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Posts posted by krsna

  1. Python film to challenge Passion



    Monty Python said The Life of Brian spoofed Bible films and intolerance

    Monty Python's film The Life of Brian is to return to US cinemas next month following the success of The Passion of the Christ.

    The Biblical satire will be re-released in Los Angeles, New York and other US cities to mark its 25th anniversary.


    Adverts will challenge Mel Gibson's blockbuster with the lines "Mel or Monty?", "The Passion or the Python?"


    Distributor Rainbow said it hoped the film would "serve as an antidote to all the hysteria about Mel's movie".


    The Life of Brian follows a Jewish character from Nazareth who is worshipped as the Messiah then crucified by Romans.


    We decided this is an important time to re-release this film


    Henry Jaglom

    Rainbow Film Company



    Can religion and films mix?

    It was condemned as blasphemous before its original release, although Monty Python said it was intended as a spoof on Bible films and intolerance rather than Christianity.


    The film could not be completed until former Beatle George Harrison stepped in to finance it after EMI Films withdrew, fearing it was too controversial.


    Rainbow president Henry Jaglom said: "We decided this is an important time to re-release this film, to provide some counter-programming to The Passion."


    He said the surviving members of the Monty Python comedy team "all agreed this was a good time" to bring back the film and would help promote it.


    Mr Jaglom, whose partner John Goldstone produced the original film, said trailers for the comedy would start to appear in cinemas on Good Friday.



  2. Jerusalem braced for attacks


    By James Shaw

    BBC, Jerusalem



    Hard-faced men with metal detectors stand at the entrances to shops and cafes in the centre of west Jerusalem.


    Jerusalem looks like a besieged city

    Scores of soldiers with automatic weapons patrol the pavements; security guards man the buses.


    As the people in the city speculate anxiously about what might happen next after the killing of the spiritual leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the authorities are not taking any chances.


    It seems that that the cafes are a little emptier than normal on a weekday afternoon, but there are still street performers and musicians attracting small crowds on Ben Yehuda street in a warm spring sunshine.


    'Walking dead'


    Israel's popular daily Yediot Ahronot carries an opinion poll suggesting most people approve of the assassination of a man believed to be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Israeli civilians.



    Jerusalem's buses are now virtually empty


    But an opinion column warns it is not a question of whether Hamas will strike back - only where and when.


    The writer says there are now walking dead on the streets of the city - they are destined to die in a terrorist attack sometime soon and yet no-one asked their permission for the actions of the Israeli Defence Force.


    Jennifer Flam - a young student originally from the United States - is waiting to meet a friend near a bus stop on Gaza Street.


    No sympathy


    But she doesn't use buses anymore, she says, since narrowly avoiding two bombings in the past.


    At one time, she says, she took part in dialogue group with Palestinians.


    Now the feeling that her life and the lives of her friends are threatened in a regular and random way makes it hard for her to feel sympathy with them.


    When you spend hours in a hospital with a friend who was on a bus that was blown up it changes your opinion


    Jennifer Flam, Israeli student



    Gaza eyes brewing storm

    Once, she says, she would have opposed the assassinations by the Israeli army; now she is not so sure.


    Jennifer - like so many Israelis - has direct and bitter experience of terrorism.


    "When you spend hours in a hospital with a friend who was on a bus that was blown up," she says, "it changes your opinion."


    Other citizens of Jerusalem are just as desperate for peace and just as unsure how to achieve it.


    One man says it can only happen when all the terrorists in the world have been wiped out. Another believes there has been a failure to tackle the causes of terrorism.


    The US-sponsored "roadmap" to achieve a settlement of the conflict failed last summer.


    Perhaps worse than that, there seems to be no roadmap in the minds of Israelis and Palestinians to find a way to end more than half a century of bloodshed.



  3. "PREMA-DATA", the Bestower of Love of God


    My Dear Japanese brothers and sisters,

    Please accept my greetings. It is a great opportunity that Sriman Sudama Das Adhikari, one of my American students, has gone to your country to spread the gospel of Krishna Consciousness under superior order. The original order is from Lord Caitanya Who appeared 484 years ago at Navadvipa, a district in Bengal, India...


    Lord Caitanya preached this cult of Krishna Consciousness in a simple and practical way so that everyone can take it without any trouble and thusly become happy in this life as well as in the next. The purpose of Krishna Consciousness is to love Krishna or God. We have a general propensity to love someone else, which is the basic principle of living condition. Nobody can live without loving somebody else besides himself. This loving propensity for someone else is present in every living being. Even an animal like tiger has this loving propensity in dormant state, and what to mention of the human kind. But the missing point is where to repose our love so that everyone can become happy...


    The idea is that our loving propensity expands as vibration of air and light expands, but we do not know where it ends. The Krishna Consciousness movement teaches us this science how one can love everyone of the living entities perfectly by an easy method. We have failed to bring in peace and harmony in the human society even by such big attempts like the organization of United Nations because we do not know the method. The method is very simple, but one has to understand it with a cool head. The method is simple and natural, and this movement teaches you how to do it. We teach all men to love Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If you learn how to love Krishna, which is very easy, then immediately you love every living being simultaneously...


    We do not condemn any way of materialistic life, but we simply request everyone to learn how to love Krishna. This is the missing point. You live in any way as it may be suitable for your comfortable life, but side by side you learn the art of loving Krishna. Please therefore try to understand this Krishna Consciousness movement. I have sent there three of my young students to preach this sublime cult in Japan. Please cooperate with them and you will be happy. We do not want any remuneration for this service because we have engaged ourselves in the service of the Lord and we love each and every living being as part and parcel of the Lord. Neither we are sentimentalists without any background of philosophy and knowledge. We have got an immense treasure-house of knowledge and philosophy. We have got our books BG, TLC, Bhagavatam, Isopanisad, etc. being published also with monthly magazines. But at the same time, we educate the mass of people by a simple process. namely chanting the holy Name of Krishna. It is not at all difficult; even a child can take part in this holy chanting and derive the sublime benefit. Please therefore chant the mantra:

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

    and thus be happy. Thank you very much.

    (A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, 10 March, 1970)


    Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who personally tasted the nectar of ecstatic love for Krsna and then instructed His devotees how to taste it. Thus He enlightened them about ecstatic love of Krsna to initiate them into transcendental knowledge. (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami CC Antya-lila 16.1)


  4. A new vegetarian restaurant chain, Tibits, is sprouting up across Switzerland, threatening to give fast food a good name.


    Buoyed by the success of the first eateries, there are plans to start exporting the unique Swiss concept by opening a Tibits branch in London.





    Swiss fast food succeeds with vegetarian recipe


    (March 13th 2004 @ SwissInfo)


    A new vegetarian restaurant chain, Tibits, is sprouting up across Switzerland, threatening to give fast food a good name.


    Buoyed by the success of the first eateries, there are plans to start exporting the unique Swiss concept by opening a Tibits branch in London.


    It is lunchtime and standing room only at Zurich’s Tibits.


    There is seating for 100 but at least half as many patrons are waiting for a place to come free on a pastel sofa, or one of the several small high tables.


    At a first glance, Tibits could be mistaken for copying the latest fast food trends, where sandwiches, soup, coffee or fresh juice are offered in cosy yet fashionable settings.


    But the chain’s main ingredient and key to success is a large buffet of 30 different hot and cold vegetarian dishes, including everything from Tex-Mex to Indian curries, with a dash of old fashion Swiss cooking thrown in as well.


    Carrot hot dog


    Added to the mix is a witty advertising campaign comprised of images of vegetables posing as fast food icons.


    String beans instead of McDonald’s fries, a carrot imitating a hot dog and a banana with a takeaway handle cut out of its peel.


    The playful approach sends an overt message to the meat-eating majority that vegetarian dishes do not have to be boring.


    And it is clear that Tibits would not be half as successful if it were only targeting vegetarians.


    Reto Frei, one of Tibits three founding brothers, says he believes no more than ten per cent of the restaurant’s customers are vegetarians.


    Europe’s first


    Much of the concept, including the food, was first successfully implemented at Zurich’s popular Hiltl restaurant, which was Europe’s first vegetarian eatery when it opened its doors in 1898.


    By coincidence, it was exactly 100 years later that the Frei brothers won a new venture award for their fast food business plan.


    “The three of us are vegetarians and we agreed that we wanted to have the same kind of dishes as Hiltl in our restaurant,” Frei remembers.


    The brothers unfortunately had no experience in the restaurant industry, but fate was on their side when the Hiltl owner, Rolf Hiltl, got wind of the project, and offered to be their partner.


    The vegetarian food of Hiltl thus became the vegetarian fast food of Tibits.


    Good food


    “People come mainly because they love good food,” says Hiltl, describing the Tibits concept.


    “And we give them extras such as time, since they get their food very fast, allowing them more time to eat,” he explains.


    “It’s also a question of lifestyle - we have a certain type of people who come here who want to feel good, and all those things are added value, but people mainly come because they want good food.”


    The first Tibits opened in central Zurich at the end of 2000. The chain started soon afterwards, with two new restaurants in Bern and Winterthur.




    “We’re planning to open a Tibits in Basel,” Frei says. “And then our next step will be to expand to London.”


    “We think the concept is unique but we will know how unique it really is if we go to London,” adds Hiltl who has set a target date of 2006 for taking on the British capital.


    “If we have success in London, we’re thinking about going to the United States, because it’s a great market.


    “We know the US, and we have had a lot of enquiries from there.”


    swissinfo, Dale Bechtel in Zurich

  5. Prabhupada Chanting his rounds, Singing Bhajans, and Reading his Books


    I have been with Srila Prabhupada for one year. I have become accustomed to Srila Prabhupada's transcendental rhythms. At times as I sat in my quarters I would hear the sweet sound of the harmonium coming from Srila Prabhupada's room. I knew I could invite any devotees who happened to be nearby into Prabhupada's room while His Divine Grace sang, but today no one else was around. So I went into his room and offered my humble obeisances. As I sat up I was filled with the nectar of Srila Prabhupada melodious bhajan.

    Everyone was put into ecstasy just by hearing him play the harmonium adding the sound of his voice softened my heart of stone. I sat there quietly listening to him, not moving. I didn't want to create any distraction when he was in these moods.


    It amazed me how he could have so many responsibilities but was always able to sit in his room and chant rounds, do bhajans and read his books.


    After a minute He looked up from the harmonium and nodded to me. I knew that meant to get His karatals and accompany Him. He continued for some time.


    When He was finished I said, "Srila Prabhupada, your kirtan and bhajans are always different from any others I have heard." He started laughing and replied, "Yes, I have my own style of chanting."


    Of course Srila Prabhupada's style was sometimes imitated but never duplicated. After all who could create an international society by chanting under a tree.


    - From the Srila Prabhupada Uvaca by HG Srutakirti Dasa




    Lord Rishabhadeva, an incarnation of Krishna, warned,


    "People are mad after sense gratification. When a person considers sense gratification the aim of life, he certainly becomes mad after materialistic living and engages in all kinds of sinful activity. He does not know that due to his past misdeeds he has already received a body, which, although temporary, is the cause of his misery. Actually, the living entity should not have taken on a material body, but he has been awarded the material body for sense gratification. Therefore, I think it not befitting an intelligent man to involve himself again in the activities of sense gratification, by which he perpetually gets material bodies one after another. As long as one does not inquire about the spiritual values of life, one is defeated and subjected to miseries arising from ignorance. Be it sinful or pious, karma has its resultant actions. If a person is engaged in any kind of karma, his mind is called karmatmaka, or colored with fruitive activity. As long as the mind is impure, consciousness is unclear, and as long as one is absorbed in fruitive activity, he has to accept a material body. When the living entity is covered by the mode of ignorance, he does not understand the individual living being and the supreme living being, and his mind is subjugated to fruitive activity. Therefore, until one has love for God, he is certainly not delivered from having to accept a material body again and again."

    (Srimad Bhagavatam 5.5.4–6)


    from the purport:


    Krishna conscious persons should not engage in illicit sex, i.e. sex outside of marriage or sex not for the purpose of conceiving a child. It should also be noted that abortion carries a special karmic reaction—those who participate in killing unborn children may be placed in the womb of a mother who chooses abortion and themselves be slaughtered in the same horrible way. But if one agrees to no longer commit such sinful acts, one can become freed from karmic reaction by inoffensive devotional chanting of the holy names of God.



  7. The biggest objection to people's trying to follow the "four reg's " is usually sex life. For most it is not that they are so addicted to sex, more that they don't understand who they are, and having listened to so many people from an early age emphasising (over-emphasising) the sexual act they have taken it as the norm' to pursue and enjoy.

    As many of you would know basic moral issues have changed dramatically over the past fifty years, especially. From where there used to be values of common decency, now anything goes - it's all on the InterNet.


    In their modern liberalistic so-called freedom the user/abuser have become near indistinguishable. In most cases mutual abuse of the body to gain sensual please has become the accepted norm. then to accentuate the feeling further the use of drugs, excitable clothing, or even contraptions formally used to restrain or torture by oppressors, has been incorporated into their game of darkness.


    Do anything, but feel pleasure, even if it harms the body, or harms others. In many places the pornographic industry has supported these ideals. Some have taken it to the furthest extreme to accentuate the sexual act by creating Snuff Movies where at the highest point of sexual climax they kill their partner as the Black Widow spider does. Not exactly human ethics, eh?


    If people had some idea that they are not that body, and then didn't exploit their bodies even through this liberalistic idea of mutual consent as a means of sexual-social interaction - using each other's body as a primary source of pleasure as depicted and marketed by the whole sex industry. The exploitation, misuse and abuse would be so much less. The whole thing is based on that basic misconception of who we really are, and then from there take it that they have an exclusive right to use, abuse, or misuse their body as they like.


    If their sexual activity were focused on the purpose of the progenitive function

    their fulfillment/satisfaction with sex, as well as the quality of the nature of their relationships would be much more full.


    When we talk of Spiritual Sex we are not talking of some Tantrik sexual gratificational exercise that has become popularised by some lusty people. We are talking of sex-life that is ordained by the Lord in the scriptures, that is empowered and embellished by the loving functionary aspect of Godhead called Kandarpa (Bhagavad Gita As It Is, 10:28. and purport) or Kaamadev (Cupid) (Srimad Bhagavatam 10:55:1 purport.) one of the eternal associates of the Lord (Srimad Bhagavatam 3:1:28., purport). Thus according to the revealed scriptures, and our experience "Lord Viñëu lives in the form of Kämadeva, only for the satisfaction of His devotees" as kämadeva-svarüpeëa (Srimad Bhagavatam 5:18:5.) Although this Kämadeva is viñëu-tattva, His body is not spiritual but material like ours (Brahmäëòa puräëa: kämadeva-sthitaà viñëum upäste).


    The people of today want Safe-Sex. Safe from what? Safe from bad reaction - coming in the form of diseases. But actually the only Safe Sex in that case is that sex which is bound and endorsed with love that follows religious principles. All other sex-life one is bound to the actions and reactions of the material world in the form of karma. So if you want not only Safe-Sex, but Super Spiritual Sex then do it according to the Lord's direction. We are not against sex, but we are against sex that brings from it unwanted, neglected, diseased and or insipid children (varnasankara), who end up as a burden to not only the parents but the entire society.


    We are also against the loose casual sex that aides the spread of so much STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). Diseases which come not only because of the nature of the sex, but also because of the quality of the sex as far as it being the sinful reactions for it.


    However, anything that is done in a healthy - in union with the desire of the Lord. When anything is done under the sanction of the Lord all of his energies pervade it. From all of His administrative heads they give their blessings - this is the REAL Wholistic Approach that is so much desired and required, but so many are ignorant of.


    "Laksmidevi (the Goddess of Fortune) advises all devotees who approach the Lord with material desires that according to her practical experience, the Lord is Kämadeva, and thus there is no need to ask Him for anything material. She says that everyone should simply serve the Lord without any motive. Since the Supreme personality of Godhead is sitting in everyone's heart, He knows everyone's thoughts, and in due course of time He will fulfil all desires. Therefore let us completely depend on the service of the Lord without bothering Him with our material requests".

    (A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Srimad Bhagavatam 5:18:21. purport.)


    Religious sex is specifically for bringing into the world good progeny, for the benefit of all of us. Furthermore intelligent persons who can control their senses and desires opt for abstinence rather than wanton fulfilment of lusty desires, and the reactions that come from it. Likened to an honest citizen who honours others rights, and a criminal who only thinks of him/herself.


  8. Yes,

    and when I go to the temple I HONOR mahaprasadam milk preparations

    as they are made from krishna's temple cows

    protected,worshipped and served

    as go-matas.

    Is this the best deal of a bad bargain

    in order to avoid the worst karma of the kali yuga dairy industry?

    To buy milk from cows destined to sufferring,torture and death is too high a karmic price to pay.

    There will surely be a negative reaction.

    But most don't think about where this milk is coming from.

    It's tooooo easy to just zip on to the corner store and

    presto -a jug of 'pure' milk.

  9. Prabhupada: Now questions?


    Devotee (1): So is there ever, for someone whose determination wavers and slackens here and there, is there ever a point where the neophyte devotee is in danger of just forgetting everything and falling, tumbling completely back?


    Prabhupada: Everyone is neophyte. He should practice determination, that's all. If he cannot practice, then why should he enter into this association? Let him remain aloof. One who has entered with the determination that "I must practice," so if he cannot practice, then why this makeshow that "I belong to Krsna consciousness movement. I am initiated." Why this farce? He must practice with determination that "By practicing I'll be success." That is wanted. He has no determination, why should he make a show? Drdha-vrata. Bhajante mam drdha-vratah. Drdha-vrata, that is wanted, determination. Hmm, go on. When one is determined, his success is assured. If he's not determined, then success or failure.


    Devotee (1): Can one develop determination gradually?


    Prabhupada: Why gradually? When you promise before your spiritual master that no illicit sex, no gambling, no meat-eating, why should you fall down? If you have no determination, why should you promise in presence of the Deity, fire, spiritual master, Vaisnava? Why do you make this farce, if you have no determination? If you want to make it a farce, that depends on you. But you should not.


    Devotee (1): When we make that promise...


    Prabhupada: Yes, you should not fall down, that is determination. That is gentleman's determination, that "I have given my promise. Why shall I fall down?" That is determination. "I must respect promise." That is called drdha-vrata. So he'll success. Where is the difficulty? There is no difficulty. But if we want to cheat, that is another thing. If we have no determination, we should not take up this life. Therefore, chance is given that "Stay with us for six months or one year, be determined. Then be initiated." If you are not determined, what is the use of false initiation?


    Devotee (1): Sometimes this weakness seems to be...


    Prabhupada: Weakness there, you should rectify weakness. Why you should give any importance to weakness? Weakness is weakness. Rectify it.


    Kuladri: This promise is the minimum determination.


    Prabhupada: Hmm?


    Kuladri: This promise of following four regulative principles, chanting sixteen rounds daily, that is the minimum determination. Then, from there, he must increase.


    Prabhupada: Initiation means minimum, just beginning. That is the dictionary meaning, initiation. In the Caitanya-caritamrta there is a verse, sraddha-sabde-visvasa kahe sudrdha niscaya, krsne bhakti kaile sarva-karma krta haya. Explain. You understand? Sraddha, sabde, visvasa, sudrdha, niscaya. Krsne, bhakti, kaile, sarva-karma, krta, haya.


    Pradyumna: The word sraddha means faith. So by the word faith, we need firm determination or conviction, sraddha-sabde visvasa sudrdha niscaya. Visvasa means faith which is sudrdha, very..., sudrdha, drdha means firm, and sudrdha means very firmly. Niscaya. Niscaya is used here also, sa niscayena yoktavyah. Yoga is to be engaged in, applied with firm...


    Prabhupada: Faith, niscaya means conviction.


    Pradyumna: Conviction. Krsne...


    Prabhupada: Bhakti kaile.


    Pradyumna: Krsne bhakti kaile sarva krta-karma.


    Prabhupada: Sarva-karma krta haya.


    Pradyumna: Sarva-karma krta haya. And if one engages, if one performs service to Krsna, then everything else becomes accomplished. Everything else becomes accomplished. If one renders service to Krsna, then automatically everything else, one has no obligations to the material world.


    Prabhupada: Otherwise, why Krsna will say sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [bg. 18.66]? Because by that action everything will be done. Krsna says sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam, that means He is cheating? There are so many other occupations, say veda-dharma, samaja-dharma, brahmana-dharma, ksatriya-dharma, medical dharma, lawyer dharma. You can manufacture so many occupations. Dharma means occupational duty. But if you take only one occupational duty, to serve Krsna, all things will be included. Mam ekam saranam vraja. This is instruction. So to accept this principle means firm determination, firm conviction: "Yes, if I serve Krsna, then all my other duties will be automatically done." This is firm conviction. "By one stroke, I'll kill so many birds."


    Kuladri: Anartha-nivrtti?


    Prabhupada: Hmm?


    Kuladri: Rupa Gosvami says bhajana-kriya and then anartha-nivrtti. Then all the unwanted things go away.


    Prabhupada: First of all, beginning with krsne bhakti kaile sarva-karma krta haya. So bhakti, beginning is adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sanga bhajana-kriya anartha-nivrttih. The material world means simply creating unnecessary duties. Simply anartha. Any material activities, you take, analyze, it is simply useless. Therefore we have called anartha. Anartha-nivrttih syat. Take for example we say no meat-eating. So what is the difficulty there? I have seen in the airplane, they eat meat, a little piece, not a lump. But because everyone is eating little, little, we require huge number of slaughterhouses. But if one decides, "I have got so many preparations to eat, so why shall I eat little meat?" (indistinct) I shall forego. Immediately he is saved from so many sinful activities. It is not that he will die if he does not eat a little piece of meat, he will die. He'll not die. We are not dying, and we don't take. So similarly everyone, without eating meat, he can live very nicely. In the whole principle, there is no difficulty. So on this principle this whole world is merged into sinful activity. (Sanskrit), unnecessary. That is material position -- unnecessarily creating trouble. There is no necessity. But on account of ignorance, foolish association, sinful life, more and more and more and more going on. Andha yathandhair upagiyamanah. And the deed is encouraged: "Yes, you do this. Enjoy life." What is his enjoyment? If anyone sees slaughterhouse, will he enjoy? Eh? What is...? He visits a slaughterhouse, is it enjoyment? But he takes as enjoyment. (Sanskrit), unnecessary, without any meaning. Mad, just like a madman acts, without any meaning. The monkey acts without any meaning. (Sanskrit), unnecessarily creating disturbance. (Sanskrit) saksad bhakti-yogam adhoksaje. If you take to Krsna consciousness, then all (Sanskrit) is finished. (Sanskrit) We are no more interested in unnecessary things. Illicit sex -- one side they are encouraging contraceptive method, so why they'll not stop illicit sex, then automatically there is contraceptive method? So one side there is encouraged, contraceptive method, another, unlimited, unrestricted sex. This is their civilization. Why not teach him not to practice illicit sex? Then everything is done automatically. There's no need of contraceptive method. If one is trained up to indulge in sex only for begetting nice children, there is already contraceptive method. There is no necessity of unnecessarily producing cats and dogs children. So that requires training, determination. The sastra says you should not become father if you cannot train up your children to save him from death. Who is the father who's training? To save him from the cycle of birth and death means to make him Krsna conscious. So if you are not yourself Krsna conscious, how you can train up your children to become Krsna conscious? This is determination, that "If I cannot train my children to become Krsna conscious and thus avoid the botheration of birth and death, I shall not have sex." That determination will save so many troubles. That can be done by practice. By engaging the mind in Krsna, it is possible. The more you advance in Krsna consciousness, you'll lose interest in this sex life. In Vaikuntha there is no sex life because the sex pleasure is not the foremost pleasure in the Vaikunthaloka. The sex pleasure is foremost here in this material world. They have got so much transcendental spiritual pleasure, this sex pleasure -- they are astonished: is that pleasure? (Makes spitting sound) Phu! Yad-avadhi mama cetah krsna-padaravinde nava-nava-rasa-dhama... That stage is possible. Still there are so many brahmacaris. So everything depends on practice. Abhyasa yoga-yuktena [bg. 8.8]. That requires determination. (aside:) Where did you go, to take bath?


    Palika: This house just across.


    Prabhupada: There is water? Well? No.


    Palika: There are barrels there, filling them daily.


    Prabhupada: Why not well? Have a big well?


    Kuladri: They are getting water also, Srila Prabhupada, from this well. Your well is also going to that side.


    Prabhupada: Yes. Have several wells in all places. That is nice. Is it very expensive?


    Kuladri: It's expensive.


    Prabhupada: It is more expensive than carrying water and consume petrol? That is laziness. Once you have a well, then you save so much trouble. Get one well in each, our house. It is here very deep, uh? To get well? Tube-well? But there are so many creeks.


    Kuladri: We have what is called a springhouse. It's pure spring water, it's caught in reservoir.


    Prabhupada: Where is it?


    Kuladri: At the other farm we have, as well as tube-well,


    Prabhupada: Water must be.


    Devotee (1): Srila Prabhupada, if in the spiritual sky there is no sex life...


    Prabhupada: You can store the snow. Yes. Big, big hole and collect the snow and put it here and cover it, it will stay. Is it not?


    Kuladri: We have so much water, though, running off the hill, we can make lakes. We have three lakes now.


    Prabhupada: Then? Why don't you do it?


    Kuladri: You saw the Radha-kunda in the movie, in the film.


    Devotee (1): Srila Prabhupada, when one returns to his svarupa, his natural form, how does...


    Prabhupada: First of all, anartha-nivrtti. You are accustomed to so many bad habits. First of all try to rectify it, then talk of svarupa. Where is your svarupa? Simply wasting time. A man is diseased, he's thinking, "When I shall be cured I shall eat, go to this hotel, I shall eat like this." First of all cure, then talk of eating this and that. Svarupa, when you are cured, that is svarupa. So long you are not cured, what is the use of talking svarupa? First business is cure yourself. Anartha-nivrtti, that is anartha-nivrtti. Then svarupa will come. That is the babajis. In Vrndavana, you have seen? Siddha-pranali.


    Pradyumna: Ah, siddha-pranali, siddha-deha?


    Prabhupada: They are smoking and having illicit sex with one dozen women -- svarupa. Rascal. This is called sahajiya, a rascal. Condemned. Where is your svarupa? Don't talk unnecessarily. First of all come to svarupa, then talk of svarupa.


    Devotee: So our motivation should be to get free from birth, disease, old age and death.


    Prabhupada: That is already explained. But you must be determined how to execute devotional service. Without determined devotional service, how we can attain that position? So what is the use of talking utopian? First business is anartha-nivrttih syat. Adau sraddha tathah sadhu-sango 'tha bhajana-kriya tato anartha-nivrttih syat. You adopt this means that you have got full faith that "Krsna consciousness will save me." Then you live with devotees who are similarly determined. Then you execute devotional service. Then anartha-nivrttih syat, you'll be free from all these.... These are the stages. There is.... Up to anartha-nivrtti, you have to struggle very hard with determination, and then automatically everything will come. Tato nistha tato rucis tatah, athasaktis tato bhavah. So before svarupa, anartha-nivrtti, don't expect all these. Read.




    sanaih sanair uparamed

    buddhya dhrti-grhitaya

    atma-samstham manah krtva

    na kincid api cintayet


    Prabhupada: This is practice.


    Pradyumna: "Gradually, step by step, with full conviction, one should become situated in trance by means of intelligence, and thus the mind should be fixed on the self alone and should think of nothing else." Purport: "By proper conviction and intelligence one should gradually cease sense activities. This is called pratyahara. The mind, being controlled by conviction, meditation, and cessation of the senses, should be situated in trance, or samadhi. At that time there is no longer any danger of becoming engaged in the material conception of life. In other words, although one is involved with matter, as long as the material body exists, one should not think about sense gratification. One should think of no pleasure aside from the pleasure of the Supreme Self. This state is easily attained by directly practicing Krsna consciousness."


    Kuladri: Srila Prabhupada, before you said the patient has no intelligence.


    Prabhupada: Therefore he requires spiritual master's guidance. Because he is rascal. What is the use of accepting a spiritual master? If you want to be cured independently, what is the use of calling a physician, consulting a physician? You do it yourself. (pause) Whether our cows are left now? We don't find cows.


    Kuladri: They are at Govindaji temple. They are at the, where we will build Govindaji, at the main farm, Bahulavana, for Radha-Vrndavanacandra, and some at Vrndavana. In Vrndavana they are kept free to roam around, but at our farm in Bahulavana they have to be in pastures.


    Prabhupada: Last time I saw some cows here.


    Kuladri: Yes, this pasture.


    Prabhupada: Still there?


    Kuladri: No.


    Devotee (4): This pasture is through now, is it not? For a while. This pasture is through for a while, it must grow back. They are on another pasture.


    Kuladri: Today we had three calves born, all female heifers.


    Prabhupada: Yes, go on.


    Devotee (4): The difficulty is that we cannot understand, we cannot feel what pleases Krsna now, yet we can feel what pleases us, and that is the difficulty?


    Prabhupada: You have no feeling, that everyone knows. Therefore you have to carry out the order of spiritual master, that's all.


    Devotee (1) : If we try to please Krsna with all of our service and activities, that automatically brings pleasure to the self?


    Prabhupada: You cannot please Krsna directly. You please your spiritual master, Krsna will be pleased. If you want to please directly Krsna, that is not possible. That is concoction You cannot please. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah **. You have to please your spiritual master, then Krsna will be pleased. Don't jump. Guru-mukha-padma-vakya, cittete koriya aikya **. What is that song you daily sing? What is that?


    Pradyumna: By the words of the spiritual master our mind becomes conclusive from...


    Prabhupada: Ara na koriha mane asa. Don't concoct. Don't you sing daily? Ara na koriha mane asa. Don't manufacture ideas. That is dangerous. Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches by His example. Guru more murkha dekhi' karila sasana. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to Prakasananda Sarasvati that "My spiritual master saw Me fool number one, so he has chastised Me, that ‘Don't try to read Vedanta; chant Hare Krsna.' So I'm doing." (motorcycle in background) Just hear. He has come to this turn. This sound is purposefully created? (motorbike going back and forth through much of the tape)


    Kuladri: Yes, Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: Just to show that he has a motorcycle? Or what is purpose?


    Kuladri: They have given us trouble sometimes.


    Prabhupada: Demons.


    Kuladri: When your palace is on the other side, they won't disturb. And we will have walls.


    Prabhupada: No, they don't like us.


    Kuladri: They are doing better than before, but still they are somewhat envious.


    Prabhupada: Everywhere this world is like that. Even the father will give trouble, Prahlada Maharaja, what to speak of others. Demon father is giving trouble to a Vaisnava son. And not grown-up son, five years old, innocent, but he's giving trouble.


    Devotee (3): When we had sickness the state police became very interested in us, and today a state policeman stopped me and asked if you were here. So he seems to be paying special attention that you are here now. He's very interested.


    Prabhupada: However demon may be, they can appreciate that these are ideal characters.


    Devotee (4): All these state police, they purchase Bhagavad-gita.


    Prabhupada: Huh?


    Devotee (4): All these state police, they purchased Bhagavad-gita. (sound of motorcycle comes very close, idles) (end)


    >>> Ref. VedaBase => Garden Conversation -- June 23, 1976, New Vrindaban






    Prabhupada: I wish that you GBC manage very nicely and consider I am dead and LET ME TRAVEL TO ALL THE TIRTHASTHANA. Without any responsibility. If I become recovered from this malady I shall come back and then I shall die in, what is it when the dead body is there, let them bring to Mayapura and Vrndavana. I am thinking in this way. Bring little medicine and no medicine, little milk, and travel one place to another and if there is death, what is the lamentation? My age is ripe. IN THE OPEN AIR AND BULLOCK CART or during daytime, eh? Or you can say semi-suicide, although living what consider me dead for the time. You manage and nowadays there is in India ample sunshine.




    Bhavananda: Srila Prabhupada, we promise that we'll manage everything to the best of our ability.


    Prabhupada: No, no, you are managing, I know, but you are all important men and unnecessarily you are bound up. YOU CANNOT GO. So Lokanatha party has got some experience and LET ME GO. In India the climate is now good. If I recover, it is very good. You know. So what is the wrong? If I die, then the body will be brought either in Vrndavana or Mayapura, that's all. And if I live, it will be a great end of a life. You are all experienced.


    Jayapataka: As much as you have trained us, Srila Prabhupada, that is only how much we are experienced. We don't want that you be burdened any more with material management problems but...


    Prabhupada: No, not from that point of view. WHAT IS THE USE OF LYING DOWN HERE?


    Jayapataka: The kaviraja said that even that your body is going to, is got a life of six to ten years but he said EVEN A HEALTHY COW, IF IT'S KEPT LOCKED UP INSIDE OF A ROOM, THEN IT WILL DETERIOATE. [srila Prabhupada's Vrndavana quarters are sandwiched between the huge Krishna-Balarama temple on one side and the towering multi-story guest house on the other. The only side which is open is covered by the high boundary walls of the temple. There's no air circulation, no light, no sun... A horrible, dark, stuffy and claustrophobic room...]


    Prabhupada: And therefore I say, (laughs) DON'T KEEP ME LOCKED UP. You do your duty as I have trained you and LET ME BE FREE and if money required, he'll come and take and go back again as he is coming to take book.


    They have got experience Indian, you can go village to village and, arrangement as you may, but it is trouble taken, and I am no longer, you manage. If I live, I can come again. I shall be very glad.


    Devotee: Previously it was mentioned that there was some risk in travelling.


    Prabhupada: What is that risk? Nowadays THERE IS NO RISK. What is the risk? Mm?


    Devotee: Well from the medical point of view it's something with the organs or something, I don't know exactly but it's been considered.


    Prabhupada: THIS IS MY PROPOSAL and...


    Jayapataka: That would be after you gained some strength, Srila Prabhupada?


    Prabhupada: Yes. If I [WILL GAIN STRENGTH WITH] FREE AIR AND FREE MOVEMENT WITH SUNSHINE and I can come back again in a year.


    Jayapataka: You will be translating while you're travelling?


    Prabhupada: No, yes and no.


    Bhavananda: I think it's good idea, Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: HA!


    Bhavananda: Only factor at this point is not to take any unnecessary risk.


    Prabhupada: No. As I think free, so I remain. Mm. Then when I am sane man, I shall come back again either Mayapura or Vrndavana or Bombay, any other.


    Jayapataka: You would travel by a minibus.


    Prabhupada: Mm?


    Jayapataka: You would travel by a bus.


    Prabhupada: THAT YOU THINK OF.


    Bhavananda: We will all sit down and discuss the different arrangements that have to be made, plans that have to be made. It's a very nice idea. Real sannyasa life.


    Prabhupada: Yes. Mm. You have tried doctor, kaviraja, medicine, everything.


    EVERYTHING HAS FAILED. Now SUPPOSE I AM TAKING THE RISK OF DEATH, WHAT IS WRONG? When the..., I am dead you go India, within India, you go and bring the body either in Mayapura or Vrndavana. Mayapura the land is already there. Vrndavana I think on the gate side, that's all. That's wherever you like you'll do.


    Jayapataka: This kaviraja assures that by taking little milk frequently during the day...


    Prabhupada: I will take milk. Milk is available everywhere. (laughter) I SHALL TAKE LITTLE MILK AND SLEEP, THAT'S ALL. IF I LIVE THAT'S ALL RIGHT. IF I DON'T LIVE, THAT DOESN'T MATTER.


    Bhavananda: Very nice program. We can all accompany you at different times of the month.


    Prabhupada: Yes. NOT VERY MANY, but you can come and go back.


    Jayapataka: Which holy places you would like to visit, Srila Prabhupada?


    Prabhupada: India is full of holy places.


    Jayapataka: Krsna-lila, Mahaprabhu-lila.


    Prabhupada: And gradually you go to Mayapura. Is someone here?


    Tamala Krsna: Yes, Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: I...


    Bhavananda: HE HAS HEARD EVERYTHING...


    Prabhupada: Mm.


    Jayapataka: By you going to the holy places, you will purify the holy places.


    Prabhupada: There are two things, life or death. So if I die where is the wrong? And if there is death, that is natural.


    Jayapataka: For you Srila Prabhupada, to be alive or to die is no different because you are in the transcendental position, but for us when you leave the body then we are bereft of your association. So for us it is very unfortunate.


    Prabhupada: Then LIVE BY MY WORDS, BY MY TRAINING. Mm. (pause) SO YOU LIKE THIS IDEA? Mm?


    Hamsaduta: I liked it.


    Prabhupada: Oh. (pause) Most places you beg from the local place and subsist, otherwise purchase.


    Jayapataka: You are very famous, Srila Prabhupada, wherever you go there will be crowds of people to have your darsana.


    Prabhupada: So they will see me, I have no objection. I want little milk from them, that's all. (pause) So far my presence is required (for) management, I think I have bequeathed, properly you can manage. Hm. IT IS TO BE ADMITTED FAILURE, THE SO-CALLED MEDICAL TREATMENT, FAILURE. (pause)


    Jayapataka: I'll be back to say that you defy all medical laws. Sometimes you become very weak and sometimes you become immediately strong. (pause)


    Devotee: Giriraja.


    Prabhupada: Oh.


    Giriraja: Because, I mean, I don't have any faith in the doctors or their treatments because they're never working and ultimately it depends on Krsna and Krsna is everywhere. He can exercise His will in any condition and you know, as you say, that if you go out and if you recover then it's very good.


    And even otherwise, I mean if that is the decision of Lord Krsna, then this is a very glorious way. (pause)


    Prabhupada: ALL SERIOUSLY CONSIDER THIS SUBMISSION AND LET ME GO! (end) (771108rc.vrn)


    Bhavananda: We should begin the parikrama in Vrndavana.


    Prabhupada: Yes.


    Bhavananda: Because quite honestly, Srila Prabhupada, I think most of us are very worried. If you go off down the road and send us all back to our different assignments, we would not be able to serve with our full attention, knowing that our beloved father and spiritual guide was in such weak condition. So if we begin in Vrndavana, we're all here now, we can see so that we know what arrangements to make for the future when you want to leave.


    Prabhupada: Hm. YOU MAKE ME FLAT. (break)


    Jayapataka: We heard that Your Divine Grace had a dream that a kaviraja of the Ramanuja-sampradaya would treat you and bring you back to strength, and this kaviraja says that in a very short time, following the treatment, you would regain your strength. Although he hasn't got all of the medicines yet, but within a day or two they'll all be prepared, and he says within fifteen days you should be quite improved in strength. So far, he seems to have been quite sincere.




    Jayapataka: Like to follow the same treatment, only while traveling.


    Hamsaduta: So we should meet and make a program for going around Vrndavana.


    Prabhupada: YES.


    Hamsaduta: You want to begin tomorrow morning?


    Prabhupada: YES.


    Devotee (1): If Prabhupada travels in a van it would be very bumpy. He should have a big bus.


    Hamsaduta: Let's discuss it.


    Prabhupada: Bus?


    Devotee (1): A big bus.




    Bhavananda: Bullock cart?


    Jayapataka: That is very bumpy.


    Bhavananda: Your Guru Maharaja used to have bullock cart travel from Hulorghat [on the bank of the Ganges in Mayapura] up to the Caitanya Matha.


    You told me you put a nice mattress down in the back and a cover, and you lay down there. You even told me once to go to Calcutta that way. You lay down, at night; you go little bit, little bit; and in the morning, when you wake up, you're in Calcutta.


    Prabhupada: Bullock, you get the cow dung.


    Tamala Krsna: Cook with it.


    Jayapataka: In this part of India it's very cold now for Your Divine Grace.




    Tamala Krsna: You sound like you are very determined to go, Srila Prabhupada.




    Tamala Krsna: We were discussing how to make this parikrama possible, and we've concluded that the best thing was, as we said earlier, to parikrama around Vrndavana to begin with. And for that purpose we sent Lokanatha Maharaja and Panca-dravida Maharaja and Trivikrama Maharaja to get a bullock cart ready.


    Prabhupada: Hired or purchased?


    Tamala Krsna: No, for now just hired, not purchased. Later on we can make a more permanent arrangement, and it can be fixed up as nicely as possible. At the same time while we were meeting, the kaviraja, he also was present. So we inquired from him what he thought about this program, from a medical point of view of course. Spiritually he is in complete agreement. So from a medical point of view, he said that you would not at all be able to withstand this kind of a trip. He said that in a bullock cart, moving around, bumping on the road, you might not be able to live more than a couple of hours. He's here now. He wanted to speak to you.


    Tamala Krsna: Lokanatha says that the bullock cart could probably go around Vrndavana in about five to six hours, parikramming Vrndavana town.


    Prabhupada: Make an experiment. Then we shall decide. Vrndavana parikrama.


    Tamala Krsna: Bullock cart is not smooth. How would you propose that we go, Srila Prabhupada?


    Prabhupada: COME, LET US TAKE THE RISK.


    Svarupa Damodara: As your disciples, Srila Prabhupada, we're all neophytes.


    We don't know what is right and what is wrong. But at the same time we feel that we're very hopeful that you'll get strength slowly and slowly. And this morning you were telling us that you get a little strength, so we are hoping every day that "Prabhupada will gain even stronger and be with us for many more years." So we are taking advice from kaviraja that you take milk more and more, day by day, so that Prabhupada will get stronger. Like kaviraja is suggesting that when Your Divine Grace gets stronger, he'll go with you in the parikrama, he will accompany you.




    Svarupa Damodara: Shall we do that immediately?


    Prabhupada: Hm. Hm.


    Bhakti-caru: (Hindi)


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Bhakti-caru: Shastriji's saying that he shouldn't do it under the circumstances.


    Bhavananda: Srila Prabhupada, if we follow the kaviraja's instructions and advice, then he feels that within fifteen days, twenty days, you will have strength. To take an unnecessary risk at this time, we have to practically appraise what will be the loss. You have said, "If I live or die on this parikrama, it will be glorious," but the loss will be that Srimad-Bhagavatam will not be finished, so many works will be unfinished. If it's just a matter of being a little patient and waiting fifteen more days--is only two weeks--then when you have strength, then we can all go on the parikrama, and you'll be able to hopefully gain more strength and finish up all of these works. But I think that the risk, in terms of the future of the whole world, is too great.




    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada, when you went on this parikrama the other day around the temple, you became dizzy just going around the temple four times. That's when you were even able to sit up in bed a lot more. How is it going to be possible to go for four, five or six hours, when you couldn't...


    Svarupa Damodara: As your humble disciples, Srila Prabhupada, we are ready to take my instruction that you've kindly given us, but at the same time, you have advised us many times that we shouldn't take unnecessary risk. Just like few days ago you were telling a Bengali saying, saying that when you are doubtful, don't do it. You instructed us.


    Prabhupada: That is material. (laughter)


    Jagadisa: Srila Prabhupada, can you tell us why you want to go on the parikrama?


    Tamala Krsna: This seems like suicide, Srila Prabhupada, this program. It seems to some of us like it's suicidal.




    Tamala Krsna: Hm. Prabhupada said, "And this is also suicide." Now you have to choose which suicide.


    Prabhupada: THE RAVANA WILL KILL AND RAMA WILL KILL. BETTER TO BE KILLED BY RAMA! Eh? That Marica--if he does not go to mislead Sita, he'll be killed by Ravana; and if he goes to be killed by Rama, then it is better.


    Tamala Krsna: Who is this Prabhupada's talking about?


    Devotees: Marica.


    Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada? I mean, just judging the symptoms, which is all that we can do, certain symptoms have certainly picked up. For instance, you're passing more urine, stool is coming naturally, and you're able to drink milk without getting any cough. These things were never there before.


    Prabhupada: Hm. That will continue.


    Tamala Krsna: So if the treatment is continuing, if the treatment is working, why not continue it under the guidance of this kaviraja for some time? His point is this. This is what I've seen, Srila Prabhupada, being your secretary all these months, that whenever you took milk you would get cough. For the first time I see there's no cough coming. Another problem, you couldn't pass urine. Now there's double the amount of urine. Another thing, you couldn't pass stool. Now it comes normally. At least it comes without any artificial means. So the one thing that has not yet come is strength, and kaviraja is suggesting what you yourself had always said, "If I can drink milk, I will get stronger." So if the kaviraja's treatment... To my feeling it has worked. At least symptoms... The symptoms have been better under his treatment than any doctor so far.


    Prabhupada: That will work. [drinking milk]


    Bhavananda: It will work.


    Svarupa Damodara: Also Srila Prabhupada's resting better than before.


    Tamala Krsna: But the idea is that... According to him... I mean, obviously we're all conditioned, and... I mean, he's not claiming not to be a conditioned soul either, but according to him, going on this bullock cart is a suicide. He said within an hour or two hours, the bouncing and jumbling of the bullock cart will cause a heart attack. Just like you were having heart..., a little heart spasm the other day, just laying in bed two days ago. He says this going in a bullock cart, up and down, within one, two hours it can cause heart attack. So as his treatment has been better at least than any other doctor, and certain symptoms have improved, why are we giving up his advice? If you say his advice is wrong, then there's no comment, but all along, his advice seems to have been more accurate than any other doctors that we've had. I mean we who are closely around you, Srila Prabhupada, your servants, secretary, our opinion of him is far superior than our opinion of any of these others. I see that he's able to take care of one symptom after another somewhat successfully. He's able to deal with these problems. He can deal with the problem of not enough urine...


    Prabhupada: That I know.


    Tamala Krsna: He feels quite confident that you can live for six, seven more years, Srila Prabhupada.


    Svarupa Damodara: We also feel very confident.


    Tamala Krsna: Better that you live for six or seven years productively than that you go on this parikrama and die within two hours gloriously. Why not live for six or seven years and then go on parikrama and die? If the parikrama can always be done, why not put it off for six or seven more years of preaching?


    Svarupa Damodara: You've already been glorious, Srila Prabhupada, all over the world. Whether you're here or outside doesn't really matter. You're already glorious.


    Jayapataka: By your presence countless souls will attain devotional service.


    That's more glorious.




    Tamala Krsna: Prabhupada says he thinks he will be cured by the parikrama.


    (Bhakti-caru and Shastriji--Hindi)




    Tamala Krsna: We can't continue..., consider. Srila Prabhupada has to.




    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Prabhupada: Kuvera?


    Bhakti-caru: Shastriji is telling Prabhupada to ask the Kuvera's puspaka-ratha. That is airplane of Kuvera. And do the parikrama in that.


    Then there won't be any pumping in that way. And he's saying that if Prabhupada asks for that, he will sure get it. (devotees chuckle)


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Tamala Krsna: Ultimately what Prabhupada decides, we will do.


    Hamsaduta: Well, it just...


    Tamala Krsna: Yeah, but it goes on. As Prabhupada goes on, his disciples also go on. (?)


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Bhakti-caru: Shastriji's saying, Maharaja... Shastriji's saying that PRABHUPADA SHOULDN'T TALK TOO MUCH. It's bad for his heart.


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Tamala Krsna: So, Srila Prabhupada, we can have kirtana until Krsna dasa comes. Okay. (kirtana) Lokanatha is here, over there, Srila...


    Prabhupada: How many carts you have?


    Lokanatha: I got just one today, one for you, and those who serve you, they could also sit besides you in the cart, and the rest could do kirtana around the bullock cart, and the whole unit, bullock cart and sankirtana group, will move together.


    Prabhupada: So what we have to pay?


    Lokanatha: We'll pay hundred rupees, one day. Of course, you want to have it for all the time. Best thing is to purchase a set of bullocks, two bullocks, and a cart.


    Prabhupada: You have got experience.


    Lokanatha: Yes.


    Prabhupada: So how many we are going?


    Tamala Krsna: Well, all the devotees want to go, Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: Oh, that's nice.


    Hamsaduta: That's nice?


    Tamala Krsna: Yeah.


    Prabhupada: So how many carts you require?


    Panca-dravida: Just one.


    Lokanatha: One for now. We also had a meeting, and we were discussing that if we go around just in Vrndavana, all will go. But if we keep going from holy place to holy place, then we have to decide whether everyone goes or just a few of us go.


    Prabhupada: Our experiment...


    Tamala Krsna: It certainly is an experiment. Of course, we always like experiments to be successful.


    Prabhupada: Yes. Where he'll go?


    Hamsaduta: Tomorrow is Govardhana-puja, and a procession through the city of Vrndavana would be very ecstatic.


    Prabhupada: Hm.


    Panca-dravida: One parade.


    Prabhupada: Others will come also.


    Tamala Krsna: Oh, yeah, well, if we go through Vrndavana, probably many people will come.


    Hamsaduta: Then we could also get some experience, because if we were, for example, to go to Govardhana, we would have to pass over similar roads.


    Lokanatha: This cart does not have cover, Srila Prabhupada. This bullock cart which I hired has no cover on the top.


    Hamsaduta: So we have to cover it.


    Bhakti-caru: Lokanatha Swami, you apparently didn't get one question of Prabhupada. He asked what do you think about this trip. You didn't answer that. You have some experience with bullock carts. What do you think? In this condition Srila Prabhupada will withstand the trip? You know in what condition Prabhupada is in now.


    Gopala Krsna: Bullock cart are usually very bumpy.




    Lokanatha: If these roads are not bad, and the cart has tire wheels...


    Prabhupada: Yes?


    Lokanatha: So we're discussing bumping, so [THERE] WON'T BE MUCH BUMPING ON THE CART. Also, we always could go slow. If Prabhu-pada wants to make an experiment, we could make one day...


    Gopala Krsna: A few hours.


    Prabhupada: I am thinking I AM LYING HERE... (break)


    Lokanatha: ...should ride in very nice carts, a chariot.


    Prabhupada: No, (indistinct). (laughter)


    Lokanatha: I saw one in Maharastra. In Poona. Yes.


    Prabhupada: Hm. You can purchase immediately. (laughter)


    Lokanatha: We'll have to design it. They're not ready-made like that. The kind which we want, the pull-on kind, with cover on top and nice arrangements, we have to design it and order it. Get it made. There's a place called Meerut, north of Delhi...


    Prabhupada: Therefore I sent you. You have got already experience.


    Lokanatha: You said you want to make an experiment, so let us make an experiment with this hired bullock cart, and in few days' time...


    Tamala Krsna: So where will we go tomorrow if we go?


    Prabhupada: GOVARDHANA?


    Tamala Krsna: Govardhana.


    Panca-dravida: That's very far. We went on one parade three years ago in Vrndavana, with elephants, that Your Divine Grace went. Maybe we could go on that same route.


    Tamala Krsna: Govardhana will take about six hours to reach there.


    Lokanatha: No, how many kilometers is that?


    Gopala Krsna: Oh, it's very far.


    Tamala Krsna: Twenty-eight to thirty kilometers.


    Gopala Krsna: It takes one hour by car.


    Lokanatha: Take five kilometers an hour.


    Tamala Krsna: That's six hours to get there. Six hours to get there, and then three hours around Govardhana. Nine hours.


    Gopala Krsna: And six hours back.


    Panca-dravida: And the bulls might have to rest.


    Tamala Krsna: You have to rest the bulls, don't you?


    Panca-dravida: There's one route we went on in Vrndavana, on a parade.


    Shorter route. First time, as an experiment, we could go a shorter distance.


    Tamala Krsna: That's quite a big experiment to make, going to Govardhana the first day, Srila Prabhupada. You feel confident that you can travel nine hours in a row on a bullock cart?


    Prabhupada: I AM SLEEPING HERE.


    Tamala Krsna: What, Srila Prabhupada?


    Lokanatha: He says he's sleeping here.


    Tamala Krsna: But this is not a bullock cart.


    Prabhupada: THE SAME THING.


    Tamala Krsna: The same thing?


    Jayadvaita: One thing is that in the Gosvami temples they have govardhana-sila. That's also Govardhana.


    Hamsaduta: Srila Prabhupada? The main concern of the devotees is that whether you will be able to survive such an experiment. But before, you said that you felt that SUCH A PARIKRAMA WOULD ACTUALLY CURE YOU. You said that.


    So your vision is transcendental, because you are the spiritual master.


    You're a pure devotee of Krsna. So IF YOU SAY THAT IT WILL CURE YOU AND THAT IT WILL BE BENEFICIAL FOR YOU, THEN WE HAVE TO CARRY OUT THAT..., WHATEVER YOU DESIRE. We do not know. We're just on the mundane platform.


    Prabhupada: ONE-DAY EXPERIMENT. It is for one day?


    Lokanatha: We have hired it for one day.




    Hamsaduta: So we should go to Govardhana? Because tomorrow is Govardhana-puja.




    Lokanatha: We should start early.


    Prabhupada: He has got experience. Dig the ground and make our foodstuff.


    Very good picnic.


    Gopala Krsna: Very good picnic.


    Hamsaduta: If we go to Govardhana, we would take the prasadam that was prepared here and bring it there, so that many people can take.


    Prabhupada: I have no objection.


    Lokanatha: Or otherwise we can make real picnic. We could collect some grains there from door to door and cook some khicuri there.


    Prabhupada: That will be very nice.


    Gunarnava: There are already many thousands and thousands of people there, Srila Prabhupada. Perhaps it will take a long time to get there because of traffic. I was in Mathura today. Every ten minutes buses and tangas and so many kinds of vehicles were going to Govardhana. There are many, many thousands of people there today.


    Panca-dravida: Besides that, the devotees would have to walk nine hours in the sun.


    Gunarnava: Perhaps the road will be very busy tomorrow, Srila Prabhupada.


    Tamala Krsna: Whew!


    Hamsaduta: Can't walk?


    Prabhupada: No, let them take their time. They do that. IT IS VERY NICE PICNIC.


    Lokanatha: From my village there is this pilgrimage called Pandarpur. This is sixty miles. And still, old men, they just travel, walk. Every ekadasi they go.


    Prabhupada: JUST SEE!


    Lokanatha: Every ekadasi they go to Pandarpur, have darsana of Charukmari(?), and return on foot.




    Prabhupada: OH, YES!


    Hamsaduta: We'll do it with great enthusiasm. Your Divine Grace is infallible. So if you say that it will help and cure you, then that must be a fact. You've never been wrong about anything, Prabhupada, so you must be right this time also.




    Panca-dravida: So we can fix up the cart tonight.


    Hamsaduta: Where's the cart? Outside?


    Panca-dravida: It's coming.


    Lokanatha: It will reach at eleven o'clock here. So I suggest right after mangala-arati we'll go, or we should start.


    Prabhupada: As far as possible, take me in a comfortable position. That's all. As far as possible.


    Svarupa Damodara: Comfortable position.


    Prabhupada: That...


    Panca-dravida: Arrange one bed on the cart. This mattress can go in nice arrangement.


    Prabhupada: Yes.


    Tamala Krsna: This is not the best. There is other mattresses that are as good or better than this. The temple has many gadis. We'll get them.


    Panca-dravida: We can make nice arrangement. This will purify Govardhana Hill, Srila Prabhupada. Tirthas become purified by the presence of...


    Lokanatha: Another tirtha.


    Panca-dravida: Yes. Prabhupada will go to the tirtha.


    Jagadisa: You're a Vaisnava like Arjuna and Hanuman, Srila Prabhupada.




    Lokanatha: Tomorrow is Govardhana-puja festival.


    Prabhupada: Yes. We are in Vrndavana, and we shall not take part? WE MUST TAKE PART!


    Tamala Krsna: Hm. We are in Vrndavana and we are not taking part. We must take part.


    Panca-dravida: So we should all go to Govardhana?


    Prabhupada: WHY NOT? WHO IS HERE?


    Tamala Krsna: About thirty or forty devotees, Srila Prabhupada.


    Svarupa Damodara: We're just like puppets, Srila Prabhupada. We are all unfit to make any decision. Whatever Your Divine Grace instructs us to do, we just follow.


    Prabhupada: So, Lokanatha, what do you say?


    Svarupa Damodara: What do you say, Lokanatha Maharaja?


    Lokanatha: We should make experiment to please you.


    Prabhupada: THAT'S NICE.


    Lokanatha: That will be ever-new experience for us also.


    Prabhupada: Yes...


    Svarupa Damodara: So when we'll come back from Govardhana?


    Gopala Krsna: Tomorrow night.


    Tamala Krsna: So after circumambulating Govardhana, we will return to Vrndavana or stay out?


    Prabhupada: What do you think?


    Panca-dravida: Maybe we could stay overnight...


    Hamsaduta: :Six hours to go, three hours to go, that's nine. It's not possible to come back. So one night, spending one night in Govardhana.


    Gopala Krsna: The devotees are crashing after two hours.


    Lokanatha: The devotees should be prepared to stay overnight there. Under the trees. (laughter)


    Hamsaduta: We're supposed to be gosvamis. We have to stay under a tree.


    Different tree every night.


    Lokanatha: When we were traveling from Vrndavana to Mayapura we stayed many times. Outside we'd live under the tree. It's nice.


    Bhakti-caru: Yes, but if just one window is open at night, Prabhupada starts feeling cold in spite of the blanket.


    Lokanatha: You are making mundane.


    Svarupa Damodara: It will be very cold in the early morning hours.


    Hamsaduta: We'll bring the van, and Prabhupada can stay in the van overnight, or we'll find some place.


    Gopala Krsna: All the asramas will be overcrowded.


    Panca-dravida: We can sleep around the van. Prabhupada is like a desire tree. He satisfies everybody.


    Lokanatha: That cart could be turned into house. Have bamboo sticks, cover it with...


    Prabhupada: SO BEGIN TO PLAN.


    Svarupa Damodara: I think Lokanatha Swami should make the route, completely planned out, and the place also where we're going to picnic so that everything has to be arranged well ahead of time.


    Prabhupada: SO DO IT.


    Panca-dravida: Yes, we'll prepare the cart tonight, Srila Prabhupada.


    Lokanatha: When we started the bullock cart you said, "Go to the heart of the village," and we said, "What is this heart?" You said, "Wherever there is well, water, we should camp. We should stay." That is where we could remain clean.


    Prabhupada: That you have experience. I have no experience.


    Lokanatha: Maybe you sent me to experience this bullock cart program so that you could in future go on bullock cart.


    Prabhupada: YES. For me it is experiment.


    Svarupa Damodara: We should also request kaviraja to come along?


    Prabhupada: Invite him.


    Gopala Krsna: He can come in the van.


    Panca-dravida: Then it is all decided. You want to take some rest, Srila Prabhupada?...


    Prabhupada: SO MAKE ARRANGEMENT.


    Tamala Krsna: Yes, Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: (Bengali)


    Jayapataka: ...that if you feel any pain or experience any difficulty, then we can bring you back.


    Prabhupada: Yes. I'm not obstinate. (laughter)...


    Tamala Krsna: Well, Srila Prabhupada, I'll tell you, I'm getting so upset sitting in the room upstairs. I mean I just... I was walking around... Two of the devotees told me this road is so bad that if you go on this road, you're going to be jolted back and forth. The road is terrible. I just can't understand, Srila Prabhupada, why it has to be tomorrow that we have to go.


    If anybody wants you to travel, I do. My whole desire is to take you all over the world. I want to take you on parikrama, but why do we have to go when you're in this condition? I can't understand it. It just... I was standing outside. This kaviraja, he has worked so hard. He's so much disappointed. He can't understand why he... He says that now, today, you've taken half a kilo of milk. No mucus has is being produced. No stool is being passed. He says TOMORROW HE WANTS TO GIVE YOU MEDICINE!!!. He's going to get you to a point where you can take two kilos of milk a day. And he says very soon you'll be able to have the strength to actually do parikrama. So why are we throwing everything out the window, that we must go tomorrow? I cannot understand.


    Prabhupada: All right.


    Bhakti-caru: Jaya Srila Prabhupada.


    Bhavananda: Thank you, Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: I cannot refuse all your request.


    Tamala Krsna: And we cannot refuse your request. We will take you all over tirtha-yatra, to all the places. Just that you get a little stronger. You'll be free of all management. You simply go to tirthas and take darsana of all the Deities in India. Everyone will stay in their respective places. They'll manage. But we just want you to be stronger.


    Prabhupada: All right. That will satisfy you? (laughter)...


    Bhavananda: We were just on our way down the stairs to come and see Your Divine Grace.


    Prabhupada: Bhavananda?


    Bhavananda: Yes, Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: You are satisfied?


    Bhavananda: Now I am, Srila Prabhupada, yes. (laughter) I was in too much anxiety.


    Prabhupada: No, no, I cannot put you in anxiety. You have done so much. You have suffered in Mayapura so much. I cannot put you in anxiety. SO I SHALL DO WHAT YOU LIKE. (Bengali) Lefthand, righthand. I CANNOT REFUSE.


    Tamala Krsna: I mean I'm amazed, Srila Prabhupada. A half a kilo of milk you've drank today--no mucus, no stool, and that is wonderful. You could not have done this two weeks ago.


    Bhakti-caru: Yes, when I told the kaviraja he got quite amazed. He told me, "Don't give any more milk. It might..." But Srila Prabhupada wanted some milk now, so I'll give.


    Prabhupada: Where is kaviraja?


    Tamala Krsna: He's out again getting MEDICINE. This man, Srila Prabhupada, Adri-dharana says he sits up all night worried about you, thinking, taxing his mind how to give you just what you require.


    Prabhupada: No.


    Bhakti-caru: Yesterday, when I went to call him at 4:30, I saw him sitting on his bed.


    Tamala Krsna: All night. He goes in the jungle four, five hours looking for roots, herbs to give you. He's so sincere.


    Prabhupada: So many well-wishers, I cannot refuse. This is not my business.


    (Bengali) All right. You take Babaji Maharaja. That will be my going. (laughter)


    Krsna dasa Babaji: Jaya.


    Tamala Krsna: Yes, the bullock cart will go tomorrow.


    Prabhupada: Yes.


    Tamala Krsna: To Govardhana.


    Prabhupada: Yes, other devotees can go. I CANNOT GO...


    Tamala Krsna: No, they'll go on your behalf, but you will go one day. That we promise you.


    Prabhupada: All right.


    Tamala Krsna: Our greatest pleasure will be to take you on tirtha-yatra, Srila Prabhupada. We wanted so much to go with you on that.


    Prabhupada: Thank you very much.


    Tamala Krsna: Actually, Srila Prabhupada, we're so much attached to you that you practically drive us to madness sometimes. Tonight we were becoming mad.


    Prabhupada: No, no, I shall not do that. Babaji Maharaja? (Bengali) So you will take bath in Radha-kunda on my behalf.


    Tamala Krsna: We'll get you better, Srila Prabhupada, and you will also be able to take bath personally there. We'll see you get better.


    Prabhupada: That's all right.


    Tamala Krsna: Krsna will make all of our words come true, Srila Prabhupada.


    Bhakti-caru: (Bengali--brings milk for Prabhupada)


    Prabhupada: Oh, yes. (Bengali)


    Tamala Krsna: Oh, this kaviraja, I mean we're fortunate to get this sincere man.


    Prabhupada: Where is kaviraja?


    Tamala Krsna: He's out working, at work.


    Bhavananda: Adri, see if he's here, kaviraja.


    Tamala Krsna: As soon as he comes, he can come and see Prabhupada. (end) (771110rc.vrn)


    Tamala Krsna: ...days till you get a little more strength. I mean this is a very good sign Srila Prabhupada. You've taken a half a kilo of milk. No mucus, no stool. If you get a few days of strength... I mean I have no objection even tomorrow to take you. I just would like to hear what the kaviraja... I really have a little faith in him. I mean I have all faith on you, Srila Prabhupada. I have only a little faith in him, but I don't want to reject his advice as a doctor. This kaviraja is giving sound advice so far.


    Prabhupada: Where he is?


    Tamala Krsna: We're just trying to get him here. He went out again to get some more medicine for you. He says now that he's seen that you took this half kilo of milk he's going to start to give a MEDICINE that will make this milk make muscles on your body, because all the muscles have become finished, slackened. So he wants to do that so that you'll then have strength. Parikramming the temple is not so bad. Let's just see what he says. It's certainly not that difficult. The main thing is, you have to be able to sit up for some time. (aside:) Prabhupada wants to become enlivened spiritually, you know, by some spiritual activity. (to Prabhupada:) We'll ask the kaviraja if he thinks we can take you tomorrow for a short parikrama around the temple, Srila Prabhupada.


    Indian devotee: He just got on the phone. I just talked with him.


    Tamala Krsna: He's coming back? I couldn't believe that... I felt so bad, seeing him tonight. He was sitting, Srila Prabhupada, on the fountain steps, completely dejected. Couldn't understand why. He just was so, so disappointed and unhappy.


    Prabhupada: (Bengali)


    Krsna dasa Babaji: (Bengali)


    Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada, the way you deal with us simply deepens our attachment every moment.


    Prabhupada: It is my duty. (laughter) There was a professor in Scottish Churches' College. So when you would say something, he would reply, "That's my duty,juti," j-u-t-i. (chuckles) So there was a student. He said... So he said, "Is that Scottish pronunciation?" (break)


    Bhakti-caru: He's asking whether Srila Prabhupada is feeling stronger. He said yes.


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Bhakti-caru: He's saying that Prabhupada's pulse is ninety, which is normal, and he gave three other MEDICINES for Prabhupada's heart. That missing beat that Prabhupada was having--that's no more there.


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Prabhupada: Hm? What is that?


    Tamala Krsna: You were having a missing beat in your pulse.


    Prabhupada: Huh?


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Bhakti-caru: (Bengali) He is telling that he's REQUESTING REPEATEDLY that PRABHUPADA DOESN'T TALK TOO MUCH. He says that the energy that he's building, the moment he starts talking, he loses that energy.


    Tamala Krsna: Is that all right, Srila Prabhupada?


    Prabhupada: NO! HOW TO SAY ALL RIGHT?


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Bhakti-caru: (Hindi)


    Tamala Krsna: Trying to stop Srila Prabhupada from speaking is like trying to stop the Ganga.


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Bhakti-caru: Shastriji's saying that he's seen lakhs of patients, but he hasn't seen a body like Srila Prabhupada's. In one moment it is very critical, and the next moment it's in perfect order. And he is now absolutely confident that Prabhupada is going to get well.


    Jagadisa: He is or isn't?


    Tamala Krsna: He is. We also are.


    Bhakti-caru: And he's just requesting Srila Prabhupada that he keeps on taking the milk and the fruit juice and THE MEDICINE.


    Tamala Krsna: Is that all right, Srila Prabhupada? (end) (771111rc.vrn)


    Tamala Krsna: ...the bullock cart to Vrndavana. You were thinking to travel again, Srila Prabhupada?


    Prabhupada: Not now.


    Tamala Krsna: Some pain? Oh, here he is. Here's Lokanatha, Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: Lokanatha?


    Lokanatha: Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: You are coming back?


    Lokanatha: Yes, we came back from sankirtana. We had kirtana in the town, Vrndavana, Loi Bazaar and Banke Bihari temple, that route. We had a bullock cart filled in with Gurukula school children, and there was a big group of devotees chanting and dancing in front of the cart, and there was also van, making announcement, inviting people for our afternoon program of arati, kirtana, and prasadam distribution.


    Prabhupada: So go.


    Lokanatha: No, we already did. I announced, and we also had kirtana. It was very ecstatic. Thirty, forty devotees came, and it was very, very nice.


    Wherever we stopped, people gathered around us in a big number, enjoyed kirtana and heard announcements about the program. So I just came back.


    Prabhupada: And prasadam?


    Lokanatha: Prasadam will be served out to the guests after this arati.


    Twelve o'clock is arati. And then we'll be serving out prasadam to the guests first. When everyone is served, we'll eat the remnants.


    Prabhupada: You have got all in your charge.


    Lokanatha: Yes, I have.


    Prabhupada: Tamala?


    Tamala Krsna: Yes, Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: Consult with him.


    Tamala Krsna: Hm. Make up a tour? All right. Very good.


    Prabhupada: Since a long time I have got a desire.


    Tamala Krsna: Hm. Prabhupada's had this ambition for a long time.


    Lokanatha: Travel in the holy places. So you'll be doing in...?


    Tamala Krsna: Well, we can discuss.


    Jayadvaita: Lord Balarama, He did that. He went to all the holy places. So in the same way, if you can get a little strength from Krsna and Balarama here in Vrndavana, then you can... Lord Balarama was going to all the different places...


    Tamala Krsna: Or shall we discuss more? We can start discussing.


    Prabhupada: Yes.


    Tamala Krsna: Okay. We'll have kirtana here for you. Okay. Kirtaniyah sada harih. (break)


    Prabhupada: May come see.(?) Bhogaisvarya-prasaktanam tayapahrta-cetasam, vyavasayatmika buddhih...


    Bhavananda: Do you have to now? No. (break) Prabhupada was saying he is heavy all over his body. Just before all this pain, he was feeling heavy.


    Bhakti-caru: (Hindi)


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Indian devotee: Which side? The left side of the body?


    Bhavananda: He said all over.


    Prabhupada: (Hindi)


    Bhavananda: Also he called me. He was feeling very cold, and so many blankets and quilts.


    Prabhupada: Blood pressure is... Blood pressure...


    Bhakti-caru: (Hindi)


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Bhakti-caru: He said that there are three things that cause disease: vayu, pitta, and kapha. And due to weakness, the...


    Kaviraja: (Hindi)


    Bhakti-caru: MEDICINES might have caused some cold in the body. Milk also is quite cooling.


    Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada? Are you feeling a little relief now? Try and take some rest now, Srila Prabhupada.


    Bhavananda: The swelling's gone down every day. It's not increasing. Have you noticed?


    Kaviraja: (Hindi) (end) (771113rc.vrn)


  11. kamo manyur mado lobhah


    karma-bandhas ca yan-mulah

    svikuryat ko nu tad budhah


    "The mind is the root cause of lust, anger, pride, greed, lamentation, illusion and fear. Combined, these constitute bondage to fruitive activities. What learned man would put faith in the mind?"


    - Srimad Bhagavatam 5.6.5


    What about my mind?

    Who will save me from my horrendous mind

    which I so closely associate with

    and identify myself with

    This mind is subtle matter binding me to vikarma

    I'm a bloody fool

    for taking my mind as 'my soul'

    When o when will I conquer this mental machine

    which takes me on whirlwind tours of illusion ?


    The Bhagavat states clearly:

    The mind is the root cause of lust, anger, pride, greed, lamentation, illusion and fear.


    Please Conquer this mind

    and the cause of my lusty desires

    anger and my false pride

    the glutton who cannot control my tongue

    and the tireless lament of havenots

    The sin cover

    a miraje world

    and the spin throw of deluding potency

    leaves me in fear of my breaking out

    like a rat cornered

    in fear.


  12. Who is winning the war?



    Jane Corbin

    BBC Panorama reporter



    "You love life and we love death." The chilling phrase leaps out of the video issued by a man calling himself al-Qaeda's military commander in Europe.



    Al-Qaeda's attack could have had political motive


    These words have been repeated many times in the past two and half years - in audio tapes, emails and interviews emanating from Osama Bin Laden and his lieutenants.


    They are certain that their willingness to lose their own lives in order to kill as many innocents as possible in spectacular terror attacks will ultimately deliver them victory in the war of attrition they declared against "the Jews and the Crusaders" back in 1998.


    The American declaration of a "war against terror" in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks played into Bin Laden's strategic goal of creating a pan-Islamic empire harking back to a medieval caliphate.


    Political coup


    The war in Iraq has presented a new opportunity for a battered al-Qaeda to swell its depleted ranks with new recruits and offshoot organisations.


    In many Muslim minds it has aggravated the already festering sore of the Israel-Palestine conflict.


    And now the Madrid bombings have given al-Qaeda its biggest political coup to date - the power to swing an election in Europe.


    Since the ousting of the Taleban from Afghanistan in 2001, al-Qaeda's leadership has been under pressure and on the run.


    However, back in the spring of 2002 an American intelligence officer at Bagram airbase told BBC's Panorama that he feared the American military boot had not crushed al-Qaeda but merely scattered them to the far corners of the earth, where they would prove impossible to eradicate.




    In December, on Islamic websites that have carried al-Qaeda statements in the past, Islamist militants were discussing how attacks might bring about a socialist victory in Spain.


    Jane Corbin


    How right he was. The following 12 months saw more carnage - in Bali, east Africa and on the shores of the Mediterranean. Al-Qaeda has never been a single organisation - its name means "the base" - and Bin Laden has always seen it as an umbrella for disparate extremist Islamist groups.


    But since 9/11 and the destruction of its geographical centre in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda has become a global movement, a franchise operation that no longer depends on the centre for military and financial backing.


    Much is made by western governments of al-Qaeda's inability to fight a war now its training camps have been destroyed. But there are signs of similar small-scale facilities cropping up once again either side of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.


    And an estimated 15,000 men passed through the camps before they were obliterated.


    Al-Qaeda has never in the past adhered to western timetables or anniversaries. It has been content to wait and plan patiently for the best moment and place to strike.


    Bold militants



    The Istanbul bomb came as Bush and Blair gathered at an anti-terrorism gala


    But recently the terror group gave notice of a more carefully honed political sense when one of its local affiliates bombed the British Consulate in Istanbul in November.


    The attack came on the very day that George Bush and Tony Blair were celebrating their special relationship and their determined stance against terrorism at a glittering state gala in London.


    In December, meanwhile, on Islamic websites that have carried al-Qaeda statements in the past, Islamist militants were discussing how attacks might bring about a socialist victory in Spain and the withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq.


    There was speculation that such an event would increase the pressure on Blair to pull out British troops. If they were feeling bold enough then to try to influence the outcome of democratic elections, how much bolder will they feel now?


    For years, Bin Laden has been exhorting his followers to oust what he calls corrupt Arab regimes in Saudi and the Gulf states. His chance of success in undemocratic states with efficient and ruthless police forces was slim.


    It is so much easier not only to hit "soft" targets such as railway trains but also to influence what al-Qaeda sees as soft political targets - namely, European democracies.


    Hit list


    The reaction to the Spanish bombings in Britain has built slowly over the past few days, as al-Qaeda is identified as the likely culprit.


    Alerts on the London underground and headlines about white powder sent to embassies show how anxiety is building to levels unseen since the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.


    Yet in this war it is impossible to gauge how close this country is to becoming the next target, beyond Bin Laden's repeated threat that Britain is at the top of his hit list.


    The frozen, haunted look on Bush's face as an aide whispered news of the World Trade Centre attack was echoed on the face of the defeated Spanish prime minister José María Aznar at the Madrid vigil.


    Tony Blair knows and fears that look, and cannot afford to dismiss lightly any information gleaned by his intelligence and police chiefs.


    Real threat


    A very real terror threat has been created in Iraq where little existed before - and Europe will feel the effect of that.


    Jane Corbin


    Eighteen months ago, it was a threatened surface-to-air-missile attack on Heathrow airport over which the security forces sweated. Just such an attack had been tried in Mombasa in Kenya, although luckily it failed.


    People laughed and accused politicians of cynical manipulation when tanks were deployed around the airport, but the threat was real.


    At least two suicide bombers are known to have been recruited in the UK by Bin Laden's former military commander, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Those men have not yet been found.


    On the other hand, there have been incidents here that are more difficult to read. A crude laboratory, allegedly to make the biological poison ricin, was uncovered in Wood Green, London, in January 2003.


    A group of Algerians were arrested, but so far there have been no terror-related charges and the ricin scare may well turn out to have been overblown.


    Hollow claims



    The Iraq war could have led to more al-Qaeda recruits


    The controversial British anti-terrorism legislation of 2001 has had an effect that has heartened many in the security community.


    Some of the top figures on the suspects list were rounded up and disappeared into Belmarsh Prison. Others hastily chose to take "extended holidays" to places such as Pakistan and have never reappeared.


    But this legislation worries many liberal-minded citizens across the political divide, as does the threatened backlash that terror brings against our long-established and law-abiding Muslim communities.


    Bin Laden was mocked last spring for not immediately carrying out his much-vaunted threat to make the earth burn beneath the boots of US and British soldiers.


    Winning the war?


    Yet as the months have passed the war in Iraq has exposed the hollowness of US claims that al-Qaeda and Saddam were linked.


    It has also resulted in the creation of a new terror threat from one of al-Qaeda's franchises, and a virulent and deadly one that numbers hundreds of westerners among its victims.


    A very real terror threat has been created in Iraq where little existed before - and Europe will feel the effect of that.


    Bin Laden has every reason to believe that he is so far winning the battle - not the "war on terror" waged by US helicopters and special forces on Afghan borders - but the war against innocent civilians and western democracies .



  13. The Absolute Truth

    Who is God? From the pages of the sacred texts, most notably, the Srimad Bhagavatam, Krsna is God or the Absolute Truth from which all other truths are derived. Ten topics are covered in the Bhagavatam, from the universal creation to the universal annihilation. The tenth and most important of the subjects is the asraya or shelter of the other nine subjects, Sri Krsna. His glories are directly enumerated within the tenth book (the tenth canto).


    Krsna denotes the all-attractive personality, who possesses all qualities by which he attracts all. Krs denotes existence and na denotes happiness, thus Krsna denotes the most blissful existence.


    Brahma, the first living being within the cosmic manifestation prays to Krsna thus, govindam adi purusam tam aham bhajami, “I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, Govinda”. Govinda is another name for Krsna. In his eternal abode of Goloka Vrndavana, Krsna tends cows in a rural village setting; thus he is called Govinda or the master or maintainer of cows. The cows symbolically represent all the devas or demigods, thus Govinda means master of all the demigods.


    In the “Song of God” or the Bhagavat Gita, Krsna states his supremacy over all others, aham sarvasya prabhavo, mattah sarvam pravartate, iti matva bhajante mam, budha bhava samanvitah, “I am the source of all (the devas, human and other species of life, including the Brahman effulgence and my partial manifestation, Lord Narayana of Vaikuntha). Everything comes from me. Those who perfectly know this, the wise, worship me with all their hearts.”


    Krishna is the origin of Visnu, who is one of his innumerable personal manifestations. Just as from one candle all others are lit equally, so also all visnu expansions derive their origin from Krsna. Thus Krsna is avatari or the source of all other avatars. The Srimad Bhagavatam states, “All of the above-mentioned incarnations are either plenary portions or portions of the plenary portions, but Lord Sri Krsna is the original Supreme Lord. All his incarnations appear whenever the world is troubled by the enemies of Indra.” (1.3.28) The Bhagavatam has listed a number of Incarnations and Krsna was listed among them. Suta Goswami spoke the above verse in order to differentiate Krsna’s position from the various incarnations.


    Krsna’s shaktis or energies are unlimited; the most significant ones are:


    the internal potency

    external potency

    marginal potency


    The internal potency is further divided into three:

    sat (eternality potency)

    chit (cognizance potency)

    ananda (pleasure giving potency)


    The external potency is referred to as maya or the deluding potency which covers the soul’s awareness of its spiritual nature. The external potency governs the material cosmos, which is ¼ the creation of the Lord and which houses innumerable universes.


    The spiritual potency governs the spiritual world, which is ¾ of the Lord’s creation.


    The marginal potency comprises the innumerable souls who are of a spiritual nature qualitatively one with the Lord as conscious entities, but quantitatively smaller.


    By surrendering onto Krsna, all one’s misgiving are dissipated and all-auspiciousness prevails.


    Those who surrender to Krsna and achieve love of God or prema are eligible to enter the Supreme spiritual planet Goloka Vrndavana where Lord Krsna personally resides. Having gone there, one does not repeat another birth in the mundane world, but achieves ever-lasting happiness.


  14. Drops of Nectar

    HH Radhanath Swami

    Excerpts from lectures


    "When our hearts become so melted and soft like butter, then Lord Hari will come and steal that heart" ... HH Radhanath Swami


    We are calling out to Hari. There are many meanings of Hari. One is that supreme personality of Godhead who steals all in-auspiciousness from our heart. Once all inauspiciousness is removed from our heart, what is left is pure un adulterated love. In that state of love, Lord Hari steals our heart itself.


    Krishna is Makhan chor. He is butter thief. When our hearts become so melted from a steel frame condition and becomes soft like butter then Lord Hari will come and steal that heart.


    Rupa Goswami warns, if you're very much attached and want to remain attached to the worldly pleasures of property, prestige, wealth, family, do not go to the Keshi Ghat, where stading on the banks of Jamuna is the three-fold bending form of Govinda playing upon His flute. When you hear that flute and His glance of love touches your heart He'll take your heart as His own property.


    Actually love on all levels is an act of thievery. When someone loves us, we take their consciousness, their hearts. We take their minds. We see that in the world when someone is frustrated with love, how much the heart is broken. Because the heart becomes the property of your love and when they mistreat it, they can do more damage to your heart than you can do yourself or any one else.


    But in this material world such love is just a material reflection of true love. Krsna is Hari. He is the ultimate object of everyone's love. Infact He is the exclusive object of everyone's love. Bhismadev, the grandfather of pandavas, defines love as to repose all of one's affection into one object. Only Krishna who is all-attractive can perfectly accept and reciprocate with our soul's love.


    Love of the flesh, love of the mind are temporary and ultimately they frustrate us. Real love is of the soul. Soul manifests its consciousness through our heart. So Krishna is that personality who can liberate us from all the quarels and difficulties of the age of Kali. Caitanya Mahaprabhu explains ceto darpana marjanam bhava mavadhagni nirvapanam - This hari sankirtan, this kirtan of the great thief Hari, congregationally, cleanses our heart. How does it clean our heart?


    Ultimately it is a scientific process, 7 stages. But in essence it is all happening by the Grace of Hari. Lord Hari steals away all the anarthas, all the unwanted attachments that we are clinging to since time immemorial - lust, anger, greed, envy, pride - all stolen away - Hari Hari - and in that pure state our heart becomes soft and then Lord Hari steals our heart. Eternally.


  15. Srila Rupa Goswami's




    Adored by the host of great sages, She drives away the grief of the three spheres. Her face like a lotus blooms with joy. Delighting in love's games in secret groves, She is the daughter of King Vrsabhanu and lives in the heart of the son of the King of Vraja. When will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?


    She rests upon a flower throne beneath a canopy of creepers and boughs of Ashoka. Her lotus feet are lustrous red like coral, yet as soft as new-sprouted leaves. Her hand is eager to give the blessing of fearlessness. She is the abode of abundant opulences. When will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?


    By charming movements Her arched eyebrows are the colourful stage of the play of love. By casting the arrow-noose of Her rolling and love-laden sidelong glance, She perpetually holds captive the unswerving allegiance of Sri Nanda-nandana. When will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?


    As lightning's radiant illumination, or gold, or the blossoms of the champa is the fairness of Her limbs. The shining brilliance of Her face defeats the glory of a million moons of Sharad. Like young Chakoras, Her restless eyes skip to and fro, as if bewildered by strange and dazzling scenes at each new moment. When will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?


    In exceedingly intoxicating youth, Her delightful sulking mood is Her bejeweled ornament. Dyed in Her darling's dedication, She is fully skilled in all the arts of making love. In sanctified groves, incomparable, She is learned in the study of all love's novelties. When will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?


    The infinite and calm ocean of the sentiments of loving gestures adorns Her neck in the shape of a diamond necklace. Her well-developed breasts are like golden water pots or the cranial globes of an elephant. Her slow, enchanting smile glows with a silent bliss like a sea full of mirth. O when will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?


    Her slender arms, creeper-slim, rhythmically wave and flow like lotus fibres in a current of water. Like the dancing top of the swaying vine, Her blue lotus eyes flash with enthralling glances. Her playful and alluring movements entice lovely meetings and fascinate Mohan Himself to take refuge in Her charms. When will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?

    On Her neck, graceful as a lovely conch, its beauty enhanced by three lines, She wears a golden necklace. Three lustrous jewels sparkle and swing from three cords, decreeing all fortune and auspiciousness. Her luxuriant black tresses, artfully woven with clusters of flowers, flow in waves towards Her heels. When will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?


    The fullness of He rounded hips is girdled with a wreath of flowers of excellence. A splendid waist-band of costly gems emits a soft melodious sound like the tinkling of bells, applauding Her beauty. Her graceful thighs are sloppy like the tapering trunk of the tusker-king. O when will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?


    Her jingling anklets sweetly resound as the divine and timeless chanting of many mantras, and in their melody is heard all the enchantment of the warbling of a flock of noble swans. The elegant movement of Her limbs is like the bewitching dance of golden creepers. When will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?


    Before whom Laksmi, the goddess of millions of unlimited Vaikunthas, stoops to bow with all humility; from whom Sati, Saci and Sarasvati receive favours; endless riches, supernatural powers, perfection and liberation are attained within the light of Her small toe-nail. O when will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace?


    O Goddess Supreme, who presides over all sacrifices, rites and oblations and over the hosts of demigods and saintly persons. O Goddess Supreme, who provides the force to the Vedic utterances and to all arguments of law and logic; O Supreme Mistress of Laksmi and Bhu; O Queen of the celestial gardens of delight; Queen of Vraja, O Sovereign Mistress of Vrndavana, Srimati Radhika, I prostrate before Thee!


    May the Daughter of King Vrsabhanu, thus, on hearing this wonderful hymn of Her glories, be pleased to always shower on Me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace. Then may the threefold forms of karma, accumulated over many births, be immediately annihilated and may I be granted entrance into the eternal realm of King Nanda's divine son.


    The aspirant who recites this hymn on the full-moon day, on the eighth day of the waxing moon, and on the tenth, eleventh and thirteenth days of the waxing and waning moons, achieves the fruition of his desires and, by the grace of Sri Radhika's compassionate sidelong glance, bhakti characterized by prema sprouts in his heart. The aspirant who recites this hymn one hundred times, while immersed in the waters of Sri Radha-kunda, either up to his waist, up to his navel, up to his chest, or up to his neck, achieves the perfection of his desired ends and whatever he speaks comes true, he is endowed with full spiritual opulence and gets the direct, personal darshan of Srimati Radharani. Being pleased with him, Srimati Radhika immediately grants him the greatest benediction and he gets to see with his own eyes Her darling sweet Lord, Sri Syamasundara. The Lord of Vraja, in His turn, grants that devotee an entrance into His eternal sports. For the Vaisnavas there is no greater goal to be achieved than this.





  16. Yes,this is going on..





    when prabhupada said that a bunch of great demons had taken birth

    these are who he was refering to,dont be fooled by their rhetoric,

    these people control the world economy,cow killing,genocide in africa,

    asia,etc,etc etc. religion is a tool they plan on using much like the republicans use religious rhetoric to get votes then go on campaigns

    of terror and abuse of human rights ,and their ever present goal

    is to keep the rich getting richer and more powerful and the rest

    to become serfs in their feudal fascist dreams.


  17. Due to various attachments, most people would have to reject religion as too inconvenient. However, since there are varieties of schools just about everyone can make some degree of advancement, eventually passing from one school to the next, finally on to krsna-tattva. The envious can pursue Lord Buddha's philosophy, learning ahimsa. Even the flesh-eaters can follow a variety of schools that will instill moral values.


    Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur comments on the nature of religious sectarianism in the introduction to his Sri Krsna Samhita. A short excerpt from those comments follows:

    From engagement in material activities up to the awakening of spiritual activities is called the preliminary stage of God consciousness. From this preliminary stage up to the uttama-adhikari stage there are innumerable levels:

    ONE - Inquiring about the truth of the material world is called Sakta-dharma, because the predominating deity of the material world is goddess Durga. All behavior and practice instructed in Sakta-dharma is helpful only in the preliminary stage. Such behavior and practice is meant to bring one closer to spiritual life, and materialistic people may be attracted by this only until they begin to inquire about the Supreme Absolute Truth. Sakta-dharma is the living entity's initial spiritual endeavor, and it is extremely essential for people of that level.


    TWO - When the preliminary stage is further strengthened, one attains the next level. One then considers the energy of work and the superiority of heat over dull matter, and one therefore accepts the sun-god, who is the source of heat, as one's worshipable deity. At that time, Saura-dharma is awakened.


    THREE - Later, when one considers even heat as dull matter and animal consciousness as superior, one attains the third stage, Ganapatya-dharma.


    FOUR - In the fourth gross stage, Lord Siva is worshiped as the pure consciousness of the living entities, and Saiva-dharma manifests.


    FIVE - In the fifth stage, the consciousness of the living entity worships the supreme consciousness, and thus Vaisnava-dharma is manifest.

    By nature, there are five types of paramarthic dharmas, or spiritual duties, which have been known throughout the world by different names at different times. If one considers all the different dharmas that are current in India and abroad, one can see that they certainly fall within these five categories.


    The religious principles taught by Mohammed and Jesus Christ are similar to the religious principles taught by Vaisnava sects. Buddhism and Jainism are similar to Saiva-dharma.


    This is a scientific consideration of truths regarding religious principles. Those who consider their own religious principles as real dharma and others' religious principles as irreligion or subreligion are unable to ascertain the truth due to being influenced by prejudice.


    Actually religious principles followed by people in general are different only due to the different qualifications of the practitioners, but the constitutional religious principles of all living entities are one.


    It is not proper for swanlike persons to reject the religious principles that people in general follow according to their situation. Therefore, with due respect to the religious principles followed by people in general, we will now discuss the living entity's constitutional religious principles.

  18. The Rebirth of Christianity: Besieged in the West, the Gospel Makes Amazing Progress Elsewhere


    Feature by Ed Vitagliano

    March 5, 2004


    (AgapePress) - It was a strange headline that appeared two years ago in The London Times: "Christianity Almost Beaten in Britain, says Cardinal."


    The stunning statement was made by the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, when he addressed a gathering of Roman Catholic clergy in England in 2001.


    And who could blame him for his pessimism? Christianity in the West appears to be in the process of retreating everywhere under the advancing assault of secularism and New Age spirituality.


    What should encourage believers everywhere, however, is a phenomenon that is developing, for the most part, outside the notice of much of the Western press. In what is called the "Global South" -- Africa, Latin America and Asia -- Christianity is growing in staggering fashion, promising in the next 50 years or so to eclipse the West as the spiritual home of the faith.


    Relocation and Rebirth

    This is not what Western elites in the media or on college and university campuses thought was happening. "For over a century, the coming decline or disappearance of religion has been a commonplace assumption of Western thought, and church leaders have sometimes shared this pessimistic view," says Philip Jenkins, distinguished professor of history and religious studies at Pennsylvania State University, in his book, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity.


    That secularists expected the demise of Christianity is not hard to understand. After all, they viewed that faith as a Western religion, and Jenkins admits that "ntil recently, the overwhelming majority of Christians have lived in White nations ...."


    If Christianity were mainly a religion of the peoples of Europe and North America, as secularists have always thought, then Jenkins says it made sense that "the growing secularization of the West [could] only mean that Christianity is in its dying days."


    However, a strange thing has been happening: rather than dying, Christianity has spread in unexpected ways. Mark Hutchinson, chairman of the church history department at Southern Cross College in Australia, says that "what many pundits thought was the death of the church in the 1960s through secularization was really its relocation and rebirth into the rest of the world."


    Jenkins says, "We are currently living through one of the transforming moments in the history of religion worldwide .... The era of Western Christianity has passed within our lifetimes, and the day of Southern Christianity is dawning."


    The numbers boggle the mind. In Africa in the year 1900, for example, there were approximately 10 million Christians on the continent. By 2000, the number had grown to 360 million.


    The Anglican Communion is a perfect example of this worldwide trend. Whereas in its U.S. branch -- the Episcopal Church -- membership has declined over the last 40 years to 2.3 million, in Uganda alone there are more than 8 million Anglicans.


    Worldwide, evangelical Christians are a thriving part of the Christian community. Yet, 70% of evangelicals live outside the West.


    'God Goes Where He's Wanted'

    What has been driving this trend? "As I travel," says author and journalist Philip Yancey, "I have observed a pattern, a strange historical phenomenon of God 'moving' geographically from the Middle East, to Europe to North America to the developing world. My theory is this: God goes where He's wanted."


    If Yancey's supposition is correct, it would explain a lot, because Christianity does seem to be waning in the West -- especially in Europe. In an article for The New York Times, writer Frank Bruni says that "Europe already seems more and more like a series of tourist-trod monuments to Christianity's past. Hardly a month goes by when [Pope John Paul II] does not publicly bemoan that fact, beseeching Europeans to rediscover their faith."


    Rev. David Cornick, the general secretary of the United Reformed Church in Britain, says, "In Western Europe, we are hanging on by our fingernails. The fact is that Europe is no longer Christian."


    Secularism deserves much of the blame, say some Christian leaders, including the pope, who has complained that the proposed constitution for the European Union completely omits any reference to God or the continent's Christian past.


    One sign of the weakness of Christianity in Europe is church attendance. According to a major survey in the 1990s, the percentage of people attending church on an average Sunday in some European countries is a mere fraction of the total population: England (27%), West Germany (14%), Denmark (5%), Norway (5%), Sweden, (4%) and Finland (4%).


    More than even secularism, however, Gene Edward Veith, culture critic for World magazine, says the problem is found in many of the churches themselves: "This decline is directly attributable to the theological liberalism of the once-powerful state churches."


    Veith says that, where the more conservative Catholic Church holds sway, church attendance is far higher: Ireland (84%), Poland (55%), Portugal (47%), and Italy (45%).


    "These are Catholic countries where the church has remained conservative," Veith says. "Catholic churches that have gone liberal -- in the United States, France, the Netherlands -- have the same low attendance rates as liberal Protestants."


    In the Global South, however, Christianity is finding converts by the millions. According to researcher David Barrett, author of the well-respected World Christian Encyclopedia, Africa is gaining 8.4 million new Christians a year, and that number is a net total -- that is, new converts minus those who leave the faith.


    South Korea is another example of a nation in which the growth of Christianity has been stunning. In 1920, Jenkins says, there were only about 300,000 believers in all of Korea. But today, in South Korea alone, there are 10 to 12 million Christians -- about 25% of the population.


    "And it is not modernist, liberal Christianity that is sweeping through the Southern Hemisphere," says Veith, "but a Christianity in which the gospel is proclaimed, that believes God's Word, that refuses to conform to the world."


    Christianity and Islam

    While all this should be encouraging news for believers in the U.S., numerous difficulties will confront Christians in the Global South over the next half century.


    One of the most obvious challenges will be the sheer enormity of the unfinished task of fulfilling the Great Commission. "The growth of Christianity in the last two decades has been nothing short of miraculous," says Elisabeth Farrell, co-author of China: The Hidden Miracle. "Yet a whopping two-thirds of the world's population -- 3 billion people -- remains unreached."


    As many missionary-minded believers know, a staggering 95% of these unreached people live in an area called "the 10/40 Window," which Farrell describes as "an imaginary rectangle between the 10th and 40th parallels north, stretching from Africa to Japan."


    Part of the problem, Farrell suggests, is that 95% of missions' budgets apportion resources for areas outside the 10/40 Window. That represents a potentially disastrous -- or, at the very least, shortsighted -- misallocation of finances.


    However, part of the reason for this lack of emphasis on the 10/40 Window is that there is, quite simply, tremendous resistance to the gospel there. Jenkins says that "the historically Muslim lands into which Christian missions have never penetrated ... remain impervious."


    From a spiritual standpoint, one can see why the resistance is so strong in these nations: Farrell says "[a]ll the world's major non-Christian religions were founded there: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Shintoism and Taoism."


    Islam, however, will be Christianity's major religious competitor for the foreseeable future. By 2020, Jenkins says "Christianity will still have a massive lead [over Islam in terms of adherents], and will maintain its position into the foreseeable future. By 2050, there should still be about three Christians for every two Muslims worldwide. Some 34% of the world's people will then be Christian ...."


    Nevertheless, Christianity and Islam will both prove themselves to be vigorous religions. "Muslim and Christian nations will expand adjacent to each other," says Jenkins, "and often, Muslim and Christian communities will both grow within the same country .... [W]e face the likelihood that population growth will be accompanied by intensified rivalry, by struggles for converts, by competing attempts to enforce moral codes by means of secular law. Whether Muslim or Christian, religious zeal can easily turn into fanaticism. Such struggles might well provoke civil wars, which could in turn become international conflicts."


    The threat to humanity posed by potential religious wars between the two faiths could be, he added, horrifying, producing "a new age of Christian crusades and Muslim jihads. Imagine the world of the thirteenth century armed with nuclear warheads and anthrax."


    The danger of persecution is no less acute. Jenkins says, "Even if the dominant religion is generally tolerant, it only takes an outbreak of fanaticism every half-century or so to devastate or uproot a minority, and that has been the fate of religious minorities across the Middle East in recent years. Although Christian communities survive across the region, their numbers are a pathetic shadow of what they were even in 1850, and whole peoples have been obliterated since that time."


    Within the 10/40 Window, such troubles will probably continue for decades to come, perhaps squashing attempts to gain a solid Christian foothold in Muslim countries. In Pakistan, for example, a 1986 law subjects a citizen to the death penalty or life imprisonment if he "directly or indirectly by word, gesture, innuendo, or otherwise defiles the name of the holy prophet Muhammad."


    "These laws," Jenkins says, "offer a potential death sentence for anyone evangelizing Muslims, or even considering conversion, and several Christians have been condemned to death for related offenses."


    In nations like Pakistan, it is not uncommon for periodic outbreaks of riots and violence to occur against the minority Christian populace. Here, murder and rape are dangers that believers live with daily.


    In Sudan, the Muslim government's attempt to subjugate Christians has led to almost indescribable persecution. According to the U.S. State Department Annual Report on Religious Freedom 2000, Muslim persecution has included "indiscriminate bombings, the burning and looting of villages, and the killings, abductions, rapes, and arbitrary arrests and detentions of civilians."


    Nevertheless, for the Great Commission to be fulfilled, the 10/40 Window is where the Gospel will have to go. Can the churches of the West produce the necessary missionaries to accomplish this task? After all, Christians in Europe, North America and Oceania already have their hands full with spiritual problems at home: they are stinging from cultural setbacks over the last 50 years on issues ranging from abortion to homosexuality, and fighting to keep secularism from capturing even larger swaths of the populace.


    It might be an odd concept, but missionaries to the 10/40 Window may very well come -- in fact, may have to come -- from the Global South.


    Such nonwhite missionaries may even show up on our shores. As Veith muses, "What we need now are missionaries from Africa to convert the heathen in Europe and America."


    Stranger things have happened.

  19. Hindu holocaust

    08/13/03 04:53 PM Edit Reply


    There have been many villains throughout the history of the many invasions and occupations of India. And many of the worst of these despots and murderers are today considered by many to have been "great leaders" of India's past. In an effort to appease the Muslim minority, some of the worst of the butchers of the Hindu people have been turned into national heroes, and the true heroes and defenders of the Indian people have been all but forgotten. Here we offer brief biographies of those who invaded, occupied and butchered Hindus throughout India. Some may argue that these were great rulers who contributed great things to Indian civilization, but we must always remember that Adolf Hitler also brought great efficiency to German government and made the trains run on time as well.


    Mahmud of Gaznavi

    (From the accounts of arikh-i-Yamini of Utbi the secretary of Mahmud of Gaznavi)


    At Thaneshwar.

    "The blood of the infidels flowed so copiously at Thanesar that the stream was discolored, not withstanding its purity, and people were unable to drink it. The Sultan returned with plunder which is impossible to count. Praise be to Allah for the honor he bestows on Islam and Muslims."


    At Somnath

    "The Muslims paid no regard to the booty till they had satiated themselves with the slaughter of the infidels and worshipers of sun and fire.... The number of infidels killed exceeded 50,000"


    At Mathura

    "The infidels...deserted the fort and tried to cross the foaming river...but many of them were slain, taken or drowned... Nearly fifty thousand men were killed."


    Mahmud of Ghori

    (from Hasan Nizami's Taj-ul-Maasir)

    Kol (Modern Aligarh)

    "Those of the horizon who were wise and acute were converted to Islam, but those who stood by their ancestoral faith were slain with the sword"


    Kol (Modern Aligarh)


    20,000 prisoners were taken and made slaves

    'Three bastions were raised as high as heaven with their heads and their carcases became food for the beasts of prey



    50,000 prisoners were taken as slaves

    Varnasi or Kasi (Benaras) :

    Kamil-ut-Tawarikh of Ibn Asir records,

    "The slaughter of Hindus (at Varanasi) was immense; none were spared except women and children,(who were taken into slavery) and the carnage of men went on until the earth was weary."


    Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq

    (from Insha-i-Mahry by Amud Din Abdullah bin Mahru)

    Delhi: -a punishment in detail (from Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi)


    "A report was brought to the Sultan than there was in Delhi an old Brahman who persisted in publicly performing the worship of idols in his house and that people of the city, both Muslims and Hindus used to resort to his house to worship the idol. The Brahman had constructed a wooden tablet which was covered within and without with paintings of demons and other objects. An order was accordingly given to the Brahman and was brought before Sultan.The true faith was declared to the Brahman and the right course pointed out. but he refused to accept it. A pile was risen on which the Kaffir with his hands and legs tied was thrown into and the wooden tablet on the top. The pile was lit at two places his head and his feet. The fire first reached him in the feet and drew from him a cry and then fire completley enveloped him. Behold Sultan for his strict adherence to law and rectitude."


    Delhi : (after Hindus paid the toleration tax (zar-i zimmiya) and poll-tax(jizya) they were foolish enough to build their temples.so...) "Under divine guidance I (Sultan) destroyed these temples and I killed the leaders of these infedility and others I subjected to stripes and chastisement "


    Gohana (Haryana):

    "Some Hindus had erected a new idol-temple in the village of Kohana and the idolaters used to assemble there and perform their idolatrous rites. These people were seized and brought before me. I ordered that the perverse conduct of these leaders of this wickedness be punished by publicly abd that they should be put to deathe before the gate of the palace."


    Jajnagar:(Expedition objectives as stated by Sultan: Source:Ainn-ul-Mulk)


    massacring the unbelievers


    demolishing their temples


    hunting the elephants


    getting a glimpse of their enchanting country


    Orissa:'Sirat-i-Firoz Shahi' records his expedition with the following words:

    "Nearly 100,000 men of Jajnagar had taken refuge with their women, children, kinsmen and relations The swordsmen of Islam turned the island into a basin of blood by the massacre of the unbelievers. Women with babies and pregnant ladies were haltered, manacled, fettered and enchained, and pressed as slaves into service in the house of every soldier."


    The Jihads of Shihabuddin,

    the Sultankalka of Ghur


    Around 1140, the Islamized Turko-Mongol chiefs of the Shansabanid tribe occupied Ghor in Afghanistan. Initially it was a vassal of the Ghaznavid Sultans, but around 1130 it came into conflict with them, after one of the leading Shansabanid nobles was murdered by the Ghaznavid Sultan, Bahram. A ferocious war ensued between the Sultans of Ghor and Ghazni, till Alla-ud-din Ghori invaded Ghazni with his entire cavalry and wrested it from Bahram. Alla-ud-din sacked the Indian spoils that Mahmud had placed there, massacred the city’s population in a 7-day killing spree and subsequently burnt it down. The next Ghaznavid Sultan, Khushro Maliq was driven out of Afghanistan by a coalition of Oghuz Turks and the Ghorids in 1157, and the Oghuz took Ghazni. The sons of Alla-ud-din, Ghiyas-ud-din Mu’azz-ud-din Ghori and Shihab-ud-din Muhammad Ghori defeated the Oghuz and annexed Ghazni in 1174. Ghiyas-ud-din, crowned himself Sultan, and appointed his brother Sultankalka. Shihab-ud-din was assigned the task of extending the kingdom to the East and he naturally gravitated towards India. 13 bloody campaigns that ravaged Northern India followed:


    • Early in 1175 he invaded Punjab and sacked and burned Uch...(1)


    • In 1178 he advanced south and marched towards Gujarat, but here the Indians acted quickly and rallying under the western chAlukya king MUlarAja II routed the Islamic forces completely forcing him to retreat...(2)


    • In 1179 Ghori sent a message to PrithivirAja chAhamAna to make common cause with him against the Chalukyas. Prithivaraj however, wise disregarding his foolish minister, kadambavAsa’s advise to make a common cause with Ghori, preemptively attacked NaDDula and reconquered it from the Moslems.


    • Shihab recovered in 1180 and invaded Sindh and ravaged the population carrying away much loot...(3)


    • Then Shihabuddin Muhammad, quickly followed it up in 1181 and 1184 with two invasions of Lavapura (Lahore) accompanied with much slaughter...(4+5)


    • In 1186 he invaded the Ghaznavid occupied Punjab and defeated the Sultan Khushro Maliq and wrested Punjab...(6)


    • 1188 The Ghur Sultankalka invaded the ChAhamAna kingdom and sacked the fort of Tabarhindah killing the Hindu male populace and raping the women. Hindu refugees flocked around Delhi alarming the ChAhamAnas...(7)


    • 1191 PrithivirAj advanced to meet Shihabuddin’s raid and routed him in the great battle of Tarai. While the Muslims suffered a crushing defeat, the Indians failed to butcher them to man and allowed Shihab to get away unharmed. He fled back to Central Asia leaving Punjab completely undefended...(8)


    • 1191 PrithivirAj attacked Tabarhindah and took it back from the Muslims. Here the biggest mistake of the Hindus was not to reconquer and arm Punjab suitably.


    • 1192 Shihab returned and sacked Tabarhindah again. This was followed by the second battle of Tarai, the ChAhamAna army was crushed and Prithiviraj was captured and brutally tortured to death...(9)


    • 1192 the Ghur Sultankalka made a second trust towards Ajayamerupura (Ajmer) and sacked it smashing Hindu temples and a Hindu university in course of this invasion. The Hindus captured in this expedition caused slave prices to fall to a few Dirhams in the Muslim markets...(10)


    • 1193 The sultankalka invaded Kannauj and slew the GAhadwala king Jayachandra. He followed this up with an invasion of vArANsipura slaughtering Hindus with great savagery and desecrating the holy city...(11+12)


    After this, his viceroy Kutub-ud-din (also his lover?) and the Turkish adventurer Ikhtiyaruddin Khalji furthered the violence of Islam in the land of Hind. Meanwhile Shihab’s brother died in Ghazna and he crowned himself Sultan and immediately launched himself into another Jihad on the infidels of Hindustan in 1206. The exact course of this campaign is not clear. While on the North-western reaches of the Sindhu, he was ambushed by the Khokar chiefs and shot down by an arrow...(13). Thus ended the carrier of the Moslem brigand who brought misery to the whole of northern India through his 13 invasions.


    Aurangazeb (1658 C.E. - 1707 C.E.)

    Aurangzeb considered himself "The Scourge Of The Kafirs" (non-believers) and closed Hindu schools and libraries. In his lifetime he destroyed more than 10,000 Hindu, Buddhist and Jam temples and often erected mosques in their stead.3 In 1669 in Agra he had hacked off the limbs of the recalcitrant Hindu King Gokla and in 1672 several thousand revolting Hindus were slaughtered in Mewat.




    Issued general order to destroy all centers of Hindu learnings including Varnasi and destroyed the temple at Mathura and renamed it as Islamabad

    In Khandela (rajastan) he killed 300 Hindus in one day for they resisted the destruction of their temple.

    In Udaipur all Hindus of the town were killed as they vowed to defend the temple of Udaipur from destruction.

    172 temples were destroyed in Udaipur.

    66 temples were pulled down in Amber. All Hindu clerks were dismissed from the office of the Imperial empire.

    In Pandhpur , Maharashtra, the Emperor ordered and executed the destruction of temple and butchering of cows within the temple.

    Aurangazeb also tortured to death the disciples of Guru Tegh bahadur before his death and also killed Guru. Guru Tegh Bahadur - the pride of Hindustan was martyred for he spoke for the persecuted Hindus of Hindustan. Aurangazeb also killed Guru Gobind singh's two children aged less than ten by walling them alive for not accepting the choice of Islam. In Punjab Muslim governors killed hundreds of Sikh children and made Sikh women eat the flesh of their own killed children. Banda Bahadur another great Sikh martyr before being torturd to death was also made to eat the flesh of his own children killed before his eyes. Any Muslim bringing the head of a dead Sikh was also awarded money.


    Zahiru'd-Din Muhammed Babur (1526 C.E. - 1520 C.E.)

    Babur's Own Words on Killing Hindus:

    For the sake of Islam I became a wanderer,

    I battled infidels and Hindus,

    I determined to become a maryr

    Thank God I became a Killer of Non-Muslims!


    From Baburnama, the Memoires of Babur Himself:

    In AH 934 (2538 C.E.) I attacked Chanderi and by the grace of Allah captured it in a few hours. We got the infidels slaughtered and the place which had be Daru'l-Harb (nation of non-muslim) for years was made into a Daru'l-Islam (muslim nation).


    Guru Nanak on Babur's atrocities:

    Source:Rag Asa Guru Nanak Dev witnessed first hand the atrocities Babur committed on Hindus and recorded them in his poems. He says: Having attacked Khuraasaan, Babar terrified Hindustan. The Creator Himself does not take the blame, but has sent the Mugal as the messenger of death. There was so much slaughter that the people screamed. Didn't You feel compassion, Lord? pg (360)


    On the condition of Hindu women in Babur's monster rule:

    Those heads adorned with braided hair, with their parts painted with vermillion - those heads were shaved with scissors, and their throats were choked with dust.They lived in palatial mansions, but now, they cannot even sit near the palaces.... ropes were put around their necks, and their strings of pearls were broken. Their wealth and youthful beauty, which gave them so much pleasure, have now become their enemies. The order was given to the soldiers, who dishonored them, and carried them away. If it is pleasing to God's Will, He bestows greatness; if is pleases His Will, He bestows punishment pg(417-18)


    On the nature of Mughal rule under Babur:

    First, the tree puts down its roots, and then it spreads out its shade above. The kings are tigers, and their officials are dogs; they go out and awaken the sleeping people to harass them. The public servants inflict wounds with their nails. The dogs lick up the blood that is spilled. Source:Rag Malar, (pg.1288)


    From an article by Dr. Harsh Narain on Muslim Testimony (Indian Express 2/26/90):

    Since the establishment of Zahiru'd-Din Ghazi's rule, officers and religious leaders spread Islam vigorously desteroying the Hindu faith. We cleared the filth of Hinduism from Faizabad and Avadh.


    Jahangir (1605 C.E. - 1628 C.E.)

    Source: Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri

    Though in the beginning of his rule Jahangir followed the humanistic rule of his father Akbar the great -the policy of sulehkul even issued a proclamation against the forcible conversion of Hindus to Islam, he revoked Akbar's orders that those who have been forcibly converted from Islam could return to Hinduism. He severely punished Kaukab, Sharif and Abdul Latif for showing inclination to Hinduism. He also prohibited the free inter-marriage customs between Hindus and Muslims in Kashmir. Hindus marrying Muslim girls and those who had already married were given a hoice between Islam and death. Many were killed.


    Jahangir's torture of Guru Arjun Dev ji: Guru was imprisoned at Lahore fort. He was chained to a post in an open place exposed to the sun from morning to evening in the summer months of May to June. Below his feet a heap of sand was put which burnt like a furnace. Boiling water was poured on his naked body at intervals. His body was covered with blisters all over. In this agony Guru used to utter.


    Tera Kiya Metha lage, naam padarath Nanak mange(whatever you ordain appears sweet. I supplicate for the gift of name)


    The Guru was ordercd to be executed. In addition a fine of Rupees two lakhs was imposed on him. Some historians say that, as a measure of clemency at the intervention of Mian Mir, this fine was imposed in lieu of the sentence of death. The Sikhs offered to pay the fine themselves but the Guru forbade them to do so. He replied to the Emperor, "Whatever money I have is for the poor, the friendless and the stranger. If thou ask for money thou mayest take what I have; but if thou ask for it by way of fine, I shall not give thee even a Kaurz (penny)." The Guru accepted death by torture.



    Shah Jahan (1658 C.E. - 1707 C.E.)

    In 1632 Shah jahan ordered that all Hindu temples recently erected or in the course of construction should be razed to the ground. In Benares alone seventy six temples were destroyed. Christian churches at Agra and Lahore were demolished. In a manner befitting the Prophet he had ten thousand inhabitants executed by being "blown up with powder, drowned in water or burnt by fire". Four thousand were taken captive to Agra where they were tortured to try to convert them to Islam. Only a few apostacised, the remainder were trampled to death by elephants, except for the younger women who went to harems.


    Shahjahan put enormous eonomic pressure on Hindus particularly peasents to become Muslims. The criminals too were forced to become Muslims.


    Source: Badshah Nama, Qazinivi & Badshah Nama , Lahori


    When Shuja was appointed as governor of Kabul he carried on a ruthless war in the Hindu territory beyond Indus...The sword of Islam yielded a rich crop of converts....Most of the women (to save their honour) burnt themselves to death. Those captured were distributed among Muslim Mansabdars.


    Source: Manucci, Storia do Mogor vol-II p.451 & Travels of Frey Sebastian Manrique


    Under Shahjahan peasents were compelled to sell their women and children to meet their revenue requirements....The peasents were carried off to various Markets and fairs to be sold with their poor unhappy wives carrying their small children crying and lamenting. According to Qaznivi Shahjagan had decreed they should be sold to Muslim lords.



    General Reginal Dyer

    Commander of Amritsar Massacre


    Soon after Dyer's arrival, on the afternoon of April 13, 1919, some 10,000 or more unarmed men, women, and children gathered in Amritsar's Jallianwala Bagh (bagh, "garden"; but before 1919 it had become a public square) to attend a protest meeting, despite a ban on public assemblies. It was a Sunday, and many neighbouring village peasants also came to Amritsar to celebrate the Hindu Baisakhi Spring Festival. Dyer positioned his men at the sole, narrow passageway of the Bagh, which was otherwise entirely enclosed by the backs of abutted brick buildings. Giving no word of warning, he ordered 50 soldiers to fire into the gathering, and for 10 to 15 minutes 1,650 rounds of ammunition were unloaded into the screaming, terrified crowd, some of whom were trampled by those desperately trying to escape. According to official estimates, nearly 400 civilians were killed, and another 1,200 were left wounded with no medical attention. Dyer, who argued his action was necessary to produce a "moral and widespread effect," admitted that the firing would have continued had more ammunition been available.


    The governor of the Punjab province supported the massacre at Amritsar and, on April 15, placed the entire province under martial law. Viceroy Chelmsford, however, characterized the action as "an error of judgment," and when Secretary of State Montagu learned of the slaughter, he appointed a commission of inquiry, headed by Lord Hunter. Although Dyer was subsequently relieved of his command, he returned a hero to many in Britain, especially conservatives, who presented him with a jeweled sword inscribed "Saviour of the Punjab."


    The Jallianwala Bagh massacre turned millions of moderate Indians from patient and loyal supporters of the British raj into nationalists who would never again place trust in British "fair play." It thus marks the turning point for a majority of the Congress' supporters from moderate cooperation with the raj and its promised reforms to revolutionary noncooperation. Liberal Anglophile leaders, such as Jinnah, were soon to be displaced by the followers of Gandhi, who would launch, a year after that dreadful massacre, his first nationwide satyagraha ("devotion to truth") campaign as India's revolutionary response.


    "It was a horrible duty to perform. But I think it was a merciful thing. I thought I should shoot well and shoot straight so that I or anybody else would not have had to shoot again.''


    The words of Brigadier General Reginald Dyer himself -- the perpetrator of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre which left 379 dead and 1,500 injured in 1919.


    Deposing before the Hunter commission inquiring into the shooting, General Dyer said his action was meant to punish the people if they disobeyed his orders. He thought from a military point of view, such an action would create a good impression in Punjab.


    However, what was more damning was his statement, ''I think it quite possible that I could have dispersed the crowd without firing but they would have come back again and laughed, and I would have made, what I consider, a fool of myself.''


    He contended that martial law existed de facto in Amritsar at that time although only demonstrations had been forbidden. He also claimed that his military column had stopped at every important point to announce that all meetings have been banned which were accompanied by the beating of drums.


    However, when questioned with the help of a map of the city, General Dyer was forced to admit that important localities had been omitted, and a large number of people would not have known about the proclamation.


    He confessed he did not take any steps to attend to the wounded after the firing. ''Certainly not. It was not my job. Hospitals were open and they could have gone there,'' came his pathetic response.


    However, the misery suffered by the people was reflected in Rattan Devi's account. She was forced to keep a nightlong vigil, armed with a bamboo stick to protect her husband's body from jackals and vultures. Curfew with shoot-at-sight orders had been imposed from 2000 hours that night.


    Rattan Devi stated, ''I saw three men writhing in great pain and a boy of about 12. I could not leave the place. The boy asked me for water but there was no water in that place...At 2 am, a jat who was lying entangled on the wall asked me to raise his leg. I went up to him and took hold of his clothes drenched in blood and raised him up. Heaps of bodies lay there, a number of them innocent children. I shall never forget the sight. I spent the night crying and watching..."


    General Dyer admitted before the commission that he came to know about the meeting at Jallianwala Bagh at 1240 hours that day, but took no steps to prevent it.


    Colum, a scholar who interviewed his widow and consulted his papers, said, "This unexpected gift of fortune, this unhoped for defiance, this concentration of rebels in an open space -- it gave him an opportunity as he could not have devised. It separated the guilty from the innocent, it placed them where he would have wised them to be -- within the reach of his sword.''


    However, General Dyer admitted in his deposition that the gathering at the Bagh was not a concentration only of rebels, but people who had covered long distances to participate in the Baisakhi fair.


    Swinson, an English journalist, described the scene as: ''Hundreds were asleep in the sun, others were concentrating on their game of cards. A number of them had come with their children, three to 12 years old. Some 27,000 odd people had gathered in the Bagh, an open space surrounded on all sides by houses with only four narrow entrances.''


    General Dyer said he would have used his machine guns if he could have got them into the enclosure, but these were mounted on armoured cars. He said he did not stop firing when the crowd began to disperse because he thought it was his duty to keep firing until the crowd dispersed, and that a little firing would do no good.


    He was censured by the Hunter commission for his action. He retired and was sent back to England. However, he continued to maintain that he had done no disservice to the Raj, and what he did was right, for which the British ought to be thankful.


    In London, the general was given a hero's welcome. Called ''the saviour of India,'' the editor of the Morning Post collected 3,000 pounds to award him for his services. The Tories and a majority of members in the House of Lords rallied to his support. The army counsel which took up the case charged him only for an error of judgement, and recommended his retirement on half pay with no prospects of further employment. A British court even exonerated him of this charge.




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