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Everything posted by Vasailakshi

  1. Thank you for your analysis. I am getting a clearer picture. It is true, I do attract many "enemies" or to put in milder western terms, "challenges" in my life. I used to find when I was younger, that many women were jealous and would wish me ill, and it would always hurt my feelings and sadden me. As I've grown though, I've come not to take it personally and have been doing my part to not attract animosity as much as I am already inherently capable just by my presence. My health has always been near perfect, so maybe I should take care of it so as to not cause injury in the future. And as for self expression, you are dead on!! Maybe that is why it causes incompatibility with partners... I may be too "much" or too headstrong, or too independent, too undomesticated for most men. Who knows. Life is interesting. But I do know that deep down inside, without any doubts, I would do anything for the person I loved, I could move mountains! And remain committed to the end. I hope I will one day get a chance to experience this.
  2. Oh! I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to detract from your incisive analysis or sound unappreciative in any way! I was just curious as to what all of this means- I have a better understanding of Western Astrology and have just only recently dwelved into the Vedic sciences and want to learn more about my aspects in particular, so please forgive my rambuncious curiosity, I meant no offense, I just wanted to know where you saw the marriage aspect and Deepaji has answered it. So all's gut!
  3. Thank you so much for your reply. I looked over the threads here on Ketu from previous years and the consensus seems to be that Ketu is not very happily placed in the seventh house for marriage, but you have written that I will not encounter too many problems. I'm relieved to hear this but at the same time am curious as to why this is for me. As for health, is there anything specific I should watch out for?
  4. Dear respected elders and members, I was recently told that Ketu in my seventh is not so good for marriage and realtionships and Rahu in my first tend me to overeat (thankfully I am not fat! but I do love food!). I am concerned about this ketu aspect because I would like to get married and start a family soon. So far I have had two serious relationships that have almost ended in marriage but because I did not feel that they were the right ones for me, I refused both times but still suffered heartbreak and disappointments. Is it in the cards for me to have a happy marriage? What do I need to do to remedy this? On the other hand I was told that I am in chandra dasa so the time is good. Not sure what to do. My birth is 23-09-74 11:37am Bangalore. Thank you.
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