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Posts posted by ayurveda4uall

  1. dear vani do ur husband suffering from dry cough or feeling heavy ness in chest.. can u breif tell me about ur husband cough problem accroding to that i will prescribed u best medicine.. thre are many medicne and now a day ayurveda have good compond and preparatoin that have very fast effect.. if u give ur husband antiobiotics the cough get dry.. so tell me is thre mild fever?? tell me more so that i will suggest u the best..

    whre u live and whre u from??

    vaidya adwait tripathi


  2. Yes u can take maharasnadi quat 4 tea spoon that liquid and 4 tea spon normal drinking water.. drink twice a day after meal

    other thing like ur sportsman i will suggest u to take drakhsav that will maintain ur kaffa take 4 tea spoon and 4 tea spoon water twice a day and it will provide u energy increase ur stamina and ends ur kuffa

  3. fatma where u live and i have guranted treatment for fissure for tempory u can buy Abhyarista from any shop of good company not like dabur take 4tea spoon that liquid and 4 tea spoon water twice a day after meal..

    along with it go and buy the meidicne and prepare in ur home..


    shodit haritki churna

    Hingwastak churna..



    madur char..

    mix all thos and take 5gm twice a day with normal hot water.. u will get rid of this problem


    vaidya adwait tripathi

  4. dear fatma

    As come i had seen ur problem in frum that shows ur suffering from Hard constipation and ur digestion Kostha is very cruel that u wont for for motion clearly and i will suggest u to go and buy castor oil put 5-6 tea spoon castor oil in cup and add little swet warm milk and drink before sleeping after that cup of castor oil and milk addition u take more glass of milk next morning u feel 2-3 times motion and that proces is caled virechan..in Ayurveda due to not clear motion humman have more than 36 ft intestine and all those malla got secreted inside and not comes clearly and that cause constipation .. its primary stage for Vayu vikar...

    so please u can try that and for any further help u can call me 24 hours in my number..

    what u do?? ur body nature.. ??

    ur age??


    vaidya adwait tripathi


  5. Dearest Ajay ji

    I come to know about ur case history and as per as my experience says after u got the food poison ur liver function becoms week and that makes in problem of Urinary tract and all those medicine those made up of metals and all those high antiboitics are not good for ur health.. and u need to take many precaution in your diet and yes thre are many Ayurvedic medicine that make u cure and i m sure to make u healthy but u need to take medicine regularly and as per as to prescribed ur diagnose i need to have ur pulse diagnose.. whre u live in india?? tell me more about u .. i


    vaidya Adwait tripathi


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