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Sri Caitanya Caritamrta (New One Volume Edition)

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I am very shocked by the changes. Even though I am clueless why they are taking place, I think it would be easier to just leave them as it is. So everybody feels happy. Some of the changes are just not even needed. Maybe I don't know anything about Grammer, maybe somebody who has taken PHD in English or something can check. Anyway, I will probably still buy this if I can. As looking at the changes it seems it's just editionals. Still if they left them nobody would notice. Jayadwati Swami can goto Vraj and chant 108 rounds. That's good service. And he can always write His own books. WHy does Swamiji keep messing about with Prabhupada Books? Just LEAVE THEM ALONE. I am going to have a word with Lord Nityananda see if He can do something about this!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Make sure you supplement your reading with Jayadvaita Maharaja and Dravida's explanations of many of those changes. Some are common-sense responses to poor editing in the first place, including mistranscription of the Dictaphone tapes. One such example is the "planet of trees" in the purport of Bg. 10.29, or the cannons surrounding Mathura in the Krishna book. Others take a little more work to understand, and many are probably unneccesary. It's just not black and white.


And I have a question for the facile critics: What about translations to other languages? You may be more than a little surprised by the changes in meaning that take place there.

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And that is to depend straight on Supersoul for enlightenment. He can give us the correct realization from a error riddled book and send us deeper into confusion from an unblemished work.


Even if we have an unblemished work we are taking it in through an imperfect mind and intelligence.


We are totally and utter helpless in this regard. Are we so puffed up as to think all we have to do is buy Srila Prabhupada's books, memorize them and then we *KNOW* them? Unfortunately yes we do think like that. And so did the magnificent 11 who rode into their zones on their white stallions and then promptly fell out of the saddle and onto their heads.


We will know the essence of what is being said when and only when Krishna places that essence into our hearts directly.


That we should pray for.

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If you mean they are still "in good standing" they may be. But being in goodstanding with a religious organization is not the same as actual spiritual realization.


From another angle let's say the saddles were those ridiculous Romaharsanasana's they had built for themselves then we could say the ones who weren't knocked off crawled off after they say the fate of the others.


All very intelligent men. Excellent speakers and charismatic But also obviously not at all in touch with the Lord in the heart or how could they have made such a monumental blunder?


So book knowledge will never suffice and is meaningless and even dangerous without the grace of the Lord. That is my point.

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PrabhupAda: Yes. This is exactly the same case. Punar muSaka bhava, you know the whole story? A muSaka, a mouse, was made a tiger, and the tiger wanted to eat the saintly person who made him. First of all he was mouse. So he came to the saintly person. "Sir, I am troubled. Give me some benediction.What do you want?Now, the cat always chases.All right, you become cat so that you'll not be attacked." Then after some time he came. "I am being chased by the dog.All right, you become a dog." From cat to dog, from mouse to... Then again he came. "Still, they are chasing me. Fox." And then in this way, and ultimately he made a tiger. And after becoming a tiger, he began to look, staring on the... "What do you mean by this?I shall eat you.Oh? You become again a mouse." (laughter) Again he became mouse. That's all.

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That is a nice anecdote from Srila Prabhupada. But if you are using Srila Prabhupada to call someone a mouse then who is committing aparadha, and who is the one drowning? I hope you're a good schwimmer, david.

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This mouse-calling guest sounds like the same one who tells everyone to "stifle", (even though he is unable to stifle himself), and the same one who declared it a "rumour" (not fact) that many GBC/Guru types have left (i.e. fallen down.) This person is either too young to know, or perhaps a GBC apologist. You can't take him seriously. He has nothing intelligable to say. Don't let him chase you off, as this is clearly his intended objective.

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Poor souls with their minds trapped in an institutional snare. But time teaches all. Interestingly he brings out the mouse story which is so perfectly illustrated by the big boys in 77. They had been quietly jocking for position before that. And now they again have become mouse.

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