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Posts posted by Pankaja_Dasa


    What you said.


    I did not think of that or I forgot.


    See this it: Please Guru Please Krishna.


    Guru is linked through disicplic succession to Krishna.


    So in that way we can please Krishna only. By Pleasing His devotees which includes pleasing the Guru and visa-versa.


    Right now I am trying to please devotees who have not yet recieved Initiation and those who have you feel more compassion for both and sometimes another and myownself.

    I am the same person as I was before just that now I am trying to follow my Guru Maharaja. I hope to God I never look down upon devotees who are Initiated or those who are not because after all Initiation is a formality.


    Now I can say that and how!



    I agree the part about God is not our order supplier; I've had loads of desires in my past life.


    Its like sometimes you may think or I do anyway 'why do I bother?' I feel that a lot. I think its cause of forgetting about Gods power. He is Lord not me, I am not all in all. I am small He is big but also this is not a bad thing I feel.


    For me it feels good to ask Krishna not for material things but devotion to Him, because then at least I am using the propensity to ask which I need to do.


    Over the years I have gained sort of a patient approach, I know I have to wait. When that mercy descends or how it did, who what when where? Its devotee's mercy they are even more merciful than Krsna cause they are Krsna devotees, if you want to ask something from Krishna ask that you can serve a pure devotee.




    ps the letters of the mantra in your signature are too small to read now.




    I know. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


    I never think about the fact that I may die but I have for sure thought 'about' dying in my life. Its wierd and ironic isn't it? Its like when you want something and you don't get it then later on you do but then you don't really want it.




    <DIV id=FvLayer1 style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=100), dropShadow(color=#ff000000, offx=0, offy=0); FONT-SIZE: 21px; HEIGHT: 103px; LEFT: 33px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 69px; WIDTH: 750px; Z-INDEX: 2"><P align=center><font color="#0000ffface=TimesNewRoman">Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare</FONT></P>

    <P align=center><font color="#0000ffface=TimesNewRoman">Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare</FONT></P></DIV>




    Sorry it was because I met this psedeo {is that the right spelling?} devotee on-line by mistake I was informed he was a Mayavadi, it was on chat. I uninstalled it!


    I really have to watch whom I associate with now. Better have just couple of devotees who I TRUST. This TRUST word seems to be important for me lately. Anyway whats this thread about again? lol



    I will have to do that I have the book in PDF by

    BR Sridhara Maharaja, PDF is really cool actually!


    I was getting different intrepetations by somebody saying pleasing Guru is not all in all, but you have to go deeper, anyway I shall read with pleasure.


    All this is too much for me.


    Don't you think this is private? Before I say anything also does your Guru Maharaja know about this? Have you wrote to him? What does he say? I feel you are commiting mistakes, maybe not aparadha too stronger word, little while ago you were having problems of some sort {I can't remember and don't want to just making a point} Bit worried for you thats all nobody else is replying to you so its down to me.




    Its a fact the Pure devotees are always happy to see


    Srimati Radha-Krishna together,


    I am not sure what mood you are expressing, but I feel nobody else will answer your post, so I made a fearful start. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


    Its a FTP Programme whatever that is I downloaded it from:



    Through it I could remotely access the devotees Lectures which he uploaded onto the FTP.


    Problem is the devotee has to be on-line for me to do it so its like what to do? He has all the lectures if your broadband connection your right up there!


    Me? 56K But I am not complaining. I doubt the devotee would give out his FTP add on a open Forum lol! Still not found a solution:(



    When we die the body is dead. Otherwise why call it dead matter?


    I was reading that when we chant because the Holy names is Spiritual {therefore not dead} it cannot manifest until we are also spiritual so therefore doesn't that also mean we are dead?



    I don't see how its possible to transfer subtle energy thoughts to something material and dead.


    But a thought came to mind what about something like a Salingra stone which is worshipped? That is considered incarnation of Lord Vishnu.


    So like comparing or trying to be a robot is maybe considered Blaspehemy, does that make sense?


    I tried to upload a 4MB Mp3 file to Geocities but it won't work!


    It starts then after a while it stops but the e-mail does work so I could do something with that.


    Wish it was easy to do..somebody gave me something called Shareaza not sure about it. But if people can use it to download its ok. I think it only works if I am connected to Shareaza. Along the line solution would be to purchase some space and put all my Gurudevas lectures on there if I can do this I would be very very happy.

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