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Posts posted by Pankaja_Dasa

  1. Sorry I said before that Gurudeva rejected me, I was miskaken, it's a long

    story. My mind wasn't playing tricks, but I was being taught a lesson.


    I am chanting now. My parents are helping me to become better person.


    Hope everybody here is okay, especially, still sorry for being harsh with

    devotees. I am happy that people find forgiveness in thier hearts.


    I do have a stoneheart, which now and again sees. I'm trying to become a '2' person, instead of me, me, me. I just CANNOT believe the MERCY of Gurudeva. Each time I think that's it, mercy flows. Just here for 1 day.

  2. eND of the day, Hindus hate Muslims, Muslims hate Hindus, Christians hate Hindus, Christians hate Muslims, Muslims hate Christians, we all hate each other becuase we believe in different name of God, and love to hate other's religion. It's normal and has been going on for since time began. ! That's why Hindus live together, Muslims live together, Christians live together, and try to come together in areas of home town. It's normal. Krishna devotee live together in farm community etc. Just like Islam wants everybody to be Islam, a Hindu wants everybody to be Hindu, etc. I feel that too now and again, I may move to a town where there is just Hindus, I don't feel bad about it or ahashamed or weak in my faith, it's how we all are. Theres many community in world where just Hindus areas, and here in Uk, where some towns where Muslim towns, and some Christians. etc. Even Jains have done this. ! In India a Muslim would'tn suddenly move next door to Hindu becuause he wants to be with Muslim COMMUNITY. UNITY.


    Prolly when I get married I move to a town which i wanted to always. Well I do have a marriage line on my hand.

  3. Don't mean to say this, but saying somebody whos Hindu is not devotee is not really disrespectful, but is probably offensive to God, (and the person), sometimes I am little ashamed. If a person doesn't chant 16 rounds, please don't vilify him to think his not a devotee. The poor bastard probably prays to God every night, with all his heart. Hare Krishna:)


    You know, since coming here, things have becoming clear to me on why Hindus are like what they are today.


    In the past, Hindus could have study their Scriptures first, get to know God and then live life accordingly. This way, they could know that God is with them in everything they do and they could know which is good and which is not, which is Dharmic and which is Adharmic.


    But nowadays, Hindus (or those who claims to be Hindus), have no time for Scriptures. They follow what their parents said is God.


    That is why when Adharmic beliefs like Christianity and Islam comes along, it could easily influence this sort of people who couldn't know Dharma and Adharma.


    Blind Faith will not lead you to God.

    Scriptures says theres God, and parents repeat it. That's it man. Best way to learn, I do study scripture don't get me wrong. But it's same thing what parents said.

  5. I think I have malific influence which gives me lot of problems. I made a bit of an offence years ago by putting a ring of Shani devi (diety of Saturn), in the dustbin (garbage), because I thought why am I wearing this junk. I think that was a big mistake, and I went back to see where it was but it had gone.


    What's the best way to overcome it?


    interesting thought... how do you think Krsna's knowing your future thought process impinges on your free will? would it not just be like watching tv for Him (knowing exactly what is going to happen, like watching a rerun :)), rather than interfering with the actor in the tv directly?



    Yoga-maya is watching Maha-maya:smash:

  7. i HAD ONE THOUGHT, if I think something bad or good, the Mind is Krishna's expansion (says inside the Gita), so this means Krishna already knows FULL WELL, what I will think in the future at any given point in time. This means He knows what I will do, whether good or bad, yet still we have Free will? What Free will do we have if Krishna already knows what we will think in the future? !!!!

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