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The preacher

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  1. dear umashankar i use the mountain of planets as the referenceto finding which gemstone to wear in which finger. please tell me the other methods and their principles.,
  2. Pranam to all the Astro gurus, I have seen many people wear coral in the index finger or white sapphire in the index finger or pearl in the middle or ring finger.under what conditions can one wear these gem stones in fingers in which they are not meant to be worn traditionally? Anyone who can suggest on this topic is welcome . Yours truly, The preacher.
  3. pranam to all the astro gurus n students, i have one querry. i have seen many astrologers recommend sometimes square yellow sapphire and sometimes a round one. what is the general rule behind such a suggestion? your views are welcome on this topic. thankyou.
  4. the golden rule of astrology says that one should wear gemstones of the lords of 1st,5th and 9th houses.but then u have to see a no. of things as well.
  5. i want to ask one question why is one never recommended to wear both yellow sapphire and emerald? please reply?
  6. :sleep:in my birth chart venus is sitting in the lagna(capricorn) at 17 degrees.it is aspected by mars and saturn.can i wear a diamond ring or should i try opal.
  7. saturn is sitting in your lagna and is the lord of 4th and 5th house which makes it a raj yoga karaka.so ,yes you can wear neelam, it would be beneficial.whether it is neccesary to wear it or not would be known if the degree of shani in the lagna is known .rahu is sitting in the 9th house,the house of fortune and luck ,whose lord is mecury conjucted by venus and ketu and aspested by rahu.so wearing gomed is a no great advantage.
  8. :rolleyes:i guess someone can help me in this i want to know when did saturn moved to saggitarius (dhanu rasi) in the year 1987.was it on the 22nd of december? if someone knows about this please reply.
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