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Posts posted by sant


    You are nothing but a soul



    have 2 eyes same like me and I hv 2 hands same like you,any difference?


    These two lines are contradicting.




    Rest all is nothing but Maya so try to control maya and your vision will become clearer.


    If your vision is right then why are you seeing even talking whats the difference between you and him .everything is the soul .why are you talking also then ,why do you want to talk to maya.

    Jai shri radha shyam


    Forget about Swamijis. This raises a question whether you can be spiritual while living in the material world.


    Yes. We can. Then how do we go about it? That should be the central point of this discussion.


    All of us know Gita and what it teaches. But how do we apply it in our lives? Not by quoting the Gita. But by applying the basics.


    what are the basics sir.


    We do not expect our Swamijis to go in tatters. The disciples would feel very bad if their Gurus went around in tatters. But you need not have a fleet of Rolls Royces or wear designer wear.


    Attachment. Just see the the reaction of the Swamijis when the promised amount for the lecture is not delivered. Or when the lose their Omega watch.



    Yes such things do happen.That is why people are losing faith.

    But not all are like that.How would you feel if i said ramakrishna was hungry to eat meat that is why he went on to follow the vaman marg.

    no this is wrong.


    There can never be a standard definition which is applicable in all cases

    I simply said that different people can have different views about spiriutality.



    2. A person who talks a lot about spirituality, gives lectures on scriptures, can quote from scriptures. But travels only in an air conditioned car. Wears clothes, slippers and other personal things which only the very rich can afford. They stay in the best hotels and have the best food. Many a time these are Sannyasis also

    You simply dont know about working without attachment.

    Such things happen hwen you simply ignore the gita and think those are karam yogis to be non spiritual.Nonsense tantric texts have corrupted your mind.

    The vedas Mostly talk about living a life as a karam yogi and that is why the yagnas etc.if you think that going to the forest or going to the himalyas just is spritual then youre not fully correct.of course such things do have an impact but what kind of yog will you do if you dont have vairaagya.Vairaagya doesnt necessarily come by going to the forest.



    Originally Posted by Sonic Yogi

    You sound awfully angry that everybody else doesn't think just like you.

    Is it really that hard for you to accept that not everybody is going to believe in the same things you believe in?



    Did anyone find this as funny as I did, coming as it does from Sonic Yogi?


    No Dont compare him with others.



    So also,Tulsidas also states that Brahma,Visnu and Mahesvara all serve Sri Ramacandra.


    So now Tulsidas is shastra?


    the tulsidas is not shastra but his ramayan is loved by people all over.

    It is based on the adhyaatman ramayan.





    That is something that is hard to get your mind around, unless and until you understand the concept of shaktyavesha avatar and how Vishnu can enter into a jiva and give that jiva Godly powers.


    The very idea of A entering B implies that A is different from B. B does not become A because A entered B.


    Does your house become you when you enter it?

    God and his ways are beyond our understanding.It is out of our logic mind.

    Our logic is based upon the amount of knowledge we have.

  6. wiki

    Spirituality is matters of the spirit, a concept tied to a spirit world, a multidimensional reality and one or more deities. Spiritual matters regard humankind's ultimate nature and purpose, not as material biological organisms, but as spirits with an eternal relationship beyond the bodily senses, time and the material world. Spirituality implies the mind-body dichotomy, which indicates a separation between the body and soul.







    1. Of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit; not tangible or material.
    2. Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul.
    3. Of, from, or relating to God; deific.
    4. Of or belonging to a church or religion; sacred.
    5. Relating to or having the nature of spirits or a spirit; supernatural.
    Swami chidanand

    Spirituality is the essence of life.It is the light that shines on our lives,illuminating our paths,bringing light light to darkness,joy to the sorrow, and meaning to the incomprehensible.And the essense of spirituality?Essence of spirituality is service.As one goes deeper on a spiritual path and one gets closer and closer to realisation and elightenment,one realises That the divine resides in everythin.One begins to see Gods presence in every person,animal and every plant.





    Sambya youre trying to explain your own definition of spiritual.Is it one from vivekanadas books.


    One who has started enquiring about his existense and is living in such a way is considered to be spiritual.



    There are different ways people take spirituality to be.


    The idea that "Krishna has more qualities than Vishnu" has no basis in shastra, at least, not in any conventional definition of the term "shastra." If you want to invoke shastra to silence an opponent, you should also acknowledge shastra when someone points out the lack of evidence therein which substantiates your views. Or maybe not I suppose. I guess some people see nothing wrong with the idea of "one standard for you, a different standard for me"



    Devi bhagwatam

    -34. Nârâyana said:-- “O Devarsi! The egg (born of Mûla Prakriti) that was floating in the waters for a period equal to the life period of Brahmâ, now in the fullness of time separated into two parts. Within that egg there was a powerful Child, lustrous like one thousand millions of suns. This child could not suck mother’s milk, as it was forsaken by Her. So being tired of hunger, the child for a moment cried repeatedly. The child that will become the Lord of countless Brahmândas (universes), now an orphan having no father nor mother began to look upwards from the waters. This boy came to be denominated afterwards by the name of Mahâ Virât, when he became gross and grosser. As there is nothing finer than radium so there is nothing grosser than Mahâ Virât. The power of this Mahâ Virât is one-sixteenth of that of S’ri Krisna, the Highest Self. But this boy, (born of the Prakriti Râdhâ) is the Sole Stay of all this Universe and he is denominated by the name “Mahâ-Visnu”. In his every pore countless universes are existing. So much so that even S’ri Krisna could not count them. If it were possible to count the number of dust particles, it is impossible to count the number of universes. So there are endless Brahmâs, Visnus, and Mahes’varas. In every Brahmânda, there is Brahmâ, Visnu, and Mahes’a. Each Brahmânda extends from Pâtâla to the Brahmâloka. The abode of Vaikuntha is higher than that (i. e. it is situated outside of Brahmânda), again the abode of Goloka is fifty koti yojanas (50 x 10 x 4 x 2 million miles) higher than Vaikuntha. This Goloka Dhâma is eternal and real as S’ri Krisna is eternal and real


    Sri krisna is golokinath the highest spiritual planet that is why he is supreme.

    Maha vishnu,narayana is the lord of everything he is non different from krishna.


    whatt is your query please tell i dont understand


    Not sung but created or written by Pushpadanta

    i meant that only.

    The Shiva Mahimna Stotra is very popular among the devotees of Lord Shiva

    and is considered one of the best among all Stotras (or Stutis) offered to

    Lord Shiva. The legend about the composition of this Stotra is as follows.

    A king named Chitraratha had constructed a nice garden. There were

    beautiful flowers in this garden. These flowers were used every day by the

    king in worshipping Lord Shiva.

    One day a Gandharva (Singer in the court of Indra, the Lord of the Heaven)

    named Pushhpadanta being fascinated by the beautiful flowers, began to steal

    them, as a consequence of which king Chitraratha could not offer flowers to

    Lord Shiva. He tried very hard to capture the thief, but in vain, because

    the Gandharvas have divine power to remain invisible.

    Finally the king spread the Shiva Nirmaalya in his garden. Shiva

    Nirmaalya consists of the Bilva leaves, flowers, et cetera which

    have been used in worshipping Lord Shiva. The Shiva Nirmaalya is

    considered holy.




    The thief Pushhpadanta, not knowing this, walked on the Shiva Nirmaalya,

    and by that he incurred the wrath of Lord Shiva and lost the divine power

    of invisibility. He then designed a prayer to Lord Shiva for forgiveness.

    In this prayer he sung the greatness of the Lord.

    This very prayer became well known as the `Shiva Mahimna Stotra'.

    Lord Shiva became pleased by this StotraM, and returned Pushhpadanta's

    divine powers.



    Santji this is for you







    To add further santji

    Shiva is beyond the gunas, as His trident represents all three, sattva, rajas and tamas.

    More you call him he will bless you either my way or the way you have chosen!


    I know it is mentioned in the bhagwatam also shiva is beyond 3 gunas.But which one.

    where is this from may i ask hindustani ji..

    Is this from shiva mahima stotram.


    But if Shiva is truly non-different from Vishnu as per your view, then you should have no problem with someone worshipping Shiva for liberation, thinking Shiva to be the "Supreme Personality of Godhead."


    I dont have a problem With people worshipping shiva for liberation.

    But shaivites as usual dont want to look at other texts and when they wont accept vishnu also in the same category and come up with their tamo guni puraanic stories.But then their philosophy makes them advaitin when the say shivohum.This is not even vedik.If they dont want to look at other texts and do as they like then they do as they like.


    Do you accept that such worship, placing Shiva as the Supreme Lord and as the goal to be attained, is valid?


    ho am i to judge ,they do as they like.

    Shiva grants them liberation so it is valid.

    shiva is same as vishnu so it is valid.

  11. 1. Importance of flowers in puja ritual



    There are subtle frequencies of deities active in the atmosphere. These frequencies are attracted towards certain flowers. These frequencies are then emitted back into atmosphere and are then known as ‘
    ’. Before we come to the topic of spiritual benefits of offering flowers, let us first see the difference between frequencies and


    • The subtle principle of deities attracted to a flower from space is called frequencies while the same deity principle when gets emited into atmosphere is called as

    • The frequencies are subtle most and comparatively more unmanifest (
      ) form of deity principle while a
      is the subtle and manifest form of the same deity principle.


    Let us now see the subtle drawing of a Hibiscus flower






    • The Ganesh principle present in the universe gets attracted towards the central space of the red coloured Hibiscus flower and is emitted in the form of circles.

    • The Ganesh principle which is absorbed by the stem of the flower gets emitted through the petals in the atmosphere.

    • The stamen of the flower absorbs the Ganesh principle present in the atmosphere and emits the particles which donate vital energy or

    • The Hibiscus flower is of
      nature. As a result divine energy (
      ) and divine consciousness (
      ) are emitted from its petals.


    Thus this subtle drawing must have made it clear to our viewers as to how the frequencies of deity principles are attracted towards flower and how through the medium of various parts of flower the same deity frequencies are emitted in the atmosphere in the form of
    . Thus it is quite clear that the emission or projection of deity principles and
    is a process taking place at a spiritual level. The effect of this process is multifold. One of this is reduction in the strengh of
    principle present in the atmosphere.


    The negative energies present in the atmosphere get distressed due to the deity principle
    projected by the
    flowers. Their
    component dominated energy or what we call as black energy is either reduce or gets destroyed. In short the
    flowers fight with the negative energies present in the atmosphere by emitting frequencies of deity principles. Such flowers when brought into contact with a person suffering from the distress of negative energy then the negative energy which has entered the person subsides.


    To understand this topic clearly will have to first know the distinction between ‘Negative energy’ and ‘black energy’. There are some distressing energies in the atmosphere which trouble us. They are subtle in nature. They are called ‘negative energies’. The energy of deities is known by the terms such as
    (divine consciousness), bliss(
    ) and
    (peace) while the energy of negative energies is known as ‘black energy’. The deities are
    predominant while the negative energies are


    A deity looks after our welfare whereas negative energies does us harm. When a person is severely affected by the negative energy distress, his control over his mind, body and intellect is reduced and that of negative energy is increased. This affects the thoughts, emotions etc of the person. Such an affected person when come in contact with an atmosphere predominant in
    component then there is friction between the positive
    atmosphere and negative energy. This can manifest in various forms. This may be in the form of a simple thought of leaving the place or a violent reaction. Sometimes these destructive thoughts can become manifest on a physical level. Under such circumstances the negative energy may manifest grossly in the form of sudden burst of anger, shouting, throwing of objects and not only this, it may take any form of destruction such as plundering and breaking of surrounding things.


    This must have definitely introduced you to the topic of distressing or negative energies. So let us move back to the original topic where we are going to see the effect of
    flowers on negative energies.




    Let us see the effect of hibiscus flower on the woman suffering from distress of negative energy in the subtle dimension with the help of a subtle drawing.






    • Shri Ganesh principle frequencies present in the universe get attracted to the Hibiscus flower.

    • The attracted frequencies get converted into
      and are emitted in the atmosphere.

    • The emitted energy is of destroyer type that it reduces the covering of black energy generated by the negative energy around the woman.

    • There is formation of
      in the heart of the woman as a result of emitted

    • The subtle particles of destroyer form of energy are projected in the atmosphere.


    This subtle drawing must have helped you to understand the importance of
    flowers. When we offer such
    flowers to a deity during
    then the deity frequencies are emitted from the flowers on a large scale. This not only benefits the worshipper but also makes the surrounding atmosphere




    red hibiscus or blue aparajita flowers are not allowed for vishnu ................ no shastra says why !!


    where is such a thing written.

    iv never heard of it.


    One reason can be because these flowers can be tamasic or rajasic and vishnu is considered triguna sattvic maybe thats why.

    But ive never heard of such a thing.

    Remember ramayan.



    but unlike you , i dont bother myself with such petty issues like why red sandal is forbidden in vishnu worship or why should one not sleep with head facing the south !!



    This is not a petty issue i just asked a question about the logic behind such rituals of offering only males also ive mentioned the reason which you still dont accept.

    Anyway those who had to understand and i hope youve also understood why i posed this question.Im sorry if i hurt intentions.



    any ritual is not spiritual in strict sense .

    rituals are merely conducive to purity and spirituality in varying degrees .

    and sacrifice obviously occupies a lower rank among them !



    A man can do yagnas,it is mentioned in the bhagwad gita.It is a part of karama yoga.

    So u cant call it non spiritual.

    Bhagwad gita is perfect knowledge and i hope you understand that.


    i have more interesting and spiritual matters to concentrate on !!



    Interesting so you agree sacrificing rituals are not spiritual.

    Your hibiscus arguments dont enter here.

    Sacrifices are said to be part of vedas so is that not spiriual i dont thinks so.

    But they are to be performed By brahmins under conditions.

    I criticize this ritual sacrifice above because the reason is not very appealing and is in a way feminine......

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