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Vegetarianism In Islam

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This is intelligent and very nice! But, then the counter-arguement would be Animals do not have Souls and the Quoran tells us to eat meat! So, the first question to answer is how to prove that an animal actually has a soul

Srila Prabhupada: Some people say, " WE believe that animals have no soul." That is uncorrect. They believe animals have no soul because they want to eat the animals, but actually animals do have soul.

Reporter: How do you know that the animal has a soul?

Srila Prabhupada: You can know, also. Here is the scientic proof...the animal is eating,you are eating;the animal is sleeping, you are sleeping; the animal is defending, you are defending; the animal is having sex, you are having sex; the animals have children, you have children; they have a living place, you have a living place. If the animal's body is cut, there is blood; if your body is cut, there is blood. So, all these similarities are there. Now, why do you deny this one similarity, the presence of the soul? That is not logical. You have studied logic? In logic there is something called analogy. Analogy means drawing a conclusion by finding many points of similarities. If there are so many points of similarity between human beings and animals, why deny one similarity? That is not logic. That is not science.

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Srila Prabhupada: Some people say, " WE believe that animals have no soul." That is uncorrect. They believe animals have no soul because they want to eat the animals, but actually animals do have soul.

In more earth based religions, eating animals is seen as part of the cycle of life. It is done with awareness and understanding that we all must feed off of life to survive. Just as animals eat other animals to survive; the animal is thought to gives its life for us to help us survive and be strong. I am not saying I agree with this thinking; just that this is how groups like the Native Americans would state they look at meat eating.

As to Christians, they do not deny animals have souls just so they can eat them. Animals are created to serve man. But they are not the children of Adam and Eve. Humans are God's unique creation which he created to have eternal fellowship with.

Christians believe only human beings were created in God's image. A new soul is created each time that a woman conceives, and that soul is a unique person created by God. If they accept Christ, they can live with God in his kingdom forever. But if they willfully turn their back on Christ, they will be sent to the hell pit to be punished forever; for not believing in God's only begotten Son, the King of kings, and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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Animals are created to serve man

What about the Tyrannosaurus Rex? Does he serve you also? :P


Flawed logic. Plus we are talking from a Quoranic perspective!



In more earth based religions, eating animals is seen as part of the cycle of life

The thing is that religion is not simply black & white, there is also evolution of consciousness. Eating meat maybe a cycle of life for some religions, but there are higher aspects of religion than simple eating meat, which involves no compassion because you are killing the animal. Becomming of a saintly character means to have compassion for all of Gods creation.



But they [the animals] are not the children of Adam and Eve

It doesn't really matter from which lineage the animals have decended from adam and eve or whatever, fact of the matter is, is that everything emanates from God and ultimately rests in God once the Universe is destroyed. To say that this is not the case means that God is not supreme.


And anyways, since the logic that animals have souls still stands, then obviously all souls belong to Allah, although animals are less fortunate as they don't have the chance to approach God than humans do. Hence, common sense would dictate that to cause pain to other living entities would be uncompassionate and harming Gods creatures although animals are not so fortunate as Humans are. So, the intelligent thing to do, for a true follower of God, would be to stop commiting violence to Animals.

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What about the Tyrannosaurus Rex? Does he serve you also? :Pwe are talking from a Quoranic perspective!


No you are speaking from the Hindu perspective, and then trying to apply Hindu beliefs about animals to Muslims.


Muslims don't care about the Hindu perspective. The Vedas are books of satanic lies to Muslims. Muslims believe you are lost souls, until you accept Allah as the only God and Muhammed as his prophet. Please read the Koran. It does not speak kindly toward pagan (non-Islamic) religions. And it has nothing to do with worrying about animals, who only exist for a few years anyway. The Koran is about human beings turning to Allah. It is not concerned with issues that PETA worries about.

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In more earth based religions, eating animals is seen as part of the cycle of life. It is done with awareness and understanding that we all must feed off of life to survive. Just as animals eat other animals to survive; the animal is thought to gives its life for us to help us survive and be strong. I am not saying I agree with this thinking; just that this is how groups like the Native Americans would state they look at meat eating.

Dear Guest,

Some animals eat other animals to survive, ok agree. But there is a little problem, WE ARE NOT ANIMALS to eat other animals for survival.

"Animals is thought to gives its life for us to help us survive and be strong" - How vegetarians are surviving and are they not strong and healthy?

Where has our compassion that Jesus has teached us gone?

Suppose there were an animal more intelligent and powerful than us. Suppose one day that animal come across ur family and slit open the throat of ur children and have them for dinner on the basis that ur children are helping him(the animal) to survive and be strong.

Would u not be enraged, saddened, distressed and ask urself under which authority that animal did that?

Do you really think that jesus would really be able to slit open the throat of a lamb causing horrendous pain, and later eat that lamb? Is that compassion? Seriously think about it.



As to Christians, they do not deny animals have souls just so they can eat them. Animals are created to serve man. But they are not the children of Adam and Eve. Humans are God's unique creation which he created to have eternal fellowship with.

Animals are created to serve man - And we show them our gratitude by killing them, and then we dare say that we are compassionate and loving.

But they are not the children of Adam and Eve- And to you who created the animals?

If your answer is GOD, then animals are the children of GOD whether they are of his image or not. As children of GOD, they need to be protected.

Unless you say that animals are creation of satan then you can get away.


Christians believe only human beings were created in God's image. A new soul is created each time that a woman conceives, and that soul is a unique person created by God. If they accept Christ, they can live with God in his kingdom forever. But if they willfully turn their back on Christ, they will be sent to the hell pit to be punished forever; for not believing in God's only begotten Son, the King of kings, and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

I respect my fellow christian friends a lot, but I strongly disagree when a man like Mahatma Gandhi being send to eternal flames of hell just because he has not been following the path of Christ. Whose parents would send their own children to roast eternally in oven just because they are on the "wrong" path and yet lived an almost perfect life?

Does it make sense that a serial killer/rapist goes to heaven and enjoy eternally because he managed to confess his sins to a priest before dying and a man like Gandhi fries eternally in hell because of having the "wrong" faith. Doesnt make sense(at least not to me)

If GOD does not give you a chance to correct ur mistakes, then tell me who will?

If I have to go to hell because Im not christian, then I would simply tell GOD one thing before getting roasted eternally.

I would tell him, think twice before you labelled urself as a compassionate loving GOD.

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