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Everything posted by Yamaraja

  1. Hindu's become Muslim...what the and Everytime I see this... are mine also. I just want to take responsibility for my words. Your servant
  2. What... and Ha Ha... are me just letting you folks know my posts.
  3. the personality that we each possess is unique and can be usefull and beneficial to all. I may be, what seems to be, mean or confrontational and you may be kind but we are both needed. Some may not be able to be responsive to an ass like myself or to a kinder gent such as yourself. So...I will proudly take up the banner for the rougher folks out there. It's where I am from and what I know! We all have a place in this world and in this plan of Krsna's and mine just maybe to be upfront and in the face of those who need it! Your servant!
  4. I have made several posts and just recv'd my pass word. You'll probably figure out which ones were mine. I'm very vocal about religous intolerance. I am a former deacon of the Catholic church and now I am an aspiring disciple of His Holiness Danavir Goswamiand a grand-disciple of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami and have been involved in the K.C. movement for 6 or 7 yrs, now. I don't pull any puches and I can pretty upfront and brutal at times. I will apologise now for any offenses I may commit in the future! Your Servant
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