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Srimati Radharani and Sita ji

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Jay Shree Krishna....


I was just wondering whether Lord Krishna's pleasure energy (Srimati Radharani) came down to earth in the form of Sita when Lord Krishna incarnated as Lord Rama...


Because when i was reading the Ramayana, the writer kept on mentioning that Sita is a pure goddess and is extremely precious to Lord Rama...so i thought so much love and attraction for Sita ji may be because that is Lord Krishna's pleasure energy...or maybe not...i dont know...if that is the case then does Lord Krishna's pleasure energy always come down to earth when Lord Krishna comes???


But then again Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita that he is in one sense everywhere...he is in his abode but he also at the present moment with Arjuna...so then that means that Lord Krishna's pleasure energy is always with him and it is not that matter of Srimati Radharani coming down to earth only when Lord Krishna comes....


Im confused...Can anyone give me a true answer?

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Jai Shri Krishna


Hey good question... The answer is simple the Lord is always accompanied by his internal energy (shakthi). As you many or may not know from the Bhagavatam, Krishna associated with the Gopis (of whom Radha is cheif) during his Bal-lila (childhood and Youth) pastimes in Vrindavan. When he went to Dwarka in his later pastimes he assocaited with his Rukmani and the Patranis (queens). Both the Gopis and the Patranis are forms of the Lord's shakthi. So During Rama avatara his shakthi is Sitaji...so Bhagavan is never without his Shakthi..and even when he appears alone either in his avatara or in the deities in temples His energey (Lakshmi, Radha, sita etc..) is always there. In many Temple dieties and pictures this aknowledged by the image of lakshmi being carved on the lords chest. So as well as standing next to him Lakshmi/Radha/sita is present on the lords chest/heart...


So that should answer your last queiry on "then that means that Lord Krishna's pleasure energy is always with him.....etc"


Now with regards to Your 1st question of Radha coming down as Sita etc... The answer in its simplest form is Yes... All the forms of Vishnu Shakti are one and the same (Sri, BHu, radha etc..) just as All Vishnu murthies are (rama, Krishna vamana etc..). However The different Vaishnava Schools differ according to who is a form of who, based upon what scriptures and philosophy they emphasise. Gaudiya Vaishnavas see Radha as the original Shakthi who incarnates as laskshmi, bhu, neela, sita etc..... Whereas Srivaishnavas regard Mahalakshmi as the Original and Sita and the gopies to be the incarnations/expansions of Her.


BUT my advice to you is not to get to caught up in this debate, i personaly beleive in SriVaishnavism, but i do not see anything wrong with the Gaudiya belief in Radha. As i said all the forms of Krishna and his energy are the same, they exhibit different forms and moods out of their own will and we should celebrate and and enjoy all of them and try not to get caught up in debates on who is a expansion of who...who is more supreme etc...


Jai Sri Krishna

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