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Posts posted by Haridham

  1. the bus drivers know me. Plus I am always chanting so they know I am genuine. ALthough I feel horrible that while I am chanting I am telling them I lost my bus pass.


    Usually they are ok because they have known me for years and dont mind letting me on for free.


    I just realised this week how nice the bus drivers are in vancouver.


    The busfare ivasion hell awaits me.


    Where I have to wait 3 hours for the bus only to realise its the wrong bus.



  2. Well, as some are confused if I write another thread on the same topic(rightly so i guess) I will write another story on this same thread.



    Well, as you all know book distribution can be quite an experiance and the people especially make it worthwhile. YOu never know who Krsna is going to send you.


    This was a cold december day, it seems nothing seemed to stop these people to have a look at Prabhupads books. THinking that I am the controler I was getting frustrated so I just sat down and started to chant. I chanted for a half hour or so and saw this young man(18-20) just standing where I normaly stand and was looking at me from time to time.


    After I finished my Japa, I just thought this boy would never take a book from me and just started to talk to others. For about 20 minutes I was being rejected. So the boy was still there curious at what I was doing came closer and i said what the heck why not right.



    I asked if he liked to read? He said yes, what you got there?


    I said its a book called the Bagavat Gita As It IS.


    He just stared at me for a second or two and then took the book in his hand and his eyes just widened up.


    He said very anxiously "How much?" I said whatever you like to give. He took out a 20 dollar bill and just gave it to me.


    He said I have been looking for this book like forever. Its about Krsna and vrndavan and Arjuna right? I said Yes.


    He said thank you. He said someone came into his dream and told him to find this book. We had a lenghty conversation and I found out that he lives in the states somewhere where the population is mostly christian and is traveling for about 5 months. He said I came at the right time.


    I still remember that young man, that book most likely has some significant influence in his life.


    Only krsna knows.


    Hare Krsna

  3. I understand that we should go to the holy places. I have been to Vrindavan and Dwarka. Still have to go to Jaganath Puri and Mayapur but you have to understand what I am trying to say.


    All I meant to say was that You dont have to go to all these places because when you chant sincerely and without pride you bring them where you are. When I go to the temple in Vancouver I feel that I am in Vrindavan.


    Not everyone can afford to travel to all these places. I can barely afford to go to vrindavan yet alone all 108.


    I know many people who go to such places annualy but when they havent learned anything, they are still the same as they were before. I know some who were evil minded, decieving and had other bad qualities and when they go there sure they fold their palms and pray for a few minutes but after that they are the same as soon as they leave the temple.


    So Keep chanting and work on improving your spiritual lifee.

  4. Thank you for the options.


    Ofcourse I am never going to stop chanting. Atleast I hope not, but if krsna feels I am not worthy of his name then we will see.


    now the number two I am considering but if I leave this site I might end up doing something stupid. Ofcourse I have to focus on my school and studies but I need devotee association.


    Now I am doing much better. Things are picking up and everything will be ok. I have heard from my wifes uncle that he will help me out and not only that he said that his lawyer said that you dont need 10,000dollars so he will call me tomorrow and let me know.


    Its ok.


    Thank you

    Hare Krsna

  5. Now the thread about dev anand was interesting. Its basically history now but I have another question.


    I have seen the movie "Yehi he zindagi"(this is life) a hindi movie where they had krsna there and i thought it was a great movie. How krsna helps this guy out even though he tries to cheat krsna(from what I remember)


    Now there was this other movie I think it was called "Masala" and I thought it was a horrible movie. THey had some fat indian guy play Krsna and the story was bad, the plot was bad, everything was bad. They even had them dress like devotees and have a Rathayatra type festival where everything goes wrong, to the deities falling etc etc etc. I basically think they were making fun of us because they were chanting hare krsna hare rama etc etc etc. It just plain looked horrible.


    There was a sex scene in the movie, and for an indian movie it was preety heavy sex scene.


    So if people have complaints about a great show Xena where Krsna is depicted properly how come nobody had problem with this.


    I thought the movie was disgusting as when krsna went to help this punjabi fellow, the fellow just said something to the sort of "you are not my god, I dont need help from you, I have my own god" To which krsna just gets mad and says "pfft" and leaves.


    What is up with that?


    What are your opinions on that?


    Hare Krsna

  6. This is quite an unusual story.


    kinda scary as well. This story just shows how powerful narshimadev is.


    Well, 1 year ago. Just before the book marathon, I went downtown to scout the area where I wanted to do books. I had my japa in my hand chanting away when I noticed this older indian lady with a stick. She seemed kinda disturbed and kinda confused about something. She glared at me upon seeing me which was kinda creepy.


    I just smiled at her and kept going. She mummbled something and started following me. She was quite creepy and I was like this is nuts. So I kept walking but she followed me for about a block. I was kinda in anxiety so I stopped and leaned against a wall hoping she would just walk on by.



    She saw me stop and walked faster towards me, stopped in front of me and said things which I coudnt understand. I was just like Hare Krsna which got her enraged or something and she started to wave her stick around me and saying "Kali, Kali" and some mantra or something. Then again "kali Kali" Then she said something to the sort of "ten thousand years"


    This all had me creeped out and this was in broad day light where people walked by thinking we were both crazy or something.


    So I was quite disturbed at this so all I said to her was "Jai Narshimadev! "Hare Krsna" and walked away.


    I just started to walk away but i noticed she didnt follow me. She had just stood there then the next time I saw her she was sitting on the ground with people all gathered around her.


    I have no idea what happend to that lady, nor do I wanna know. But i know that Krsna and Narshimadev was protecting me.


    Hare Krsna



    How exactly is your father not helping?


    well he started all of this, and he doesnt want me to bring my wife over. Thats one of the ways he aint helping. Also constantly telling me that nobody will hire you and you are good for nothing. If someone says that long enough people might end up believing it.


    If you remember my original thread about me needing help then you would get your memory refreshed.


    I am getting better news though, my teacher talked to someone who said they know a lawyer and an immigration consultant. I am at school right now but things will get better.

  8. on the problem. Thanks for taking note of that.


    I am getting help from my wifes uncle who lives in chicago. He said he will help us both out. He said he will talk to a lawyer in the states and figure out whats happening.


    He said from he understands that you dont need that amount of money in your bank account. As long as you are a citizen of canada its ok.


    He will give me the result of talking to a lawyer tomorrow.


    I will be ok. Sometimes I get upset because of the betrayel I am feeling.


    Yeah, who knows where I will be. I might live in madagascar or I might live wherever krsna wants me to be.


    Thanks a lot guys.


    Hare Krsna

  9. Hare Krsna everyone.


    Thank you for your kind letters. I really needed that. I realised that during school that I need to do this for krsna and krsna wants me to do this for my wife.


    My wife emailed me with her support and sometimes I even have doubts about her but I know not to believe just false rumors. She is by my side, my friends are by my side. Devotees at the temple are by my side. Ananimous Devotess on the net are on my side. Krsna is by my side and where there is krsna there is always victory.


    I will have my days where I will loose hope but please all of you pray for me.


    Forgive me when I go on my trip such as I did today. Sometimes things just seem overwhelming.


    I love you all /images/graemlins/smile.gif


    Thank you for everything


    Hare krsna

  10. Govindaram thank you.


    Some devotees are surprised and happy that even through all of this I have maintained my chanting.


    Chanting is good but now more then ever I think that I should leave everything behind.


    But if I leave prabhupads movement, where will I go?


    Whats out there? I think if I didnt chant or know prabupad or krsna's movement then being in the material world I woudnt be able to survive what i have been surviving.


    hare Krsna

  11. Thank you very much stonehearted.


    Your letter was quite helpful, I am glad there are people who are willing to help.



    "For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy."


    I dont know if i can ever conquer the mind. I know I have subdued it because it were a few months ago i dont know what I would have done. I wish I could someone who could qonquer it.


    Now Bali Maharaj was a great devotee, I on the other hand am not much. Not much to myself or anyone. His story is a divine story, I dont think mine is.


    Yes I have made a commitment. But the betrayel of my parents has hurt more then any wound I have ever felt. I am just dependant on krsna, he is building a road for me and I have to travel on it.


    I am turning 25 next week. It has been a year since all this pressure has started. October 25th they brought me the picture of my future wife and pressured me until I got married. Now they turn their backs on me and my wife.


    I know that this is the defyning moment of my life. I am going to school, attempting to stand up on my two feet and depend on krsna to take care of my wife.


    As the day of my birthday comes closer I have no choice but to remember last year and how it all started.


    I know this will eventually pass but the tunnel seems so long and I dont see a light.


    I am glad I have found this furom and you guys have helped me a lot.


    It will be ok.


    Like the saying......



  12. Hare Krsna everyone.


    AS most of you know what I am going through this past few months.


    Sometimes I feel like giving up everything. Either commiting suicide or disapear.


    I dont know what to do sometimes. Sometimes I feel nobody can help me and other times I feel it will pass soon and everything will be ok.


    I feel that everything that my wife and her parents are suffering is due to me. My wife is being supportive but its hard for me.


    I dont know if krsna is testing me or this is my karma.


    I am at school and i think education is my priority so i cant get a full time job.


    What do I do?


    Anyone with a few words of advice. I need my devotees right now the most. I wish I didnt have to do this to you guys.


    I am sorry.


    Hare Krsna

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