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Everything posted by M.R.Moorthi

  1. Dear soul300,Yes,your star is Pushya-4 and your Lagna is Scorpio,where you have Jupiter & ketu located,7th-Ragu, 9th-moon,10th-mer,ve&mars, 11th-Sun,12th-sat. now running Ketu up to 5/12/08 and then starts Venus dasa upto 2028.How did you experience your Ketu dasa in its 7 year running and are you aware that you are also running sade sathi(Seven and half years Sat)now and it is in its last phase to end in little more than a year now.?Well,when you have been doing well under these situations,you need not get panic about ensuing sukra dasa.The Almighty will surely take care of. Carry forward all that you wish to do. Best of luck MRM
  2. As per the birth details.Mr.Rabinder: 1Asc:Aquarius,2-Ve,Ra, 3-Sun,Sat, 4-Mer, 8-Jupi®,Ketu, 10-Mars, 12-Moon(Dhanishta 1)- Running Jupitr Dasa up to Sep,2009. Mrs.Gopali:1 Asc:Cancer, 5-Ragu, 7-Moon(Dhanishta 2), 8-Jupi, 9-Veus, 10-Sun, 11-Mer,Ketu, 12-Mars,Sat - She is also running Jupiter Dasa upto April,2013. I will answer your Manglik question. Yes,Mr Rabinder is obviously non-manglik. Your sister Mrs.Gopali is also non-manglik though mars is obviously located in the 12th from Asc and in 4th from venus for the reasons below. 1.For the natives of Cancer Asc,the planet Mars whereever located in their chart does not make them a manglik because Mars is a benefic for these natives. 2. Further in the chart the location of Mars in Gemini in association with Sat is another compensation. 3.Further Mars has the powerful 5th aspect of Jupiter and is also located in a Jupiter's star,Jupiter and Mars being benefics for the said Asc.(Even in the absence of 2&3,she does not become a manglic) Further both have already passed the Mars(Mangal) dasa during their childhood itself. All these show your sister is also no manglik and you can forget about the dosha you raised. MRM
  3. Your 5th lord (Moon) in 4th(your rasi) in association with ragu and ragu himself in the 5th in association with Sat and Mars with ketu - all these affect one's attaining motherhood.You need not worry.Your lagna lord & putra karaka posited in 7th in Chitra 2 indicates a definite motherhood,but only delayed due to what is said above. Your are running Jupiter dasa now upto March 2012 and you are expected to conceive anytime after Nov,2008 by the grace of the Almighty.Always pray to your family deity for a safe delivery and a bright offspring. Best wishes
  4. Dear sir,Please excuse me to quote some one's saying "Anything natural is science.Otherwise, it is non-s(ci)ense"
  5. You provide the birth details of the both.Even your sister is double or triple manglik and your brother-in-law is no manglik,there is nothing to ferar,if there are compensations.If both don't get the mars dasa during their life time,you need not fear.Bukthis and antars of mars may have some effect but will not be alarming.Both the charts are to studied to arrive at a conclusion.
  6. With the birth details given Asc is not Leo. It is Libra. Please check. MRM
  7. Hope some will show interest to find the compatibility MRM
  8. Pablo & Ramachandran have rightly said.The time of conception and delivery is the decision of the immortal Almighty depending one's karma to be performed on the earth.If the delivery is destined to be through the ceserean section,such a decision is only ordained by the The Supreme and the doctors only perform what is directed.Any meddling with His supreme activities will only boomerange in the way it should. I know two cases of Ceserean where the birth took place as per the timing given by the parents.The mothers became so sick some time later due to the infected womb and though the children so born are now nearly 25 to 30 years old, none is any better than any naturally born children. Leave it to HIM with sincere meditations as suggested by Ram and the chanting of powerful Hanuman Chalisa everyday morning and whenever you have free time with all the devotion will surely do wonders and you will also be blessed with wonderful child in a very safe and harmless delivery at an auspicious time. Best wishes. MRM
  9. Majority of the Hindu Temples are closed during Solar Eclipse.When god,Almighty is only responsible for all the creations,eclipses are no exeption,He is immortal and the Creater of all the celestial occurences and non should affect him.Only the mortal beings are affected.Why then the abodes of the Almighty,temples are closed during Solar eclipses. Can learned ones explain? M.R.Moorthi
  10. It will be nice if analysed and some light is thrown on the compatibility of the pair,if they tie the nuptial knot.
  11. Dear Shri Ramachandran, Thank you for your indepth study of both the charts and valuable opinion.For your information she has two brothers and three sisters.Both the brothers have no strains between them.Elder one married,now 70 years,and settled in a far off place and the second is 60 years,not married but spritually inclined with some hot temperment.This lady lives with her 88 years old mother and the second brother.Except this lady her sisters and brothers are doing well.Except the second brother others are generally good towards her to some extent with occassional monetary help.She has studied up to ssc.She says for the past little more than 10 yers now she has been doing purchasing sarees and all woman requirements from some whole sale traders and selling them in retail,visiting houses and offices and even dolls some times but only after completing all the household chores everyday except Sundays.Further she says this business is giving her some good results in the recent times.When I showed the horoscopes recently to one learned lady who I by chance came accross,she said the matching in respect of ragu/ketu dosha was ok but both the stars belong to Rakshasa gana and fall in shashttaka positions which is not good,though the position considered anukoola.She was of the opinion that Ragu being located in Mar's star(Dhanishta),that too in Makara, which is a benefic for Kataka lagna natives,Ragu dasa will only do some good in respect of her earnings and didn't comment anything on her husband joining back etc etc.All these for your kind information and valuable comments.I take interest because the lady is almost 56 years and worried of her future with the advancing age.Somewhere in the future she may have to stop doing this and take care of herself with what she is going to save now. Thank you sir.
  12. Dear Deepaji, Thanks for your view on the aspects. I find the views differ from one learned to the other because of different systems like some astrologers rule out consideration of Shashtashtaka in matri matching and some strictly follow the shashtashtaka consideration. M.R.Moorthi
  13. Dear learned Gurujis, Will there be a good matrimonial match between the two charts below? Please contribute your views. M.R.Moorthi HOROSCOPE OF GROOM(Male) -------- DOB:23-10-1974 TIME:22-10 Hrs PLACE:Trivandram(Kerala) Star:Sravan -1st Moon Dasa Balance: 7Y- 8M- 16 Days <TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=330 border=2><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width="22%" height=55> </TD><TD width="22%"> </TD><TD width="23%"> Ketu </TD><TD width="31%"> LAGNA Sat </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=55> Jupiter® </TD><TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=2> RASI </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=55> Moon </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=58> </TD><TD> Ragu </TD><TD> Sun,Mer®,Venus, Mars </TD><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=339 border=2><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width="26%" height=55> </TD><TD width="21%"> Moon </TD><TD width="21%"> Sat </TD><TD width="29%"> Ketu </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=55> Jupiter </TD><TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=2> NAVAMSA </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=55> Mercury </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=58> Lagna Ragu </TD><TD> Sun Mars </TD><TD> Venus </TD><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> HOROSCOPE OF BRIDE (Female) ------------------ DOB:30-08-1977 TIME:07-04 AM PLACE:Chennai(Tamilnad) Star:Poorvabadrapada-3r(Kumbh rasi) Jupiter Dasa Balance: 5Y-11M-0day <TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=330 border=2><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width="22%" height=55> Ketu </TD><TD width="22%"> </TD><TD width="23%"> </TD><TD width="31%"> Jupiter Mars </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=55> Moon </TD><TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=2> RASI </TD><TD> Sat Venus </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=55> </TD><TD> Lagna Sun Mercury® </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=58> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> Ragu </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=339 border=2><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width="26%" height=55> Sat </TD><TD width="21%"> </TD><TD width="21%"> </TD><TD width="29%"> Moon </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=55> Ketu </TD><TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=2> NAVAMSA </TD><TD> Sun </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=55> </TD><TD> Ragu </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=58> Lagna Jupiter </TD><TD> Mercury Mars </TD><TD> </TD><TD> Venus </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  14. Mr.Bhaskar, You have inserted a irrelevant question in a discussion.Open a new thread on your username and place the question there to have answers please M.RM
  15. Thank you Shri Sasisekaranji, I agree that star matching alone is only a fractional part of total matching and the basic charts play a major role in deciding the total result. It seems you have done accordingly based on the birth details and given your highly valuable view.Thank once again M.R.Moorthi
  16. Dear Shri R.N.Ramachandran, As suggested by you I contacted her to verify the time. She says the birth time 02-53 Am as given earlier is correct. Further she gave some incidences for our information that her marriage took place on 07/06/1987 at Palani sometime after 9-00AM.,Monday.Her Husband left her without her knowledge with her Gold chain on 16-12-1989 and returned after selling and exhausting all that money on 13-01-1990.Again left on 11-05-1990.Came back after some time and for more than three years now he permanently left,leaving her in the care her one of her brothers who is also not in terms with her,despite her hard working at his home. On the basis of this will you be able to tell her future please. M.R.Moorthi
  17. Dear Deepaji, Thank you for opening the subject.I am talking in general about Jupiter obtaining the Neecha rasi position,if there is no neechabanga at all.Some astrologers say Jupiter's aspected rasis are always powerful,especially 5th&9th irrespective of His position in Chart.Is this view correct? For that matter will the aspected rasi also become weak by any natural benefics placed in their neecha rasi without neechabanga ? Your valuable opinion please
  18. Perhaps even good astrologers have some doubt about it.Why then no clarifications?
  19. Why none shows an interest in the analisis of the match?Any doubt?
  20. Jupiter's Aspects From Makara <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> Dear Gurujis, <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> Will the 5th , 7th & 9th aspect of Jupiter from his Neecha Rasi(Makara) also be weak or his aspects are always powerful irrespective of his being in debilitation(Neecha) or exaltation(Uchcha)?. Please clarify MRM <!-- / message -->
  21. Dear all learned ones, A girl born on 19/12/1976 at 10-05 AM at Chennai,Tamilnadu,India has been proposed to a boy born on 03/05/1974 at 08-25 AM at Secunderabad,Andhrapradesh,India for matrimony. Your valuable advice is sought to know whether this match is perfectly OK for a fruitful wedded life. Two different astrologers seem to have given different views. Hence your help is sought. M.R.Moorthi <!-- / message -->
  22. Dear Sir,Thank you.How then Females with such a horoscope can get married and live a happy life?She has given her husband's birth details also.Leave alone the brothers how about her own husband?Cann't he come back & join her and help?Reason for the difficulty has been discussed.What is the remedy we can suggest to her to ward off the evils and settle down happily alone,if not brothers or her husband? MRM
  23. Dear Gurujis,<HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> Will the 5th , 7th & 9th aspect of Jupiter from his Neecha Rasi(Makara) also be weak or his aspects are always powerful irrespective of his being in debilitation(Neecha) or exaltation(Uchcha)?. Please clarify MRM
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