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Dear Warwick,

did you enjoy your coffee in your coffeehouse?

Enjoy it as much as possible.

Is there a reason why you mail from this coffeeshop?

During the last days many times you appeared in "me" - not only in

"mind" I know the difference....

So there is "something" between "you" and "me" going on.....

Regarding your question, how I live what I know

I cannot state it better like the following

"looking back" at this existence I see a clear "red line" whats all about for "me"....

from the beginning: nowhere to find HOME BELONGING

and the burning question why why why to me

then looking for love everywhere just not inside myself

so "I" reached home finally in GD found LOVE in myself and in my

wonderful wife - much younger and much wiser than me!!!! - and in our


So HOME LOVE is found

but before there was the "inbornknowledge" there is GD and everything will be "fine"

somehow someday.

It is fine because I am blessed with real LOVE I learned to love


to BE

and due to karmic processes and for "me" logical learning process I got rid of everything "material"

this of course led to bad consciensce regarding my "responsibilit"

being "a loving husband and father" and all the normal stuff we are

brought up with

LETTING GO I learne too

Today I told my wife look thank to you I got rid off newslistening

nearly hour by hour - a "bad habit" by consciuous "jews" (we have to

know whats going on to be ready to flee not to be murdered....) and

look how easy it was and how good it is for "me"

somehow it come into my "mind" it will be the same getting lost of my "ego"

and I am sure it will be like this

my daily life is confined to the mill of karma nowadays, withstanding

the mind the fear the inferiority complexes and all nasty things I am

surrounded with...

but I manage and the wonderful thing about it nearly everything

came to me "by myself" and only afterwards thru books....

My great LOVE is the LOVE in itself what is for me GD or GOD RAMANA and my wife

please you might start laughing aloud as much as you want....

for me thats all the same.........

thank you Harsha Tony and so many others.... I am on my way to get

loose of EGO of the feeling being "responsible" being the "actor" I

did completely surrender everything to the Almighty

and of course dear friend

for me there was never the question that everyone has the same right to live like i live

I was educated by my mother everyone is your brother and at the

same time being spat at

now I understand it only my fear led me to make distinction between

good and bad and the urge to belong somewhere

now I belong to LOVE and thats all what is come what may I am ready

I live moment for moment trying to be centered in the "heart" to be

silent to listen to the SELF and being ready to share my love with

everyone who wants it

and finally in my old days I start being quit to wait till somebody asks me....

Sorry Warwick better I could not state what I am experiencing....

.....and radiating CONFIDENCE IN LOVE GD........

and having learned the message from MARIFA transmitting LOVE

without wanting to change anything anymore.....

in due respect gratefulness and LOVE


Michael Bindel


Warwick Wakefield

Wednesday, May 26, 2004 2:08 PM

Re: (unknown)

- skiplaurel This morning quietness

is full of inner movement. The birds of thought are

chirping--seeking to be fed by Mother Mind. I think of Warwick at

the coffee shop and Michael busy putting things together in his own

way. This satsang is as busy as a bee. Dragonflies of doubt and

hummingbirds of hope pollinate our inner beings. To gather honey and

nectar is inevitable, as are a few stings along the way.I woke up at

4:30 and couldd not get back to sleep. Bob was awake and we lay

there together for a while before I heard his snores take up again.

The two of us are on the part of the path that is rocky and steep.

Every day we have prayer together and spend lots of time apart as

well. We watch different TV shows and take walks alone. Last night

I saw a bluebird flying right in front of me. I smelled the grass

and honeysuckle. The South is redolent with magnolia now.To call on

the Divine Indifference is tricky for me.

Vicki dearest,

I think that indifference is not the right word.

I cannot speak for God, but we love you, so how could God not love you?

What I love about you as much as anything is your desire for truth-whatever-it-may-be.

You ARE truth, and truth attracts truth.

Francis Lucille once said that if a seeker who is passionate for truth comes to false teacher,

the seeker's passion for truth would force the false teacher to speak truth.

I forgot to mention, in my note to Michael, that it sometimes happens, in the Spanish cafe,

that when I turn inwards to investigate whether it is true, what is

written, I find not the transpanency of pure consciousness; I find

great inner turmoil. Sometimes, when I allow that turmoil to come

into focus, (because I too have a love for truth-whatever-it-may-be)

I find a wave of sadness, or anguish, that swamps all of my

rationality, and I bury my head in my hand and weep. Often I have no

idea of the origin, and I don't care.

Often, if I am reading poetry to the woman I love, my voice crumbles

and my face crumples and my whole body shakes with the upwelling of

something I don't understand. Sadness is good. Sadness, and the

surrender to sadness, provided it is not simply self-pity, is as holy

as the laughter of children.

Vicki, to my ordinary and inexpert eye, it seems like your great

honesty, and your desire to know the truth at any cost, is a gift of

Grace, the guiding light that God has given you to come home to Her.

Very much love


I am emotionally passionate and quite obstinate about my desire for

solitude. I fear some things cannot be changed. I love the silence

and fear the social isolation that it brings. Honesty is part of my

spiritual work; to spill the beans to one and all. I am not easy to

live with. That because I am intense and bounded. These boundaries

both protect me and isolate me. The walls will fall; it is just a

matter of time.I ask for the help of the sangha in being strong

enough to handle my life. To take my hands off and let what be, be.

To surrender to the flow of life and let others touch me with their

wisdom and kindness. May this be a blessed day for all who seek to

know the


Dearest Vicki,


"Love itself

is the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri

Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma

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"Love itself

is the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri

Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma

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Dear Warwick,Regarding your question, how I live what I knowI cannot

state it better like the following"looking back" at this existence I

see a clear "red line" whats all about for "me"....from the

beginning: nowhere to find HOME BELONGING and the burning question

why why why to me then looking for love everywhere just not

inside myselfso "I" reached home finally in GD found LOVE in myself

and in my wonderful wife - much younger and much wiser than me!!!! -

and in our son. So HOME LOVE is found but before there was the

"inbornknowledge" there is GD and everything will be

"fine"somehow someday.



in due respect gratefulness and LOVEyoursMichael Bindel



Dear Michael,


thank you for this heartfelt mesage.


I can see that you have been a searching, restless soul all your life.

Many are restless but not all the restless ones carry out such a determined search as you.


Well, let us all take heart from Jesus: "Seek and ye shall find."


Very much love






Thank you

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Michael,


I don't remember that we were very often together

writing to this list or others... I always saw your

name appear in such nice contexts though.

May we all and always discover and rediscover each

other and our selves in the light of divine love...

Along the lines of one of Ramana's sayings, isn't love

the stuff God consists of, isn't love the stuff we are

made out of?





--- michaelbindel wrote:

> Om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


> Dear Wim


> thank you for your last posting and for finding the

> "right words" - in my

> humble opinion.....




> Dear members of Harsha


> thank you for being with you




> what i feel is




> its not the use of "words" - its always whats behind

> them......


> so please lets go to the root of "problems" and not

> to the "surface" of

> it......


> Wim used the "right words" or?????


Wouldn't you expect that the issue will be dealt

> with now in a straightforward

> manner?


> Yes, but no ! Instead the focus shifts to language

> use, deflecting away

> from the original issue at hand.


> Why this shying away, this deflection?







> in GD i trust




> michael








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> "Love itself is the actual form of God."


> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma

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  • 1 year later...
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Dear Brij,


Can we really practice "treating the entire world as part of me"? I haven't

found Ramana preaching that either.


It is not a case of practice, but a case of self-enquiry whenever any Vasana/Sanskar arises within.






brij sachdeva

04/01/06 10:32:05


[RamanaMaharshi] (unknown)

Will some one in the group tell me how to survive in this world while following

his teaching in practice of treating the entirwe world as part of uou since

there is no other but the self

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Dear Brij,


I remmember a story said by one master. The story goes, lets say

that a scientist figures out that the world is nothing but energy;

now he knows people, animals, food, objects are nothing but different

forms of the same energy. So, he has found the common source for all

things. Now, when he gets hungry and goes to a hotel, will he ask for

a specific food item or will he say give me two energy; since even

food is energy. If he does so, then he will be considered mad. He

should ask for the food item and should be internally aware that it

is nothing but energy.


Similarly, when Baghavan says the entire world is nothing but you;

that is a truth that you need to realize (not understand

intellectually). Then you continue to lead the normal life as

naturally as you did before such realization.


Its a realization that we need to keep it to ourself and there is no

need for any modification in our lifestyle or publicity in any way to

show such a realization has happened. If we still feel a lifestyle

modification or publicity is required than we have not really

understood Baghavan Ramana.


Hope this helps.



> brij sachdeva

> 04/01/06 10:32:05

> RamanaMaharshi

> [RamanaMaharshi] (unknown)


> Will some one in the group tell me how to survive in this world


> following his teaching in practice of treating the entirwe world as

part of

> uou since there is no other but the self

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energy. So, he has found the common source for all things. Now, when he gets

hungry and goes to a hotel, will he ask for a specific food item or will he say

give me two energy; since even food is energy. If he does so, then he will be

considered mad. He should ask for the food item and should be internally aware

that it is nothing but energy.

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