Dear srix29
I think that u get much chance in this life time. To realise that all materials activities do not give satisfaction is in fact a great benediction. They can be seamingly very enjoyable but as long as something cannot last for ever it cannot brings real satisfaction.
The nature of the soul is to be: sat, cit, ananda, which means: eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. This is what we are all looking for, but there is no way to find it in sense gratication as long at it as a beginning and a end.
So rather than to go deeper in sense gratification, u choose the right way to look for real pleasure somewhere else.
In fact all the bliss that we are all looking for is so close to us that we cannot even think to look for it wher it is: this is in our heart. Everything we are looking for is inside ourselve.
Of course u need to acomplish material activities to maintain your body and your family members. So u don't have to give up evrythink to get salvation from your insatisfaction. Your material activities (work and so on) have to be done just as u have to eat and take care of your body to be in good heath. But this should not be considered as a goal, but as a mean.
It is a very good idea to want to go in a place where u can perform service for the sake of service. But u do not need to go elsewhere to realise your spiritual nature.
You first need to know yourself by any kind of meditation or reading books. Reading books is an obliged way, but u have to realise this knowledge by any way u want.
According to Srila Prabhupa, the best way is to chant Hare Krishna.
There would be many other things to tell you, but one is most important: As long as you do not anderstand that you are not this material body but a spiritual soul you will never be able to find any real peace in this world.
Your servant.