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  1. no one has any info on this kind of situation
  2. It does exist. I have faced it & so has my family. we are all suffering.
  3. I found out that my mother-in-law is resorting to drinking blood & having sexual relations with tantrics to get more strong in doing black magic on me & my family. Is this true that by doing so she would get more power? She has created havoc on our family.
  4. There are some enemies that one needs to combat. Till one does not experience the evil effects it is very easy for others to say "when in life you meet a foe, bless them, praise them and let them go". I did that but it did not help me. My enemy became even more evil.
  5. My prayers for you & your family. May God give you all the strength in these hard times to take care of your family.
  6. Bhairo thanks for replying & now I had it removed by a pundit who told me not to worry. He did what he was supposed to do. So now what happens to the people who did this on my family. Are they punished by God or by their own deeds.
  7. Could someone please tell me what damage a indrajal yantra can do on a family who has had black magic done by their own family members.
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