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Posts posted by Haridham

  1. I think it all depends Prabhuji.


    If your karma entails you to have people in your life that will try to abtsruct your devotional path then just surrender to Krsna.


    Personally I think your parents can either help you very much in your spiritual endevours or they can make it really hard.


    For example my parents...enough said

  2. In Vancouver when people asked for tulsi beads or even the Tulsi plant they are first asked questions and such. We just dont give them to people. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


    Its like going through an interview process.


    When Indian people come they think they know everything so they want tulsi ji or neck beads but we ask them to see if they qualify and no matter how much money they present we say no. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif


    There are interesting stories to go with that when some Indian lady gets upset because she was rejected by us but oh well. You have to know how to take care of tulsi ji


    You are right, Kirtan has changed. Sometimes I feel its the same thing every week.


    I sometimes watch those old Prabhupad video's where everyone was jumping and chanting. Not many people do that anymore. I miss seeing that. I mean most of the congragation is the Indian crowd and they just stand there and the devotee's in the women section sure dance other then the congregation.


    I wish I could I could see the whole temple jumping. /images/graemlins/ooo.gif


    I mean the kirtan and the whole sunday feast is on some scheduale and I dont like that all.


    I used to love it when they sang Gaura Nitya Nanda bol, Hari bol hari bol. Now its the same thing every week I think we should become spontaneous. /images/graemlins/grin.gif


    However our Kirtan Leader for the second arti is Awseme. Mahidar Prabhu Rocks the Kirtans /images/graemlins/ooo.gif

  3. I dont know about the Gurukuli kid being on his cd but I have heard from one devotee that on his cd's song book(you know where the songs are listed and where he thanks people and such)he says something to the sort of God has no form and something like that.


    But I should research it myself


    His songs are wonderful though

  4. I never questioned what was in someones heart. Yes Krsna is in your heart and everyone has faith.


    But if you have faith(not just you, people in general) then krsna will direct you to his home. Just like if you love a friend very dearly surely you will go and visit him.


    an I right?


    There is nothing better then going to see krsna at his home. He is waiting for you to come back. The temple is non different then Krsna's home. It is your duty to go to the temple.


    Also going to the temple is not just to see krsna but associate with devotees.


    So if we have so much love and faith why not visit your friend and say hello.

  5. I would also have a devotee standing by in the act and I would start Screaming Jesus Christ Save this soul from this Devil and then place my hand on the fellow devotee and he would fall over and pass out. Ofcourse he would come to in a few minutes and just start chanting Hare Krsna and we would do it again.


    I would do that over and over again. lol.


    Hare Krsna

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