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Posts posted by Dasha

  1. Dear Jay Sri Radhey, Girishji and Shivji


    I thank you all for your enlightenment and encouragement, but a special thank for Jay Sri Radhey for the variegated treasures that she bestows upon our head and heart.


    Never will I be able to get enough time and opportunity to collect all these variegated scriptures, so I sincerely thank God who distributes His mercy through your channel, via the Web.


    All glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna

  2. Dear J.S.R.


    I particularly relish the lecture of your posting on this topic, but it makes me feel bad as far as my "devotion " to God is concerne.


    All that you explain on unmotivated devotion or selfless love for God brings me to the realisation that whatever effort I am doing (in the form of sadhana) to approach God was in fact very selfishly motivated.


    What can I give to Krsna? Money? I just have enough to maintain my family.

    So I try to grow vegs in my garden to offer Him, but it is motivated by the need to nourish myself and my family. So I chant His Holy Name, but here again my inner motivation is to get rid of this material entanglement.


    Where is the place for selfless pure love?


    Krsna is and as everything, and I have nothing, so how can I have ALWAYS a CONSTANT LONGING to RECEIVE and NOT GIVE.

    What can I do other than beg from Him that He gives me Himself PURE LOVE for Him. But, by my conditioning, this prayer cannot be PURE , UNMOTIVATED and SINCERE.


    Hopping that Radha and Krsna will be very, very mercyfull for my fallen soul,





  3. Dear Animesh Prabhu,


    You said:



    "Please note that I want to know the opinion of devotees here and not of archaelogists. Archaelogy does interest me. But since I have read these numbers (432000 etc.) in bhagwad Puran, so I think that the answer of devotees will be very important here."


    Here is an excerpt from a purport of Srila Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagavatam (1-3-5):


    "...Within one day's duration of the life of Brahma (which is calculated by our SOLAR YEARS as 4,300,000 X 1,000 years) there are 14 Manus...etc...


    Here is what said one great devotee on the subject matter.


    This is not to proove anything, but just to partake what I red this morning.


    Yours in Krsna consciousness.

  4. Dear all


    Srila Prabhupada explain in a purport of Srimad Bhagavatam (1-3-5):


    "Lord Vishnu is nondifferent from the Personnality of Godhead. Lord Shiva is in the marginal position between the P of G and the living entities or jivas...........

    Lord Shiva is not an ordinary living being. He is the plenary portion of the Lord, but because Lord Shiva is in direct touch with material nature, He is not exactly in the same transcendental position as Lord Vishnu. The difference is like that in between milk and curd. Curd is nothing but milk, and yet it cannot be used in place of milk."


    Jaya Prabhupada


  5. Dear shvu,


    Don't worry I didn't forgot you!!!!!!!!



    If Krishna gets mad at me for rationalizing about him, then he is not much of a God, is he ? He is behaving just like any ordinary human being [according to your Aparadha logic]. It is actually Krishna's fault, for not leaving proper proof behind.



    No, Krsna will never get mad after you like a father will never get mad after is little child. At the most he will chastise him, but only for his good.Of course sometime he as to put it in a straightening house because of his behavior. That is where we are. But when the father go to this house this is not to chastise his child, this is to take him back home. This is the only reason of the presence of Krsna in this material world. He is patient and is waiting that we turn our face to him, but THAT IS NOT KRSNA'S FAULT IF WE ARE HERE, it is not either His "fault" if He is not"leaving proper proof behind".


    It is like when everybody is running after a treasure (we call it a "course au trésor" in french) there is no real indications, you have to find signs, and only the more determined will reach the goal. When you are out of the way you get loosed = suffering. But the suffering is never coming from Krsna. Suffering is coming from forgetting Krsna. Krsna is giving you only nectar when you advance on the right way back home, just as a trainer of circus animals, he is giving a reward (generaly a sweat) when the animal is doing good.


    Cheerfully yours.

  6. Dear all,


    What a surprise to see all of these amabilities!!!!!!!!!!


    What did said Lord Chitanya:


    trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna

    amanina manadena kirtanyah sada harih


    One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and one SHOULD BE READY TO OFFER ALL RESPECT TO OTHERS. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly.


    Dear Rajesh, even if I understand what you mean, I rather invite you to follow the advices given by Animeshji, Vijiji and Ajayji (to whom I offer my respectfull obeisances).


    We can take (or learn) from everybody. From some one we will learn what is good to do and from other we will learn what is not good to be done.

    Everything is there in this material world (the same in the Web) the best and the worst. And you will see both coexisting at every time.

    Do as the swan who is able to drink the milk and let the water in a pot where they are mixed.

    Take what is nectar (for you) and let what is garbage (for you) .


    We have to be carefull of the extremes. Extreme = Fanaticism. And what said Jesus Christ about fanaticism? He said that fanaticism comes from what is not understood.


    Be detached. Something may appear evident for you but be otherwise for someone else. The way you are fighting aparadas is legitime for you, but for someone else it is may be an aparada to criticise someone else the way you are doing it. Everything is relative.

    And never forget the straw in the street, the tolerance of the tree ...etc.....


    Cheerfully (hopping for a long time to come!!!!!!!!!!!)

  7. May be the main hidden reproach this "scholars" make to Srila Prabhupada is that he gave us love of God, and love of God means: HUMILITY and SURRENDER, and this is not possible for someone who wants to show the superiority of his scorlarship.


    Their misfortune is that they cannot understand that love of god means also BLISS and FELICITY, but this they will never achieve with their grammatical knowledge.


    Srila Prabhupada KI JAY



  8. Dear shvu,



    Unless your memory tells you that someone else is in pain, how will compassion arise?



    What a surprising assertion !!!!!!!!!!


    Sorry but there has been many persons which have been taught compassion, but they have never been able to feel any, and some of them became big demons.


    The same is also true for the opposite: take the exemple of Pralada Maharaja, his demoniac father never taught him any virtuous feeling, but he was in love with God from his very childhood.


    Now take the example of Gautama Buddha: Never did he saw any miserable things during his all childhood, but when he saw poverty or diseased persons for the first time, he immediately understand that there was something wrong with it. Was it coming from his memory?





  9. Dear shvu,



    Unless your memory tells you that someone else is in pain, how will compassion arise?



    What a surprising assertion !!!!!!!!!!


    Sorry but there has been many persons which have been taught compassion, but they have never been able to feel any, and some of them became big demons.


    The same is also true for the opposite: take the exemple of Pralada Maharaja, his demoniac father never taught him any virtuous feeling, but he was in love with God from his very childhood.


    Now take the example of Gautama Buddha: Never did he saw any miserable things during his all childhood, but when he saw poverty or diseased persons for the first time, he immediately understand that there was something wrong with it. Was it coming from his memory?





  10. Dear Prabhus,


    I do not know what is surprising in the fact that a Christian will never see Krsna if he as a spiritual vision.


    shvu said:


    A nice example is that the devotee will only see forms that he knows. A christian who has never seen a picture of Krishna or read a description of Krishna, can never have a vision of Krishna. Simply because it is not part of his memory.



    May be it is not a part of his memory but may be it is just that Krsna as so many different aspect that He do not have to present under this particular form to a christian. This spiritualist is not ready to see God under this aspect in this lifetime.


    If you imagine god as an old white-beared man, their no need for Him to present as a Cowerd Boy. It does not fit to the situation.


    From Bhata Shata:



    But i'm more intersted in how to authenticate a mystical experience. When God gives his 'tests', my devotion to him will certainly be tested, but failing these 'tests' doesn't nullify my previous so-called transcendental experiences.



    First of all nothing can nullify whatever advancement as been done previousely. We may delay it, but never nullify it.


    About "so-called transcendental experiences", don't be worry, when you will have a real transcendental experience you will have no doubt on the experiment.


    It may also happened that from time to time, in His great mercy, in order to help us, Krsna raise a little corner of the curtain of maya that blinds us. We will feel a generally breif but very intense feeling that will consolidate us that we are on the good path, but we still have a lot to do to maintain the experience.


    As far as speaking to God is concerne, I do not see what may be wrong with that.


    Previously I had an old man as neighbour. He was a very simple person, but one day he told me just like that that he would never do anything without having discuss it with God.

    All day long he was speaking with God in his heart. And there was no reason to consider him as a fool (he was not claiming it to everybody). He knew practically nothing from any philosophy, but he knew that God was in his heart and he used to speak to him as if he was an old confident.

    I do not feel that there may be any harm with that.



  11. Dear Prabhus,


    I do not know what is surprising in the fact that a Christian will never see Krsna if he as a spiritual vision.


    shvu said:


    A nice example is that the devotee will only see forms that he knows. A christian who has never seen a picture of Krishna or read a description of Krishna, can never have a vision of Krishna. Simply because it is not part of his memory.



    May be it is not a part of his memory but may be it is just that Krsna as so many different aspect that He do not have to present under this particular form to a christian. This spiritualist is not ready to see God under this aspect in this lifetime.


    If you imagine god as an old white-beared man, their no need for Him to present as a Cowerd Boy. It does not fit to the situation.


    From Bhata Shata:



    But i'm more intersted in how to authenticate a mystical experience. When God gives his 'tests', my devotion to him will certainly be tested, but failing these 'tests' doesn't nullify my previous so-called transcendental experiences.



    First of all nothing can nullify whatever advancement as been done previousely. We may delay it, but never nullify it.


    About "so-called transcendental experiences", don't be worry, when you will have a real transcendental experience you will have no doubt on the experiment.


    It may also happened that from time to time, in His great mercy, in order to help us, Krsna raise a little corner of the curtain of maya that blinds us. We will feel a generally breif but very intense feeling that will consolidate us that we are on the good path, but we still have a lot to do to maintain the experience.


    As far as speaking to God is concerne, I do not see what may be wrong with that.


    Previously I had an old man as neighbour. He was a very simple person, but one day he told me just like that that he would never do anything without having discuss it with God.

    All day long he was speaking with God in his heart. And there was no reason to consider him as a fool (he was not claiming it to everybody). He knew practically nothing from any philosophy, but he knew that God was in his heart and he used to speak to him as if he was an old confident.

    I do not feel that there may be any harm with that.



  12. Dear Bhakta Shakta Prabhu


    These are in fact good questions and as far as I know, the best way to differenciate real Bhava from sentimentality is to put it in the fire of difficulties.


    When everything is allright and life is going smoothly, your sadhana is regular, every day you have nice food to fillup your belly, you are having good association of devotees, nice dharsana of Their Lordship etc..., it is quite easy to feel "extatics symptoms" of love of God.


    But as soon as the slightest difficulty will come (when God starts to "test" your devotion) you will quikly understand what is "sentimentality" and what is "transcendental-substance".


    Krsna (God) knows better than us our sincerity. Certainly in the begining of our spiritual life there are sentimental feelings. But we can be sure that it cannot last for ever to be superficial, so there must come some test. At that point we will have the tendency to loose the taste for practicing spiritual activities. If we are sincere we will still go on practicing in spite of the difficulties, then we will make a step in our elevation toward God, then other tests will come, more and more subtle as we advance.


    This is the way by which we will advance step after step, test after test, to the goal of pure bhakti.


    On the ladder of bhakti, you will see people falling from every degrees, according to how much sincerity they had.

    Some will fall down at the first difficulty, and other will do after having go through many tests.


    The difference is that the higher you are, the more you will harm yourself by falling down.


    Hare Krsna



  13. Dear Bhakta Shakta Prabhu


    These are in fact good questions and as far as I know, the best way to differenciate real Bhava from sentimentality is to put it in the fire of difficulties.


    When everything is allright and life is going smoothly, your sadhana is regular, every day you have nice food to fillup your belly, you are having good association of devotees, nice dharsana of Their Lordship etc..., it is quite easy to feel "extatics symptoms" of love of God.


    But as soon as the slightest difficulty will come (when God starts to "test" your devotion) you will quikly understand what is "sentimentality" and what is "transcendental-substance".


    Krsna (God) knows better than us our sincerity. Certainly in the begining of our spiritual life there are sentimental feelings. But we can be sure that it cannot last for ever to be superficial, so there must come some test. At that point we will have the tendency to loose the taste for practicing spiritual activities. If we are sincere we will still go on practicing in spite of the difficulties, then we will make a step in our elevation toward God, then other tests will come, more and more subtle as we advance.


    This is the way by which we will advance step after step, test after test, to the goal of pure bhakti.


    On the ladder of bhakti, you will see people falling from every degrees, according to how much sincerity they had.

    Some will fall down at the first difficulty, and other will do after having go through many tests.


    The difference is that the higher you are, the more you will harm yourself by falling down.


    Hare Krsna



  14. I do not know what is going on the same probleme again



    Another reason for not having peace in our life is because we do not have love in our heart for others. Loving is giving oneself totally with out expecting anything in return. Reciprocal love is like bargain.



    Persons who love all never feel lonely. The divine qualities of forgiveness, compassion and service will make him lovable in the eyes of all. He will experience intense joy through out his life.



    And now (may be) the letter again:


    -----Just to experience what it feels like, try for one day, as you go out throughout the world, to respect everyone as part and parcel of Krishna. When ever you see a living entity, think within your heart that this is an eternal servant of Krishna, and that the Supreme Lord is accompanying him within his heart. Today it is just a tree, but maybe one day you will be serving the Lord along with this soul in Goloka. Not maybe, it will be without a doubt. This is the Lord's lila, to reclaim the fallen conditioned souls. As you see each living entity think within yourself how one day you will both be back together in Vaikuntha - long, long lost friends. Feel compasion for your long lostfriend, whom you used to serve the Lord with in

    Vaikuntha, and on behalf of this forgetful soul, chant once the names "Hare Krishna" in your mind - offering the results to your friend. Give that conditioned soul the causeless mercy of the Lord. This is a great sadhana.


    Try this for a day, and begin to see the environment around you. Become conscious of all life. When you walk down the street, see the tree, see the dog, see the man walking by, and inside understand who theyreally are. It may be difficult to understand our own self by realization, but it is simple to understand the self of others.


    If you try this, very soon you will see that you are chanting Hare Krishna the entire day. Everywhere there is life around you - not just matter, but life. This chanting will be real and natural, out of love for others.



    Hoping it is good that time!!

  15. I just realise that many things were missing in my posting:


    1°) The 2 quotations from viji_53:


    <<Another reason for not having peace in our life is because we do not have love in our heart for others. Loving is giving oneself totally with out expecting anything in return. Reciprocal love is like bargain.>>


    <<Persons who love all never feel lonely. The divine qualities of forgiveness, compassion and service will make him lovable in the eyes of all. He will experience intense joy through out his life. >>


    2°) The beginning of the quotation of the letter from JNDAS:

    Only the beginning was missing but I prefered to put it back all.


    <<<Just to experience what it feels like, try for one day, as you go out throughout the world, to respect everyone as part and parcel of Krishna. When ever you see a living entity, think within your heart that this is an eternal servant of Krishna, and that the Supreme Lord is accompanying him within his heart. Today it is just a tree, but maybe one day you will be serving the Lord along with this soul in Goloka. Not maybe, it will be without a doubt. This is the Lord's lila, to reclaim the fallen conditioned souls. As you see each living entity think within yourself how one day you will both be back together in Vaikuntha - long, long lost friends. Feel compasion for your long lostfriend, whom you used to serve the Lord with in Vaikuntha, and on behalf of this forgetful soul, chant once the names "Hare Krishna" in your mind - offering the results to your friend. Give that conditioned soul the causeless mercy of the Lord. This is a great sadhana.


    Try this for a day, and begin to see the environment around you. Become conscious of all life. When you walk down the street, see the tree, see the dog, see the man walking by, and inside understand who theyreally are. It may be difficult to understand our own self by realization, but it is simple to understand the self of others.


    If you try this, very soon you will see that you are chanting Hare Krishna the entire day. Everywhere there is life around you - not just matter, but life. This chanting will be real and natural, out of love for others.>>>






  16. Quoting from viji_53 in the Raamcharitmaanas topic about universal love


    <<<Another reason for not having peace in our life is because we do not have love in our heart for others. Loving is giving oneself totally with out expecting anything in return.>>>


    <<<Persons who love all never feel lonely. The divine qualities of forgiveness, compassion and service will make him lovable in the eyes of all>>>


    Dear viji_53 I truly appreciate the accent you are putting on this principle of UNIVERSAL LOVE.


    So many people (even amongst "devotees")think that as long as they love God they do not need to love their neighbours. But it is not possible to love God if we do not have love for His children. To love others do not meen to agree with all the nonsenses they are doing, but to see in them the presence of God in their heart.


    Some time ago JNDAS Prabhu send me a wonderfull letter from which I would like to give you a little part


    <<<Just to experience what it feels like, try for one day, as you go out throughout the world, to respect everyone as part and parcel of Krishna. When ever you see a living entity, think within your heart that this is an eternal servant of Krishna, and that the Supreme Lord is accompanying him within his heart. Today it is just a tree, but maybe one day you will be serving the

    Lord along with this soul in Goloka. Not maybe, it will be without a doubt. This is the Lord's lila, to reclaim the fallen conditioned souls. As you see each living entity think within yourself how one day you

    will both be back together in Vaikuntha -long, long lost friends. Feel compasion for your long lost friend, whom you used to serve the Lord with in Vaikuntha, and on behalf of this forgetful soul, chant

    once the names "Hare Krishna" in your mind - offering the results to your friend. Give that conditioned soul the causeless mercy of the Lord. This is a great sadhana.


    Try this for a day, and begin to see the environment around you. Become conscious of all life. When you walk down the street, see the tree, see the dog, see the man walking by, and inside understand who they really are. It may be difficult to understand our own self by realization, but it is simple to understand the self of others.


    If you try this, very soon you will see that you are chanting Hare Krishna the entire day. Everywhere there is life around you - not just matter, but life. This chanting will be real and natural, OUT OF LOVE FOR OTHERS.>>>


    It seems to be a good revealer of our capacity to love others and the experience is full of teachings!!!!!!!


    Let's try to practice it full heartedly!!!!!


    Hoping you will appreciate


    With as much love as possible


    Your servant



  17. Dear gtam Prabhu


    I am sorry that you had a car accident, but it is a chance that you were not too much harm.


    In one sens it is allways a chance that Krsna puts us in a situation where we can see some of our weakneses. Only in extreme situation can we see where we are situated in our spiritual life.


    Some time ago, my wife had a very big car accident and she said that right after she could not move anymore in the car and she thought that she was dead and she strarted to chant Hare Krsna in her mind, trying to find shelter in God.


    But she realised that her chanting was (and had allways been) mechanical, and she didn't find ANY shelter in the holly name. Just when the firemen spoke to her she find shelter in THEIR voice. At that point she fainted, feeling secure.


    Of course for a devotee this is a very hard realisation, but it is a great mercy to have the realisation that we are may be not so advance that we would hope. I do not know how she exactly react after this incident, but for me it was a big revelation.


    While chanting Hare Krsna we really have to try to enter in contact with Krsna, as said Srila Prabhupada we have to chant as a child is calling for his mother.


    Even if I hope not to have to go through such a big traumatism to have some realisation, I hoppe that one day Krsna will put me in a situation where I will be able to see my weaknesses. Only when we start a real job in our adult life can we see if we have understand what we have learn in the university. We can see if we have realise knowledge only if we have the chance to put it in practice in a difficult situation.



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