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Posts posted by hare_krishna

  1. have a fear that anti-vedic people of kali yuga

    would try to manufacture shloks with messages that would be vedic, and try to pass them on as vedic verses to deme the vedic dharma/ culture.


    it would be better to not reveal the rules of making shlokas.


    jai sri krishna!



    No. Don't let Sanskrit knowledge pass away. Some scholars are bearing in mind that Sanskrit is a dead language already. It is not. It is still alive, but it is a little bit ill and lies in the hospital right now. It is not dead yet. It won't die ever. We all have to support Sanskrit language by learning it and teaching it. Or else we become the slayers of our own culture.


    There won't be any Hindu or Hindu related religion over some hundred years if Sanskrit knowledge vanishes. Sanskrit is the very foundation of vedic religion. Every hindu who knows sanskrit should teach sanskrit and every Hindu who does not know sanskrit should learn sanskrit. That will keep sanskrit alive together with vedic culture.


    Jagat is doing a great job, explaining about sanskrit. We should all make use of this.

  2. Raadhe raadhe govinda gopala raadhe

    raadhe raadhe govinda gopala raadhe

    radhe radhe Govinda gopala raadhe

    Radhe Radhe govinda Gopala raadhe

    raadhe Raadhe govinda gopala raadhe

    raadhe Radhe Govinda gopala raadhe

    raadhe Radhe govinda Gopala Raadhe

    Raadhe Raadhe govinda Gopaal raadhe



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