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If everyone is god, there is no god

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why do they say that? What does it actually mean? I've heard this often but can't make any sense of it. If everythng is god, everything is god, how does one understand that if everyone is god, there is no god?

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Subjects elaborately



And, it was, after submission only you can understand. Hare Krishna, Hare Rama. So it is, this is a long subject. It has no end. Our subject has no end and no beginning. It is always there. Those who submit to it they get it. Those who doesn't submit they can not get it. Understand. So it is not necessary to speak these subjects elaborately, unless they demand it. Science, from the beginning till the end you please explain. Where is your time and where is our m(?) time. But you cannot understand. Slowely. You have to believe first. You must have faith first. And then only you can cultivate it. And if you cultivate it you will get it. If not, there is no God. "You are a God, I am a God." Oh. Feelings. "But, if you say God, can you show me God?" Who can show them God? Who can show? It is not possible to show. None can show it, the God. God is not visible to all. God is visible to only to some who submits, surrenders. None else.

<font color="blue">-Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja</font color>

Zagreb 19.5.2003 morning



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When we say that something is God, what do we mean? That God created this world, maintains it, and eventually destroys it. God stands for Generator, Operator, and Destroyer. So if we all created this world, maintain it, and eventually destroy it, and if everyone has an equal hand in this. how is everyone NOT God then?




God is in everyone, and he is One without a second. That means that there is nothing BUT God in this entire universe and beyond. All is God and God is in all. It is said that God is in us, and this universe is in God. If that's true, that's a paraodx in itself, yet, I believe it is true. How does one reconcile such a thing, except by saying that all that exists is God?


When all is God, it is not meant to be understood as in multiplicity of forms, in other words, that everyone is an individual God. It means that everyone is a part of God, and the only obstacle keeping people in the plane of duality is their identification with the body. Once they transcend this identification with the body, they will realize they have always been a part of the Supreme or God.






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Because Supreme is a relative term; that is, it makes sense only in relation to a reference point. There should be at least one non-sumpreme entity.


If everything is Supreme, then there is no reference point from where you can measure Suremacy and therefore the meaning is lost.


In any event, to say everyone is God is an incorrect statement by itself. I am not aware of any religion that would make such a meaningless statement, although people who are ignorant of Advaita tend to draw such incorrect conclusions.




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Of course we learn our position is a humble one as a particle of the Supreme Lord in relation to Him. But to be part of the Lord is a glorious thing. To learn that we are composed of transcendental knowledge, eternity, and ever-expanding bliss is a prize worth seeking.


Especially when compared to our present positons of not knowing who we are, living under the control of time and the threat of death while suffering disease and so many misfortunes in the material world.

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Hare Krsna, guest. Such an intelligent point you make. You are aboslutely right, if everyone is god, there is no god.


So, the answer is that everyone is not god, only God is God. There are elaborate studies in Vedic literature obout Prakrti and Parusa, acintya bheda bheda tattwa, and so on, but these are advanced studies which hold not much info for simple inquiry.


Bottom line, we (everyone) are subserviant to the Supreme Lord. We have forgotton this relationship, but Krsna does not forget, ever. In Bhagavad Gita, Krsna explains to Arjuna that they have always been intimately connected in rasa, but Arjuna forgets, while Krsna does not.


Christianity has made this blunder as well. They have destroyed all of Lord Jesus Christs teachings by saying the son and the Father are the same being. This destroys any chance of actual rememberaNCE of our real swarupa (the definition of Krsna Consciousness). If jesus is the father, then there is no son, nor is there a father. But this is not the teaching of Lord Jesus. He says, "pray as I do, Our Father....". He is professiong his RELATIONSHIP with the Supreme Lord, His actual Krsna Consciousness. Krsna Consciousness measns rememberance of rasa, ones sweet tie with the supreme Lord. Lord Jesus Christ brings us to the feast of this relationship, he does not say He and the Father do not have a relationship by saying that they are the same being.


You hit the nail on the head, if we are all God, then all is lost, because DEATH is our God, because DEATH will eat all us gods up and spit us out into the abyss of history that no one remembers. "We are all God" is the mantra of the atheist. Charlie Manson is god? Pat Robertsdon is God? Who is the "they" that say this nonsense. Bet you your and my life they dont realize anything at all and just spout out some esoteric stuff thay have no grasp on.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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  • 2 months later...
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Shankracharya started all this! Before Him, nobody has this conception. If we go back to Vedyavyasa writing Vedas, and then Bhagavatam. [Natural commentary of the Vedas]. We can see, easily that Bhagavat-dharma was there. Mayavada came about because Krishna saw need to preach it. Gaura hari bol!


Shankaracharya didn't start this. Advaita was long before Shankaracharya in some of the Upanishads. The thing is since the Upanishds are many books they can be seen as advaitist, and dvaitist. The Visistadvaita school believe they are the only school where all the upanishads can be interpreted fairly, and both sides of dualism and monism can be seen.


I've always wondered what Shankara actually belived, that if the universe was God and we all are God, then what about this external God we worship? If Advaitists are monists why to they worship the devas?

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