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Everything posted by karmic_desires

  1. Does anyone know of any remedy for loud snoring? I've already tried the nose grip and the spray - they don't work well. Thanks, kd.
  2. Hare Krishna, I liked the way you presented the argument - complete with quotations and references, but I would like to differ on the points of "presence of their Lordships" that you have discussed at length towards the end of your essay. Of course, this is entirely my opinion and you may reject it in its entirety if you disagree. I believe that the Lord is present everywhere - He is manifested in everything (yet maintaining His personality). Also, he is extremely merciful. I think even if a fallen down person offers the Lord vegetarian food with love, He will accept it - even if the person is a ritvik, or worse. In fact, I believe the Lord will be especially merciful and create situations for the person whereby the person will develop greater love and etiquette towards proper worship. I also believe that while it is necessary to state the proper way to worship the Lord, it is quite intimidating to hear about the consequences of faulty worship at initial stages of devotion or for that matter of fact even non-devotion. I would rather that my meat-eating mother offer vegetarian food to the Lord, one day a month, than be too intimidated and scared to offer food to the Lord for fear of the Lord's rejection or wrath. I think the Lord is merciful enough to accept and guide even the most fallen of souls if they want to serve Him in any capacity they can. And yes, He is manifested everywhere. As I mentioned - just my opinion. Hare Krishna, kd.
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