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Posts posted by vipvats

  1. Hi All

    During last 4 -5 months I have been struggling and could not figure out what is the reason for such a Big Delay. I am going to present before all the details so that everyone can see why Astrological predictions are a TOUGH task and needs a lots of Concentrations and analysis

    Problem: I visited <st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region> after a stay of nearly 1.5 yrs in US for a personal work and lost my Visa/passport at the last day of visit. Till date I am in the process of getting the Visa and it is getting delayed without any reason even tough I had a valid visa till 2011 and I should have got the duplicate Visa in a day or so.


    Chart Details

    DOB: 4th August 1976

    TOB: 08:55 AM

    POB: New Delhi



    Dasha operating at the Time of Lost ---- Mercury/Saturn/Mercury

    Dasha operating at the current time ----- Mercury/Saturn/Ketu

    • IT could be predicted that such an event will occur because in Jan 2009 i.e. at the visit of native to <st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region>, Mercury was RETROGRADE and a retrograde mercury indicates Losses during a TRAVEL

    • It could also be predicted that during the same time Jupiter – Rahu were transiting the 6<sup>th</sup> house of the native i.e. Capricorn and due to this there may be a negative effect and hence a possible solution for the Visa should come out when Jupiter moves Kumbha Rasi in the month of ?May 2009. ( The native have always received a negative result in his life during each of the Jupiter- Rahu transit )

    • IT could also be predicted that due to RETROGRADE SATURN from Dec 2008 the native may see delay in the work as Saturn is placed in the 12<sup>th</sup> house of the native’s chart.

    Since there are 3 possibilities and many others to happen too it becomes so difficult for the Astrologer to say the right answer because Mercury Retrograde finishes in Feb 2009, Jupiter Rahu Transit finishes on <st1:date year="2009" day="1" month="5">1<sup>st</sup> May 2009</st1:date> and Saturn Retrograde finishes on <st1:date year="2009" day="16" month="5">16<sup>th</sup> May 2009</st1:date>.

    Hope Gurus of this forum could throw some light on this and help everyone understand the complexity of the Astrological Predictions.


  2. Manglik Dosha and Nadi Dosha will always lead to separation or death of spouse...Maglik Dosha always have the capability of attracting the people who are not manglik and making the unhapiness due the Dosha..


    Since 50% people in this world are Manglik in some sense therefore it is not diffcult to find sucha person...If you want that you should not have to marry second time then it is suggested to search for a Manglik guy


    Nadi dosha will surely lead to health problem and that could effect in the birth of child too..


    If still you want to take risk then you can move ahead but still try to search for good remedies before going for marriage otherwise after marriage you will see the differences in your spouse nature equivalent to 180 degress to what he has now


  3. Can you answer to me following question about yourself and I hope to see more YES in the answers..Lets See


    1. You should have a good height and also a long face

    2. Do you have some opposition of views with your parents

    3. Love for subjects like Mathematics

    4. You will have good comforts in your life


    Kindly let me know



  4. Kindly give me some time and I will surely try to write something for you as defined by you in the query..If you could send the details of you and your husband together in my email it will be great..


    Kindly write in detail about your problem so that it could give more insight


    Email :vaastu4you@gmail.com



    i am new to astrology thus can anyone help me predict my marriage and the kind of woman she would be..


    DOB : 22-sep-1984

    TOB: 23:20

    Place: 24-52 N, 67-03 E


    Thank u



    Can you define the Different Kind of Woman in existence so that I could categorize and predict it for you




    Just kidding



  6. Chances of such a happening is less. As teh Ketu Dasha finishes this year in Sep 2009 and Venus lord of Next dasha and it has direct aspect on the 10th house and it is the Lord of 8th house and situated in 4th house so it may a point why someone would have predicted sucha thing



  7. Hi


    I think taipei is perfect in predicting the profession for you the reason being your 10th Lord in the 5th House makes you good in writing work and as a good teacher..


    Due to effect of Rahu there could problems like Joint pains, Problem in Hand and legs..If you are married the keep an eye on the health of your spouse too


    Is there some problem to your Maternal grandfather Family



  8. The reason of asking these question were because i could see these effects in the chart due to KETU which is the Current Mahadasha for the Native


    a) he usually cannot stay empty stomach and yes he does suffer from ulcer like symptoms nothing major though


    It will not be major but it will surely carry on


    b) We have Only one son as of now.... who is 3 years old... Born on 4th November 2005 in beijing china at 2.30P.m


    Should have been 2006 as the birth year of your son


    c) Relationship with brothers have been strain for long time but nothing major.. ( we lIve in US so no t big fights happening)


    It was good that you moved out as the Strain with brother will surely be there thus bringing instability in the native


    d) we were married on 3rd JUly 2005 and ever since we have moved out of INDia.


    e) His father died when he was in class 12 so may be aorund he was 18 or 17


    Ketu Mahadasa will not be bad to your husband and will come out with new things ..So don't worry things will be better



  9. Hi Sanwal


    I just went through your husband chart and would like to comment on some of the points which I saw in it


    1. Is he having some Stomach related troubles


    2. How many daughter or son do you have


    3. Is he facing some issues with his brother or friends


    4. Try to avoid unnecessary mental tensions if any


    5. Did he had any major setback during last 5 years related to family.


    The chart looks good and he will earning good in his life and would increase comforts in life


    Kindly let know about the above points



  10. Hi Sapna


    The time till 9 Sep 2009 would be similar but it will start to improve after that and you would see some improvement...Diseases might occur at that time but not that much and within an year or so things will start cuming back


    I am not good in recommending the Gem stone but it will good to ask some one who is good in this..Moti is good for him and will show improvement slowly



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