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Everything posted by bgita67

  1. Thanks for posting this. Over time I have found that learning what others hold to be true and hearing other points of view has made my consciousness more tolerant, accepting and understanding of others... even those who would want me killed just for believing differently. It may not seem like it, but listening to others does for some reason repair the damage that has been done to humankind.
  2. Where the soul finds fullest satisfaction, there it will rest. Simple yet profound advice. Atu 0, the Fool, whom is Har-pa-Khered or Horus the Child, containing all manifestation inside of himself, reminds me so much of the baby Krishna. Atu 21, which I think was renamed the Universe, is from my point of view clearly a depiction of Nataraja. Not that any of this really interests me anymore, heheh.
  3. I think that Advaita, as well as Dvaita, Bhedabheda, and all other views, cannot be proven by logic or even believed to be 100% true just by reading about science, quantum physics, or anything else. We have to turn inward and experience it for ourselves.
  4. You said: What you are saying is really making me gain experience on how the evil plans its counter actions against me. And what you are saying is that alien demons from battlestar galactica are using me as their vessel for evil. Right.. You said: My mentality has been there with me and it has ABSOLUTE FREE WILL. Nobody can control it... If you have free will as a human being, then that means all human beings must have free will. So, since I also have free will, how is it possible that I am the vessel of the "evil" that seeks to suppress thou? You said: Why are you SO much interested in SUPPRESING ME? According to tfd.com, the meaning of the word suppressing is: 1. To put an end to forcibly; subdue. 2. To curtail or prohibit the activities of. 3. To keep from being revealed, published, or circulated. So just HOW on earth is it that I would be able to suppress what you are posting when I do not have control over this message board, I do not know where you live, and I am not a wizard. I am not interested in suppressing you, if you have common sense then you can see that I am merely debating with you. You sir, are revealing your mentality to all of us even further. Now we see that you want, desire, and crave for people to suppress you. You are wanting it so bad for some ungodly reason! I am very sure that you are the type of person who would cry out "persecution" over nothing (which you are kind of doing) and like to invite your neighbors to flog your back or beat you with their fists. You are crazy! Nobody cares about suppressing you, period. I really see no use in typing all of this up anyway because you will just reply with something like "seees! this is how they do it! ur trying to suppress me and I see thru u!!! alien control!!" Now what about answering my other important questions... What makes you think that Arasel is a Christian? What do you mean by these two interesting words: "ULTIMATE truth?"
  5. Bija That is amazing stuff. Much earlier in 2008 there was a short period, before coming to Sanatana Dharma, where I was following the teachings of Aleister Crowley. A ritual that he highly recommended for followers called Resh is an adoration of the sun that is done at dawn, noon, sunset, and midnight. Basially the person faces the quarter that the sun is in and then recites adorations to the sun itself. I used to perform this at all times when I was following his teachings. One morning I was woken up at dawn by solar warmth and it just happened to be at dawn. By the way, there is a wall that seperates the sun from myself. When I stood for the adoration, I felt a ray of light from the sun through the wall, touching my forehead. A few times at sunset, while doing the adoration in my bedroom, I felt lighter rays of the sun shining on my face, even though there were atleast 2 walls and some houses blocking the sun from my sight. This really got me to look at things about sun worship differently. Today people think that the idea of ancient cultures of people worshiping the sun was laughable and so ignorant. But.. maybe those people knew things about the sun that we do not know? Your dream about someone named Yani reminded me of a dream I had in early June of this year. All what there was was darkness.. just nothing. A man's voice said the name Nivekar and then I woke up. So far the only place where I've heard that name is in that dream. I have yet to meet someone named Nivekar.
  6. Do you not know that Christians try to convert unbelievers in many countries other than India? What do you mean by these two interesting words: "ULTIMATE truth?" Remember in my previous post that I said that your posts display your mentality? So far you make yourself look even more unhealthy in this post of yours where you wrote: Then why does people SAY that I have to see the doctor? This is YOUR method of suppressing the Truth, so that people are ignorant for their life time. You just demonstrated that you believe in this type of logic: - If the person agrees with me, then the person is on my winning team. - If the person disagrees with me, then the person is part of the evil conspiracy. Basically, your mentality is that the world is divided up into two peoples: (1) the ones like you who know the "truth" about "alien demons" from reading webpages published by Christians going through the ufo=satan fad and (2) the ones who are on the side of or are controlled by the evil aliens and want to censor the first people. I am sorry if any of my replies are hurtful to you, by the way. I don't want to be that way.
  7. Sar, What makes you think that Arasel is a Christian? As far as him or anyone else being "controlled," the big burden of proof is with you on this. All you do is quote people who are apparently obsessed with Daystar's movies about aliens coming down to terrorize Christians and that these aliens are the demons mentioned in the New Testament. You say that these posts are to know the mentality of people. Have you ever thought that just maybe your posts actually reveal to the many people who visit this message board what your mentality is? So far it does not look healthy.
  8. Sar Namaste In this paragraph you claim that Christianity was created by these evil aliens whom are the demons of Kali Yuga. Over all, you are apparently anti-alien. Good for you. But wait a minute!! This information that you copied and pasted into this thread was taken from this webpage: hiddencodes . com/blue-beam. htm which is part of this website: hiddencodes . com which is written by a Christian whom is anti-alien. There is stuff on that website that is absolutely nuts like "bible codes" which say George Bush is Lucifer incarnate and that Benny Hinn and Pat Robertson are phonies and one of them is a beast. This website claims this is in the Bible. Why copy and paste from a Christian site if you believe Christianity was made by these evil aliens? By the way, I just exposed you, not because I thought it was right, but it's because I'm possessed by a gray who abducts people and places them on Mars and plans on abducting hundreds of thousands of Christians and fooling the church into thinking it was the "rapture." It's all in that website author's books. Looking for Sherry Shriner on Amazon.
  9. Very adorable! Jai Sri Krishna! Thank you for posting this.
  10. Well said. Mikey as well as all other people who are interested in finding their place in Sanatana Dharma should never forget that the oldest scripture we have (possibly even for the entire planet) teaches this very thing. There is one truth but the sages explain it in many ways. Yesterday they called it Agni, Yama, Indra, etc, but today we know it as Vishnu, Krishna, Rama, Ganesha, Shiva, Kali, Durga, Christ, Allah, al-Haqq, Yehowah, and so on. Indeed, chant and be happy. Let us also never forget that each person is entitled to believe whatever resonates with their heart and is agreeable with their being. Bhaktajan said that in the heart is the Paramatma and it has the form of Vishnu (and I assume the four-armed Vishnu standing and holding conch, chakra, lotus, and mace). And who am I to say that this is wrong? I think he's right, just as I also believe that the Paramatma in the heart can have the form of any ishta-deva. But let's not debate; argument is not positive and it does not contribute to bringing us to the Supreme Goal. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
  11. Mikey Namaste Read these two paragraphs from a blog entry that I wrote a couple of days ago: The Katha Upanishad reveals to us in passage 1:3:15 that the Self is beyond name and form and that it is not conditioned by space-time. In passages 6:1:4-6 of the Chandogya Upanishad it is taught with imagery that all things, though they appear to have form, are in essense Brahman. The passage from Katha teaches us that God is not really named Ganesha, Krishna, Kali, etc and that it doesn't even have their form. Name and form is a product of space-time. God/Brahman is eternal, has existed before space-time, and will still exist when space-time is gone. The passage from Chandogya is saying that you, me, and all other beings and things are in essence Brahman. We can conclude that similarly Brahman is what exactly Krishna, Ganesha, Kali, etc really are. Katha 2:2:10 says that Brahman takes on the shape of whatever it is in. We can also conclude that therefore Brahman similarly can take on the form of any ishta-deva that the individual has attraction to. Based on what I have read about your temperments, you may want to do namam-smarana; remembrance of the names. Just about every god/dess has 108 names. Check out the names of Shiva, Krishna, Ganesha, etc and write down the ones that appeal to you most. Importantly, you should try to find out how they are pronounced. However you wish to do the routine, reflect on the names (especially the sounds of the names) while sitting in meditation and whenever doing more active things. Reflect on and remember the names of your favorite gods and/or goddesses while knowing that these names (even of different gods) are names of only one truth that lies within your heart and contains all existence that we know. Fall in love with it through its lovely names. Eventually you will be consumed in the fire of that one truth and you will Realize what it is that you are seeking. Duality will be no more and you will have attained the supreme goal. I wish you well on your path.
  12. Bija Thank you for the scripture reading. This brought something to mind which I will be sending you a PM about.
  13. Bija Namaste That sounds very wonderful concerning Amma and the bhava. Last year there was a very interesting Saturday where I was watching television with my father. We were watching an episode of the Glenn Beck show that he had recorded on his DVR and on that episode Glenn was talking to Deepak Chopra. The guest, Deepak, was talking about God and Consciousness (same thing). Outdoors, he was looking at a large rock and he said "when I see this rock, I see God." After watching the episode, I went into my room and I was examining an ink pen that was given to me by my dentist. On the pen was a Bible verse that I never noticed. It was Ecc 3:1 which says For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven (ASV). Soon, I got a call from a Jewish friend of mine and he asked me if I wanted to hang out with him at the cafe. So he came by, picked me up, and we went to the cafe. If you're wondering, why was that Jewish friend of his driving on the Sabbath, it's okay because at the time he wasn't into Rabbinic Judaism but rather Tanakh-Alone. On our way to the cafe, he was talking about religious debate and he quoted Ecc 3:1 and it just happened to be the verse that I saw for the first time on the ink pen that day. When we were at the cafe, we were talking about mysticism and the consciousness of God being everywhere. My friend looked out the window that we were sitting near and he saw a large rock in the grass. He pointed to it and said "just by looking at that rock, I see God." What happened there brought the scene of Deepak Chopra to my mind where he pretty much did/said the same thing that day.
  14. I think that whenever we read any text, be it from Sanatana Dharma, Christianity, Buddhism, etc we should only take to heart the things in it that resonate with us and what we find to be agreeable. There are things in the Bhagavad Gita that I agree with 100% and there are things in it that I disagree with, but this does not mean that I believe the Gita is absolutely true or absolutely false. It's just a wonderful text that I enjoy learning from.
  15. Suchandra Namaste What text is that passage from that you quoted in Sanskrit? It makes absolutely no sense to me that Shiva's special purpose has to do only with material transations rather than anything else. You say that a non-Vaishnava who worships Shiva becomes more and more materially attached. Ask a Shaiva if Shiva has made him/her less attached over time. Shiva has the appearance of an ascetic (someone who is not attached). With his third eye he disintegrated Kama (sensuality, pleasure) which happens to represent our most primal desire. I'm not seeing this "Shiva makes us attached" idea and I'm not buying it. One of Shiva's 108 names is Aumkara. This means that he is the form of Aum. That means he is Brahman. Another one of his 108 names is Sanatana (Eternal) and this is also one of Krishna's 108 names. Take a look at what's in the Shwetashwatara Upanishad about Shiva: Passage 4:15 says that we are all one in Shiva. Passage 4:16 says that Shiva is the Supreme One, hidden in the hearts of all, encompassing the universe, and frees us from bondage. Please do not think that I believe Shiva is the supreme personality of godhead or anything like that. The Rigveda equates Agni with what we now call Brahman. The Ganapati Upanishad says that Ganesha is Creator, Preserver, Destroyer, Brahman, and Sat-Chit-Ananda. Also in the Rigveda it says that there is one true reality (ekam sat) and that the sages explain it in many ways. I believe that Brahman, as the Upanishads claim, is actually without form, names, and attributes. Just as the Self takes the shape of the body it is in, I believe that also Brahman takes on the name, form, pasttimes, significances, etc of the god or goddess that the individual perceives it as. They're all valid and all the same. None is superior to any other. Mythology should not be taken so seriously; it is here so that we can understand the more significant meanings of it and so that we can reflect on and thus love Brahman in any form we want to perceive it to be. Touching dollar bills, kissing them, and desiring more and more of them will keep a person attached to wealth. But looking within your heart and filling your mind with Lord Shiva will help free you from attachment. No disrespect for you as a devoted Vaishnava is intended at all. I do naman-smaranam of Shiva's names and Krishna's names. It's all the same thing. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
  16. brahma kumar Namaste If god is present in me and you then what is the requirement of taking Avatars I have an idea about what an avatara may actually be rather than Vishnu or any other personal god coming down in the form of human or animal. One of them is that an avatara is actually someone like you or me but this person has fully realized God and remained in that state of realization so that this person is no longer "Bob" or "Amisha." In response to what is wrong with society or the human race, this avatara teaches what is dharmic or takes action in every correct way. If calling someone a donkey or an ass is offensive how can you do the same to the supreme Haven't you read in the Upanishads that God is not harmed or tainted by anything? What we comprehend to be offensive or bad is out own arbitrary comprehension. You do not have to worry about anything like this my friend. Spiritual experience may reveal to you that we do not at all have to find intellectual support for God being omnipresent. You can experience his omnipresence! Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
  17. Namaste I have really enjoyed reading this thread. Earlier this year I was doing a walking meditation one night for about 40 minutes or one whole hour. To be specific about the practice, I was mentally repeating Iao Sabao as a mantra with each syllable being a step with a foot. On my way home I saw a flying insect that was about 12 inches away from myself and what I experienced was more than just seeing the insect. That insect was a contraction of that which is eternal and not bound by space-time. It was a contraction of the source of everything that also contains all finite existence that we know. When I got home from the walking meditation, I sat down on my bedroom floor and began to meditate by just focusing on the breath flowing in and flowing out. This lasted for about 15 minutes. After standing up from the meditation session, I started to feel a slightly warm light that was located in the center of the chest. I lied down on my bed and the light inside of my chest started to get warmer and warmer. As this happened I felt something that was inside of the entire room and even beyond it. The light within my chest was "burning brighter" and each time that it did this I could feel the encompassing "presence" become more blissful feeling. For a few seconds I experienced this presence to be omnipresent and without being bound by anything. I was the very heart or center of it. There was bliss that is everywhere and the light within my chest was most blissful. Since the end of May 2008, I have been meditating every morning and every night on the sacred syllable Aum. This is my primary and most important thing concerning spiritual practice. There are so many practices that so many texts within the vast ocean of Sanatana Dharma have to offer. The number of mantras is even greater. The practice that the principle Upanishads teach is the meditation on Aum which is also the only mantra that they teach. During a session of meditation one night in June or July, there was an experience that really changed my perception about a couple of things. For about two seconds the syllable Aum was no longer a "syllable" or sound, it was indeed that very thing the Upanishads claim it is; Brahman. Previously, I understood it on an intellectual level that Aum is Brahman but the meditation experience revealed it to only be Brahman and not a syllable. The idea that it is a syllable or sound is just like someone perceiving a rope to be a snake until they look at it closer. During the experience, my own stream of thought was totally gone. All what remained was the consciousness that pervades all of the universe and is beyond it. This consciousness was not attached to anything, did not have attributes, and it was very peaceful. This consciousness is Aum. The second thing that this changed for me was about monism. Previously I was in favor of Neutral Monism which is the idea that all existence is of one substance that is neither consiousness or matter. But after the experience, I can no longer say "consciousness is not the ground of all existence." In the early part of August, I had a dream that I was walking outside and I was not quite sure about where I was. I saw a restraurant nearby and I was hungry enough to go ahead and walk into the place. When I sat down at a table, a woman who worked there came to me with a big bowl of salad. She put it on the table infront of me and she said "This is from Shiva." When she walked away, I looked at the food and said "Aum Namah Shivaya" twice. The dream then ended. A few evenings ago I was sitting outside at the nearby park and I happened to notice that there was a cloud that was almost clear and it resembled the shape of Aum in Sanskrit. It then started to deform kind of slowly.
  18. Milly Namaste Apparently I had the same experience that you did concerning Shiva and the Hare Krishna mantra. Last month (or the month before) I was chanting the mantra on a mala and when my eyes were closed I kept having clear images come to my mind of Shiva. This happened on other days too. A similiar experience occured one night while doing japa of the name Rama. It was going on for a while and when my eyes were closed I saw a clear image of the Buddha's head twice. I wonder if anyone else sees Shiva when they chant Hari's names!
  19. A few nights ago I had a dream that I was homeless and had very little possessions; clothing and a couple of bags that I carried. I was inside of Best Buy, which is a store that sells electronics and media items. When I walked out of that store I was somehow at the front of a threatre outdoors where people purchase tickets. There was only one person there and it was a man who looked like a Vaishnava of the Gaudiya tradition. He was purchasing a ticket to see a movie. I stopped walking and looked at the man while shouting this mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Radha Hare Radha Radha Radha Hare Hare What's odd is that the Hare Krishna Mahamantra uses the name Rama rather than Radha. But in this dream I was shouting Radha instead of Rama. Has anyone else heard or seen this mantra? What are your thoughts?
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