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Pita das

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Everything posted by Pita das

  1. On a personal level we have no ill feeling with the Jain people. If I have offened any readers please acceapt my Dunndavatts we tho become offened when we see statements that the Jain religion bleaves in no God in controll. I presonally like the Dali Lama but he is also an atheist and on a famous CNN interview he also says in Buddhism we see no need for a creator. It is therefore important to counter this veiw if we are to proceed in assiting the advent of Shree Chaitanya Deva . In the Srimad Bhagavatum verse The reference to the Jain people Srila Prabhupada tell us are the followers of King Arhat who have become now known as the Jains. When His Divine Grace worte trnslated this verse he did it not to insult 4 million people but for us to understand how the deviation took place and to be careful not to make the same mistakes in the future. Srila Prabhupada also refers to the Hippy mentality to also be originally comming from King Arhat with the idea that bathing and cleanliness are un important and that we are the only. God in exsistance. If I have offened any one with these posts the please delete them
  2. Actually this is the opinon of Srimad Bhagavatum . how is it fare to change the teaching of the personalty of Godhead Lord Rasbadeva and preach atheism in its place. The article above stated in Jainism there is no beleif in a creator or a God. This is in no way spiritualy or religion. But yes some Degumba sadhus relish the teaching of Lord Rasabdeva who they imatate by renouceing clothing and were very happy to have the temples they were serving purchase Srila Prabhupadas books. Then it would be said that those Jains who follow Rasabadeva are followers of vedas and thus not a minority group. Srila Prabhupadas translation to this verse is Jain Dhrama . So Jnas how do you say it is not this? Please give us your understanding?
  3. Srimad Bhagavatum canto 5 ch 6 text 9 Sukadeva Goswami continued speaking to Maharaja Pariksit My dear King the King of Konka,Venka and Kataka whose name was Arhat,heard of the activities of Rasabadeva and imitating Rasbadevas principals,introduced a new system of religion. Takeing advantage of Kail yuga,the age of sinful activity,King Arhat,being bewildered,gave up the Vedic principals which are free from risk and concocted a new system of religion opposed to the Vedas . That was the beginning of the Jain dharama. Many others so-called religions followed this athestic system
  4. for the origin of the Jain religion please see Srimad Bhagavatum cant 5 chapter 6 text 9
  5. In Srimad Bhagavatum there is the history of Lord Rasavadeva . When travelling in Gujarat we would often show the teaching of Lord Rasavadeva to the Debamba Sadhus and they would always purchase Srimad Bhagavatum for thier temple Libaries
  6. Bhagavan told a story of when he was in London all these diffrent religious leaders were asked to meet with the Pope and he was asked to represent the Hindu community so he went. In this room all these diffrent religious leaders were present to meet the Pope The Pope then came in and said. ITS ALL A QUESTION OF BLESSINGS and he held up his hand and lefted They all looked at each other and the big meeting was over
  7. Where I was a young boy the nuns asked us to send one dollar to the sisters in calcutta. I went home and my Mother gave me a dollar i taped it to a pieice of paper and sent it to the sisters in calcutta. When I was in Hong Kong two devottees Satyanaranya and Lomasarisi went to see Mother Teresa . They said she was in a room the size of a closet. and they returned confirming her to be a greatly saintly person. They had asked her if she would be interested to assit with a hosiptal in Mayapur on our temple land and she told them Im compeltely un a lined I do not even aline my self with the saint vicent depaul a cathloic charity. We depend totally on the Lord mercy While in Taiwan we knew this playboy bachlor athiest he was tho dj on the local American radio in Taibei. His name was Nick really a debachy type if ever there was one When Mother Teresa came to Taibei his job was to interview her. As he only lived a few houses away from me I went over to see him and ask him about what he throught of her. Oh Mother Teresa is a genuine that what we call these people in the business . She is what people say of her
  8. we are all female in our elationship with Krishna because he is the Adhi Purusha the frist Original enjoyer. As He is the one who is the enjoyer the servants only desire is to please Him in which ever way they have to ablilty to know which ways His pleasure may best be served. We all know that Srimate Radharani pleases Him the most and Her pleasure in doing so even supasses His whom is the Oringal enjoyer so much so that He desires to taste this enjoyment as Shree Chaitanya Deva. I have heard Srila Prabhupada comment on the changing on ones rasa this Srila Prabhupada said In the spritual world Krishna will falciate what ever desire we have to serve Him. At the same time we have our etenal relationship and service wanting for us to take up.As we preform service these spirtual bodies are forming. Devottees at the time expressed the desire that when they meet Srila Prabhupada in the Spiritual World would His Divine Grace appear to them as he was as we know him? "Srila Prabhupada told us You will know me" But we want to see you then as we see you now Srila Prabhupada and then he said "yes that can be done." "They will say this is Bhaktivedanta Swami and his nice disclips" so in serving Krishna what He wants is always formost. There is no separte desire which is not His disire one of the basic steps in Surrendering to Krishna. The eternal servant of Krishna appearing as our acaryas like His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddanta Prabhupada never forget thier position of service to Krishna althrough to us they may appear to as we are conditioned with this prision house. They are comming out of commpassion for us and to satisfy the anxiety of the Lord over our hopeless condition here rotting in this material world for zillions of births from germ to devata. To your friend he has a misconseption and seems not so serious about getting out of this material world. There was one story my Godbrother Guru Kripa Prabhu told me about refering to HH Vishnu Maharaja the disclip of srila BV Puri Maharaja. One student of a well known preacher of Krishna Consciousness made to him in Puri Dham. That student expressed to Maharaja that he was very happy to pull Lord Jagganaths cart form Puri temple to Gandicya temple but he would never assit in the return yatra because this means he is takeing Krishna away from Vrindaban and back to Dawarka And this in his heart he could never particapate in.!!!!!! Maharaja told him "If you are at the stage of Love of Krishna when you can not tell if it is day or night we can acceapt your statement but seeing you arnt then this is simply sahaja "
  9. Thank you Jagatananda Prabhuji, Hare Krishna! All Glories to Shree Shree Guru and Gouranga .I am trying to carefully write my story bit by bit but still have many short commings in spelling grammer and the like. Your posts Mahakasa and Rocans are always perefctly done. Hari Bol practise makes perefect
  10. After some time Our GBC leader arrived in HK basically he is good assoication haveing so much time with Srila Prabhupada he was often relating tales of his time with His Divine Grace this we all apreicated so much. In HK he was also very expert at understanding how to go and get our society reregestered as a tax free religious instution.This he did at once. Then one day he asked us to print a fyer which we handed out to the mass hores of people flowing on all the streets of HK with 3 question on it. 1) Why if I want to be happy I can not always be? 2) Why do I have to acceapt suffering? 3) How can I always be free to enjoy my life fully? for answers to these question please come to 5 homantin street 8fl apt A Im not actually sure if these were the actual questions but they were certianly alone these lines. To our great surprise this small action started the Chinese comming to the temple. So many came in fact that we soon started a lunch program and many young men and ladies would come each day some latter becomming devottees. This lunch program has now turned into a regular preaching tool of HK temple still today they are doing. For drawing in new people our GBC leader was expert his draw back has always been maintianing long term relationships this he has many draw backs with. The frist young boy to join the temple was to be named Hauman. His mother was very opposed to him taking to vegetarian diet and visiting us so much. So she went to see a fortune teller for advice As soon as she entered the fortune tellers shop they told her .Your son wants to be a monk!In his last life he was a beggar and crippled on the streets. If you stop him his next life he will also be a beggar and cripple. Bang from that moment on she had no oppostion and actually cooked for him compeltly vegetarian meals until he moved into the temple full time. As Hamsadutta was also in the general of the Philippines he came one day for a short visit. When one personally meets Hamsadutta they have to like him he is a very carismatic magnetic personality to say the least. When he came a group of his men came with him and as he lefted they stayed on. It seemed they were there to compelte with us at getting the new men from our lunch programs to take iniation from Hamdadutta. As petty as it seems now that was thier program. It didnt last long tho as Hamsudutta left HK to go to Mayapur and hear from His Divine Grace Srila Sridhar Maharaja who at that time was assiting and giving advice to the whole GBC body. Srila Sridhar Maharaja told the GBC that what Srila Prabhupada had put in place namely allowing Hamsdutta to iniate disclips they could not change and so he was reinstated. When our leader heard this news he also ran to Mayapur for the same purpose thus returning to Hong Kong with his whole USA zone back saying that Srila Sidhar Maharaja was the greatest living Vasihnava on the planet. Our men that he is giving Sanyasas to are bonified sanyasasis he said and our Society has to learn to understand how to accomendate this. As he lefted for Mayapur just before he asked me to go with him to the printers. Bhagavat Gita in Chinese was about to go to press. I had no idea of why I was asked to accompany him and they talks he had with the printer I wasnt really paying much attention to. As he was leaving tho he told me I had to oversee the printing? Which we did and on the appearence day of Srila Bhaktisiddanta Sarawati Prabhupada I spent the entire day watching the Gita pages roll off the press. I was only told that if I wasnt there they would speed up the presses and the printing would suffer so I would set and watch and some times check the pages to see the regestration was clear in the clor work of the printing. Our next goal was how to get the Bhagavat Gita into China which the printer told us he could help with but into those days it was almost impossible.
  11. After some time Our GBC leader arrived in HK basically he is good assoication haveing so much time with Srila Prabhupada he was often relating tales of his time with His Divine Grace this we all apreicated so much. In HK he was also very expert at understanding how to go and get our society reregestered as a tax free religious instution.This he did at once. Then one day he asked us to print a fyer which we handed out to the mass hores of people flowing on all the streets of HK with 3 question on it. 1) Why if I want to be happy I can not always be? 2) Why do I have to acceapt suffering? 3) How can I always be free to enjoy my life fully? for answers to these question please come to 5 homantin street 8fl apt A Im not actually sure if these were the actual questions but they were certianly alone these lines. To our great surprise this small action started the Chinese comming to the temple. So many came in fact that we soon started a lunch program and many young men and ladies would come each day some latter becomming devottees. This lunch program has now turned into a regular preaching tool of HK temple still today they are doing. For drawing in new people our GBC leader was expert his draw back has always been maintianing long term relationships this he has many draw backs with. The frist young boy to join the temple was to be named Hauman. His mother was very opposed to him taking to vegetarian diet and visiting us so much. So she went to see a fortune teller for advice As soon as she entered the fortune tellers shop they told her .Your son wants to be a monk!In his last life he was a beggar and crippled on the streets. If you stop him his next life he will also be a beggar and cripple. Bang from that moment on she had no oppostion and actually cooked for him compeltly vegetarian meals until he moved into the temple full time. As Hamsadutta was also in the general of the Philippines he came one day for a short visit. When one personally meets Hamsadutta they have to like him he is a very carismatic magnetic personality to say the least. When he came a group of his men came with him and as he lefted they stayed on. It seemed they were there to compelte with us at getting the new men from our lunch programs to take iniation from Hamdadutta. As petty as it seems now that was thier program. It didnt last long tho as Hamsudutta left HK to go to Mayapur and hear from His Divine Grace Srila Sridhar Maharaja who at that time was assiting and giving advice to the whole GBC body. Srila Sridhar Maharaja told the GBC that what Srila Prabhupada had put in place namely allowing Hamsdutta to iniate disclips they could not change and so he was reinstated. When our leader heard this news he also ran to Mayapur for the same purpose thus returning to Hong Kong with his whole USA zone back saying that Srila Sidhar Maharaja was the greatest living Vasihnava on the planet. Our men that he is giving Sanyasas to are bonified sanyasasis he said and our Society has to learn to understand how to accomendate this. As he lefted for Mayapur just before he asked me to go with him to the printers. Bhagavat Gita in Chinese was about to go to press. I had no idea of why I was asked to accompany him and they talks he had with the printer I wasnt really paying much attention to. As he was leaving tho he told me I had to oversee the printing? Which we did and on the appearence day of Srila Bhaktisiddanta Sarawati Prabhupada I spent the entire day watching the Gita pages roll off the press. I was only told that if I wasnt there they would speed up the presses and the printing would suffer so I would set and watch and some times check the pages to see the regestration was clear in the clor work of the printing. Our next goal was how to get the Bhagavat Gita into China which the printer told us he could help with but into those days it was almost impossible.
  12. Arriveing in Hong Kong One day when our GBC leader was on a quick visit to Houston temple he asked me."Do you still want to go to Hong Kong?" I had asked him before what was he doing there as he was co GBC with Guru Kripa and he had told me then "Nothing" sence he had been exciled from Houston for the long term then and Bhagavan was the acting GBC he had been ordered to make only Eastern Asia his home and Figi Islands. He said he wasnt sure if I would be sent to HK or Figi but within afew weeks I recieved a letter for me to start collecting for my ticket to HK. His new zone was all of China Hong Kong Philipines Taiwan and Korea. Hamsadutta was also still in the Philippines as GBC but like him was also censured by the main GBC body that was late 1980 . When I arrived in Hong Kong I was thinking as I flew in over the endless mildewed houseing estates that it was alot like I had imagzined it would be, mass humanity crushed together. I was meet by my godbrother Ramasuran Prabhu who had been with us on the Indian BBT libary party and also in Houston temple. The airport was a makesift one at best in tho days the main and only runway was on reclaimed land jetting into the harbour and the building airport small and only partially air conditioned ,in to that waiting room The frist blast of the hot ,humid, noisy and very strangly odered aromas that is Hong Kong hit me. Very jet lagged and very thankful to be met at the airport by a familar face we made way out to the temple "uuuump ho man tin guy" Ram told the taxi driver in the local lanuage which mean 5 Ho Man Tin street "UMMM Goy "for thank you. Then in front of this light green apartment house we stopped and Ram annouched "were here" I think it was on the 8th floor where the temple had two apartments. One was the temple and ashram and one was the offices of Jitarati Prabhu a Canadian devottee that had been in HK for a very long time even then. Jitarati was an importer and exporter of jewerly clasps most to the Philippines where he single handedly surported both missions HK and the two temples in the Philippines with the profits from his business. Opon entering the same living room of the temple apartment there was a full sized Vasyasana with Hamsaduttas picture opon it and a small chest of drawers with a small murti of Srila Prabhupada . At Srila Prabhupadas Lotus feet were these very highly fragrant ginger flowers which gave off a frangance simular to gardinas but even stronger. The altar was a poster of Pancha Tattva behind a curtian with a wooden self beneath for holding the arotik trays and vases of flowers. The temple apartment was a 3 room flat with a small kicthen and one and a half bathrooms with the half never being used as iits distance from the Lords kicthen was only a matter of feet. That became the storage room. One room was for the GBC leader and one was the brahmacari ashram both were 10x10 feet no more and an even smaller room was the temple office. The one bathroom was shared by all Here it is Ram told me, home. Back Home Back to Godhead by was of Hong Kong???!!!! After some time I made it over to the other apartment saw one very meek thin and heavly specticaled chinese fellow siiting behind a desk and this was Sriman Yasomati Suta Prabhu ,Srila Prabhupadas Chinese translator threw Yaso the Chinese would hear Srila Prabhupadas discribtions of Lord Chaitanyas Advent. Hare Krishna Yaso greeted me ,with All Glories to Srila Parbhupada and please acceapt my humble obeisances ,all spoken in his very good English with heavy HK Cantonese accents I was very pleased to met Yaso and he was very happy something was finally going to happen in HK for our movement. Yaso had almost finished the trnslation of the Bhagavat Gita" As It is" and this was almost ready to be sent for the printing. Yaso had been working alone on the Gita for afew years he told me while still working a job as accountant. I assured him that very soon the BBT would be able to engage him full time and he hoped it was to be true. All Yaso ever seemed to want was to be lefted alone to translate and a little money to send to his son. There was absoultly nothing to do but become accustomed to this very uncomfortable close and exterely loud enviroment. Together tho Ram, Yaso and I followed our useual ISKCON program of Mongal arotika at here tho it began at 5 am and chanting our rounds ,Srimate Bhagavatum class and Guru pujas . We were informed to have another Vasyasana made for the leading GBC to be placed next to Hamsaduttas one and Im not sure if in those days if there were 3 guru pujas or 2 or if they were all done at the same time???? One travelling devottee once sang a song "3 gurus carana padma" when he came and saw our crazy set up. But thats was the was it was, what can I say.?that living room was no more that 10 feet by 15 feet.With the vasyasanas taking up at least a third of the room. There was one other devottee in Hong Kong then named Tota Gopinath who lived in his office which brought oil paintings and supplied Hamsaduttas temples Tota tho only visited the temple sometimes to pay respects to Hamsaduttas shrine on his vasyasana and one other Chinese Devottee from mainland China Jagat Guru a former red guard Jagat Gurus story was a very colorful one he had join in the Great Prolitarian Cultural Revoultion as one of the Red Guards of Chairman Mao when he was about 14 years old. He told me that for ten years in Guangzhou (a large southern city capital of Guandong Provience north of Hk by about 60 miles)he never saw a street light without a body hanging from it, upsidedown with a sign attached to it and a stick under it ,the sign saying "beat this person because he is the enemy of the people" "After about an hour the people would all die anyway no matter if they were beaten or not".Jagat Guru would say noncalantly. In those days I always carried a gun and it was my ticket for what ever I wanted.If some one would ask me to pay for something I would pull my gun and say here my money want it? Many times my friends would come to my house and tell me come with us tonight because we are going to this christian chruch burn it down and stuggle the priests and i would go. Then they came and said they wanted to do the same to the Buddhists temples but this I would refuse. I would never harm a Buddhist temple and so Jagat Guru lead his life for 10 years but as the Cultural Revoution began to turn against even the Red Guards he fled China for HK. "My older brother and I decided to try to swim to Macau "( a portaguese colony then) off the cost of China just below HK. Jagat Gurus brother after a short time gave up and swam back but he had no choice but to continue on. Maybe this is a five to ten mile swim? "As I swam the fog became thick and I didnt know where I was swimming to?" "Out to sea ,back to China????" "so I stopped and from my childhood I remenbered a Daoist Mantra my Mother would chant when I was a child I chanted this mantra and when a short time the fog lifted and I saw it was just a short swims away to Macau." "When I got to Macau I saw this monk walking about and it was Hamsadutta and I asked him to become my Guru and here I amn Im so sorry about my life before Prabhu I have nightmare every night still" he would say. Jagad Guru Prabhu soon started to work with Jitarati in his office and I have no doubt hes still with him today. Everytime I see Jitrati I ask him hows Jagat Guru and he always says the same. Jagat Gurus brother latter also became a devottee and has helped in the changeing of the tradition Chinese character Traditions which are used in Hong Kong Taiwan and Singapore Malaysia into the simplified Chinese Character used inside China
  13. Arriveing in Hong Kong One day when our GBC leader was on a quick visit to Houston temple he asked me."Do you still want to go to Hong Kong?" I had asked him before what was he doing there as he was co GBC with Guru Kripa and he had told me then "Nothing" sence he had been exciled from Houston for the long term then and Bhagavan was the acting GBC he had been ordered to make only Eastern Asia his home and Figi Islands. He said he wasnt sure if I would be sent to HK or Figi but within afew weeks I recieved a letter for me to start collecting for my ticket to HK. His new zone was all of China Hong Kong Philipines Taiwan and Korea. Hamsadutta was also still in the Philippines as GBC but like him was also censured by the main GBC body that was late 1980 . When I arrived in Hong Kong I was thinking as I flew in over the endless mildewed houseing estates that it was alot like I had imagzined it would be, mass humanity crushed together. I was meet by my godbrother Ramasuran Prabhu who had been with us on the Indian BBT libary party and also in Houston temple. The airport was a makesift one at best in tho days the main and only runway was on reclaimed land jetting into the harbour and the building airport small and only partially air conditioned ,in to that waiting room The frist blast of the hot ,humid, noisy and very strangly odered aromas that is Hong Kong hit me. Very jet lagged and very thankful to be met at the airport by a familar face we made way out to the temple "uuuump ho man tin guy" Ram told the taxi driver in the local lanuage which mean 5 Ho Man Tin street "UMMM Goy "for thank you. Then in front of this light green apartment house we stopped and Ram annouched "were here" I think it was on the 8th floor where the temple had two apartments. One was the temple and ashram and one was the offices of Jitarati Prabhu a Canadian devottee that had been in HK for a very long time even then. Jitarati was an importer and exporter of jewerly clasps most to the Philippines where he single handedly surported both missions HK and the two temples in the Philippines with the profits from his business. Opon entering the same living room of the temple apartment there was a full sized Vasyasana with Hamsaduttas picture opon it and a small chest of drawers with a small murti of Srila Prabhupada . At Srila Prabhupadas Lotus feet were these very highly fragrant ginger flowers which gave off a frangance simular to gardinas but even stronger. The altar was a poster of Pancha Tattva behind a curtian with a wooden self beneath for holding the arotik trays and vases of flowers. The temple apartment was a 3 room flat with a small kicthen and one and a half bathrooms with the half never being used as iits distance from the Lords kicthen was only a matter of feet. That became the storage room. One room was for the GBC leader and one was the brahmacari ashram both were 10x10 feet no more and an even smaller room was the temple office. The one bathroom was shared by all Here it is Ram told me, home. Back Home Back to Godhead by was of Hong Kong???!!!! After some time I made it over to the other apartment saw one very meek thin and heavly specticaled chinese fellow siiting behind a desk and this was Sriman Yasomati Suta Prabhu ,Srila Prabhupadas Chinese translator threw Yaso the Chinese would hear Srila Prabhupadas discribtions of Lord Chaitanyas Advent. Hare Krishna Yaso greeted me ,with All Glories to Srila Parbhupada and please acceapt my humble obeisances ,all spoken in his very good English with heavy HK Cantonese accents I was very pleased to met Yaso and he was very happy something was finally going to happen in HK for our movement. Yaso had almost finished the trnslation of the Bhagavat Gita" As It is" and this was almost ready to be sent for the printing. Yaso had been working alone on the Gita for afew years he told me while still working a job as accountant. I assured him that very soon the BBT would be able to engage him full time and he hoped it was to be true. All Yaso ever seemed to want was to be lefted alone to translate and a little money to send to his son. There was absoultly nothing to do but become accustomed to this very uncomfortable close and exterely loud enviroment. Together tho Ram, Yaso and I followed our useual ISKCON program of Mongal arotika at here tho it began at 5 am and chanting our rounds ,Srimate Bhagavatum class and Guru pujas . We were informed to have another Vasyasana made for the leading GBC to be placed next to Hamsaduttas one and Im not sure if in those days if there were 3 guru pujas or 2 or if they were all done at the same time???? One travelling devottee once sang a song "3 gurus carana padma" when he came and saw our crazy set up. But thats was the was it was, what can I say.?that living room was no more that 10 feet by 15 feet.With the vasyasanas taking up at least a third of the room. There was one other devottee in Hong Kong then named Tota Gopinath who lived in his office which brought oil paintings and supplied Hamsaduttas temples Tota tho only visited the temple sometimes to pay respects to Hamsaduttas shrine on his vasyasana and one other Chinese Devottee from mainland China Jagat Guru a former red guard Jagat Gurus story was a very colorful one he had join in the Great Prolitarian Cultural Revoultion as one of the Red Guards of Chairman Mao when he was about 14 years old. He told me that for ten years in Guangzhou (a large southern city capital of Guandong Provience north of Hk by about 60 miles)he never saw a street light without a body hanging from it, upsidedown with a sign attached to it and a stick under it ,the sign saying "beat this person because he is the enemy of the people" "After about an hour the people would all die anyway no matter if they were beaten or not".Jagat Guru would say noncalantly. In those days I always carried a gun and it was my ticket for what ever I wanted.If some one would ask me to pay for something I would pull my gun and say here my money want it? Many times my friends would come to my house and tell me come with us tonight because we are going to this christian chruch burn it down and stuggle the priests and i would go. Then they came and said they wanted to do the same to the Buddhists temples but this I would refuse. I would never harm a Buddhist temple and so Jagat Guru lead his life for 10 years but as the Cultural Revoution began to turn against even the Red Guards he fled China for HK. "My older brother and I decided to try to swim to Macau "( a portaguese colony then) off the cost of China just below HK. Jagat Gurus brother after a short time gave up and swam back but he had no choice but to continue on. Maybe this is a five to ten mile swim? "As I swam the fog became thick and I didnt know where I was swimming to?" "Out to sea ,back to China????" "so I stopped and from my childhood I remenbered a Daoist Mantra my Mother would chant when I was a child I chanted this mantra and when a short time the fog lifted and I saw it was just a short swims away to Macau." "When I got to Macau I saw this monk walking about and it was Hamsadutta and I asked him to become my Guru and here I amn Im so sorry about my life before Prabhu I have nightmare every night still" he would say. Jagad Guru Prabhu soon started to work with Jitarati in his office and I have no doubt hes still with him today. Everytime I see Jitrati I ask him hows Jagat Guru and he always says the same. Jagat Gurus brother latter also became a devottee and has helped in the changeing of the tradition Chinese character Traditions which are used in Hong Kong Taiwan and Singapore Malaysia into the simplified Chinese Character used inside China
  14. As Im now just starting to reread Shree Chaintanya Charitumrita in the introduction Srila Prabhupada comments about Srila Krishna Das Kavirajas paying of obeisances to his spiritual masters. Srila Prabhupadas comments are here SKK is saying spritual masters in the pural meaning the entire Guru Parumpara. One has his spiritual master and the disclip chain the parumpara are also consider all to be our Gurus Then S.KK pays His obeisances to Lord Chaitanya and to the devottees. When we hear from devottees it is understood that if they are respeaking what we have frist hear for our spiritual master It is also our Guru Maharaja speaking threw them. Some devottees tho when approching various advanced Vashnnavas want to devlop a very close realationship with them and see these siskas gurus as one and different than ones original spiritual master which it seems to me to be a misunderstanding . Srila Prabhupada has therefore warned us when hearing from other spiritual authoirties that if they speak something even a little different you will be confused So you see Mark many become confushed and underestamate the relationship they have with thier original guru Maharaja who has given them the knowledge to even hear from others. It remainds me of the verse in the Gita where Krishna explain that those who worship the demigods He makes there faith strong. It was the quaifications given from Srila Prabhupada that has given these devottees the knowledge to understand any siska Guru therefore He is our Siska and Dikya Guru combined. At the same time one has the duty to hear from and search out the highest spiritual assoication which is advailable and render service o Them
  15. Dear Prabhujis, Hare Krishna!Obeisances at all of your feet!All Glories to Shree Shree Guru and Gouranga! Srila Prabhupada is who His Divine Gace is. If one may understand or not it does not change who he is and what he accomlpished. If one looks at what he accompished we can understand that His Divine Grace Is certianly Jagat Guru as is His Divine Grace Prabhupada whom he is magnifing and strickly following the order of. If one is to understand that Sheee Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is Krishna Himself and if we look at whom has brought Him to the western world and all over the world then we will understand Whom Srila Prabhupada is. We wish all can be touch by his transendal darshan but tho that truely represent Him maybe able to give even 1% of his mercy will have a great effect on the hearts of the hearders. So we pray like this for srila Prabhupadas mercy on all of you . It is not that this or that precestor is higher or lower we are all within the Lord Sankirtian Party and should be begging the mercy form all of His parasat to help us become truely connected to them. We want to churn the pastimes of the great devottees to become inspired to serve God as they have served. By Thier Divine Grace and not for any other reason of ego manification which keeps us glued to this demension of I have had enough of . I would like out and into a truely Spiritually relmn and we all want that hopefully. Prabhupada both of them all of them Are preaching back home back to GODHEAD of which much information has been given dont offend others do good for them.
  16. Better not to get envoled in the mass karma of others prabhujis . The horrible karma of meat eating and abortions by the millions will hit eventually chant the Holy name as the only cure and try to get others to do the same
  17. Hare Krishna Prabhujis Im here my mother is close to death at the moment so my mind is on other things right now Ill continue as soon as I can understand how to enter again into the Dharma Mela
  18. Hare Krishna Prabhujis Im here my mother is close to death at the moment so my mind is on other things right now Ill continue as soon as I can understand how to enter again into the Dharma Mela
  19. And who is Mr De? and from what line is quailifed to present his information to us. Frist please present this man line. This has been taught to us by Shree Gouranga Mahaprabhu who before meeting with or discussing with some one had Surupa Damodara present this to Him. If you allow every one who says thier a brain sugeron to cut isnt that also foolish?
  20. As I have been readin Mahabhrata nowfor the last few nights I would like to make a very simple comment. War becomes Dharma when the personal avengedas of controlling power is self motived. The Dharma must repel this power as the sourse and goal of all endevors must be the pleasure of Shree Radha Govinda. Because the Pandavas are devoted to this course there fight is Dharma. If some how our every action can be done to satisfy and for the pleasure of Radha Govinda then we have won the war for Dharmas sake. Each day we fight this battle with every post the prabhus make post for the pleasure of the Radha Govinda and there is never conflict
  21. Dear Jagat Prabhuji, There is one other July 20 about Dwaraka Dham and the openning of Bombay temple. I have been flying most of last wks just arriving back to China. And Ill place the next one soon mediating on the contents. Thank you for your assitance Your servant Pita das
  22. Dear Jagat Prabhuji, There is one other July 20 about Dwaraka Dham and the openning of Bombay temple. I have been flying most of last wks just arriving back to China. And Ill place the next one soon mediating on the contents. Thank you for your assitance Your servant Pita das
  23. Dear Jagat Prabhu, Hare Krishna!Please acceapt my humble obeisances!All Glories to Shree Shree Guru and Gouranga! I just found this ,thank you in assiting me to hand out Srila Prabhupada's Gulubjammons to all the assembled bhaktas your illiterate Servant Pita das ------------------ Pita das
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