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Posts posted by deepa.bhandari

  1. Dear Lav,


    Yes indeed! You have a great chart. You are blessed with an intelligent mindset and have all the skills one needs to achieve results. Your mind works dearie. And Rahu is well placed - could really give beginnings and rejuvenation.


    But do something for Venus - lord of happiness and romance in 6th house in scorpio. Shukra doesnt like vrishcika and 6th house is it marana karaka sthana.


    You may like to regularly donate white eatables (milk) on fridays.


    Give charity towards wedding of a poor girl.


    Best Wishes


  2. MGM


    Its a lucky, good chart.


    You have had a good upbringing and are very intelligent. Greatly inclined towards home and mom etc. You are religious and like working towards your goal. The problem is that you are facing Saturn Mahadasha - which is actually a neutral planet for you but it is not keeping good relationships with most other planets in the chart.


    You have also recently started with sadesati.


    I am afraid, you have little scope abroad and its not advisable too.


    In case you are male, pls read hanuman chalisa every evening.


    Best Wishes


  3. Dear Hemraj


    Yes indeed, daughter's horoscope shows venus(significator of mother and also lord of matri-sthana) in 8th and also shani in lagna in karka raasi (the raasi closely related to mother) plus lord of 8th in 9th in marana karaka sthana - all of which make the native devoid of mother's love.


    I believe shri rnramachandran has raised a very valid point regarding sun being exalted in aries. There is a little lacuna with rahu+mer+moon combination in 9th. But yes, the daughter's horoscope shows very strong support from father.


    Sept 2008 - Jan 2009, the father may not be able to show any improvement. However, sun's antara that runs throughout Jan 2009, may be effectively used with complete gusto to attempt recovery.


    Sri Rama must be prayed by the child - she can fold her hands. Make her touch some spinach leaves which can be fed to the cows every wed.


    Rahu stands cursed in the 9th - 9th house is also seen for father, Rahu is in marana karaka sthana.


    In my opinion, if the child is taken to the Nageshwar Jyotirlingam in the outskirts of Dwarka in Gujarat, propitiations to the Garbha Graha where the shivalingam is grounded, will greatly pacify Rahu - as this jyotirlingam befits the rasi where rahu exalts - Shiva aradhna shall surely benefit the life of her father and free him for diseases.


    My blessings for this little girl.



  4. PUKHRAJ, be religious, try to be different in your approaches and surprise him with changes in you.


    Tell him, extra maritals will not be taken by you hands down. And that this will the last attempt because you still really care for him and want him. Be firm, not rude. Simply just keep the cards on the table.


    Dont take his relationships hands down at all.


    Best Wishes


  5. dear kumar,


    yes 2nd marriage is indicated. you seem to be openly honest and truthful. Could give mantra remedy to ensure a good married life.


    Regarding career, well things are likely to give you continous phases of satisfaction and dis~ . U need to pray shani devta.


    Best WIshes


  6. Happy Birthday Monika :)


    Give jal to surya devta everyday. Its important in your case.


    Time will heal your wounds. You need to think -

    1. Its good he left you before marriage than after.

    2. Rethink very practically what you want from a husband. You wouldnt want one who can deeply hurt and cause an emotional set back.


    Think - is he worth affecting you? YOU? are far better than him and the fool shall repent.


    Remedy for surya, pls do not overlook. Dear, better think of arrange marriage.


    Best Wishes


  7. Dear Madhu,


    I am sorry for the delay, have been extremely tied up.


    Madhu, do you think he misses you or would call you? If I were you I would phone him and ask him to meet, so that things may be sorted out towards one permanent direction.


    In case you do not want to seperate, you will have to initiate correspondence either through relatives or may be some genuine work-related excuses.


    Best Wishes



    Madhu, we often try to adjust because of inertia to come back to our comfort zone. It does one well, to ponder over what life could be without this relationship. Imagine..

  8. Coolgimmy


    Saturn + moon combination slows mental process, it causes tensions and saturn and moon with a moon in kemadruma will cause one to become a beggar.


    All yogas could be formed with connections - either nakshatra lordships or aspects or conjunctions. However a lot of assessment needs to be done viz-a-viz their strengths and cancellations


    Best Wishes


  9. Most Respected Ravindran ji,


    I feel blessed and at peace to know you find me spiritually inclined. On a mundane level, I believe it is a product of a lot of sufferings, an emotional upbringing and god-gifted intellect. I really believe in Maslow's heirarchy of needs, we are all running after something we need- the domain might differ for each one of us. In my recently developed but obsessive spiritual pursuit, I have often been at a threshold where I feel I have wronged my guru.


    Ravindran ji, I had shirdi sai baba's vision when I was only 5. My family tells me I cried so much they had to find out who he was and then had to take me to shirdi. Since then everyone in my family prays him. Needless to say, there have been several instances which no logic nor science can explain. We owe it to Baba's immense krupa. I am no exception here, there are n number of devotees who feel the same way. As a devotee, he was and should always remain the end target in my life. Attaining him, should account for salvation.


    I know you would have seen "but" and "should" above. I succumbed to astrology after I found the truth in it. Then I calculated my ishta devta, palana hara, etc. There being mixed religions at my parents house and as well as mine (inter-caste marriage), I feel confused with the path to follow.


    I had the opportunity to learn the techniques of transcendental meditation through teachers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. But I havent been able to imbibe it into everyday life. Same holds true for Art of Living technique by Sri Sri Ravi Shankara.


    Ravindran ji, you are God sent, and may I say, I can never look back at life as it was, after this divine revelation that you bring to me.


    Best Wishes


  10. Request all viewers to join me in requesting USR ji for more time for us.




    Some posts really await your help. They do not know you are the best one for them. But I do. It takes immense strength to carry on, but its crucial for us to know we are on the right track.


    USR ji, if there is any which way we can help you stay around more, we will be willing to do so.


    Best Regards


  11. Dear Hemraj Sethia,


    You will get completely free guidance here. You will also benefit from the heartfelt prayers for the grief your family is into. Dear Hemraj, you have already undergone various remedies and of course treatments. What opinion do the doctors give for your brother's recovery? Is he admitted in the hospital or at home? What are the financial conditions?


    Who takes care of the little daughter? Are you married?


    Best Wishes


  12. Respected Lalit Sharma ji - Where arst thou?? Please participate...


    Dear Rohini_Nakshatra - you must be good looking :) Whats your name? Great to know you :)


    Respected Ravindran Ji


    Best Regards! I have been a little occupied and going through the entire content of this thread, each word and each building block is most enlightening. This may sound really cliche but thank you so much!


    I agree that the source or cause for everything is a recursive process with no end. We might as well get to "Who created God"? The effort of speculating most seemingly logical theories also becomes futile as there is no body or no proof as to what the ultimate truth is.


    Now, in your last post responding to me, you wrote-


    Dear Deepa, if you have seen the truth of who you are really from this post than you have got it. If you have got it there is nothing else you need to get more - spiritually. All your doughts will fall off. The only thing remaining for you then is to stabilise in this understanding -in this witness consciousness . Even if you have got it perfectly now, you might , over a period of time, loose this insight and slowly fall back to the false identity. To counter that you need to engage in practicing it in life by way of karma yoga. Practice karma yoga of accepting things as they are and not desiring anything, while you go about doing your daily duity. It does not require renouncing the world. True renounciation is detatchment from the emprical realm , in the knowledge that you have nothing to do with the emprical. Like King Janaka the Raja Rishi, who did not renounce his kingdom but went about fulfilling all the duities that his kingly role demanded. But yet he is considered to be the greatest sage, as he did all that with detachment- without ego.

    I will be extremely grateful, if you could elaborate upon this, and lead the path.


    Best Regards,

    Deepa Bhandari

  13. Dear Shobhit,


    Jai Hind! You are serving the Nation. You have the rights to demand, do not request.


    Your sister is a strong female. Will surely rebound. Let her lie low only till Ketu AD finishes by 31st January 2009. Jupiter is not well placed in transits, will move by end of December too.


    Tell your sister to relax and stop her from thinking too much. She will see a beautiful time soon - and most probably its going to be a very beautiful daughter (touchwood :) )


    Dont fret, I agree its a passing time. I wanted to know when did both these miscarriages occur and what were the dates and reasons.


    Best Wishes


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