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Vak, Manas and Prana

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Jai Sriman Narayana:

Vak (Speech, communication), Manas (Mind, ego), Prana (Breath, life)

Humans have Vak, Manas, Prana - has life, experiences pain, can speak

Animals have Manas, Prana but no Vak - have life, experiences pain, cannot speak

Plants (and fruits, seeds, flowers, roots etc) have Prana but no Vak and Manas - have life, cannot speak, cannot experience pain

Other items - No Manas, No Vak, No Prana

Generally, anything that has Prana must not be killed and eaten. However, there are specific Vedic rules to be followed in order to kill and eat in certain circumstances.

Any comments? Anything wrong above? Please clarify.


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Animals can speak, and one of the 64 arts is to speak to animals. In Kali yuga animals seem to lose the ability to speak, or we lose the ability to understand them, or perhaps both.

Jai Sriman Narayana:

Thanks! So animals use various languages that are not comparable to the ones we humans speak or may be even in fact the way of speaking may be something different also. Can you recommend any literature (books, websites etc) on this topic?

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Jai Sriman Narayana:


Vak (Speech, communication..........

Plants (and fruits, seeds, flowers, roots etc) have Prana but no Vak..... Any comments? Anything wrong above? Please clarify.


Plant's many not speak in the formal sense but the do indeed comunicate through chemicals; pheromones and exo-pheromones.
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