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  1. This cbrahma is a funny guy, he doesn't chant, doesn't offer his food (even say's being a vegetarian is hard) yet he thinks he can tell everyone what KC is really all about like he knows, if he really knew he would be experiencing it and if he was experiencing it he would not be having such problems following. Thiest I disagree with you, cbrahmas beliefs are what makes him so agitated, which in turn makes him want to endlessly argue with everyone. The closer you are to truth in your beliefs the more calm you are within yourself and your dealings with others. This cbrahma is clearly a very disturbed person and that becomes manifest in his dealings here with others. The need to argue endlessly or the desire to does not show you have attained any level of advancement at all no matter how many quotes, letters you can copy and paste. In fact cbrahma is using the words of Srila Prabupada for his own ego gratification and using them to crush others, this is a great aparadha!
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