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Posts posted by Pankaja_Dasa




    Letter to: Yadunandana


    Los Angeles

    15 February, 1968


    New York




    My Dear Yadunandana das Brahmacari,

    Please accept my blessings. In reply to your letter of February 8, 1968, I thank you very much for it, and I have accepted you as my initiated student and your spiritual name is Sriman Yadunandana das Brahmacari. (Yadunandana is another name of Krishna)


    Please follow the regulations and chant 16 rounds daily, at least, without any offense. The list of offenses, 10 kinds, are in my apartment in N.Y., and you ask your God-brother, Brahmananda, and he will supply you. Similarly, there is another list of the qualifications, as well as prayer for Spiritual Master, are also there. Try to secure them, and follow the regulations, and Krishna will help you in being elevated to higher and higher platforms of Krishna Consciousness. Thanking you very much.

    Your ever well-wisher,

    A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami






    Thankyou prabhuji. This is my insigificant reply.



    1st don't pray to Lord Siva for ANY material benediction. Ask ONLY for Bhakti {anything to do with Bhakti --mostly assocation of devotees}


    2nd ask Krishna to help you out. Krishna provides ULTIMATE benediction, He will help sort your problems out left/right/center. Could be slow but its a permenant solution. Its not temporary.


    3rd Being positive is difficult. Negative thoughts will flood your mind. Like a Water Dam thats broken. The mind is clever it knows your weakness {so does Maya}.


    4th and lastly. You need positive influence in your life. Somebody who is positive. Who can inspire you. That person would ideally {meaning IDEAL} would be devotee of KRISHNA.


    {off the record} Phone LA Temple again but don't sound all depressed. Ask again.




    I'm a little confused by the replies here.

    Thanks anyway...






    If you went to Guru he would say same thing maybe.


    Either chant Hare Krishna {he will for sure tell you to do that} and read Books. So PLEASE read Gita. No need to say I am confuced. You got your answer /images/graemlins/grin.gif


    Suggestion was read then later ask. If you want to e-mail me you can. theholynameofkrishna@.co.uk


    I can't give you any amazing words of wisdom. But I know little stuff. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif



    I have to put this here.


    Joke: {in short, very}


    The was once an Athiest and a Bhakta.


    The athiest never spoke Gods name while the Bhakta chanted Rama Rama day and night. Without stoppage always! Everywhere he went he. The athiest did not say single Rama.


    One day they both departed {died} and they both went to Sri Hari's abode {don't try to be clever you have no idea 'mind'}..


    Lord Vishnu asked them both what they have done. The athiest said I have never chanted your name.


    The Thiest {God-believer} said I have chanted always your name. Day and night.


    So Sri Vishnu said..... let the athiest go to Vishnuloka, and send the Bhakta to Narakaloka {hell}..


    So the Bhakta was shocked 'How can this be dear Sri Hari?'


    Sri Bhagavan said 'YOU NEVER let me sleep!'


    Moral is ...


    Now forget about this joke. hahahahahhaha




    I once worked as a security guard I used to take Gita and read it a little, it was ok until I got sacked for no reason, but i was doing 2 jobs at the time. I was also very addicted to Alcohol and Cigs. And was begging Krishna on hands and feet to help me give up my addiction. Well...no money...no drugs. I stopped now for about 8 months. This listening to devotees is a good thing. I am begginging to listen more to advice. Also I've sort of preached to 2 persons about Krishna in . I didn't even contact them they just PM'ed me. Very curious. {preaching involved me giving e-mail, one devotee was a Brahmin in Orissa!}. I think I have more impetues to work now. I hope Krsna has something great planned for me....anything small, but meeting Guru is what I need.


    Clear. Complicated isn't it.


    Yes need to find good job. Work now samadhi later. I have worked in my life. But well off-topic I know. I just don't seem to know what kind of job suits me. I've only done factory work in my life {I find it soul-wretching}. And I worked in a Casino {which I actually enjoyed at the time}. It was always different. I am not very outgoing person. Though I am freindly person. Just want a job I will stick to. I've been thinking about Sales Man {selling windows} Not cold-calling. What do you think?


    they are bona-fide/


    Also I think Impersonalists will always fight with people who not believe it thier way. I think in old days it was friendly talks. But now seems to be just for power. Thats what I've been told. Its all about power. Lust/Anger/Greed.


    How many times have you heard 'Islam is about Peace'




    'Jesus is the only way'.


    End of the day its getting more like bodily designation. You have to fit in. Become part of my Group. Hope to hear from devotees..


    I said I would chant 'Om Namah Sivaya' but I never did. I just prayed in my mind to Lord Siva and the devotee who came to my House before. A devotee said to me as service for him. Which I said I would do I will chant Hare-Krsna instead of Om Namah Sivaya. And hope this pleases him.


    Anyway moral of the story is best thing to do is chant hare krsna.


    The thing that swung it for me is the pastimes of when Lord Siva gives benediction to Brahamana for Touchstone. He goes to Sanatana Goswami's house but the touchstone is in the Bin. Anyway later its reavealed that theres nothing greater than well you know the Holy Name. So with that I hope I can please Lord Siva devotee ==Lord Siva. And meet perosnally my Eternal Spiritual Master. And gain his association even IF for 2 seconds.


    "One should understand the spiritual master to be as good as I am,"

    said the Blessed Lord. "Nobody should be jealous of the spiritual

    master or think of him as an ordinary man, because the spiritual

    master is the sum total of all demigods."



    why sum of all demigods.?



    Not sure where this goes but a devotee told me a story-pastime of Prabhupada. In short a devotee held Prabhupada hand while crossing a sort of river log, and Prabhupada snatched his hand away in anger, so later Prabhupada said this is what Mayavadis do once they get to where they going they forget about everything. So anyway I did not know so I aksed Huh? The devotee said it means 'DON'T FORGET GURU'!




    You promised!lol


    Here is a funny story about me!


    Yesterday...I have long hair and I though I would cut it. So I thought I would shave it all off. So I got some scissors and chop/chop/chop {true story}. And it started to look ok. So now I have a home-made hair cut. short

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