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a little advanced... but give it a shot... this is from Yoga Vasistha

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THE HOLY SAGE VASISTHA SAID: "After having remained in samadhi for one hundred years, I returned to body-consciousness and heard a sigh. I listened to it and tired to guess what it might be. I was far, far in outer space so how could any person or even a bee exist so near me there? Moreover, I could not see anyone. I decided to investigate it further. I decided to enter into samadhi again. I silenced the mind and the sense. I merged in the infinite consciousness (God). I saw reflected in that consciousness the image of countless universes. I was able to go anywhere and to see everything. I saw countless creations though they did not know of one another's existence. Some were coming into being, others were perishing, all of them had different shielding atmospheres (from 5 to 36 atmospheres). There were different elements in each; they were inhabited by different types of beings in different stages of evolution with different natures and cultures; some had other universes within them; in some there were creatures you would not believe possible to exist; in some there was apparent natural order and in others there was utter disorder; in some there was no light and hence no time-sense. All these are but the fruits of the one indivisible infinite consciousness. How and when they arose it is impossible to say; but this much is certain – they are creations of ignorance (avidya). In this creation there are gods and demons numerous as mosquitoes. Whether one regards these universes as the creations of the supreme Creator or as false notions, it is certain that they are in fact the infinite consciousness, non-different and not independent of it. They rest like inert realities in the descriptions found in the scriptures. Thus did I behold all these infinite creations.”


VASISTHA CONTINUED: “Eventually, my attention was directed to the source of the sound. I saw a woman who was radiant and who illumined all the directions of space. She was highly cultured. She approached me gently and said in a sweet voice: ‘O Sage, you have truly conquered the evils like lust, anger and greed. Your mind is totally free and unattached. Hence I salute you from all sides.’ Now that I knew the source of the source, I decided to move on, considering that I had nothing to do with this woman.” – (don’t you wish he chilled and talked w/ her? I do..)


“Then I saw many universes and their diversity aroused my curiosity. I wanted to roam more and more to see the magnitude of creation. After sometime I abandoned this idea knowing that it was delusion and remained established in the infinite consciousness – (i.e. entered samadhi). Instantly, all this perception of diversity vanished from my sight. There was the pure consciousness, nothing else. This is the truth, all else is imagination, notion, delusion or illusory perception.”


“Because the entire creation is enveloped by ignorance or delusion, the inhabitants of one creation or one universe do not know of the existence of others. These diverse worlds are unaware of the notions or creations of others, even as people sleeping in the same room are unaware of the battle cries uttered by one another in their dreams. In these universes I saw thousands of Brahmas, Visnus and Shivas. All these are in the consciousness, all these are consciousness and consciousness alone is all this: hence as consciousness I saw all this.”


“When you look at something and say, ‘it is such and such’, consciousness shines there as such and such, though in truth this consciousness alone exists as itself and no such name and form exist there. This plane of consciousness alone exists everywhere at all times: and that itself is called the world. The perception of objects here (which we call knowledge of that object) is the only ignorance or delusion. I saw that the truth, on the other hand, is that the space or plane of consciousness alone exists. With the enlightened intelligence I also experienced the final truth concerning all this – that all this is pure, indivisible, infinite consciousness. On account of the persistence of the perception of diversity, I saw in it countless Vasisthas, countless ages and world-cycles and many ages in which Rama flourished. When there is perception of diversity all these arise; when there is realization of truth, all these are seen to be pure, indivisible, infinite consciousness. In the infinite, of course, there is no name and no form which could be referred to as ‘This is the world or creation’. Brahman alone exists as Brahman.”


VASISTHA CONTINUED: “Brahman is one and all these are appearance which the light of Brahman makes manifest without intending to do so. On account of this there arises great diversity of experience. For instance, in some universes moonlight is hot and sunlight cool, there is sight in darkness and blindness is daylight, good is destructive and evil constructive, poison promotes health and nectar kills, n accordance with the notions that arises in consciousness. In some universes there are no woman and therefore no sexuality and in others people have pitiless hearts. In some universes people do not possess one or more of the sense. In some, only one or two (of the 5) elements exist, though they, too, are inhabited by living creatures adapted to suit local conditions.”


“All these arise as consciousness in consciousness through consciousness; and this is known as the mind.” (the arising is known as the mind)


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“All these arise as consciousness in consciousness through consciousness; and this is known as the mind.”


SB 10.85.4: You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who manifest as the Lord of both nature and the creator of nature [Maha-Vishnu]. Everything that comes into existence, however and whenever it does so, is created within You, by You, from You, for You and in relation to You.

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“All these arise as consciousness in consciousness through consciousness; and this is known as the mind.”


the arising of this world is known as the mind. the arising process which this quote talks abuot, is none other than the mind itself.

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"There was the pure consciousness, nothing else. This is the truth, all else is imagination, notion, delusion or illusory perception."


"Whether one regards these universes as the creations of the supreme Creator or as false notions, it is certain that they are in fact the infinite consciousness, non-different and not independent of it."


"All these are in the consciousness, all these are consciousness and consciousness alone is all this: hence as consciousness I saw all this."


"When you look at something and say, ‘it is such and such’, consciousness shines there as such and such, though in truth this consciousness alone exists as itself and no such name and form exist there."

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Whatever apparent duality is perceived in the self is simply the confusion of the mind. Indeed, such supposed duality has no basis to rest upon apart from one's own soul

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  • 6 years later...

Why dont we all try practising what Vasisthaji maharaj calls 'his' own recommended path of realisation in SRi Yoga-vasistha. He says in nirvana prakaran purvardha before chudala-shikhidhwaj akhyan- ' O rama! i know all the paths of god(or self)-realisation, have traversed thru several universes, met several great yogis like kakbhusundi and shiva, know all about kriyas(tantra shastra),mantra,mani,aushadhis and yoga(including kundalini yoga which he describes n reverts back to gyan-yoga citing detraction from current topic).


FInally, he says that one quarter of avidya(ignorance of self or god) is removed by chanting omkar for one pahar(3 hrs), meditating (dyana-samadhi) for one pahar(3 hrs), reading n contemplating yoga-vasistha for one pahar (3 hrs) and remaining in company of greater sadhakas and saints or guru seva for another three hours for one year. He says this is the sure and recommended way according to him for attaining self awareness in one year (or even before, but only a sadguru cud tell if its really there)if one obeys the general rules of some pious

anusthans like celibacy, pure thoughts etc.


Sanyas Upanishad also states that chanting 12000 omkar for 12 months with celibacy makes one realise the para-brahm.


So, why not try this short method first before going for other much demanding n tiring methods (which may take more than single birthtime in some cases esp in today's times when we have to do so much else to survive) like worshipping some of the mahavidya(which ever path of the each's subdivision like left,right or middle and others), or even kundalini where we have to keep taking repeated dikshas from competent gurus for some seva inturn(service, mostly monetary nowadays) nd fearing to fall in trap of birth-death cycle unknowingly despite efforts of gurudev n ourselves.


Also, i feel this path has less chances of inflating ego arising from the psychic powers(sddhis etc) emerging from the otherwise great tantric or yogic ways of realising self. Even the repeated and generally paid dikshas(concentration or dharana energy from guru) fail to produce the desired effects especially if we arent preparred well.


Of course, this should help even in other tantric or yogic paths (i felt it to some extent) and if one wants, he/she can still attain those siddhis etc later with no or minimal fear of ego inflation arisisng thereof, which causes the bondages n rebirth. Vasisthaji says this in YV also - 'hey rama, ye siddhiyan to abhyas(practcie) ke bal se agayni ko bhi milti hain, but hamare mat mai atamagyan hi pramsiddhi hai'


I respect all the paths and upasana ways and each has something special to offer, but the above is for those who just want to get liberated (or try to get) before and above all those innumerable siddhis which gyanis may or may not play with and agyanis often risk getting tied to.


This is just my humble reference for people who may not have read this in Sri yoga vasistha. For those who know already, its thanks in advance to all the great souls here.

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