providence and, accordingly, views Jewish exile as a punishment for sin. Redemption may be achieved solely through prayer and penance. Judaism calls upon all Jews to obey the Torah in its entirety including the commandment to be patriotic citizens. Zionism rejects the Creator, His Revelation and reward and punishment. Among its fruits are the persecution of the Palestinian people and the spiritual and physical endangering of the Jewish people. It encourages treasonous, dual loyalty among unsuspecting Jews throughout the world. At its root Zionism sees reality as barren and desacralized. It is the antithesis of Torah Judaism. There is a vile lie, which stalks the Jewish people across the globe. It is a lie so heinous, so far from the truth, that it can only gain popularity due to the complicity of powerful forces in the "mainstream" media and educational establishment. It is a lie which has brought many innocent people untold suffering and if unchecked has the potential to create extraordinary tragedy in the future. It is the lie that declares that Judaism and Zionism are identical. Nothing could be further from the truth. Judaism is the belief in revelation at Sinai. It is the belief that exile is a punishment for Jewish sins. Zionism has for over a century denied Sinaitic revelation. It believes that Jewish exile can be ended by military aggression. Zionism has spent the past century strategically dispossessing the Palestinian people. It has ignored their just claims and subjected them to persecution, torture and death. Torah Jews the world over are shocked and pained at this short-lived dogma of irreligiosity and cruelty. Thousands of Torah scholars and saints have condemned this movement from its inception. They knew that the pre-existing good relationship between Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land was bound to suffer as Zionism advanced. The so-called "State of Israel" stands rejected on religious grounds by the Torah. Its monstrous insensitivity to the laws of basic decency and fairness appall all men be they Jewish or not. We of Neturei Karta have been in the forefront of the battle against Zionism for over a century. Our presence here is to refute the base lie that the evil, which is Zionism, in some way represents the Jewish people. The reverse is true. We are saddened day in and day at the terrible toll of death emanating from the Holy Land. Not one of them would have occurred if Zionism had not unleashed its evil energies upon the world. As Jews we are called upon to live in peace and harmony with all men. We are exhorted to be law abiding and patriotic citizens in all lands. We condemn the current Zionist atrocities in the Holy Land. We yearn for peace based upon mutual respect. We are convinced that this proposed mutual respect is doomed to fail as long as the Israeli state exists. We welcome its abolition in a peaceful manner. May we be worthy of true redemption when all men will join in brotherhood in His worship." http://www.nkusa.org/AboutUs/Zionism/judaism_v_zionism.cfm
  3. This is of course clearly what happens when people like you call Jewish minority groups "extremists". A Vaishnava shouldnt do this. Fortunately Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss wasnt at home, his appartment is above the Synagogue (Neturei Karta: http://www.nkusa.org/ ). <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=550 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Fire destroys Neturei Karta Synagogue, Rabbi's residence in NY </TD></TR><TR><TD> http://haaretz.com/hasen/spages/845003.html – April 2, 2007 A fire deemed suspicious destroyed a New York suburban synagogue of an anti-Zionist Jewish group heavily criticized for attending a conference last year where participants debated whether the Holocaust occurred. No one was injured in Sunday night's fire in the town of Monsey. A senior Neturei Karta rabbi and his family, who lived on the top floor of the three-story structure, were not home. http://www.nkusa.org/ "It may in the future be found to be accidental, but at this time we're treating it as a suspicious fire and we're investigating it as such," said Sgt. Daniel Hyman of the Ramapo Police Department, which provides services to Monsey, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) north of New York City. http://www.nkusa.org/ The Neturei Karta has been the target of threats in the recent past because of their involvement in the anti-Zionism movement. The group has been widely criticized by other Jewish groups. "Anybody who would like to reveal to the world their opposition to this political, national movement of Zionism is attacked," said Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of the Neturei Karta. "A call of a fire in the kitchen area of the three-story structure came in to authorities at about 8:12 P.M. Sunday," Monsey Fire Chief Douglas Perry said. He said that when firefighters arrived, one side of the house was engulfed in flames and power lines had come down. "It was too dangerous for any entry," he said, and the fire had to be fought from the outside. "It's totaled," Perry said. "I would deem it dangerous to even go inside." Weiss said that the group suspects arson because of previous threats. "There's no question that the issue is to stifle the opposition to Zionism," he said. In December, about five members of the group traveled to Tehran for a two-day conference convened to debate whether the Holocaust occurred. Some were photographed meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called the Holocaust a myth and has criticized the existence of Israel. Other Jewish groups were outraged. Following the group's return from Iran, a large protest made up mostly of other Jews opposing their anti-Zionist views was held outside the Monsey synagogue. Neturei Karta refuses to recognize the existence or authority of Israel on the grounds that a sovereign Jewish state is contrary to Jewish law. "The group does not dispute that the Holocaust occurred," Weiss said. http://haaretz.com/hasen/spages/845003.html Neturei Karta Synagogue: http://www.nkusa.org/ </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  4. Your arguments are because you say it therefore it is true, where the power is there's the truth. Paul Levy says, no, real life is different. The War On Consciousness Posted 02/04/2007 By Paul Levy – www.awakeninthedream.com We are truly in a war. It is not the war we imagine we are in, which is the way our true adversaries want it. It is not a foreign war against a foreign enemy. It is a war on consciousness, a war on our own minds. The global war on terror that is being fought around the world is an embodied reflection in the material world of a deeper, more fundamental war that is going on in the realm of consciousness itself. We have the most criminal regime in all of our history wreaking unspeakable horror on the entire planet, while simultaneously waging war on the consciousness of its own citizens - Us. If we aren't aware of this, we are unwittingly playing into, supporting and complicit in the evil that is being perpetrated in our name. A government's war on the consciousness of its own citizens is by no means unique to the Bush administration. Abusing power over others so as to limit their freedom is an archetypal process that has been endlessly re-enacted by governments throughout history in various forms. With the Bush administration, however, the pathological aspect of this process has become so exaggerated and amped up to such a degree that it is just about impossible not to notice its staggering malignancy. With the Bush administration, the underlying evil that has played out in our government over many years is becoming overwhelmingly obvious for all to see. With the Bush administration, the underlying evil that informs systems of government that are based on "power over" instead of "liberty for" is coming out from hiding in the shadows. Instead of being acted out underground, our government is acting out this evil above ground, in plain sight for all who are courageous enough to look. Impeaching Bush and Co. ultimately won't change anything unless we deal with the corrupt powers which control and direct them. George Bush is just a finger-puppet of the hidden hand which animates him. Bush only has apparent power, as he himself is a minion of far more powerful predator-like forces whose nefarious interests he serves. Whether we call it the illuminati, the global elite, a shadow government, or a secret cabal, there is no doubt that there are darker, self-serving forces that have insinuated themselves into and taken over our government. The terrorists that we should be worried about are domestic terrorists who are actually implementing their agendas from deep within our very system of government itself. The United States Government itself has become a "front" for the underlying military-industrial-financial crime syndicate that animates it. This is not to say that there aren't many good, well-meaning people in our government – they are simply prohibited by the very nature of the corrupt system they are in from reforming it. Our system of government is rigged in such a way so that there is no way to transform the system within the system itself. The underlying core of our government has become rotten such that the entire operation simply feeds into and is an expression of the same underlying corruption. All of the scandals continually coming out are like the superficial skin rash of a much deeper systemic disease, like a cancer that is infecting the greater body politic. Citizens who are not aware of our government's insidious intrusions into our lives are unwittingly feeding the corruption they are looking away from in their very act of looking away. The "powers" that have taken over our government have become concentrated and centralized in just a few elite hands, proving how easy it is for the few to control the many. They almost control all the levers of power: financial, political and judicial. In this war on consciousness, these powers-that-be are using the most advanced mind-control technology that our world has ever known to make its takeover complete. The essence of mind-control is information control, which is one thing our overly secretive current administration is very good at. MIND-CONTROL The private interests that control our government have an incredible mind-control/propaganda machine at their disposal in the form of the mainstream media, which if not quite fully owned and controlled, is certainly under their "influence" enough to serve their underlying self-serving agenda. George Orwell once said that omission is the greatest form of lie – this perfectly describes the corporate owned media of today which is nothing other than the propaganda organ of the state. The corporate world and our government are becoming indistinguishable, which is one of the hallmarks of fascism, or more accurately – corporatism. In addition to information, our government is adept at putting out dis-information, whose intention is to create distractions and confusion so as to cover its tracks and hide its true intentions. It will purposely leak stories that are not true simply to cover-up what it is really doing. By putting out misleading information, the government hides behind its self-generated smokescreen like an octopus squirting ink. Quite often, right at the moment when people's focus is moving towards some area of criminality in the White House, the administration will even create a diversionary event for the public to put their attention on. Memories of those color-coded terror alerts that always seemed to happen right when something bad was starting to happen for the Bush administration come to mind. In creating distractions, our government is able to steer our collective attention in directions that allow it to successfully accomplish its malevolent goal of grabbing all the power it can get. In a diabolical ploy, the administration will even feed stories to a compliant press, and then reference these stories as justification for enacting its pre-planned agenda. One glaring example is when the administration fed Judith Miller of the New York Times stories about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Once this propaganda appeared on the front page of the Times, the administration was only too happy to use it as evidence for why we should go to war. WMD could easily stand for "Weapons of Mind Deception", as our own government is continually trying to "Deceive" our "Minds", which is the battlefield in which the war on consciousness is being fought. We are all on the front lines in the war on consciousness, whether we know it or not. Instead of shooting us, our government is using cutting-edge mind-control technology to psychically emasculate us. In order to be able to deal with the evil that the Bush regime is perpetrating, we first have to become acquainted with that very same potential evil in ourselves so as to be able to recognize it in the outside world. The way to vanquish our adversary is to be found hidden within the very nature of our own awareness, which contains the key to its own freedom. The corporate-mainstream media "captivates" our attention, capturing a part of our self-reflective, discriminative awareness, thereby restricting the range of our conscious awareness, which is what hypnotism is all about. Full article: http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=6294
  5. Hari bol Radha Govinda dasa, yes, your observation is surely something many devotees of our family would agree with. What should make us ask what could be the reason and how to change it? Venom, hatred and ill will - let's see it from a different angle, that devotees dont actually have these qualities within but express them as some kind of defense mechanism of not getting hurt. Why worry of getting hurt if we are one family? Here may be lies the crux, are we really one family? Seems like there's a problem to answer this question with a clear yes, but obviously as you mention many seem to have this attitude and see it necessary of keeping other family members with some shield at distance. It surely could help if we know a) that this shield is there and b) why it is used and advance to the next step to create enough confidence towards other devotees from other gurus so they might put this defense mechanism out of habit of "hatred, venom and ill will" away and display the qualities of purified spirit souls on the path back to home back to Godhead where we will be really one family.
  6. Looks like they are only interested in one thing, to get the best quality of meals for the best price to all the 43,000 students every day without fail. My daughter also took lunch at her school and when she complained about bad meals it is quite natural that people in charge are only interested to give that job to those who prepare the best food for the kids.
  7. Please accept my humble obeisances. Since Ananta dasa Babaji is a diksa-guru just like HH Jayapataka Swami and you say that you're a disciple of HH Jayapataka Swami, did HH Jayapataka Swami tell you to approach Ananta dasa Babaji? Or do you consider Ananta dasa Babaji's association as source of inspiring sadhu-sanga? What exactly did Ananta dasa Babaji tell you that make you say, "..my experiences with him were very nice" - could you please post all the details what he said? Your servant, Suchandra dasa
  8. Mid-day meal contract for khichdi boils over in Pimpri-Chinchwad http://cities.expressindia.com/fullstory.php?newsid=229483 <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="467"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td colspan="3">PCMC education board gives it to ISKCON, self-help groups say they have been robbed of livelihood </td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td colspan="3" height="10"> </td></tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="3">Manoj More</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td colspan="3" height="10"> </td></tr><tr valign="top"> <td colspan="3"> Pune, April 1: The mid-day meal scheme in the primary schools run by the Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) has run into a controversy over who will cook and supply the khichdi that is served to nearly 43,000 students studying in classes I to IV. Four months ago, the civic body’s education board decided to hand over the preparation and distribution of the food from mid-April to the Pimpri-Chinchwad branch of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). The move has upset several women’s self-help groups that prepare the meal. They say it is “an attempt to take away their livelihood.” Nearly 600 women are involved in making and supplying the meal to over 100 civic schools in Pimpri-Chinchwad. The khichdi is served to students in the school premises as per the State government’s directive to provide them a nutritious meal. The Rs 1.75 crore for the scheme is what the PCMC gets from the State government. Education board chairman Ulhas Shetty said even though he is under “tremendous pressure” from a section of politicians and corporators to cancel the agreement with ISKCON and let the self-help groups do the job, the PCMC general body has decided not to renew the khichdi contract to self-help groups. “So far, the self-help groups have been providing khichdi to the students. Almost all of them are run by corporators...the groups are fronts used by politicians to gobble up PCMC money. Many corporators have set up self-help groups to get such deals from the PCMC.” Moreover, said Shetty, these self-help groups almost never provide nutritious meals which is the basic requirement as per the government norm. “Many a times the khichdi is of poor quality and students and teachers often complain.” He also added that the education board has found that the meal was not supplied on several occasions, yet bills were claimed. “We are not going to let the scheme run aground. The resolution for handing over the khichdi contract to ISKCON was approved by the general body four months ago. The municipal commissioner has also given his nod,” he claimed. Now, 45 self-help groups, which make the khichdi, are threatening to stage dharnas. Their argument: The business is a source of livelihood to women from poor families. Corporator Sulbha Ubale, who runs the Yamunanagar self-help group, says seven members cook the meal everyday and supply it to two civic schools. “Each gets Rs 3,000-4,000 every month. The money keeps their homes going.” She said the meals were of good quality. “There were no problems all these years. Every time the meal is served, it is tasted by the teachers before being served to children. If there is a complaint, women have always taken it seriously and immediately taken steps to improve its quality,” she added. The criterion to give the contract to ISKCON has raised eyebrows. Ubale says the government’s directives say it should be given only to poor and widowed women. “ISKCON is a religious organisation,” she said. </td></tr></tbody></table>
  9. Some interesting points by the Jews against Zionism at http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/news/newsletters/jaz111803.htm In sum the same what Henry Makow says at http://www.savethemales.ca/001936.html and what happened recently in Iraq and is still going on, thousands of Bagdadhi Jews had to leave Bagdhad, capital of Iraq and immigrate to Israel.
  10. When reading again through Pratyatosa'a Spinach recipe it becomes obvious that this is not an offerable preparation. But why is he posting it as "Here‘s a fast, easy way to prepare 1-2 servings of spinach prasādam (Kṛṣṇa’s mercy)?"
  11. So you consider Rabbi Daniel Lapin a madman? Jews Have Debased American Culture Our Worst Enemy http://www.towardtradition.org/ By Rabbi Daniel Lapin President, Toward Tradition 1-24-5 I am an Orthodox Jewish rabbi sadly denouncing one of the box office hits of 2004. Which movie has earned my wrath? Here is a clue - it surprised everyone by selling over one hundred million dollars of tickets in its first week in theaters. No, it's not Mel Gibson's Passion. The movie causing me deep distress is a Rosenthal/Tenenbaum production starring Dustin Hoffman, and Barbra Streisand. I was sorry to see Barbra Streisand involved in the flagrant defamation of Judaism found in this, her latest movie hit. While she was making her film Yentl, for which I served as a consultant, she studied Judaism regularly and diligently with me. She was a warm and gracious guest on the occasions she had dinner with my family. Yentl's nostalgic, if not altogether authentic glimpse into 19th century Jewish life in Poland, evoked a feeling of fondness for the characters, but like many ethnic Jews, Streisand is largely isolated from her religious roots. In the new film to which I refer, she plays not a role, but a heinous caricature of a Jewess. I am reluctant to name the movie on account of the implied vulgarity of its title. If you are reluctant to part with good money for the privilege of seeing the Jewish people being defamed, you should abstain from this movie. In spite of having several Jewish producers and several Jewish stars, this film's vile notions of Jews are not too different from those used by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. I may be unsophisticated but I am not just a grouch with no sense of humor. I'll fess up; I really enjoy funny movies. However you should know a little about this offensive excuse for entertainment. You might recall that in the first movie we followed Pam Byrnes as she introduced her very Jewish and nerdy boyfriend, Greg, to her parents. This sequel shows the Byrnes visiting their daughter's future in-laws. The movie depicts Greg's conspicuously Jewish parents as sexually obsessed, constantly concupiscent degenerates. Nice people, but depraved. Their home is filled with bric-a-brac that juts with anatomic suggestiveness. Along with their son's bar mitzvah talit, or prayer shawl, they have preserved the foreskin from his circumcision. To add to the hilarity, this souvenir makes a distasteful reappearance at an awkward moment. In reality, Jews treat the foreskin with reverence and bury it rather than turning it into a scrapbook joke. The hosts, who never miss an opportunity of exuding Jewish ethnicity, boast of their son losing his virginity to the gentile maid and they keep their guests waiting while they themselves practice what they preach in their bedroom upstairs. There are many more vile examples of Jewish people being defamed in this horrible excrescence. I am not sure that labeling it comedy excuses the defamation. I do not particularly care for dark, socially significant films. Give me funny movies like The Blues Brothers and Hopscotch. However I really loathe movies that perpetuate hideous stereotypes about racial, religious, or ethnic groups, no matter how funny they may seem. What is more, I cannot see how racial bigotry is lessened if perpetrated by blacks or that anti-Semitism is diminished if delivered by Jews. This movie defames Jews in a way that I haven't seen since the worst that Woody Allen dished up. And Woody at his worst was breathtakingly hostile to Judaism. One need only recall how many of Woody's films portray Jews, not to mention rabbis, as loathsome liars, desperate psychotics, pathetic perverts, and ridiculously lecherous losers. If Woody Allen were not Jewish, surely every Jewish organization would have roundly denounced him. And they would have been right. The problem is that he is Jewish and they don't denounce him. Instead, we self-destructive Jews celebrate Woody Allen Week at Jewish Community Center film festivals. It is not only in movies that Jews besmirch Jews as sexualizing the culture. Ruth Westheimer told The New York Times of her love for Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish people. Meanwhile, as Dr. Ruth, with her grandmotherly appearance and her high-pitched Jewish accent, she titillates her audiences with shockingly explicit sexual advice. Radio shock-jock Howard Stern intersperses his displays of dehumanizing depravity with a constant stream of "Oy veys" as if subconsciously compelled to highlight his Jewish ethnicity. Jerry Springer, widely known as the Jewish former mayor of Cincinnati, normalizes depravity by projecting a deviant sub-culture and its cheering hooligans right into America's living room. A few years ago, the Los Angeles Jewish Journal gushingly profiled a Jewish pornographer whose stage name is Ron Jeremy. The piece praised the huge sums he's been paid to "bed more gorgeous women than James Bond." Jeremy, who proudly admits to have acted in or directed over 1,500 porn videos, cited the preponderance of Jewish men in porn and explained, "Jewish families tend to be more liberal than Christian ones, they aren't obsessed by the fear of the devil or going to hell." As if to eliminate any lingering doubt about Ron Jeremy's Jewishness, the Jewish Journal breathlessly assures us that Ron Jeremy plans to marry in a synagogue. You'd have to be a recent immigrant from Outer Mongolia not to know of the role that people with Jewish names play in the coarsening of our culture. Almost every American knows this. It is just that most gentiles are too polite to mention it. Naturally, I am not suggesting that Americans of Jewish descent should conceal their ethnic identity. I am urging those for whom Judaism is a link to the eternal values of Sinai, to wake up and realize how other Americans increasingly perceive us. Furthermore we ought to recognize that this unwholesome perception of Jews is the result of anti-Semitism perpetrated by Jews rather than by non-Jews. It would seem that Isaiah's twenty-eight hundred year old prophecy to the Jewish people has come true today - "Those that destroy you and those that wreck you go forth from thee." (Isaiah 49:17) By now, some Jewish readers will be cringing. You might be cursing me for making public the role of Jews in debasing the culture. Perhaps you to the notion that nobody has noticed. I sympathize and want you to know that I write about it only for the purpose of trying to solve the problem. Make no mistake, it is a problem, and the solution lies not in attempting to defame the critics, but in stepping forward to criticize the defamers. Indeed, if we Jews do not ourselves condemn the wrong that our brethren do, others with less sympathy eventually will do so. This excerpt from Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf shows how that evil megalomaniac roused his nation to hurl an avalanche of destruction at the Jewish people: "Was there any form of filth or profligacy, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? What had to be reckoned heavily against the Jews in my eyes was when I became acquainted with their activity in the press, art, literature, and the theater... It sufficed to look at a billboard, to study the names behind the horrible trash they advertised... Is this why the Jews are called the "chosen people"? The fact that nine tenths of all literary filth, artistic trash, and theatrical idiocy can be set to the account of a people, constituting hardly one hundredth of all the country's inhabitants, could simply not be talked away; it was the plain truth." (Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, Chapter II) It does not excuse Hitler or his Nazi thugs for us to acknowledge that this maniacal, master propagandist focused on a reality that resonated with the educated, and cultured Germans of his day. Not once in Mein Kampf did that monster charge Jews with being complicit in the killing of Christ two thousand years earlier. He knew that long-ago event, shrouded in mystery and theological profundity, would never goad enlightened people to murder. Instead, he drew attention to the obvious and inescapable; that which every German knew to be true. The sad fact is that through Jewish actors, playwrights, and producers, the Berlin stage of Weimar Germany linked Jews and deviant sexuality in all its sordid manifestations just as surely as Broadway does today. Much of the filth in American entertainment today parallels that of Germany between the wars. About twenty years ago, one of Ayn Rand's proteges, Leonard Peikoff, wrote a book called The Ominous Parallels in which he described how Germany's cultural decline helped bring the Nazis to power. With haunting precision, Peikoff proves how similar is America's cultural decline. I am not predicting vicious anti-Semitism in America but I am suggesting that most decent Americans today feel more viscerally outraged by the assault on decency than by the Crucifixion. Bill Cosby rightly condemned black entertainment that hatefully glorifies destructive behavior. By contrast, Barbershop, the 2002 movie starring Icecube, and Cedric the Entertainer, limned a loving portrait of a hard-working African-American family valiantly struggling to achieve nobility in the face of formidable challenge. In the same year, Nia Vardalos did her hilarious My Big Fat Greek Wedding, clearly demonstrating her love for her warm-hearted and decent relatives. Contrarily, we Jews routinely depict ourselves in repugnant caricatures of people you'd want nothing to do with in real life. Why do my colleagues in Jewish communal leadership never condemn this anti-Semitism? For if it is not anti-Semitism, what is? Ah, but wait. The leader of a famous Jewish defense organization that exists to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, recently denounced, in The Jerusalem Post, one of the most profitable movies of 2004 for its "vile notions of Jews." Reluctant to "contribute to the overflowing coffers" of the producers by encouraging attendance, he nonetheless insisted that "only by viewing it can one understand how offensive it is." Was he describing the horrible sequel I am refusing to name? Sadly, not. He was referring to Mel Gibson's The Passion. Nearly a year after its release, and after polls show increased regard for Jews among the film's audiences, Jewish organizations still condemn The Passion as defamatory to Jews. Yet, astonishingly, they don't consider the examples I cite above as defamatory to Jews. Here is a simple question: Do you suppose that people's view of what Jews are really like is shaped more by Caius, an obscure two-thousand-year old character in The Passion or alternatively by the contemporary couple played by Streisand and Hoffman? Which movie more egregiously defames Jews? Consider the meaning of the word 'defame.' To de-fame means to undo the fame currently being enjoyed. Jews used to be known for having endowed the world with the notion of sexual restraint and modesty. Judaism is now being defamed by Jews. Inexplicably, nearly a year after its release and without a shred of proof that anyone thinks the worse of Jews on its account, The Passion continues to trouble some Jewish leaders. Hinting that their real target was Mel Gibson the religious conservative, rather than Mel Gibson the defamer of Judaism, a Jewish leader last week criticized Gibson for opposing the changes in Catholic teaching advocated by the Vatican II council. This is tantamount to a Christian leader criticizing an Orthodox Jew for opposing the acceptance of homosexuality advocated by the leadership of Reform Judaism. The only word for this is "Chutzpah" - indescribable impudence. For years the same Jewish leader has ignored Jews who flagrantly and fraudulently defame Judaism but he incessantly continues to condemn Mel Gibson. He fails to realize that it is his exaggerated attacks on Mel Gibson, whose movie recently took top honors at the 31st annual People's Choice Awards, that do considerable harm to American Jews, not the film itself. Apparently Jews may behave outrageously while Christians, however, will be held to a higher standard. This abolition of honest objectivity lays the foundation for a frightening form of censorship and arbitrary prosecution. It would surely cause the most cynical KGB commissar of the bad old days to drool with envy. A paramount principle of paleontology is that failure to adapt is a symptom of impending extinction. Anachronistically obsessing on yesterday's dangers blinds one to contemporary perils. It is true that in the past, mobs of European Catholics did murder Jews. That has never happened in this most philo-Semitic of countries. American Jews are not threatened by rampaging Christians seeking revenge for the blood of Christ. However Jews are threatened by other forces against which we have precious few allies. Prominent among our allies are seriously religious, and for the most part, conservative Christians. When will more Jewish leaders learn who their friends really are? When will they learn that those who incessantly bludgeon their friends eventually won't have any friends left? It would be foolish not to realize that most decent Americans are bothered far more by the trashing of American culture today than they are by our possible complicity in the killing of Christ two thousand years ago. Because so many of the most prominent trashers possess Jewish names and proudly proclaim their Jewish ethnicity, it becomes a Jewish responsibility to condemn the vulgarity by means of which they defame Judaism. We can't stop the Woody Allens and Howard Sterns, and in a nation that enshrined free speech, maybe we oughtn't to try. However we could redeem ourselves by protesting them instead of dissipating valuable energies and priceless goodwill by endlessly protesting The Passion. - Rabbi Daniel Lapin is the president of Toward Tradition, a national coalition of Christians and Jews defending the Judeo-Christian values.
  12. Whenever Jewish people like Henry Makow, David Irving, Israel Shamir or Rabbi Daniel Lapin (Our Worst Enemy) write insightful articles it should be clear who is going against it....sad but true.
  13. Mix spinach with rice and frozen French fries by using a microwave - someone knows if this is vedic? <CENTER>☻ “The relish not only makes the preparation more tasty, but the hot spices are an aid to digestion.” ☻ 10 Minute Recipe: Spinach By Pratyatoṣa Dāsa (ACBSP), March 30, 2007 (pratyatosa.com, pratyatosa@gmail.com) Here‘s a fast, easy way to prepare 1-2 servings of spinach prasādam (Kṛṣṇa’s mercy): 1. Melt ¼ cup of ghee “impurities” or ¼ cup (½ stick) of butter¹. (Do steps 2 through 6 while the butter is melting) 2. Add ½ teaspoon of salt to a 1 quart microwavable bowl. 3. Add a can of spinach² (including the liquid). 4. Add 2/3 cup of instant rice. 5. Add a handful of frozen French fries. (optional) 6. If the frozen French fries were added, add ¼ cup of water. 7. Pore the melted (or partly melted) ghee impurities or butter over the other ingredients. 8. Mix Thoroughly. 9. Add (mix later) 1 heaping teaspoon of Patak‘s Hot Mango Relish. (Available at health food stores and East Indian grocery stores.)³ 10. Microwave on high for 4 minutes. 11. Mix in a handful of cashews. (optional) 12. Mix or allow to stand for 5 minutes or until the rice soaks up most of the excess liquid. 13. Offer to Krishna, and serve while still warm. ¹ I microwave the butter in a wide mouth (5 ½") “coffee cup”. The purpose of using a wide mouthed cup is that it eliminates the possibility of the butter “boiling over”. I keep the cup in the freezer along with the butter just for this purpose. I microwave it for 2 minutes at power level 6 (out of 10). Also, there’s no need to wash the cup every time you use it. Simply put it back in the freezer. ² A can of practically any other kind of vegetable could be substituted. Just make sure that it doesn’t have any meat, vinegar, onions or garlic in it. One interesting substitute is collard greens, which may be purchased at any Super Wal-Mart. ³ The relish not only makes the preparation more tasty, but the hot spices are an aid to digestion. The relish also improves the appearance of the preparation, which is an additional aid to digestion. <HR width="50%">THIS WEB PAGE URL: http://pratyatosa.com/Spinach.htm </CENTER>
  14. The Coming Shakedown of the US and Iran March 30, 2007 By Henry Makow Ph.D. The imminent US attack on Iran is really an attack by the Illuminati on both countries. The top rung of Freemasonry, the Illuminati Order is an international satanic cult that aims to subdue humanity by pitting nations in war against each other. The pictures of Bush and Ahmadinejad giving the satanic "goat's head" sign suggest Iranians are as ignorant as Americans when it comes to their President's true loyalty. Illuminati defector Leo Zagami recently called the Iraq-Iran-Israel conflict a "foreign intelligence show" and Ahmaninejad a "well known Satanist with no real connection to Islam." Empowered by the central banking cartel, the Illuminati Order has the resources to take over both sides of every conflict, and steer it in a way that advances the New World Order. They call this a "dialectical process." They were on both sides of both world wars, the Cold War, Korea and Vietnam. Iran's nuclear ambitions are merely a pretext. The real object is to degrade both the US and Iran so disillusioned citizens will forfeit political, economic and spiritual rights and meekly accept Illuminati banker "world government." As early as 1871, Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of US Freemasonry wrote a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, his European counterpart, foretelling three world wars. He was correct about the first two. "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists [i.e. Americans] and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other." I don’t see this conflict as the beginning of WWIII. Like the Spanish Civil War, it is a dress rehearsal. In turn, the Israel attack on Lebanon last July was a dress rehearsal for what's in store for Iran. It may be part of an Israeli-American quid pro quo. And just as Israel suffered some humiliating setbacks at the hands of the Hezbollah, I wouldn’t be surprised if the US "victory" will also be Pyrrhic in nature. The important thing to understand is that a satanic cult controls all countries and is conducting a war against humanity. Thus, the people are too busy fighting each other to recognize their real enemies are their own politicians, the mass media and the bankers who own them. This is a possible scenario: Like all wars, the conflict will be orchestrated . It will take place in the next month or two and resemble the Lebanon war. Iran and the US will both suffer serious losses; the price of oil will sky rocket and the stock market will take a hit. Israel and Iran may exchange fire but I don't foresee an invasion on the part of any country. If Iran went into Iraq, all bets would be off. I'd like to be %100 wrong about this, and free to enjoy the Spring weather. ORCHESTRATIONS Here are some articles that suggest the Illuminati is orchestrating both sides: Some observers have noted that the British female sailor was interviewed by the BBC and The Independent just hours before she was taken prisoner. How convenient. At least they didn't broadcast the capture bfore it took place. Some have suggested the capture is so unlikely that both sides may have staged it, or it was a trap laid by the British. This would explain the lack of resistance. The parallel between the prisoner takings that started the Lebanon war, and the present situation is obvious. In a recent article, Seymour Hersh reveals that Dick Cheney has been running an Iran-Contra style operation that includes support for groups linked to al Queda. They are also engaged in clandestine operations in Iran and the kidnapping of hundreds of Iranians. Isn't it strange that the Iranians have never captured any of the Americans involved in this? Isn’t it strange the Iranians don’t demand a prisoner exchange for their own,citizens, particularly the ex-Deputy Minister of Defense kidnapped in Turkey? Hersh also says the US is trying to repackage the Iraq war (a crude grab for oil and world domination) as a regional Shiite-Sunni conflict in which the US finds itself an innocent bystander. This has put the Americans in the contradictory position of having installed a pro-Iranian Shiite government in Iraq; and now having to support the Sunni and Al Qaeda insurgents, who are their ostensible enemies. It doesn’t make any sense unless you see the war as an end in itself. David Icke received the picture of Ahmadinejad giving the satanic handsignal from an aghast Iranian. "What's going on? This doesn't have anything to do with Islam!" he exlaimed. Icke recently wrote that Ahmadinehad seems to be playing the Illuminati game: "Either Ahmadinejad is knowingly involved or he's an idiot because all he needed to do was to quietly get on with his job and leave the nuclear development alone for a while and he would have left the neocon-Nazis with nowhere to go. He must have known that Iran was on the hit-list, but he still opened his mouth and the propagandists walked right in." On the other hand, you'd think Iran has as much right to nuclear weapons as Pakistan. As for nuclear energy, Heather Wokusch writes: "It's worth noting that Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and says that its program falls under the legally permitted right to "peacefully use nuclear technology." In contrast, Israel has neither signed nor ratified the NPT and the US would breach the Treaty by conducting a nuclear attack against Iran." Wokusch is afraid the Cheney gang will instigate another 9-11 type event to justify attacking Iran but I don’t think that would be necessary. No one will believe it. On the domestic front, an example of the Illuminati "dialectic" at work is Rosie O'Donnell's recent pronouncements 9-11.The Lesbian poster lesbian sounds like Alex Jones. It looks like most celebrities have an elite political assignment. You also see Brzezinski saying the war on terror "has undermined democracy" in the banker-owned Washington Post! That's so funny coming from him. But if the Rockefellers and Rothschilds can water down the opposition with a flood of their people, they can steer it away from themselves. Meanwhile Democrats in Congress try to placate an angry electorate with timetables for withdrawal. This is a diversion. Democracy is a charade. The US will never willingly withdraw from Iraq. The US is the Illuminati's goon. CONCLUSION It's best to see war and conflict as the Illuminati's cement mixer. They just throw everything in (people, cultures, religions) break and mix and then reset in their own mold. They call it "creating order out of chaos" but first they create chaos. Their vision for the Middle East including Israel is as conformist and vapid as the EU. Union with the EU is already on the drawing board. Wars also kill a lot of innocent people as well as pesky idealists ("heroes"); and earn profits from procurement and plunder. The greatest barrier to understanding the world is our failure to imagine the dimensions of evil, and how readily people will serve Satan. If we have a war against Iran, it will be instigated by an international satanic cult, to further degrade destroy and demoralize humanity, especially Iran and the US. ----- Articles >> ........ language=javascript src="/foot.js" type=text/javascript>.........>Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at henry@savethemales.ca.
  15. VRINDAVANE BHAJANA Worshipping the Lord in Vrindavana By Srila Prabhupada, 1958 I am sitting alone in the transcendental-dhama. While in this mood of contemplation, many realizations have been coming to me. I have my wife along with sons, daughters, grandsons, everything, But because I have no money, I am considered a worthless asset. Shri Krishna has shown me, the naked form of material nature, By the strength of His mercy upon me today, I have become disgusted with it all. Krishna says, "I gradually take away all the wealth of those in whom I show My favor." (Bhag. 10.88.8) How was I able to understand this mercy of the all-merciful Lord? Seeing that I am penniless, everyone has now abandoned me - including my own family, my brothers- relatives, and even my friends. This situation is indeed miserable, but it simply amuses me, I sit alone and laugh, in this mundane material world, whom do I really love? Where have my affectionate, father and mother gone now? and where are all my elders and other relatives, who were my own folk? Who will give me news of them now? I ask you--------tell me who? All that is left of this so called family is a list of their names. As the froth upon the seawater, arises for a moment and then subsides, the play of Maya's worldly illusion, is exactly like that. No one is factually a mother or father, a family member or relative, Everyone is just like the foam on the seawater, remaining in view for only a few moments. Just as the froth on the seawater, dissolves again into the sea, the body made of the five material elements, merges again with these elements after it dies How many material forms does the embodied soul take in this way? His so-called family members are only related to the temporary external body. But all of us are actually relatives, O brothers, on the platform of pure spirit soul, These eternal relationships are not tinged with the temporary delusions of maya. The Supreme Lord is Himself the ultimate Soul of everyone, in their eternal relation to Him, everyone in the universe is equal. O brothers! all the millions of spirit souls are your personal relatives, In their true relationship with Krishna, everyone co-exists in complete harmony. "Forgetting Krishna, the living entity desires personal sense gratification." C.c. Madhya 20.1. Because of this rebellious desire, the spirit soul falls into the clutches of Maya. As a result of their accumulated fruitive reactions, all these souls accept various bodily forms. Then becoming engrossed in these material disguises, they forget all about Shri Hari. Therefore Maya torments the embodied souls with a great variety of material miseries, But as they rise and sink in these waves of suffering, they mistake their experiences for actual happiness. A chronically ill person lies upon a bed, suffering intense pain, but he smiles and laughs as he states, "today I am doing fine!" All this talk about "doing fine" really makes me laugh out loud, This is the "fine" of the spirit soul, who is truly bound up in Maya's illusion. They make a great many "plans" to live here comfortably "doing fine" But material nature smashes all their arrangements, one after the other. The Lord's Maya is "divine energy", consisting of the three modes of material nature (Gita 7.14)) O brothers! Please try to understand the reality of this delusion of supposedly "doing fine. Although nobody is actually "fine" in this world they still say the words "I am fine." In this way, Maya completely cheats the bound-up conditioned soul. But, ignoring the fact they are being cheated, these souls remain perpetually engrossed in illusion. Although Maya severely kicks them during their attempts to enjoy, they still refuse to give up their forgetfulness. Again and again they make their "plans." which again and again are thwarted, Sometimes they fall on the dry earth, and sometimes they fall in the wet mud. In this way, all the fallen souls wander through out the egg-like material universe until eventually, by the causeless mercy of Guru and Krishna, they are offered the eternal treasure of devotional service. If they reject all other forms of mundane wealth, upon receiving that divine treasure of Bhakti, then they can very easily travel, outside the tempory material sphere. Beyond the limited world of dull matter, exist spiritual wonders of limitless varieties, feeling eternal peace and eternal happiness living there, all the spirit souls joyfully frolic about. Only a mad man ignorantly declares, "everything in the spiritual world is formless." He claims that God has no personal qualities, and that ultimately there is just a void. But God is the storehouse of transcendental mellows "Verily He is rasa itself.' (Taittiriya Upanisad 2.7.1) The ecstatic devotees who lovingly relish His mellows render service in submission to Him. They serve Him in the mellows of neutrality, servitude, friendship, parental affection, and in the rasa that is the greatest of them all, the quintessential conjugal mellow. When they are expressed in the spiritual world, all of these mellows are very relishable, but in the material world, being mere reflections, they are repulsive distortions of the original. Whoever worships Krishna in devotion, becomes truly wise; Whoever worships Maya in illusion, becomes truly destitute. Thus becoming destitute, the fallen soul, attempts to enjoy his fleeting fantasies, Bereft of the Knowledge of his, eternal relationship with Krishna, he is ensnared in the noose, of his own fruitive activities. Arjuna fought in the ancient battle of Kuru-ksetra, and Duryodhana also, fought in the same battle; Arjuna was the best of the devotees, whereas Duryodhana simply perished. The battlefield was the same, but the two persons were very different- one was a friend of Krishna, and the other was a foe, Persons who are already intelligent can understand the significance of this situation. Whoever is in knowledge of the spirit soul's eternal relationship with Krishna, and fights the battle of life for His sake, will remain alive in devotional service, while all others simply perish. Whoever is not in knowledge of the spirit soul's eternal relationship with Krishna, and runs foolishly down some other path, will never attain live for Krishna, and simply waists their entire life. First, properly understand your eternal relationship with Krishna, along with the subsequent transcendental truths; then. remaining firmly fixed in your alliance with Him, go and confidently fight the battle against maya. Those who previously deserted the battle in order to become heroes in the realm of intellectual knowledge and fruitive activities had never attained liberation from the material sphere but simply remained disturbed through out their lives. In name only, these appeared to be eminent and grave personalities, but in actuality they were constantly agitated by Maya. Hankering after material enjoyment, liberation and mystic perfection, all of them thus had uncontrolled senses. Uncontrolled senses can never be subdued, even by the power of diligent yoga practice, How many great munis and yogis in the past have all been overwhelmed by sexual urges? Without serving Lord Hrishikesha, master of the senses, they can manage to subdue the senses for a time; but they eventually return to material activities, ultimately suffering the punishment of Yamaraja. The senses can never be permanently restrained by the practice of physical yoga exercises, This is clearly explained in many places, throughout the Agama and Purana scriptures. Although the great sage named Visvamitra was sitting and meditating in mystic trance, he still fell down from that practice to unite with Menaka. begetting a beautiful and pure daughter, named Shakuntala. In this way the unsuccessful yogis fall down, what to speak of the learned jnanis? As for the degraded karmis, grossly foolish like asses, they are perpetually afflicted with suffering. What to speak of the learned jnanis? not attached to the Holy Names sound. As for the degraded karmis grow In this way the unsuccessful yogis fall down, when not fixed up on bhakti's ground, ssly foolish like asses, they perpetually suffer, samsara bound. When Lord Krishna shows His mercy by personally giving instruction to someone, then that individual becomes equally fortunate as the great devotee Arjuna. But whoever fights the battle of life for the sake of his own selfish pleasure, then that individual perishes along with his family, just like the foolish demon, Duryodhana. Whoever daily fights the battle of life, but only for Lord Krishna's sake, finds prosperity, mystic perfection and transcendental knowledge appearing automatically within his grasp. O brothers, take care properly to understand the transcendental message of the Bhagavad-Gita. Then you will attain Lord Krishna's mercy, and you will be engaged in the service of Shri Hari. The Lord's devotees are richly endowed with all transcendental qualities! They have nothing to do with worldly concepts ahimsa (non violence), and akrodha (freedom from anger). Using His devotees as instruments, Shri Hari gives instructions to the fallen souls, One such assistant of His is known as Partha, the son of Prtha [Arjuna]. Arjuna had taken himself to be just like an ordinary person bound by Maya; thus the brother of the Pandavas, acted as though he was bewildered. Arjuna expressed his lamentation thus: "Violently killing my own relatives and family members, and afterwards enjoying rulership of their kingdom- what kind of happiness would that bring me?". Thus he displayed illusory bodily consciousness by considering the bodies of others to be his kinsmen, and the warrior considered leaving the battlefield out of affection for his family members. Seeing his cowardly bewilderment, Lord Krishna personally chastised him, Thereafter Arjuna surrendered and ageed to become Krishna's disciple. Becoming Krishna's disciple, Arjuna thus listened to the Lord's recitation of the Bhagavad-Gita, the hearing of which surely dispels ignorance as well as material bondage. Although Arjuna's material bondage was dispelled, he never renounced the world externally like a sannyasi does. Following his example, those who are householders can understand the true message of the Bhagavad-Gita. "I am now firm and free from doubt, and am prepared to act according to Your instructions." (Gita 18.73) Arjuna spoke the most perfect of mantras, and thus he achieved glory in the fighting of that battle. [someone may claim:] "All the devotees of the Lord are typically non-violent; throughout the world they can be seen peacefully chanting japa on their beads. How can this warrior Arjuna be considered a devotee? A devotee of the Lord is naturally gentle in disposition and thus bares no malice towards other living beings. But that does not mean he is a weakling and possesses no valor, as the common people foolishly think In two great battles of ancient India there have been two great heroes, Both of them were exalted devotees of The Lord, and thus they were victorious. It is said that a Vaishnava never fights a battle out of desire for personal sense gratification, This fact is indeed known throughout the entire world. Those who have never seen a true Vaishnava mistakenly claim that a Vaishnava is inactive. Actually a Vaishnava is always active, but only in the service of the Supreme Lord. However, the neophyte being bereft of life, does not engage in such active service of the Lord. In hope of earning the reputation of a so called sage, he pretentiously lives in a solitary place. Shrila Nityananda Raya Who is worshipable by all the devotees was even physically attacked by the demons but every time He bestowed love of God. Lord Gaurahari had even raised His Sudarshana disk there to punish the envious offenders of the devotees but they were then delivered by the mercy of Lord Nityananda. Showing the ideal example Himself, Lord Chaitanya engaged in preaching to the fallen souls Those who attempt worshiping Him in a solitary place verily cheat themselves. The whole world has now filled up, with countless Jagais and Madhais needing deliverance, but those in the lineage stemming from Lord Nityananda (nityananda vamsa) are simply busy increasing the numbers of their own disciples. They eat and sleep nicely, live in luxory, and thus, remain free from all personal inconvenience, But for a Vaishnava, it is inappropriate to live without actively showing mercy to others. In His book named Madhurya-Kadambini Shrila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura, has revealed the truth in this regard, Just see His learned judgment. Visvanatha Chakravarti says that the main feature of bhakti is that it is causeless, manifesting of it's own accord. It has an eternally perfect substance; however, it lies dormant until it is awakened. The middle-class (madhyama-adhikari) extends his mercy towards others, Being compassionate to the non-devotees. he endeavors to awaken their dormant bhakti. The Supreme Lord Himself comes under the control of such a true devotee. Being enchanted with the devotee's merciful nature, the Lord always follows his lead. The devotee is able to re-awaken the sleeping material universe. Indeed, by his causeless mercy, sinful souls are transferred into devotees. Therefore the true devotee never abandons preaching work to go off and engage in solitary worship. Such behavior of the neophyte devotee thus cheats the entire world. Once I had observed an assembly of supposedly famous vaishnavas who were honored with big big devotional titles. A Christian missionary came to Vrindavana and met with them at their residence. The Priest asked the devotees some questions about the Vrindavana pastimes of Shri Krishna But among that entire assembly of so-called devotees, no one could enlighten him about such transcendental truths. None of those neophyte devotees, could understand the scriptures at all. Engaging in their pretentious solitary worship, they simply searched for dry chapatis and chick peas. My Guru-deva had once boldly declared "all these babajis in Vraja are neophytes" After so long I have finally understood the resounding truth of what he said. "One who is expert in conclusions of revealed scriptures, and who has firm faith in Lord Krishna is classified as a topmost devotee (uttama-adhikari). He can deliver the whole world". (C.c. Madhya 22.65) My spiritual master is known through out the universe as the savior of the fallen. If he can deliver someone as fallen as myself, then he is surely as glorious as his reputation. In this age of Kali-Yuga, all the souls are fallen and wretched, Although looking with their eyes, they still can not see the actual situation here in this world. Shri Gaura-Sundara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the most magnanimous personality. His nectarean instructions to us are sweet and profound to hear. His instruction was that who ever has taken their birth in the holy land of India should work for the real benefit of others. One of the Lord's own pastimes was to remain in solitude, tasting and relishing transcendental topics about Radha-Krishna. But it is never the devotee's practice to imitate this confidential pastime of His. When the devotees engage in the activities of devotional service they never attempt to personally relish like the Lord did. Tasting and relishing transcendental pastimes is actually impossible for those living in the dull material body. One who is deluded with gross bodily consciousness identifies with his material body. While trapped in this tempory covering, no one has ever relished transcendental enjoyment like the Lord's. There are some who boldly judge the Lord's devotees in terms of caste or external bodily nature; but these same critics consider themselves quite expert. in relishing Radha-Krishna's transcendental pastimes. For example, there was a clerk at the Post Office who was a respected caste Goswami. The local babajis would always go there and bow down to him again and again. But even that supposedly exalted soul was falsely proud of his own caste by birth. Shri Ntyananda Prabhu, the best of Lords, smashes such conceptions to pieces. I have personally seen all these things going on in the holy land of Vrindavana-dhama. Therefore I can understand that there is some work to be done here. There are many pretentious prakrta-sahajiyas busily engaged in outright debauchery. They seduce the wives of others and try to relish a mundane imitation of Radha-Krishna's transcendental lila. These are not the ecstatic devotional moods of the transcendental abode of Vrindavana-dhama. O my dear mind! Please continually remember the lotus feet of the six gosvamis. Since the time the six gosvamis first arrived in Vrindavana on the command of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and preached true religious principles, the practice of devotional service has indeed flourished. All of the Gosvamis are eternally liberated associates of the Lord, and they continually remember the pastimes of Radha and Krishna. Their confidential practice of such remembrance. (lila-smarana) vanquishes all the sins of the fallen souls. If someone simply tries to imitate those great souls by artificially adopting their dress and behavior, then he is immediately captured by Maya and is never allowed to escape the material world. Just preach the Lord's message to the fallen souls, going continually from door to door. By the grace of that preaching, your life will become truly successful. My spiritual master, Shri Varshabhanavi-Dayita dasa, has given the following instruction; "Chant the holy name in a loud voice." (Dust Mana, verse 19) This is his foremost commandment. The purpose of performing congregational chanting is not to simply make a loud noise by beating on drums. The modern-styled racket by the devotees nowadays is not the sweet sound of pure kirtan. Anything truly useful for the service of Hari, is non-different from Lord Madhava, for in actuality the sole enjoyer of everything within the three worlds is Lord Yadhava. Maya's deluding potency is perfectly expressed in the sound of the radios that are loudly heard everywhere. By performing enthusiastic kirtan continually, just drown out all that nonsense noise. All these mundane newspapers simply represent the trivial chaotic hashing of Maya. To counteract such useless distractions, just perform kirtan everywhere in the world. By sitting in a solitary room pretentiously calling out to the Lord you may increase your bile secretion, but by spending even ten million births in that way, you will never please Shri Hari. Shri Hari is not some material asset to be inherited by anyone's father. Just come out of your private little pen and do not make any objection. Everyone belongs to Shri Hari, and Shri Hari belongs to everyone. "Go on chanting kirtan with loudly raised voices"- this is my spiritual master's instructions. By the natural potency of kirtan, the methods of smarana or transcendental remembrance will spontaneously arise. Only then will the qualifications for solitary worship be genuinely attained within the heart.
  16. Looks like a good location for opening a nice marble Radha-Krishna temple, although they say, no bookdistribution, please. Wonder if they are informed about the "danger of vedic bookdistribution." Seems like Prabhupada knew of such different country rules:
  17. http://infosthetics.com/ one of the most symmetrical mathematical structures in the universe, calculated by 18 mathematicians over 4 years & generated by about 77 hours of supercomputer computation. as one of the most complicated of the "exceptional simple Lie groups" , "E8" describes the symmetries of a 57-dimensional object that can in essence be rotated in 248 ways without changing its appearance. according to the researchers, this "some sort of curvy, torus type of thing" ... "could well determine the deep inner structure of the universe". see also ulam prime spiral & number spiral & math sculptures & lorenz manifold. [links: aimath.org & aimath.org (pdf)|via nytimes.com & telegraph.co.uk] continue reading "symmetrical mathematics" » a new visual mind mapping, or "idea visualization" interface that supports brainstorming & organizing ideas online. as in traditional brainstorming, or “mind mapping”, this website allows for a central idea to branch of in circles with new branches containing new ideas, creating a free form diagram. see also 3D mind scape. a novel method for visualizing compound graphs, which typically show hierarchical relations between items. hierarchical edge bundling is based on the principle of visually bundling adjacency edges together analogous to the way electrical wires & network cables are merged into bundles along their joint paths & fanned out again at the end, in order to make an otherwise tangled web of wires & cables more manageable. it reduces visual clutter & can be used in conjunction with existing tree visualization techniques. this academic work received the best paper award at the Infovis 2006 conference. reminds me a bit of thinking machine & pivotgraph. an impressive planetarium artwork visualizing the aerial technologies (e.g. planes, satellites, weather balloons, space debris, etc.) hovering, flying, & drifting above us. this project combines science, statistical display, & contemporary art by interpreting the mechanical patterns of these systems as 'culturally significant poetics'. with help from government agencies & science community, the artists worked with tracking & protocol statistics to create 3D models of the airborne systems. a team of animators visualized those models in a style that reflects the chaos, force, & influence of these technologies. see also flight pattern map. [cmlab.com|via nmazca.com] a new data visualization application that helps users to organize information (e.g. documents, images, emails & web pages) held in computer files by showing it in a 3D landscape that reveals details & relationships, using an approach similar to concept or mind maps, but in 3D. users can drag files & information onto topics, & connect the topics themselves so they reflect their personalized thinking. topics may represent concepts, subjects, categories, or classifications, & can appear in several places at once. see also 3d tactile desktop metaphor & space browser.
  18. Thursday, March 30, 2007 Violation of ISKCON Minimum Cow Protection Standards In response to Madhava Gosh’s letter, I feel compelled to publicly voice my observation on the purchase of new cows to restart the New Vrindavan herd. During the course of numerous discussions with the NV cow department over the last 10 years, it was acknowledged that the breed of choice to restart the New Vrindavan herd would be Brown Swiss. Last November a donor gave a sizable donation to purchase cows. More cows than we wanted to begin with. At that time, 2 Brown Swiss heifers were located and they were both pregnant. They were purchased and close to Christmas day, they both gave birth to bull calves during the Mangal Artik time (4:30 am). So 2 cows now turn into 4 cows. It was also considered auspicious that both calves born were bull calves, because this will be the 1st ox team for the new herd. So far so good. About 10 days ago, Ranaka prabhu (goshalla in charge) and I again were talking about the next installment of new cows for New Vrindavan. He said it was hard to find Brown Swiss and he was thinking about the Jersey breed. There was no talk of actually buying the next installment of cows. Three days ago, I heard that 5 pregnant Holsteins had been purchased and they would be arriving on Wed. March 28th. These 5 pregnant Holsteins cost $8,000 and were delivered to the temple. The problem lies in the fact that the temple goshalla has maxed out the little barn by the temple. The little barn has 8 stalls which will now be filled. The 2 existing calves are now living in what would be the birthing stall and within 2 to 3 months there will be at least another 3 calves. What to do with the calves when the birthing stall is needed? When I asked Ranaka prabhu about the calves and birthing stall, he said cows could be sent to the big barn in the valley where New Vrindavan ran their commercial dairy that was shut down in 1992. At this location, 2 miles away, 150 cows were milking tied into a commercial dairy quota of milk for sale. A few years ago, Radhanath Swami and other devotees at NV wanted to counteract the past history of cow neglect that took place at the NV big barn. The consensus was that when the cows are out of sight, less community participation in their care takes place and that’s one of the reasons that the cows were neglected. Even today, the old cows and invalid cows are staying at the big barn and do not receive proper medical attention. Guest are not brought down there, nor do the devotees go down there regularly. Once again, the cows are being sent out of sight, out of mind. When I asked Ranaka prabhu what the plan was for the new cows and calves, it was stated that there is no plan. After 12 years of trying to get New Vrindavan to at least name their cows and to at least comply with the Minimum ISKCON Cow Protection Standards, it is now necessary to bring up this current violation. The purchase of these last 5 pregnant cows was a total surprise to the vast majority of community members, what to speak of some of the current Board of Trustees who had no idea that the purchase was taking place. The final straw of Managerial neglect is that there is no plan other than milk production for these cows. I have been giving seminars at New Vrindavan for several years now entitled HOLISTIC COW CARE: NOT JUST MILK. It is unfortunate that this topic has fallen on deaf ears and that the cows are still considered as CASH COWS for fund raising, for milk production, and possibly for commercial milk sales. My position as the ISKCON Minister of Cow Protection and Agriculture is as an advisor. My advice on this purchase of 5 pregnant Holsteins was not sought. If consulted, I would have said too many cows too quickly. I am writing this letter to go on record that I was not a part of this purchase nor do I approve of this purchase. Listed below is Standard 9, Requirements for Acquiring Cows, Not Allowed. This is the standard that New Vrindavan has violated. Not Allowed • 1) Animal Acquisition Procuring or breeding of a cow for the purpose of supplying milk without any plan for the care, training and engagement of offspring. • 2) Lack of land and funds for animal care. Failure to provide sufficient land, cowherds, and funds to support the cow and/or offspring. For a full view of the standards refer to: MINIMUM COW PROTECTION STANDARDS, ISKCON Law 507 Go to Section 2: Breeding Standards, Standard 1X Requirements for Acquiring Cows Your servant, Balabhadra das ISKCON Minister for Cow Protection and Agriculture Posted by Balabhadra das at 5:51 PM
  19. Hari Sauri Prabhu posted today, 2007-03-29 10:53:00: Hari Sauri Prabhu on Srila Prabhupada & ISKCON I HAVE ALWAYS done a bit of travelling, at least since 1975 when I was fortunate enough to join Srila Prabhupada’s personal entourage. I got to travel India and around the world with His Divine Grace, and it gave me my first look at worldwide ISKCON. I was impressed. Impressed with Srila Prabhupada and impressed with his disciples and the amazing scope of transcendental activity that was manifesting all over the globe. Unity was the key, and that was achieved through the presence and desire of Srila Prabhupada. Later, after His Divine Grace’s disappearance I served as a GBC for over seven years. It seemed like I was in the air or on the road more often than I wasn’t. I had a far-flung South Seas zone and international duties to fulfil. It was a boom time: we went from four temples to seventeen centres, including three farms, two schools, with additional restaurants and two new BBT divisions. From 95 full time devotees (the official count in that zone in 1977) we jumped over 400. It was time of rapid expansion and it seemed for a short while we could do no wrong. Of course, human frailty wasn’t far behind and mundane realities exerted themselves, individually and collectively. Maintaining what Srila Prabhupada had left us proved a difficult task. The spiritual waves of preaching sakti, emanating from Srila Prabhupada’s personal presence, which had swept us almost effortlessly along, like a great tsunami surging around the globe, subsided. After 1984 I left management and became ISKCON private citizen. I was much more stationary. I still travelled a bit, but nothing like the scale of my earlier years. I lived in England, then India, then Australia, then the USA and finally back to India nine years now. In the last two years I have resumed a bit of travelling again, delivering a seminar series entitled Srila Prabhupada: The Living Bhagavatam. I have visited Brazil, USA, England and several of the old eastern Europe – Croatia and Slovenia, Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Latvia, and Lithuania. People sometimes ask me what Srila Prabhupada would think of the current condition of ISKCON. Having travelled with Srila Prabhupada throughout the ISKCON world when it was, by some criteria, at its peak in the west, Isuppose they think I have some kind of special insight into how Srila Prabhupada views it now. I wish I had. By what criteria do I make such a judgement? I certainly have no idea of Srila Prabhupada’s view of the world (if I had I would be a maha bhagavata!), and anyway, do maha bhagavatas make such assessments? I remember sitting with His Divine Grace in his room in Bombay on January 6, 1977. He told me, “You should always remember that you have taken a very, very difficult tack, manusyanam saharesu kascid yatati siddaye. It is not a very easy task but one thing is sure, if you be successful or not successful, it is your victory. Because you try for this, Krsna will be very much pleased. It is not that in every case you will be successful, that is not possible. I went to your country not to become successful – that Bengali poem I wrote – I never went there to become successful. I knew, “Who will accept this philosophy? Still let me try, my Guru Maharaja has said.” And yet on another occasion in Mayapur in 1977 just before he became seriously ill, Srila Prabhupada had told me, “I want to spread Krishna Consciousness everywhere, at once.” So on the one hand, anything that established Krishna Consciousness was a success because none was expected, and on the other, no amount of expansion could match the pure devotee’s ambition. Still there must be some measure by which we can understand if we are doing things to his satisfaction or not. These are myriad and my assessment can only be subjective, so whatever I say, I pray my reader will understand that this is just one man’s observation, telescoped through the very limited lens of a conditioned soul’s coverings. I suppose the best criteria for making such a judgement is that set by Srila Prabhupada himself, the one we most often quote: “Your love for me will be shown by how well you co-operate together.” Or at least that’s the loose rendition, the sentimental one we like to refer to when we want to encourage each other, whether we are in or out of ISKCON, to respect each other and participate together in devotional activities. Except that’s not exactly what Srila Prabhupada said. The actual quote is much more specific (and typical of Srila Prabhupada): “Your love for me will be tested how after my departure you maintain this institution. We have glamour and people are feeling our weight. This should be maintained. Not like Gaudiya Matha. After Guru Maharaja’s departure so many acaryas came up.”(TKG’S diary, May 23,1977) Srila Prabhupada was precise in stating his criteria. If we love him, not ourselves, then we will work co- operatively to maintain that specific powerful entity he set up, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON. And just to emphasize what that meant, he gave the negative example for us to compare ourselves with - the Gaudiya Matha, which lost its unity and became fragmented by so many independent acaryas. By that criteria, at least we can say ISKCON, good or bad, continues to exist. Wherever one goes around the world there are ISKCON devotees who are eager to receive you, to offer their services, to eagerly hear and chant with you, to take prasadam with. For sure, many centres are depleted from their original levels of attendance and occupation but then again the number of centres have more than tripled since Srila Prabhupada left us, and unimaginable events have occurred in places where, during this time, it was a criminal offence to simply possess a Bhagavad-Gita. This year I travelled around the world with my wife Sitala, our daughter Rasarani, and her friend Radha. Not an easy task, but made a great pleasure by the wonderful hospitality extended to us wherever we went. Selfless devotees turned over their homes to us, fed us and catered to all our needs. Add to this the generous hospitality from temple managers in Honolulu, London, Belgium, Milan and Rome, and we had an exceptionally good time, sheltered and cared for by the kalpa-vrksa of ISKCON. Apart from this I did a two month preaching tour of several countries in Eastern Europe. Everywhere I went I was received with generosity, gentility, and genuine friendship. Hundreds of devotees were eager to hear about Srila Prabhupada for as long as I could talk about him. There is a real thirst and excitement among the devotees to know more and more details about the life of our Founder-acarya. It’s a healthy sign, and a great encouragement for the future. Local cultural traits not withstanding, Krsna consciousness has taken root all around the world. The culture of spirituality, the lifestyle of bhakti, the characteristics of real transcendentalism have been irrevocably implanted in the most unlikely places, all through the aegis of that singular entity, ISKCON. It is undeniable that Srila Prabhupada’s brainchild has made, and continues to make, a lasting impact on the world. Of course not everyone has the same experience as me. I received a letter just a few weeks ago from a godbrother who has been estranged from mainstream ISKCON for some years, expressing this in no uncertain terms: “In all reality when you are an older Prabhupada disciple who has not already made his mark in ISKCON, there is little hope for feeling comfortable amongst the leadership. You are kind of put under an emotional penury and have very little support… associating with most big gatherings of ISKCON illuminati for devotees like me is frankly depressing and humiliating – which is actually why so many Prabhupada disciples are not coming back into the fold. First the fold has to fold – if you get my point. It may be hard for you to imagine what it’s like for Prabhupada disciples like me since you are so famous and appreciated in ISKCON; as a whole your experience is totally different. It’s acknowledgement and support at every turn. My only chance of that is when someone with some power inside knows my service, like you! Such persons like that are just about non-existent for me in the ISKCON leadership now.” It would be foolish to deny such sentiments and leave them unaddressed. The leadership of ISKCON clearly has a lot of work to do to make the Society a place where, to quote another well known adage, “the whole world can live.” ISKCON is, by any measure, a work in progress and none of us would deny that. But it does exist. Although fragmentation has occurred (and who among us thought it would not?), the main body of the Society has held together. There is a unity and a determination to execute the desire of Srila Prabhupada that is tangible in countries all around the globe. As one senior godbrother told me, “Say what you like about ISKCON, but it’s the only act in town.” Who else is putting on Rathayatra in multiple cities? Who else is distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books on the streets and in the airports – literature that was written and has the potency to change the whole world? Who else is putting on festivals like the Odessa gathering in Ukraine or Anapa in Russia when 1,500-2,500 devotees dance, chant, and hear with great eagerness from a host of senior Vaisnavas? Who else is developing educational facilities such as the VIHE/MIHE, the BBT Sanskrit college in Govardhana, and Bhaktivedanta College in Belgium, to teach advanced courses in the science of bhakti yoga? Who else has temples like Juhu, Vrndavana, Mayapur, and the Manor, that regularly host hundreds of thousands of pilgrims on major festival days? And who else has hundreds of centres all around the world where any devotee can be received in friendship with a place to stay and prasadam to eat? The list is a long one. Wherever I travel I meet dedicated, sincere souls who are working hard to maintain Srila Prabhupada’s Society. They are inspired by his personal example, by the words in his books, and by the determination of his disciples and grand-disciples to preserve his work and not lay to waste his lifetime of effort. It is a tribute to his brilliance that in the midst of Kali-yuga, when it is far easier to find fault and flake away, his transcendental creation ISKCON has held together and continues to provide spiritual succor to the distressed and spiritually bereft. And it is a tribute to his sincere followers that despite the potential for disagreement and dissent, despite the deficiencies – both the personal and the collective – they continue working together with hope and confidence. This is love. In January 1976, Srila Prabhupada wrote to Bhurijana Dasa: “Unless there is loving feeling, how is it possible for you to always make offerings to me? The spiritual master is always instructing his disciples and they in turn are always trying to serve their spiritual master. It is a reciprocal relationship of love.” And again in January 1977 Srila Prabhupada wrote to Mrs. Polly Perlmutter, the mother of Sravanananda Dasa: “Yes, our Society is depending on love and respect; we are bound by love.” We are bound by love. And by self interest we are rent asunder. Therefore Srila Prabhupada told us in 1977 your love for me will be tested how after my departure you maintain this institution. th On a morning walk on August 11 1976 when Srila Prabhupada was visiting Tehran, he told us about passing that test, “To be recognized by Krsna as He says, na ca tasman manusyesu, one has to pass examination, severe test of examination. All the big, big devotees we see. Narada Muni, before becoming Narada Muni, he had to pass through severe examination, test… Faith means that you are meant for giving some service to Krsna. You should stick to that service, that path, in spite of all impediments. That is the passing of test. Generally, just like we are meant for preaching Krsna consciousness. So there may be severe test, but still we will remain determined. This is wanted. There may be so many impediments, punishments, still you should do that. That is test. Not that as soon as there is some difficulty I give it up. There may be severe test, but still we shall not give up. We must go on. That is determination.” “Passing the test means executing the order of the spiritual master,” Nava-yauvana said. Prabhupada agreed. “Yes, that is spiritual life. One has to take order from the spiritual master and execute it, despite all impediments. That is determination.” Do we pass the test? From this fallen soul’s perspective and experience, I think so. We may not get 100%, but a pass at least. ISKCON continues on as a united preaching force, and as long as it does, that is the passing of the test of love that Srila Prabhupada set for us.
  20. Nice to see Vaisnavas who practice positive thinking, however, paramahamsa Vaishnavas in this world? He would at least make a few people like Prabhupada did Georg Harrison, to spread the Holy name in big style. Or preach in such a way that people are lining up to get initiated right after class like it was the case when Prabhupada lectured. Since all this is not happening at least we can post our wishful thinking and hope people consider this as real knowledge: "there are quite a few paramahamsa Vaisnavas in this world."
  21. Is there some similiar Vaishnavism introductory movie in English? It is spoken in Spain but you clearly can understand what is the meaning. http://sabiduriavedica.org/entrevistas/entre.html
  22. ISKCON is the biggest proponent of vedic knowledge in the world today - post your vote at http://www.go2tirupati.com/caitanya/iskcon-biggest-proponent-vedic-knowledge-world-today - chose among: <FORM id=poll-view-voting action=/caitanya/iskcon-biggest-proponent-vedic-knowledge-world-today method=post><LABEL class=option><INPUT class=form-radio type=radio value=4 name=choice> Yes</LABEL> <LABEL class=option><INPUT class=form-radio type=radio value=5 name=choice> No</LABEL> <LABEL class=option><INPUT class=form-radio type=radio value=6 name=choice> Not sufficiently aware of ISKCON's activities and/or others to judge</LABEL> <LABEL class=option><INPUT class=form-radio type=radio value=7 name=choice> Yes, but needs to do more</LABEL> <LABEL class=option><INPUT class=form-radio type=radio CHECKED value=8 name=choice> Yes, the pace if too fast. Slow down.</LABEL> </FORM>
  23. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=550 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Here Comes the Flood </TD></TR><TR><TD> Gilad Atzmon – March 28, 2007 Tsunami in Gaza, Celebration of peace in Jerusalem US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced yesterday the decision of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman, Mahmoud Abbas to meet bi-weekly with the US mediating. Indeed ‘great news for the Palestinians and the Israelis’. More or less at the same time at least five Palestinians drowned in a “sewage Tsunami” when a water treatment reservoir burst, flooding Umm Naser, a village in the northern Gaza Strip. While in a peaceful news conference in Jerusalem Rice once again said NO to the democratically elected Hamas referring to the PA chairman as a “partner for peace”, a Bedouin village in Gaza was submerged in sewage. This devastating picture of total surreal detachment between the two events, between a meaningless political intercourse and a devastating destruction on the ground is the true reality of the Palestinian disaster. This reflects upon the zero Western political leadership’s commitment to humanist and ethical thinking, it reflects upon our abandonment of the Palestinian people, it is a reminder of our general negligence towards people who are mercilessly dispossessed for six decades, our blindness towards what seems to be a suffering with no end and no limit. Rice called on regional Arab states to “participate actively in the peace process”. She welcomed as well the Saudi peace plan as “an example of such new thinking.” And I end up asking myself when was the last time Rice or the Saudi Crown family had been submerged in Sewage? Rice probably failed to realise that people, who happen to be flooded by ‘treated water’, want something slightly more significant than a mere ‘peace process’. Ms Rice, shouldn’t we better start with food? In case you didn’t realise, your embargo on the Hamas government has led to unprecedented starvation in Gaza. Some 80% of Gaza’s population relies upon WFP’s aid and on that from the UNRWA, the UN agency for refugees. More or less by the time the US Secretary of State concluded that the two leaders would discuss a “political horizon,” it was clear that dozens of residents of Umm Naser were still unaccounted for. By late afternoon, receding floodwaters had left a foul-smelling muck. Village children clung to wooden doors floating on the putrid waters. Rescuers were paddling through the village searching for victims. Frantic goats and cows were seen swimming in the mud searching for safe ground. By the time Rice left the region it was revealed that the ‘negotiations’ between Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas will not include the three core issues - Jerusalem, refugees and borders. How surprising. Instead of going from Jerusalem to Riyadh, Rice went back to Washington. She realised that she had nothing to offer the Arab leaders summit. She has nothing to offer almost as much as the people of Umm Naser have nothing to lose. http://peacepalestine.blogspot.com/2007/03/here-comes-flood-by-gilad-atzmon.html Palestinians struggle against a torrent of sewage yesterday in northern Gaza that left five dead. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  24. http://www.sankirtandiary.com/ From dandavats.com: "This site will be used as a “Sankirtan Diary” to post daily, or bi-weekly, our personal book distribution stories. Please bookmark and visit often! Our desire is to serve as an inspiration for ISKCON devotees worldwide to engage in this top-most preaching activity, and as an offering to Srila Prabhupada. Do you have any personal book distribution stories? Send them to SankirtanDiary@pamho.net "
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