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Posts posted by jinglebells


    The Charlatan Obama



    Jul 28, USA (SUN) — For all of my Godbrothers and Godsisters who want to vote for the party that supports abortion (over 300,000 for Planned Parenthood alone), the party that supports the Darwin’s Theory Group (the anti-intelligent design people), the party that is for same sex marriage, denigration of society in general (the Hollywood Group and all of their Godless movies), the party that is for the “Nanny State” (“we need big government to take care of us”), the party of socialists and such, go right ahead. If you think that the religious right is bad, just wait until the atheists really get a handle on society.



    This piece is proof that atheists are better than religious people. The racist attack throughout this essay (combined with explicit support for outdated creationist ideas, attack on homosexuals etc.) is evidence.:)


    Whatever action is undertaken by a Bhakta, that too of His calibre, is above all dualities(including vice & virtue, correctness & incorrectness...)


    Your argument does not even stand...:rolleyes:


    Kulapavan is certainly a great devotee and so are BhaktaJan, Theist:)


    Your moral relativism is more a leftist concept than a vaishnava one.:rolleyes: So please....


    Raghu, good points you make. But not all Hare Krishnas are bad. Many of them are very sattvik individuals, despite some quirky beliefs. I tend to ignore their eccentricities, in those cases.


    In any event, Srila Prabhupada is certainly 'bonafide', as ISKCON folk would put it.

    I am inclined to agree with you. For a few quacks , we do have rational and broad-minded devotees like Kulapavana.:) So all is not lost. But I do wish Prabhupada could've been a bit more gentlemanly and politically correct.


    I think it is not so much an 'inside job' as it is the case of knowing about that plot and allowing (and even helping) it to go through because it provided all kinds of justifications, power and resources to US top power circles.


    Yes, that's what I meant. Islamic terrorism is simply a tool of the Jewish Bourgeois, which they unleash on their opponents (as they did in the Soviet War, when Bin Laden was their best friend!;)). And in other cases, they unleash it on their 'own' people to distract them from the real economic problem (which always revolves around workers).


    This helps the Jewish bourgeois regain control of the means of production, and keep the workers down and suppressed, all the while distracting them with the bogey of Islamic terrorism.:smash: Job well done!


    Many people have ignored the real problem, which is the oppression of the working class by the Jewish capitalists, and instead targeted their anger on Islam, which itself happens to be a creation of Jewish capitalists to suppress workers.:eek:


    Result: Rich get richer, and the poor get stupid.:P

  5. Just because evolution may not have all the answers, it doesn't cease to be scientific.:rolleyes:Incomplete knowledge is not necessarily incorrect knowledge. Nor does it mean the religious folks are right, because at least in the case of evolution, a lot of scientific research has been done, and a tremendous amount of knowledge accumulated. So their position can be respected, if not accepted. But who can take religious people seriously, when they point to their an old book as evidence?:)


    This is why when it comes to science vs religion, it's always a no contest. It would be better if religious people can spend more on their religious practices than they do on refuting scientific materialism with their poor fund of (secular) knowledge.:smash:


    in the long term the diseases keep the species in shape - it is part of natural selection.


    to some extent the individual body has all kinds of self correcting mechanisms but the actual story is about perpetuating the species - maintaining the viability of various life forms in our world. also, if you live an unhealthy life, disease is a signal you are doing something wrong.


    How would you explain cancer or AIDS in this context?


    What these people do not understand, is that the REAL INTELLIGENCE of the design is it's flexibility and adaptability to changes in environment. Just like the real marvel of the skin is it's ability to repair itself. Can you build a jacket that will mend itself when you tear out a button and make a hole in the fabric? So the bodies designed by the intelligent designer are ADAPTABLE and self-correcting.


    How then do you explain diseases which need treatment, the bodies aren't self-correcting and adaptable, are they?


    "We are discussing the four main legitimate sources for knowledge of Krishna's life"

    Yet again, You have managed to blurt-out a cute but gross oxzmoron. That's so cute.



    Blessed Cheers & Cheer-dom-isms to you,


    Yes. That sounds like a novel and sound axiom, let us pursue it mutually.


    Where have you read such erudite overviews?


    Such quick witted and causal reference skills are most admirable.


    PS: Bhagavatam has been eliminated from your dearest list of satra describing Krishna: Mahabharata, Hari Vamsa, & Vishnu Purana?


    Bottom line, Shvu has shown that authentic sources on Krishna's life, like Harivamsa, don't mention Radha. Instead of refuting him, you're just babbling, why?:)

  9. All said and done, Zionism is fulfilling most people's secret desire-to eliminate terrorists and such undesirables from the society. Oil crisis is just an unfortunate side effect, which will persist with or without Israel/Jews and Zionism, anyway. This cannot be denied, so let's try to see the good things in Zionism, for a change.:)


    Honestly, Zionism seems to be the only counterweight against terrorism as well as imperialism, which is why Jews are hated by both sides, the muslims as well as the racist skinhead types. So in a way, Zionists are actually fulfilling the wishes of good people by acting as a hurdle to both forms of imperialism.


    Does anyone know anything about a Demigodess with the name Saraswari?

    I'm not certain if she exists.. But I am looking..


    I'd also like to ask for your prayers because I'm having a VERY difficult time right now. I dont know how to describe it I just know it's different for me.


    Your sig is your answer.:)


    Germans were fascinated by the Vedic culture long before the national socialism was invented. Read the history of German indology for examples. Nazis simply exploited that fascination and took it a step further. They were the only people who took Vedic sicience very seriously and conducted elaborate research in that area. I do not have much reference but you can easily google a lot of information - ranging in value from pure conjecture to solid facts. All that research ended up in American hands after the war, largely dismissed as irrelevant.


    Thanks for the info., but how do we link their interest in Vedic culture to their anti-Semitic policies which formed a major part of their movement? That seems to be one of the most puzzling things in their ideology, it's nearly a contradiction.:confused:


    Are you trying to tell me that the Israeli/Jewish lobby in US was not, and is not pushing for wars with Iraq and Iran??? It is not a conspiracy theory, but a fact. Let's blame people who deserve to be blamed based on such facts.

    People get what they deserve.

    Not this matter specifically, but the general tendency throughout the world to blame Jews for every problem. Surely, that's ridiculous, don't you agree? As to Iran/Iraq, both nations have had a violent history, which includes a war between them killing millions. So with or without Jews, they've been hating and killing each other. So does it really matter if Jews are involved, when it's palpably clear that Muslim nations are violent, no matter what? I am not justifying Jews/US, only saying Muslim nations EVEN WITHOUT US/JEW intervention have always been killing each other.


    On a side note, do you know of any references pointing to National Socialists and their interest in Vedic Civilization?


    Einstein was certainly extremely intelligent, but his ethics leave a lot to be desired. His private life was full of affairs with much younger women and he is often accused of using other people's research and ideas without giving them any credit for it. He was a proud and often arrogant person.


    All said and done, he'll go down in history as the smartest man ever. And this upsets white supremacists terribly, because he's Jewish.;)

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