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Everything posted by Yamaraja

  1. that the Hare Krsna's are brainwashed.... I'm done ...I'm out of this one... Haribol...to all!!!!!!!!! Your servant!
  2. let me get some film and I'll scan them. i have the mantra on my forearms...half on the rt. the other on the lft. Your servant.
  3. much at all...especially that I'm wrong. If it wasnt chopped and edited a zillion times and we all could get the real nectar from it then I would get alot but until then.. by the way DO NOT tell me how to read the bible... I lived it....I was a Deacon and initiation counselor AND parish youth minister!
  4. Oh...man....the Jewish people were not even in existence when the vedics were being written down by Vyasadeva. Again you dont even know your own history...your from India...right...go back to school son!
  5. He surely was Bhakti personified. I wish more people would come to this realization. It saddens my heart when I come across people like our Guest here...they can't understand the true meaning of His words! Or they just flat out ignore them! like...."love thy neighboor...judge not...etc. etc. Your servant.
  6. and go find youself a nice Christian or Muslim page to chat on. I find your tactics to be very offensive and out of line. "JUDGE NOT LESS YE BE JUDGED" IN OTHER WORDS .... who the hell are you to tell me I'm wrong!? I came to this page because I was told it had alot of nice kind hearted discussions between like minded individuals....Boy were they wrong!
  7. what if I dont believe in the bible and all of its faults and contradictions....if i do not follow the bible than I do not have to accept that there is ONLY one path...especially since there have been many since time immemorial...the vedics pre-date the bible by thousands of years ( been proven ) so...does this mean that God has changed what He originaly created and/or said? If God is perfect how could he create or say something that is not!? Where is the logic???
  8. I just don't get it...why do people feel the need to control others? All the worlds scriptures forbid it...but we still do it! It's the major reason I left the Catholic ministry...I couldnt live with telling others they were wrong. God is perfect...so what he does is perfect, and if there are hundreds of paths to Him than it has to be what he wants. thats all i know! Your servant. p.s. isnt getting old a bitch.
  9. you not only know basicaly little about Christianity...but the same goes for the Vedic culture. AGAIN...READ!!!!
  10. 13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. EXACTLY!!! Humility IS NOT trying to forcibly convert or judge another soul! Guest: You cant argue with your own scriptures now can you??
  11. where does it say that "satan" is Lucifer...because Lucifer is a fictional character created by John Milton in the prose novel called Paradise Lost in 1667. AGAIN....read your history....its getting sad! Is it just me or are you not debating my key points...just basicaly saying I'm being controlled by the "devil"... does anyone else see this???
  12. the bible....what about the hundreds of other world scriptures that pre-date and post-date the bible.... I'm finished with this thread. I can only deal with intollerance and elitist mentalities for so long. Your servant.
  13. "satan" was Jesus's ego that He overcome. He could of either become a true servant of God or become a worldy man....sometimes the meaning isn't lying right on top...if you get what I mean.
  14. and I pray that one day you open up your eyes and heart and realize that God can not be controlled. Not by you nor by anyone. Intollerance is a serious downfall for mankind. Stop your elitist ramblings and learn to accept.
  15. do not acknowledge the existence of other forms of belief puts you in the class of people who think they are God by controlling God. If you think that God couldnt reveal Himself to others in a differnet way than the Judeo-Christian one...then you are putting a limitation on what God is capable of doing. In turn making you better than God or trying to control or say what God can do..
  16. taken from the hebrew word Ahsatan ..meaning advisary..that which takes you away from God. How is that you say that these people that worship God in a different way than you are being mis-led by the devil...(by the way the devil is a late middle-ages creation to try and control the populi by scare tactics.)...when all they are doing is following God they way that has been presented to them by Him.???
  17. you need to read your hstory! Blind following and dogmatic thinking can only hinder your spiritual progress....and DO NOT CALL ME A LIAR!
  18. I hade made a post about Christians not knowing their own history outside of the bible... and here is more proof... there never was a world flood during the existence of mankind...a regional flood, yes...world, no! So...to those handfull of jews that Noah spoke to...I'm sure they didnt listen...but what does that have to do with the thousands of other cultures that were in existence at the same time, that were not destroyed by this "flood"???? It's funny how something taught to this teeny little group of ex-slaves ,by God, at a certain place and time for a certain reason has become something that they believe is relevant to ALL of mankind...yet when most of mankind had already had this knowledge and yet probably a deeper understanding of it. i.e. the Vedic scriptures. It's ALL relevant to each belief system that has come after the first words God spoke to man. Your servant
  19. out of a million souls that come to K.C. only one may remain... so...maybe that one that doesnt get blown away is the one who stays! Your servant
  20. Why do people feel inimidated by someone who might have a different way of doing things ? Im not some scared little boy...I'm not trying to hide anything. What I AM doing is expressing myself the way that I want to and know how to. Its not an ego thing it is who I am. You can psycholigcaly analyze me anyway you want but it still wont change who or what I am. Some things in life have to be learned the hard way....consider me the hard way...you dont have to like it or me....thats not my concern. Many people have had success this way and if I reach just one who may think that maybe he is not exactly in the right in being intollerant or judgemental then well.... your servant
  21. the bible was edited about a zillion times... starting with Constatine in the year 500. There are hundreds of other books and teachings attributed to not only Jesus but many of the other prophets of the Jewish culture that have been left out because they didnt fit into "man's" veiw of what scripture should be. It' was all politics and it remains to this day. Believe me I know I was a Deacon for the first Christian church...the Holy Roman Catholic Church. by the way Catholic means "universal"....go figure!! your servant
  22. "Right from my childhood i was always wondering how people will be deceived in the end times?, Bible is so clear that lot of people will try to promote different cults and satanic activities but be alert don't get deceived. It also advises that the Satan can pretend like a god" So Christianity is not a "cult"...do you even know what the definition of a "cult " is pal? according to webster's...cult: a system or community of worship. so...what your saying is that Christianity is not a community or system of worship??? It's ALL cults..son! And if you are using the mind set that a cult is something led by a man....Jesus was a man! To you he may be divine but maybe not to others. You just need to go on reading your bible and be more concerned where YOU stand in your devotional life and get your nose out of everyone elses ass. Thank you!
  23. turned into mundane art....if you do it out of love and devotion it is not mundane. I am proud to be the owner of 10 K.C. tattoos (all of which are on my forearms from my wrist to my elbow) including Srila Prabhupada AND Sri Sri Radha Krsna. They are an amazing preaching tool and there is NO way of getting around professing your faith to others! Its on your sleeve so to say!!! All the worlds scriptures say to mark your body with names of God...so for those inclined....have at it! And when it comes to going into he bathroom or any offenses that can be made involving your tattoos...JUST ask for forgiveness...most people must not remember how loving and forgiving Krsna is. Your servant
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