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Posts posted by JRdd
Originally posted by dasanudas:
If all else fails read my posts each night before you're about to go to bed.
Good idea! Then I will fall asleep in a soothed frame of heart with a smile on my face.
where did you get those frogs? (and I see you mastered the art of posting them too.)
Guess some people just have bad luck. Or karma.
Now where's my torch?
Lavender yes. My favorite scent too. Sometimes I spray it on my pillow at night (lavender water) when I remember to. Where pure French lavender oil (another accolade to the French), just love it, almost more than the smell of ghee and laxmi dhoop together (but not quite--no, not at all in fact, they are different categories; one is in the transcendental realm). My body can't handle valerian. I would be careful, as Maitreya says. If you can handle milk there is nothing like a soothing hot cuppa before bed, honey in it too. Camomile is great. So are hot baths before bed. Don't read in bed and don't even keep books in your bedroom (at least according to feng shui) as their energy is stimulating. I'm not claiming to follow all my own advice. I am notoriously anti- sleep. Something about it seems boring to me. But he/she can not be a yogi who sleeps too little, so I am working on it.
My sister loves Tom. He is from the Bay Area. Bay Area people often seem like the guy next door. Maybe that's what it is about Tom. Who can understand?
The ones who DON'T appeal to me, later I find out they have something really yukky in their personal attitudes. I really believe that through their roles the real thing can be generally sensed, overall. Women are intuitive.
What was this threada bout, anyway? I forgot but I think it was more important than this. Sunglasses?
P.S. Hare Krishna!
Originally posted by Maitreya:
Why?I must ask why all women love this guy.I don't get it.JR can you explain this mystery to me?It is not just him as an actor,they swoon over him like he is some demigod or something.Mystery.
I honestly don't know.
He is not symmetrical beautiful or anything. He seems big and blundersome (or is that cumbersome?). He does seem awfully humble though. And sweet-natured.
Hmmm...his nose looks incredibly phallic but I forgive him that.
Rudolf Steiner schools also emphasize this. My friend downstairs has strong affiliations with this thought. I don't think it is necessarily theistic though.
Rudolf Steiner schools also emphasize this. My friend downstairs has strong affiliations with this thought. I don't think it is necessarily theistic though.
I love Gerard Depardieu. Didn't anyone see Cyrano de Bergerac? All the Mornings of the World? The Return of Martin Guerre?
Yesterday I asked my friend who lives in the downstairs half of this house for a suggestion for her boy's sixth birthday tomorrow, knowing I don't have time, what with moving in, to really get down into some creative project with him. She said he would love it if I took him for a walk to the nursery and let him pick out a succulent, which he has been very attracted to lately. I just love the simplicity of this sweet child, and felt like sharing his fresh appreciation of Krsna's creation. Even though he doesn't really know about God as Krsna much (not yet anyway, heh heh), His beauty certainly has a universal attraction.
Yesterday I asked my friend who lives in the downstairs half of this house for a suggestion for her boy's sixth birthday tomorrow, knowing I don't have time, what with moving in, to really get down into some creative project with him. She said he would love it if I took him for a walk to the nursery and let him pick out a succulent, which he has been very attracted to lately. I just love the simplicity of this sweet child, and felt like sharing his fresh appreciation of Krsna's creation. Even though he doesn't really know about God as Krsna much (not yet anyway, heh heh), His beauty certainly has a universal attraction.
I happened to see a program on that family in Utah, and it was heart rending, the effect on them due to the government's sudden intervention in their personal affairs. They were very closeknit and nonenvious, seemed very affectionate towards each other, whatever one may say about their reliance on welfare or the man's patriarchal outlook (which by the way did seem to give the women a sense of security and support). If this man goes to jail they have lost a husband and father; they have lost the centering force in their household.
Anyway, the hypocrisy, as detialed in your above posts, MC and Gauracandra, was blatant on that program. Bunch of busybody controllers, our government.
Hmm, more than one husband someone said? Not a very attractive idea! It's tough enough finding even one suitable husband.
NO I was not fortunate in that way, to have close association with Srila Prabhupada. I do have bits of experiences like the above, which sometimes rise to the surface and come out. I have been blessed with his glance, as so many have, whenever they were born.
Dear Talasiga,
Thank you so much for this perspective. Now I have a good meditation, just imagining that She is peering at Her beloved from behind a tree. I wll assure Kanea of this.
your servant,
I too have always been attracted to this form of the Lord. Once I made a batik and then jewelled it up with beads and trims. I think there is such a temple in the Malibu Hills. Many years ago we were camping out nearby and very much surprised to come actross this temple. Is this a Vyenkatesvara temple, does anyone know?
I too have always been attracted to this form of the Lord. Once I made a batik and then jewelled it up with beads and trims. I think there is such a temple in the Malibu Hills. Many years ago we were camping out nearby and very much surprised to come actross this temple. Is this a Vyenkatesvara temple, does anyone know?
Also when we see nature we are reminded of its Creator, the Supreme Artist. It is easier to remember God when we are in His natural creations. Srila Prabhupada liked to quote Chaucer saying "Man made the city, God made the country". Many peoples' belief in and appreciation for God is due to observing natural phenomena.
Also when we see nature we are reminded of its Creator, the Supreme Artist. It is easier to remember God when we are in His natural creations. Srila Prabhupada liked to quote Chaucer saying "Man made the city, God made the country". Many peoples' belief in and appreciation for God is due to observing natural phenomena.
I love monkey stories too. Perhaps we were monkeys together in a previous life. Thank you for reminding me of Srila Prabhupada. I always wondered who ended up with those sandals.
Ever dig the monkeys at seva kunj? Or was it the nidra place, or both. The nidra kunj which was low trees under which Krsna and the gopis rested after the rasa dance, on bed of flower petals. All over the place, these monkeys are, like little guards of the holiest of places. They look hilariously andinappropriately undignified, these exalted devotees, when picking through each other's hair and eating the nits. Talk about humble service to the Vaisnavas.
I carried a stick everywhere I went, in thes ekind of places, waving it back and forth automatically as I walked. This kept them away from me. Just a little tip.
Of Srila Prabhupada accepting his devotees' offerings, this reminds me of when I and a Godsister, Lalita-sahki prabhu, made thirty-one simply wonderfuls for Srila Prabhupada, each one of them different. Bhagavan was going to see Srila Prabhupada in Los Angeles, and as we were only first initiates at the time we were told that we could not cook for him, but could prepare something uncooked which Bhagavan would deliver for us. There was a lemon sweetball, carob, peppermint, one with a nut hidden inside, raisins, etc. etc. We prepared these with a feeling of great awe, washing our hands everytime we touched our sari. When Bhagavan returned from his visit, he shared with us that Srila Prabhupada had taken a bite out of each!!! If that isn't simply wonderful, I don't know what is. We felt truly blessed.
Where's my two dental buddies? It's like pulling teeth trying to get your attention. I have been using MC's formula since yesterday, when I felt some infaction coming on. I mean infraction. I was wondering, since baking soda loses its fizz within a very short time, and maybe hydrogen peroxide does too, is it not better to activate it (add the peroxide) only to each fresh brushing? Sorry to be so clinical, but we are these tubes, after all. And anyway I'm not the one who started this conversation.
(but not if it means taking another body!)
ps you cyn?
I agree about deep muscle conditioning and tissue massage, etc. I have long not trusted chiropractors. I went to one a few times in London (the famous Harley Street); this doc gave devotees a great discount. I remember picking up a book on his table and being totally blown away. It showed the layers of the skin,um, what the body looks like, like one cell's width in. the blood, tiny veins, all of it. I was not enured to this horror by mvies, being very strict at that time. It showed mutilated bodies at crime scenes. Maitreya would have loved it. Anyway, it never really seemed to help, overall, only for a few minutes or hours afterward, honestly. And I was supposed to be having this expereince with him weekly. The neck. How I dreaded that. A few years later I found out I had a condition which chiropracty would worsen. Something to do with it further avrading and wearing away the already deteriorated or injured cartilege between a vertabrae or two in my neck.
Besides these specific reasons, and what I have since then read against this practice, I have always had a sense of the grossness of any technique which intruded on the body in any kind of violent way (this could have steemed from early visits to the dentist)
be they yanks or needles or knives. Releasing blocked energy can be as unintrusive as using the hands a few inches from the body along the meridians. I used to feel like I could float out of the room with such treatments.
in Ayurveda, Health and Wellbeing
And what time was that in Oz?
two a.m.?