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Posts posted by yasodanandana

  1. good objection.... shoes with images of deities are bad because in deity worship there are rules


    (i do not wear also shirts or clothes with deities or spiritual masters because i do not want to bring them in the bathroom when i need to... /images/graemlins/smile.gif)


    but harinama is without strong rules and regulations, everyone can chant and sing, without initiation and principles, and without even to know what is that



    so it is possible to chant KRSNA in that way and it helps people to go back to godhead


    of course it is not so good (even if the power of NAMA cannot be weakened by this) if a religious organization is involved DIRECTLY in an operation like that



    ISKCON and cocacola

    chaitanya mission and limca

    catholic church and Sprite and so on


    but we have a band, they are on their own, they are chanting a religious song... no problem


    if we want to perform harinama only in satvik conditions or environment we have to stop to do it in this planet


  2. Mxyzptyk: "The bottom line is, as Yasodanandana prabhu has pointed out repeatedly, that one of the pillars of the post-samadhi ritvik system is the nonstop blasphemy of Srila Prabhupada's Godbrothers and all others affiliated with the Gaudiya Math. Of course, if one of them were to suddenly endorse the Post-samadhi ritvik idea, then that person would be used (although not followed as a siksa guru) to prop up the PS ritvik system."


    the enemies of bona fide gurus and devotees are:


    1)bogus gurus who have fear of the comparison, they keep their disciples away from pure devotees otherwise, very easily, they'd leave and join the real thing

    2)who say that parampara is interrupted and there's no more pure devotee to take shelter from

    3)religious bureaucracy who have fear that the "necessary" revolution that comes with pure devotees will put in danger his routinary but sure "job"

    4)every one who does not accept that the SADHU cuts his material attachments (this is the meaning of sadhu word)


    history is repeating (shirley bassey) /images/graemlins/smile.gif


  3. krsna is already in my house.. in the form of gaura nitai deities.. but i am so dull that i consider them statues and there's no change in my behaviour, if not some external show


    please forgive and bless me


    another answer is that if krsna gives his darshan he give also love, service, etiquette etc.


    krsna is never separated by radha (= the personification of the love and service)

  4. we should have children if we are sufficiently sure to care for them spiritually and materially.. so this is the rule


    so you and your wife have to judge how many children you can care for in both ways



    the worst thing is to have children only to satisfy the urge of sex


    i have seen too much devotees prematurely married and mather and father only to have a little sex with the illusion of respecting in this way the regulative principles....... with very often the result of divorce or sons with problems


    better to do the "little" sin (in comparison) to have some "illicit" sex (or sex without the intention to procreate) than do unwanted children


    prabhupada says that if the son does not become a devotee, is illicit sex even if we have observed all the samskaras


    of course ... in my humble opinion

  5. yes ,,, over is not so good in every direction


    and the other problems is in the BLOCKS


    gaudya math is not a monolithe facing iskcon, is a tree with many branches, some maths (iskcon also is a math) will collaborate very easy, some others will do it only on the plane of harinama sankirtana


    friendship, as ever, is a difficult art


    very easy and natural


    first let us state the principle that unity is good, then we will find the way caring not to be excessive


    but we have to do it, this war is a tremendous source of vaishnava aparadha...


  6. yes ,,, over is not so good in every direction


    and the other problems is in the BLOCKS


    gaudya math is not a monolithe facing iskcon, is a tree with many branches, some maths (iskcon also is a math) will collaborate very easy, some others will do it only on the plane of harinama sankirtana


    friendship, as ever, is a difficult art


    very easy and natural


    first let us state the principle that unity is good, then we will find the way caring not to be excessive


    but we have to do it, this war is a tremendous source of vaishnava aparadha...





    surely, in this forum, we are already united by krsna katha and the love for srila prabhupada


    (jagad guru means ... guru of the world... me included)

  7. "A few words with some Godbrothers on Prabhupada's deathbed did not change any of this."


    prabhupada for first proposed 64 rounds, than he changed in 32, then 16




    the same for godbrothers... first opposition to facilitate neophytes, next the change when he feel that there is no more need.. not too strange


    you as a ritvik advocate live on a conversation done near the time of the departure of his divine grace, that you think that is revolutionizing all prabhupada's guru tattva


    last minute changes are good only for you?


    (you are oscillating between saying that what i have said is true, like now, and saying that it is not true, lilamrita it is not shastra and so on, maybe you are a little short of arguments and it is an honour for a poor preacher like me...... what are you doing..in italy we call it "climbing mirrors")

  8. i am not a guru, and let us hope that a guru will answer to you ... and surely he will do it better than me..


    it is not possible to love krsna avoiding radha


    radha is the personification of the love for krsna (hladini shakti), the power given to devotees to be krsna lovers


    so to say "love for krsna" is another way to say "radha"


    and radha is now giving to you this feeling of love for govinda


    are'nt you even a little grateful to her?




  9. "to try and force their way into ISKCON temples" is surely an offence, but the dychotomy iskcon-gaudya vaishnava, or dividing the world in these two blocks is your fantasy


    you have to speak about me, i am not responsible of the act of anyone different than me, i do not force and i do not enter in places without permission


    and i have many bad qualities, but generally i avoid to cathegorize (a kanista feature with mayavadi nuances... madyam and uttama (that i am not) go on a personal plane)


    you are speaking to me, about devotees, not about disturbing people


    disturbing people have to be avoided .......but ....... having not said anything against iskcon and having not revealed a plane for conquer your temple with my armed godbrothers, i do not know why are you saying this to me


    do not cathegorize, maybe you are right for 99%, but the offense done to the 1% will destroy your spiritual life


    <font color="red"> why are you associating, speaking with an evil gaudyavaishnava(sob) like me? </font color>

  10. "The real thing here is this aparadha will kill Iskcon in the sense that the viable essence of love for krsna will not take hold in an atmosphere where his devotee's are maligned.

    You think you are protecting Iskcon but you are killing it. "


    completely agree.... much more dangerous than a gaudya math devotee with a different opinion about carrots and waking up 15 minutes earlier for mangala arati

  11. it is enough if you read the half page before and the next half page.. and you will find: "let us go together in western countries, in this way "prithivite.." will be true"


    i am sorry but i have not lilamrita in english but if you are honest (and you are) it is very easy to find everything i said


    neither my spiritual master nor me are going to be your iskcon temple presidents or gbc, so you are safe...


    but "respect from a distance" is somewhat substituted (my english.. grrr) by the more recent statement by srila prabhupad that i have cited.... otherwise you have to explain to me how i can respect (=pay obeisances, calling you prabhu.. master) you and, at the same time, avoid to speak and listen by you



    when i meet a devotee i recite the "vancha kalpa tharubyas ..." prayer... please translate it and explain to me how you can pray a vaishnava in this way then turn your back and go away or keep your doors closed.... or pay homages and keep distance


    "you are like the desire tree, you can fulfill all my spiritual desires.." and i run away!!


    not too logic for me, and said by srila prabhupada in special circustance dealing with neophites


    i am curious of what do you think about srila gaura govinda maharaja...... i hate to put people in cathegories, but i have seen Him heavily criticized by some "post samadhi initiation" advocates


    it is not a challenge at all, please let me know what you think

  12. i have not the english Lilamrita but it is very easy, search in the last pages the famous lila when prabhupada says "i am a patita" and bhaktivaibhava puri maharaja answers "no, i do not accept it, you are not a patita, you are a patita pavana".... it is very famous, perhaps every devotee knows this episode


    for my comprehension (and maybe also for many of iskcon devotees... i have some official services in iskcon ) of what is prabhupada siddhanta i am a(n aspiring) disciple of prabhupada


    and if it is not enough, if you are preaching a "post samadhi diksa" i can declare officially opened the "post samadhi siksa movement"... and i immediately take shelter in srila prabhupada as a sisya


    hello dear godbrother!!


    (prabhupada speaks to you and me also when he speaks to jadurani, jayananda, dr singh , father emmanuel, george harrison, srila puri maharaja, srila sridhara maharaja, gaura govinda maharaja etc... )


    (the fact that you can possibly think that gaura govinda maharaja was a bogus guru, not allowing and preaching against ritvik system, drives me mad...... i hope i am wrong)

  13. "I heard His Grace Puri Maharaja when he arrived at Berkeley temple a few months back was openly begging pardon for not coming when Prabhupada was here. I wish I had been there myself. Maybe someone here was and can verify that one way or another."


    i heard him personally saying like that in italy


    a disciple (with not so much respect in this circumstance): "why you have not come in western countries with srila prabhupada?"


    guru maharaja: "because prabhupada (some times he calls bhaktivedanta swami in this way) is a shaktiavesha avatara, i am a poor man, i am nothing... i was not ready to go with him"






    another nice thing is to see all this people full of proud for things done by srila prabhupada, if he's' everything, i am nothing, you are nothing, an iskcon devotee is nothing and so on


    prabhupada said with the godbrothers, before leaving this planet, "if we preach together the "in all towns and village" verse will be true"


    but ritviks have necessarily to sustain their theory with blasphemy, they are proposing only vani (half).. the intelligent disciple wants vani and vapu(full)

  14. guruvani: "We've all heard the argument that Prabhupada resolved his long standing bitter differences with his Godbrothers on his deathbed, but as far as his disciples are concerned we can see no retraction or nullification of his long standing position towards his Godbrothers. "


    humbly i do not understand why you reject some instructions or statements and why you accept other ones


    why disciples are not concerned by these lilas?


    i do not think so


    prabhupada is pure and krsna conscious in every circumstance


    if you use this argument, also post samadhi diksa is a complete turnaround not documented in any book


    and the famous "ritvik" conversation is official as the one made with the godbrothes, in the same place, with similar external health conditions, with a difference of a few days


    (very catholic... the pope is considered not fallible only when he declares : " i am speaking EX CATHEDRA...(the throne of St.Peter)) /images/graemlins/cool.gif

  15. obviously it is all right


    but very often we take this statements in a fanatic way


    srila prabhupad basically says that harekrsna is not a material religion closed in national and racist boundaries, where god is worshipped mainly for gaining material advantages


    that is exacltly the same for the average christianism, islam, buddhism, hinduism and anything else


    our main goal should be to convince all the pratictioners of any religion (and the atheists too) to add Hari Nama to their beliefs and rites and, if possible, to avoid to kill cows that as brahmins, we have the duty to protect


    if we use srila prabhupad as a hammer to beat for our fanaticism, perhaps saying that hare krsna is no more for indians, or that we are against a faith or another, we become exactly like the materialist religions that krsna says to leave in the famous "sarva dharma" verse


    for practical purpose i think that one can, in some context, classify harekrsna as hindus, many devotees involved in preaching at universities and so on accept and use the hindu definition when it is practical to do


    but, as we see often in this forum, if i should feel myself as a hindu to join the modern material indian nationalisms and fanaticisms like the ayodya affair or other quarrels with muslims.... ok i am not hindu at all


    and please, dear hindu brothers, let me enter in jagannath temple in puri and rangaji in vrindaban........ i promise to have a shower before!!!



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