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Posts posted by jinglebells

  1. This is an honest question, so I hope someone can answer in depth. People say chant mantras like shiva, hare krishna etc., but what's so special about these words? What's the difference between coca-cola and hare krishna? They're just sounds that dull your brain and make you go to sleep. I agree that these mantras come in handy for insomniacs. Otherwise, what's the point of it all? How could a name be so powerful? It's just a normal sound, similar to the sounds we hear every day. So why make a big deal out of it?


    The first question should be: "What is space?"


    Unless you properly understand the concept of space, you will not be able to understand much about "where" what you call universe is located. And this is not something you can uderstand from a 300 word blurb on the internet.


    Is there a thing called space?


    Why this atheist is being allowed to post this atheistic topic in "spiritual discussions" is quite odd?

    Seems like the moderators will let atheists run wild here, but otherwise are very quick to delete many other posts that are less offensive.


    Maybe the forum can create a section for atheist topics and move these offensive topics over there and let the atheists play their games there?


    There's nothing atheistic in what I wrote. If God is within man, why can't we serve man - a living, breathing human being - instead of dead idols. Hindus love cows more than they do human beings.:rolleyes: Is it atheism to point this out?


    Correct.There is no shortage of land for factories.


    Still, temples occupy a lot of space...30 thousand of them! Imagine!



    FYI ,The earnings from temple lands is controlled by government not priests.

    Most of the government funds for poverty eradication goes to the pockets corrupt government officials.So, by your own logic we should be demolishing goverment.


    And these politicians are also Hindus, and they worship Hindu gods, go to temples etc. etc. See a pattern here?



    Sonic yogi has already answered your point.I will add more.There is no shortage of food in India .people who refuse to work are starving not because a tiny bit of food is wasted on idols that too on accassions not every day.


    What a heartless thing to say! Millions of Indians are starving, because according to your bigoted view, they're all lazy and starving.



    It is a wonder that stupid fellow like you lives in ireland.Irish people i know are of very smart kind.Now, did the irish became prosperous after demolishing Churches? .

    What exactly is your point?


    Point is, they're more secular than religious; whereas Hindus are more interested in cows than they are in fellow human beings starving on the streets. I am Indian, btw.



    The answer is eradicating political corruption and electing strong leadership.


    More than 6 decades, and hindus are still waiting for a corruption-free politician and system! Good luck!


    Don't even talk about demolishing or transforming Hindu temples. It is absolutely disgusting.


    In Malaysia, many Hindu temples have been destroyed by the Muslim government. Their excuse is that they are "squatting on government land". Some of them are over 100 years old, and date back to the time when the British ruled Malaysia. So the temples were registered under the British government, but when Malaysia became independent in 1957, they weren't re-registered with the new government, and so the fanatical Muslims are allowed to run rampant destroying Hindu temples and smashing Deities.


    Malaysia is a modern, progressive country, and they care more about development than trivial religious matters. So let's be more objective and less sentimental. Human lives are more important than idols, meaningless worship that results in wastage of food etc.


    You cannot combine politics with spirituality. To feed the poor and provide better infrastructure is the governments job.


    We can feed people only by producing things. No consumption without production. And there are thirty thousands temples in India, all the revenue generated there going to corrupt priests and politicians. So much food, water, ghee, milk, sweets are wasted on the idols which have no life, whereas real, living people are starving in the streets of India.


    Is it any wonder that India is still a third-world country whereas Ireland, also a country ruined by imperialism, has managed to become one of the wealthiest and industrialized nations?


    People can make slumdog kinda movies about India, because these things actually exist. They can't make such movies about Ireland, why do you think that is? I am sure you know the answer.


    i agree that not to go overboard with temples.

    but having factory in the middle of a city makes no sense.

    most temples i think are in places where people live.

    Do you know the amount of pollution factories can cause.

    nehru was besides not a very religious man

    as i know.


    Without factories, what can you produce? Without production, you'll have next to nothing! You live in a house, and type on a PC with internet connection, don't you? So you can worry about pollution and go back to stone age; or, you can focus on development.

  8. India's first PM, J Nehru, said the temples in India occupy a lot of space, and if they were transformed into factories, India can feed its people. Frankly, I think this is a better approach, than to have millions being wasted on temples. In fact, even outside temples, we see poor people begging! So what's the point of having temples, when they can't even take care of the poor in the very vicinity of temples?


    So I believe Nehru's view is the right one, and that the religious people are simply making money out of temples and gods.


    I have WAY TOO MUCH respect for the Vedic monism to equate that path with Islam. Do you see Vedic monists running around butchering people in the name of their religion?


    They might, if they have the power. Since they don't, they're forced to be nice and humble; they have no choice. So it's not about religion at the end of the day, it's politics. The west is butchering people in the name of democracy, freedom, human rights, and whatever sweet-sounding term they could come up with; whereas, Muslims are doing it in the name of god. What difference does it make? It's all maya, the whole world is a terrible place.


    But the concept of a God without form creating insects and rats is not abhorrent?

    Why is it abhorrent if personal god with form creates miserable conditions and life forms, but you think it is not abhorrent if the impersonal god creates it?



    That's the beauty of the Impersonal - there's no creation at all. The whole thing is just an illusion, and like all illusions, there's good, bad, and ugly. Whereas, in personal god stuff, god meticulously creates tapeworms and all that.:eek:

  11. It's obvious that Brahman is formless, both logically and from the standpoint of scriptures. Imagine Brahman being a blue-skinned boy playing the flute and running around with girls! This is more like a Hindi movie...:rolleyes:


    Scriptures also confirm this, in fact, nowhere do they talk of form except while describing Brahman in positive terms so that mediocre minds can understand. Otherwise, it's always been Nirguna Brahman they talk about. Even the concept of a God with form creating a world filled with insects, rats etc. etc. seem abhorrent, such an idea is an insult to God!


    Quotes from Chief Sitting Bull:

    "If the Great Spirit had desired me to be a white man he would have made me so in the first place. He put in your heart certain wishes and plans, and in my heart he put other and different desires. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows."

    "I am here by the will of the Great Spirit, and by his will I am chief. I know Great Spirit is looking down upon me from above, and will hear what I say..."

    "The earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall see the results of that love. He put in your heart certain wishes and plans; in my heart, he put other different desires.

    "In my early days, I was eager to learn and to do things, and therefore I learned quickly. Each man is good in the sight of the Great Spirit."

    "Now that we are poor, we are free. No white man controls our footsteps. If we must die, we die defending our rights."

    "What white man can say I ever stole his land or a penny of his money? Yet they say that I am a thief. What white woman, however lonely, was ever captive or insulted by me? Yet they say I am a bad Indian."

    "What white man has ever seen me drunk? Who has ever come to me hungry and left me unfed? Who has seen me beat my wives or abuse my children? What law have I broken?"

    "Is it wrong for me to love my own? Is it wicked for me because my skin is red? Because I am Sioux? Because I was born where my father lived? Because I would die for my people and my country? God made me an Indian."


    What's all this?:eek:

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