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Everything posted by bhaktatraveler

  1. If I assume wrong then i'm an ass. Best to ask first, be safe. CB-r
  2. What would be the context, in more detail? I can only say as Srila Prabhupada says, is there a more particular item? Like schooling? No varnasrama college for women. This can be explain numerous ways. With and without a REAL functioning community to support Prabhupada's conclusion. No freedom for either, needs to be now. Women are to be protected by a man, father, husband, brother, son, or some male family menber. I'm sure you have many comments:) so I will wait for you to prompt. Childrens part is to grow up God conscious and educated. This is just to start going into detail, by your choise. You choose where to go deeper. Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das
  3. I'm not sure if you are joking or frustrated, or? I would like to tread softly but am at a loss. CB-r
  4. I have been in one rumble side by side with Kesava das. He has good ability. But he lacks intelegence for fine discrimination. He can not tell a right thing from a wrong thing and always in the old days was unable to see clearly who was who. Good, bad, or the other. More sudra to the ksatriya, like a guard or soldier. Raksana from LA is an other example in the same vein, as he told me face to face, 'I am not a ksatriya, just a street fighter' Neither has he management ablilities. I out managed Raksana in 4 hours and replaced him as Sankirtan Central manager. My first day out of the Army back in LA. He, nor Kesava have recquisit inteligence. I see the biggest thing is while you were all playing at being brahmans, I was doing the same as ksatriya. I have seen very little evidence of good understanding of this varna. So you will excuse me if I listen to Prabhupada's take and not you. Think of a 'father' in greater scale and responsibility and that's just rudimentry. Fighting like we see the in the discriptions of ksatriyas in our books it is part, not all of the varna. Your missing the intellect. To dumb to know what to do at any given time, is not ksatriya. No one is really lossing it here, it is all just interactive TV. We are just trying to make good use of a bad thing. Don't take it so serious in such a way as to assume any vaisnava aparadha is going on just because disagrement is there. Just trying to work out the high spots. No love has been lost on my part at least. This is no place to demand varna recognition nor is it good to fane a pretence of varna determination, other than what little we write each other. Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-raja
  5. Hare Krsna All prabhus Is how varna is seen, exhibited, organized, manifest and so on understood well enough to go on to an other aspect? If not let us have sum well thought out reasonalble questions brought up for discussion. Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-raja
  6. When addressing Bk Devarsi as ksatriya are you sure you are addressing the right person? I'm the big mounth Ksatriya. Your responce to him for some reason seems to not fit the person's posts. Thats just me. I'm the one yesterday that said to ask your elders about me, did you? Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-raja
  7. YES, YES, YES, you do get it!!!! Yes, we are to always be vigilant, do not give up free will 100% to a conditioned soul. 'As they serender unto Me, I reward them accordingly' even Krsna is constantly testing a thing, but being ready, willing and able to respond in kind though. So we need to be fexible, vigilent and willing too. Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-raja
  8. Thank you sir. It gives me pause. Who has quoted the second quote? And are you in agreement or have I misunderstood? Hare Krsna, CB-R
  9. Would be doable with money. I know where 5 sq. miles of land is in the Southeast, one big semi square piece. Room enough for 10,000 devotees. $100,000,000 should do the trick for purchace and development. LOL But no money, rebuild the surrendering prosess in the now current city temples. When Prabhupada gave the DVD instructions, there were no farms. To speak of. I am very good at street sankirtan management and would, with the help of city vaisya types, get money for books. Book distribution is trade, vaisya. Here in Alachua are some of the biggest and best ladies collectors on the planet. But they are missmanaged. Give me 6 and you will have money. I had a talk at the Charter school once about DVD and Sukada dasi was listening. She is my old friend from first days together in 74, Miami. When I got to the part of book distribution and collecting, she giggled like a 13 yr old school girl and jumped up and down waving her hand saying 'that's me, that's me.' I did not have to impose anything on her. She knew herself well enough to be excited when her service was spoke about. But she is in that rejectable school, mismanaged. Ask Srutasrava who always won the transendental compition on Saturday in New Dwarka? Ask Mayapura Sasi if 78 is still the biggest year for collections and books distributed in LA history. Ask Sanatani if the ladies were ever treated as anything less then decorum stipulates. In our centers, now. Hare Krsna, CB-R
  10. I must have missed where 'I' said 'idiot' first. Did I? Please show the post, so I can be aware. YOU tell me what compliance is. I have an idea, but like the repeated question of 'who' discides varna, you miss any point I make and sound like I've said nothing. Rejecting practiclly even the fact that I posted a responce. How many times will we go over 'who' determins varna? It isn't answered? Hare Krsna, CB-R
  11. In YOUR mind it degrades the arguement, because you are using the posters character to defeat the order of Guru. That I'm not a preacher is AGAIN ADMITED. So you big brahmans stand up and PREACH as guru has said to do instead of looking for my flaws, which are endless and a full time job. You haven't the time. Stay on the topic, idea exchange and if something I have said is veg then point it out in detail, not blanket rejection. Chiding from on high. You keep asking what is next, I keep saying the preaching to convince compliance. What else are you looking for? Your ask for me to cook subji but you give me no ingredience!! I see this as forced speculation from you. There is no other meaningful answer to a speculative question. As for the 'surfer boy' crack, it is just that, a poke/crack. Do you have a problem with reverce chiding? I have to take it but not give? I never said, to my knowledge, that Theist(?) was an 'idiot' did I? So now you have added a 'crack'. So where to go? Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-Raja
  12. Give a little prabhu, it is a general statement. Not ment to insite riot from like minded souls. It is expected that exception to a rule will be common. He is making a point of the GENERAL condition. Not that nice exceptional, individual, vaisya/madhyam that always funtions and follows the rules and regulations of vaisya. Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-Raja
  13. Here, here Shakti-fan. Though Anandi is right about NM previous rejection of over all implimentation of DVD. I do commend NM's coming around finally, better late than never. Though, better never late is another thing. You are also right about asrama recognition by NM. And you are VERY right of the mood of Anadi to beat up on our sampradaya from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur on, automatic disqualification is THIS Gaudiya circle. I would live at the feet of NM, life time after life time, before I went back to those Babji's asramas. And kill my little, frail creepper. Hare Krsna, CB-R
  14. Theist, You ask then do not respond when answered. First, you respond to my post here. Then I will again blow up your next strawman. Careful surfer boy, your ego and aversion/rejection are showing all over the place. Try for more support instead of arguements based on things that should be understood and taken for granted in the company of devotees. That Krsna, Supersoul and Guru are intregral in the devotees heart is taken for granted. It is a deversionary, strawman. Do you have a real name? Or am I taking to air? Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-Raja
  15. Hare Krsna BK Chris Let me put it this way. Forgiveness is for everyone. But if a sannyasi has his hand in between the legs of a 12 yrs old then he will not be aloud to cheat and say 'sorry, I will be good'. NO:mad2: he has done this, now let him get married. And be sanctioned as is fit. Especially by the father and King! Same applies to ritvic, even more. We/I will never allow in my Kingdom/Temple this kind of cheating. No fallen ritvics are ever reinstated. NEVER. So it is addvised that we are careful whom we call representative of the Guru. The 11 are dead and buried, with stakes in their hearts. But I would support/protect their right to still chant the holy name in shame and seclution. As Srila Prabhupada gave conditions for the GBC to be replaced, I take these same conditions and simply apply to ritvic. These are not unconditional appointments for life, oversite/observance by Ksatriya/brahman is still there, always vigiant. Discresion is the better part of valor, what kind of King/TP turns a blind eye, or has not vision? The problem is now and alway was, the fallen condition of the CONGREGATIONS. Blind faith. No inteligent discrimination abilities. A very hard and bitter pill to swallow for the victims. But you did it to yourself! I saw, I tried, but who will listen to the new bhakta in 74? Still I try. Who will listen? One? Two? I hope to reach two thousand, TODAY. I love hunting the big stuff. LOL I have it said before, and I'll say it again. The 'list' is a list of shame on the CONGREGATION. The congregation chose by support and adherence to these monkeys. They were always to be replaced from 1974 on, when the first call to DVD was made then by Prabhupada, READ THE CONVERSATIONS. It was the congregation that continued to defy Guru. Guru worked with what was there. Those imfamous 11 were supported by you/members. The ritvic must be from the most addvanced section of devotees. You dummies accepted the 11 in that light in 74, never me. Never me, not in 74, not in 2007. Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-Raja
  16. Hare Krsna Bk Chris I would think it quite 'natural' to be of mixed lot in your situation. But which varna atracks you most? Or the varna that you feel most proficiant at? Don't mind, it is just talk. And do your constituants concur? As for cows you have my ear, like I said we need to replace factories with cows as the production supplier in DVD. Be that as it may, we shouldn't forget Krsna was also a Ksatriya and after Matura, had pastime as such. The initial instruction from Srila Prabhupada was given when most all of the devotees were in cities. So we should not feel no organization of varna and asrama can happen until more farms appear. Farm life will be domanent, but there will always be some cities. That would be couter productive, we must start from a 'be here now' understanding. It would be imposible for thousands of devotees to run for the hills. Unless you know of millions sit around waiting for DVD? LOL Then......it would be easy, 'if you build it, they will come' Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-Raja
  17. Your right, I'm not very good preacher type. But I did not address you with the above quote. So now I have little idea of what you intrest is. CB-R
  18. I have head about you guys from my friend in NY, he says your inteligent, but I am amazed how you miss the concept of those first 11 being DISQUALIFED to represent Prabhupada now. So what you say is moot. Initiations by ritvic is all at this time nul and void, disfuntional movement can't initiate on behalf of guru. Nor should they install deities, I think Krsna is not there, link is broken. New functioning DVD movement, then new ritvic qualified person will show and be test over a long period of time. Then ritvic can happen. Much time to heal is needed. Hare Krsna, CB-R
  19. Hare Krsna Bk Chris, Always like to hear from the cowhead boys and I'm glade you have such a wonderful opportunity to live your varna. I also know, met on line and visited and anther cowhead boy near Buffalo, NY. in a small village called Angelic. Wonderful person, nice family, great cows, small place. Cows are to DVD, as factories are to the consumer ecconomy life now in the greater world. But remember DVD is 4 vanas and 4 asramas. If you have no natural person or imeadiate dying need, then that is another thing, practical must be there. And this is all pactice, we do what we can. I like every thing else, but if you reject the ksatriya varna you are rejecting Prabhupada. Every one is right in a particular perspective that DVD will happen spontainiously. Once acceptance is there, of all of it. Not selectivly. I to after so many yrs of testing and looking for an embodied brahman have forever surrendered to Srila Prabhupada as the only quentessential brahman first and formost for me. But I'm still on the look out for brahmans, they are need. I do not reject their right to have varna, with all it's implications, just because of my personal beliefs. That's not right! Hare Krsna, CB-R
  20. Acceptance or rejection should be on valid/honest/tested/scripturally based/doubble tested grounds, one way or another. Maybe it should be higher varna or maybe lower. By the way in a conversation in 75' Prabhupada says about marriage that varna come before marriage. Varna is about 12-14 yrs. CB-R
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