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Forums have been upgraded, please read.

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We just finished changing the forums over to a new software. The upgrade took a lot longer than we planned. I'm sorry for the inconvenience everyone faced with the site not being accessible for the last 24 hours.

There are a whole lot of new features that you will find very useful. I will mention a few of them in this thread as I get time. For now here are a couple:

1) Hare Krishna Live Radio - Click the Radio link in the upper menu bar and you can choose between 10 Hare Krishna radio stations to listen to as you browse the forums. Some of these stations will have live classes/kirtans depending on the time of the day.

2) Personal Messages have now been activated so all registered members can communicate with each other personally and privately. This should not be used for sending spam or for advertising your websites (you may use the recommended websites forum for that). If anyone receives unsolicted spam email, please send me a PM with details.

3) Instant Messenger - You can now send an instant message to anyone who is online, and it will pop up live in their present browser window. Again, this may not be used for anytime of unsolicitated advertising. Any violation of this will be dealt with strictly.

4) Special WYSIWYG message editor for registered users - All registered users will have access to a message editor just like Microsoft Word, where you can easily edit your text, add color, change font attributes, insert pictures, etc. Guests will only have access to the standard editor.

5) Quick Reply - all registered users will have a quick reply box at the end of every thread so they can instantly reply without having to load another page. Guests will have to reply through the old method of clicking on the reply button and being taken to the reply page.

6) Instantly edit your message without having to reload the page. Using new web technology you can edit your messages without having to reload them. Also on the forum threads list, you can edit your thread title by double clicking the box the title is in without having to load another page. You will be able to change the thread title just like you rename files in Microsoft Windows.

7) Download thread as PDF - Under thread options you will be able to download any thread as a pdf file for offline reading or printing.

There are many other changes, and I will try to list more here as I get time.

Please report any bugs or problems you experience in this thread, and I will try to sort them out.

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The forums at Hare-Krishna.org and Hindu-Religion.net have been re-merged with the Audarya Forums in seperate categories, so that users can access all three forums with a single login. Visitors from those sites will be sent directly to their own forums, but if they browse around enough they may make their way back to the Audarya forums as well.

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A few other notes:


1) If you highlight the thread subject in the forum view for a couple seconds, the 1st paragraph of the thread appears so you can preview it.


2) If you click the box next to the thread title you will be taken to the first unread post in the thread.


3) In each post menu, click on the author's name to get a list of commands such as "send PM", "visit author's website", etc.


4) The full WYSIWYG editor in not available in the quick reply box. If you want the full featured editor then you should click the "Post Reply" button.


5) Guests cannot post links, and users with less than 15 posts also will not be able to post links. This is to stop spammers from coming here just to post their websites.


6) There is an ignore feature whereby you will no longer see any posts or threads by the user you have ignored.


Also one point I would like to mention in regards to the Hinduism forum, please be tolerant of other people's views and speak politely. That is a forum on Hinduism, so if someone asks how to worship Lord Shiva, the correct answer isn't "You're a fool, haven't you read prabhupada's books?" When devotees make childish statements like that it provokes people into criticizing and offending Prabhupada, and ultimately readers lose interest in anything connected with Krishna. Just consider how you would feel if in the Hare Krishna forum anytime someone said something a person would reply, "You fool, haven't you heard Sai Baba's teachings." First, you really wouldn't be any more interested in their teachings, and second you would be annoyed at how they are rudely trying to impose their views in your own forum. You are free to preach your beliefs to whoever will listen, but you must be polite and be willing to accept that there are other views out there.


We are in the process of creating gateway links to a number of other devotional discussion lists and , but if we can not act politely then we will likely have to make it one way traffic and not enable posting back to the lists.

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Is it possible to reduce the size of the peacock logo at the top of the forums and also increase the left and right margins so that more posts can be viewed per page?

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