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Posts posted by moorthi

  1. Caste System has certainly outlived it's (historic) purpose.


    Any prosperous society would have to contend with it's own internal contradictions, which at times can become so huge that all it needs is a tiny spark from outside to blow it up.


    This was the case with all prosperous societies in the past - they all had to succumb to a handful(compared to their number) of barbarians coming from outside.


    Were it not for the caste system(with all it's other deficiencies, as can be explained even by a child), Hindu culture would have by now been fully eradicated by the systematic massacre,slavery,conversion,oppression and ruthless policies of the Muslim rulers for the last 1000 years.


    However India still remain predominanty Hindu due to two reasons:


    1) The numberous saintly men like Chaitanya,Kabir,Ramanuja etc


    2) The caste system, due to which whenever something bad is perpetrated upon members of a caste, the whole caste takes to arms to 'defend' it's pride.


    Oftentimes, either of the following would accrue


    1) Where the Sultan's armies are more powerful, the whole caste could get obliterated, after dying down to the last man


    2) On the other hand, the Sultan's armies are kept in check, and much weakened due to incessant attacks from people belonging to a particular caste.


    Such was the story of the struggles and counter-struggles in Indian history all through the millenia.

  2. Garlands are used as a mark of appreciation of each other.

    It is an aspect of our culture that whenever some great, wonderful things occur, wise men or sages would appear and shower flowers and garlands as a mark of their appreciation of the event. So is the case of the garland which the culture considers as having divine approval.


    In my childhood I have read the story of the Shadpuras (6 Cities) created by the Asura Nikumbha (?)

    into which not even an insect can enter without the knowledge of Nikumbha (can't remember whether

    that is indeed the name).Krishna's sons Pradyumna and Gada got in thru maya (that Pradyumna learnt

    from his wife Mayawati) and marries the daughters of the asura princes. Finally the asuras get killed

    and Shad puras burnt.


    I can't find this story in the Bhagavatha or Vishnu purana. I don't have access to Brahma Vaivartha

    so didn't check it. Can anyone tell me in which purana does this story find a reference?

  4. I would term it 'firmness' in times of adversity.


    Think of the millions of Hindus who held on to their

    religion in the face of adversities across centuries

    of oppression - oppression of their religion, promotion

    of other religions - bias against the Hindus with an aim

    to make them convert - there I can see firmness and


  5. I follow Parthasarathi, the inspirer who prompts the inner man with strength and courage to face adversities and emerge triumphant in the end.


    I follow Gopijanavallabha, the embodiment of eternal love,

    love for the sake of love alone.


    I follow Pundareekaksha, whose dzzling beauty brings the whole world into trance, and makes me worship him with folded hands, seeking knowledge.


    I follow Yashodanandana, the childish One, who enthralls

    everyone with his divine play.


    I follow Janardana, who protects virtue by taking divine avatars everytime vice overwhelms virtue.

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