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Another Shankara or Buddha?!

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Scientists to check Nepal Buddha boy

By Navin Singh Khadka

BBC News, Kathmandu



Word has spread quickly about the teenager's meditation

A meditating teenage boy in south-central Nepal is drawing the attention of scientists after attracting huge crowds in the past six months and earning himself the name Buddha-reincarnate.


They are mulling over how to examine him without disturbing his meditation.


Ram Bahadur Bamjan's friends, relatives and managers say he has been meditating without drinking water for six months now and that he will carry on for another six years until he gains enlightenment.



Siddartha Gautam, who later attained Mahanirvana and became the Buddha, was born in 560 BC.


Grown weak


Word spread quickly about the teenager and people around Ratanapuri village in Bara district began to visit Bamjan, 15, who has been sitting cross-legged in a traditional Buddha posture under a peepal tree.


Bamjan's eyes are closed and his body firm, encased in a whitish shawl.




His hair has grown long and has almost covered his eyes. Villagers say he has grown weak.


His picture has been appearing regularly in newspapers and people now look for updates on him.


Many around Bara worship him as the reincarnation of the Buddha.


The tree is festooned and the air has the smell of incense sticks.


The dramatically increased movement of people has generated economic opportunities.


Makeshift shops have sprung up and offerings in cash and kind are on the rise.


I sometimes go to see him but he does not talk to me


Maya Devi Tamang, mother



"Almost 500,000 rupees ($7,000) have been deposited in the bank by devotees," says Prajapati Koirala, a senior government administrator in the area. That is apart from the donations visitors make on the spot.


Local people have formed a committee to make sure Bamjan gets the right environment to meditate and to manage the influx of visitors and the offerings they make.



The most frequently asked questions: Does he remain seated like that and meditate even at night? Does he not eat or drink at all?



Some say he has eaten nothing since he began his meditation, others that he used to take a milk-like liquid from the roots of the peepal tree at the beginning.




Most people can live without food for several weeks, with the body drawing on its fat and protein stores. But the average human can survive for only three to four days without water.



He never touched alcohol


Salden Lama, schoolteacher


Followers of holy men and ascetics have often ascribed extraordinary powers to them, but such powers are seldom subject to scientific inspection.



But the number of people seeking real evidence here is increasing.


Under pressure, locals have asked the administration to find out the truth.



"We have agreed to conduct a scientific examination on him," said the local administrator, Mr Koirala.



The challenge is to do so without touching him.


Mr Koirala said scientists from the Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology were due to arrive to conduct the examination.


It remains unclear how they will do it.


"At least the scientists will be able to see whether he meditates the whole night or not," said Deekpal Chaudhary, who sells incense sticks to visitors.



Monastery tour


Bamjan's family members say they have no idea what is going on.


His mother fainted when she found out her son had undertaken an indefinite meditation.



Many worship Ram Bahadur Bamjan as the reincarnation of Buddha


"I sometimes go to see him but he does not talk to me," said Maya Devi Tamang.


"I don't know what will happen to him but I know that god will help him."


The name of Buddha's mother was also Maya Devi, a point Bamjan's devotees have stressed.


The family said Bamjan was different from his four brothers. They said he did not speak much and stayed aloof.


"He never touched alcohol," said his primary education teacher, Salden Lama.


Relatives and neighbours said Bamjan undertook meditation when he returned from a tour of Lumbini, where Buddha was born, and monasteries in Pokhara in Nepal and Dehradun in India.


Friend and cousin Prem Lama remembers Bamjan saying that he did not want people to call him Buddha as he had only reached primary enlightenment.


Bamjan has spoken only a few times since he began the meditation, according to Prem Lama.


He said the first time Bamjan spoke was when a snake bit him around a month ago.


Bamjan took the incident as his second test, which he must overcome, Prem Lama said.


In the first test he was also bitten by a snake - three months after he began the meditation.


The second snake-bite episode led to increased curiosity.


After being bitten, Bamjan was said to have asked his aides to put a curtain around him.


"In less than a week he asked us to take the curtain away," Prem Lama said.


Now another curtain is to be drawn around Bamjan - for the scientific examination.

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It takes more than just being able to sit still for months years or even kalpas to be a Buddha or Shankara.


If he is an avatar then why doesn't he speak? The world is in desperatate need for Truth. Who is helped by someone sitting down for years?

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"It takes more than just being able to sit still for months years or even kalpas to be a Buddha or Shankara.


If he is an avatar then why doesn't he speak? The world is in desperatate need for Truth. Who is helped by someone sitting down for years?"


Both Buddha and Shankara went along this same path that this boy is taking. So too, have many yogis and true spiritual masters.


If you do not understand this, you do not understand Hinduism. This is merely one way to know the Self, and he's taking this path. Do YOU know the Truth? Do you know the Self? I don't think so, you are just a materialistic fool who tries to put down others for taking the steps that you are afraid to take yourself.


As for whether he is the next Buddha or Shankara, this is plain ignorance. He is neither Shankara nor Buddha, he is not the "next" anything. He is merely seeking to know the Self. What he does with the knowledge we'll only know later. But there are many people who undertake this arduous task of meditation to know the Self, from Brahmins to yogis. This is not unprecedented. The only connection this boy has to the Buddha is that his mother's name is Maya Devi, like the Buddha's, and that he meditates near where the Buddha did. That's it, and that is not enough to label him the next anything.

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Yes I am a fool. No doubt about it. But tell me how do you know he is trying to find the Self? Just because he is sitting under a tree? He may indeed by or he may be singing hit Bollywood tunes in his mind.


How do you know oh wise one?

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As for whether he is the next Buddha or Shankara, this is plain ignorance. He is neither Shankara nor Buddha, he is not the "next" anything. He is merely seeking to know the Self. What he does with the knowledge we'll only know later. But there are many people who undertake this arduous task of meditation to know the Self, from Brahmins to yogis. This is not unprecedented. The only connection this boy has to the Buddha is that his mother's name is Maya Devi, like the Buddha's, and that he meditates near where the Buddha did. That's it, and that is not enough to label him the next anything.




That is exactly it - and what you've said about his path to samadhi that too is fine - I would agree that it isn't that he claims to be some incarnation or something - that is a 'spin' put on it by others? Of course we can access deeper levels of this understanding simply by taking information from the Vedic texts and by performing sincere bhakti - we know that in this age - although not impossible - it is impractical to pursue samadhi through meditation - it is more practical to use the mahamantra and the bhakti process - accepting that which is favorable and discarding that which isn't.


It seems that westerners are more often attracted to Buddhism – because it is an impersonal approach – one that makes few demands as it were on the western practitioners faith and austerity. I tend to recall the incident in CC with the Buddhists and the plate of ‘offense’ for the Lord and how they were embarrassed by the attempt to get Lord Chaitanya to eat leavings unfit for sacrifice on the plea that it was ‘maha-prashadam’ – so the big black bird snatched up the plate and took it into the sky and dropped it on the head of the head Buddhist priest – foiling there attempt to embarrass the Lord by having Him take an impure offering from their hands.


The point here? Well there is the age old struggle between the personalists and the impersonalists – the struggle in the modern age is greater as the populations are less faith inclined in general to begin with – but alas – as with the original Buddha – the followers were tricked into a realization of truth – it was a step among progressive steps to deal with an ugly kali yuga.


This kali yuga is especially nasty and not long after the start of it the sacrificial arena was turned into a BBQ pit – so that is why Buddha had to come and repudiate the Vedas – to stop the sacrifice activity – to do this he preached a very strong impersonal teaching – one that later had to be undone – so later came the incarnation of Shiva as Shankara – then later incarnations of others – leading to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – so we know - when looking back in history what the original mission of Buddha was and what the later transformations of His mission were about.


Indeed Buddhism is a nice path – for those who are sincere there are depths there to be found – but there are so many schools of thought – and the contention comes to this – is there a soul? Is there a Supreme Soul? For most Buddhist schools the answer is no.


So our eternal nature is based on the concept of the ‘skanda’ – which is a psychological emanation that happens at death and it impresses a new life form in a womb with personality traits [they say it happens at 'birth' not conception] – they say that your skanda or your ‘imprint’ may be very ancient or quite recent – but it is a great difference in the teachings offered by Krishna which tells that we are eternal individual entities with an personal identity.


The nature that they ascribe to God follows the same lines – the ‘skanda’ of some people is so ancient that it is realized and able to directed others to the path of personal negation or nirvana as it is called – for them there is no personal God who has an identity outside of that.


So in that regard I see this news story as hype and it’ll attract those who need to negate theirs and God’s personal reality.


I’m sure that you know this – just felt like blathering anyway!






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"That is exactly it - and what you've said about his path to samadhi that too is fine - I would agree that it isn't that he claims to be some incarnation or something - that is a 'spin' put on it by others? Of course we can access deeper levels of this understanding simply by taking information from the Vedic texts and by performing sincere bhakti - we know that in this age - although not impossible - it is impractical to pursue samadhi through meditation - it is more practical to use the mahamantra and the bhakti process - accepting that which is favorable and discarding that which isn't."


Vedic texts do not say Bhakti is the only path. Nor is this boy simply taking the Buddhist approach. His approach is as Hindu as it is Buddhist. Many rishis and yogis follow exactly what he is doing. I do not agree with this path being impractical for anyone. It is very difficult to do, especially for those who live in the modern world, but to say it is impractical to follow this path is simply an error in judgement. I also do not believe there is ANY true distinction between Hinduism and Buddhism, except interpretation of what is experienced.


I know a Brahmin who did exactly what this boy is doing, and he meditated in the jungle for 7 years. He's a great devotee of Amba ma and Shankar dada, Hindu gods.


As for the next buddha claims, believe me, it's not the boy claiming this, it's the people around him who are ignorant.


And to the person suggesting that this could be just a show just to impress others, you have a very cynical mindset, one that I find alarming for a true Hindu to have. If you find this practice of meditation impossible to follow, that doesn't mean others don't have the strength to do this. And if you don't believe this is a legitimate path to God, you are very narrow-minded and should re-evaluate your beliefs, because much of the Vedas was written by risis who performed the very same austerities this boy is performing.


Read more spiritual books such as Living with the Himalayan Masters, or Play of Consciousness, and you will see what enlightenment truly is. Bhakti is a legitimate path, but to those who believe it is the ONLY legitimate path, I say this: you are deluded and massively ignorant.

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"Yes I am a fool. No doubt about it. But tell me how do you know he is trying to find the Self? Just because he is sitting under a tree? He may indeed by or he may be singing hit Bollywood tunes in his mind.


How do you know oh wise one?"


Why the mock question? Are you jealous of him or something? So his austerities have attracted attention, big deal. Others have done the very same austerities in solitude to realize the Self. I know a Brahmin who has done it, and the risis who wrote the Vedas did this. If you cannot believe in this, how can you claim yourself as a believer in God? This is the very foundation of WHY we believe there is more to life. Our information comes from people like HIM, and if we doubt their methods, where does that leave us?


In any case, do you even have a grasp of what it takes to find the Self? What it means to undergo these austerities, how hard it is? I don't know if he's simly seeking attention, and if he's singing Bollywood tunes in his head, but that is certainly a very cynical mindset, and I think it's a pointless question to begin with. Nobody can know what's going on in his mind or his intentions so why look at his practice with such contempt? Who are you to condemn someone else for what they are trying to do?

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"Indeed Buddhism is a nice path – for those who are sincere there are depths there to be found – but there are so many schools of thought – and the contention comes to this – is there a soul? Is there a Supreme Soul? For most Buddhist schools the answer is no.


So our eternal nature is based on the concept of the ‘skanda’ – which is a psychological emanation that happens at death and it impresses a new life form in a womb with personality traits [they say it happens at 'birth' not conception] – they say that your skanda or your ‘imprint’ may be very ancient or quite recent – but it is a great difference in the teachings offered by Krishna which tells that we are eternal individual entities with an personal identity.


The nature that they ascribe to God follows the same lines – the ‘skanda’ of some people is so ancient that it is realized and able to directed others to the path of personal negation or nirvana as it is called – for them there is no personal God who has an identity outside of that.


So in that regard I see this news story as hype and it’ll attract those who need to negate theirs and God’s personal reality."


I see no connection to your opinions of Buddhism and your label of "hype" to this boy. Remember, he does NOT label himself as Buddhist or anything. The people around him have, but he is nothing yet, when he attains something and ends his meditation then you may see what he is. However, his methods are no different from any seriously aspiring Hindu to know the Self, so you cannot label him as Buddhist, Hindu, or anything.


As for Buddhist's interpretations of what they see, I do not agree with them, but you must understand that there is a continuum between Hinduism and Buddhism. The experiences and methods are very similar or are the same, yet the analysis and interpretations are what varies.


Do not get too engrossed in the details you'll miss the pattern you need to see, the similarities between Buddhism and Hinduism, the real Truth. I believe that we are fractals of God, that we are small in quantity but our spiritual nature and God's spiritual nature are one and the same. I believe fractals is the fundamental pattern of the universe, it manifests itself everywhere, in math, science, and even in religion. I believe we have an atma that is uniquely ours, and yet we do return to God at the end, immersed in his bliss and consciousness, while at the same time retaining some individuality. So yes I believe Krsna spoke the truth, but one must realize that truth lies on a continuum, that everything could actually be true, but in varying degrees.

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Why the mock question?




I wasn't. But you choose to hear it that way so you would feel justified in dumping some of the anger and frustration you feel in from failed material life. We all do this but we need to rise above it.


Are you jealous of him or something?




Yes. I am jealous of the renounced, the wealthy, the famous, the beautiful and the intelligent. In some fashion I am jealous of almost evryone.


So his austerities have attracted attention, big deal.




That was my point...big deal. Austerities alone do not make an avatar.



Others have done the very same austerities in solitude to realize the Self. I know a Brahmin who has done it, and the risis who wrote the Vedas did this. ?




The point is solitude in an attempt to realize God is certainly wonderful but it is not what the world needs in this present time(kali-yuga) and circumstance.



If you cannot believe in this, how can you claim yourself as a believer in God?




Why do you build strawmen and then ask them questions? Kinda strange isn't it?



This is the very foundation of WHY we believe there is more to life.[/quote


If you read my post again you will see that one of my objection was that he is NOT teaching. What is his philosophy? Do you know?




Not mine. What information have you received from him? That is rhetorical. I am not interested in your answer.







Chanting Hare Krishna hopefully.




No, do you? Rhetorical again.






That is right you don't know. Yet you are apparently prepared to defend him as a self-realized saint. Therefore you are a naive fool. The fact that you think it is a pointless question is the mindset of a chump wanting to be exploited.


Cynical? I would say cautious skepticism. Now why would I be skeptical in a world where nothing is really as it appears to be and one in which all who take birth (except the rare soul) have come to bluff and exploit others? Can you think of a reason? Rhetorical yet again. Don't answer, just think.




That was the point, nobody knows. I don't look at his practice with contempt. I don't even know what his practice is. But sitting down for a long time does not make one a saint or avatar except in the mind of the gullible. Nor it is very helpful to the world's present state of emergency.


If your house is on fire and someone appears on your lawn and just sits there with his eyes closed is that a very important thing?


The world is in a state of emergency.




Well I am not anyone to do that nor am I doing that. It's just in your mind pilgrim.


I may ask who are you to condemn me? Yes rhetorical. Anyway there is little need for you to do so. I have long since comdemn myself more than you can imagine.





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What it means to undergo these austerities, how hard it is?



I have no idea nor do I wish to find out. I do not appreciate something just because it is hard. I am finding it hard to enough just to be humble before the Lord. I don't have time to just sit and do nothing.


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The Gita says [not me] that meditation is impractical for the general mass of people in kali yuga.


I know that you have your ideas and I have mine - that is fine - the earth isn't so small - so neither should we be.


I was simply saying what I have learned from Srila Prabhupada. I haven't presented anything that is untrue here - I know that there are other schools and other teachers and other interpretations - however we look at it that is the reality....but not everyone is right. So what.


Some quotes:


The Yoga-sutra also prescribes meditation on Vishnu, and not meditation on the void. [bG 2.61, purport]


Krsna has now explained about the personal, the impersonal and the universal and has described all kinds of devotees and yogis. Generally, the transcendentalists can be divided into two classes. One is the impersonalist, and the other is the personalist. The personalist devotee engages himself with all energy in the service of the Supreme Lord. The impersonalist engages himself not directly in the service of Krsna but in meditation on the impersonal Brahman, the unmanifested.


We find in this chapter that of the different processes for realization of the Absolute Truth, bhakti-yoga, devotional service, is the highest. If one at all desires to have the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then he must take to devotional service.


Those who worship the Supreme Lord directly by devotional service are called personalists. Those who engage themselves in meditation on the impersonal Brahman are called impersonalists.


Arjuna is here questioning which position is better. There are different ways to realize the Absolute Truth, but Krsna indicates in this chapter that bhakti-yoga, or devotional service to Him, is highest of all.


It is the most direct, and it is the easiest means for association with the Godhead.


In the Second Chapter the Lord explains that a living entity is not the material body but is a spiritual spark, a part of the Absolute Truth. In the Seventh Chapter He speaks of the living entity as part and parcel of the supreme whole and recommends that he transfer his attention fully to the whole.


In the Eighth Chapter it is stated that whoever thinks of Krsna at the moment of death is at once transferred to the spiritual sky, Krsna’s abode. And at the end of the Sixth Chapter the Lord says that out of all the yogis, he who thinks of Krsna within himself is considered to be the most perfect.


So throughout the Gita personal devotion to Krsna is recommended as the highest form of spiritual realization.


Yet there are those who are still attracted to Krsna’s impersonal brahmajyoti effulgence, which is the all-pervasive aspect of the Absolute Truth and which is unmanifest and beyond the reach of the senses. Arjuna would like to know which of these two types of transcendentalists is more perfect in knowledge.


In other words, he is clarifying his own position because he is attached to the personal form of Krsna. He is not attached to the impersonal Brahman. He wants to know whether his position is secure.


The impersonal manifestation, either in this material world or in the spiritual world of the Supreme Lord, is a problem for meditation.


Actually, one cannot perfectly conceive of the impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth. Therefore Arjuna wants to say, “What is the use of such a waste of time?” Arjuna experienced in the Eleventh Chapter that to be attached to the personal form of Krsna is best because he could thus understand all other forms at the same time and there was no disturbance to his love for Krsna.


This important question asked of Krsna by Arjuna will clarify the distinction between the impersonal and personal conceptions of the Absolute Truth. [bG 12.1, purport]


…by ill luck most yogis are stranded by the powers of mysticism achieved through the bodily process… [sB 1.2.28-29, purport]


Yer servant,




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They can't believe it's Buddha

(Filed: 03/12/2005)


Nepal's "Buddha boy" is under investigation by the authorities, who question his claim not to have eaten anything for six months and are examining his followers' finances.


The government believes that Ram Bomjon, 15, may be breaking his fast to eat at night when his shrine is closed to visitors.


Ram Bomjon claims not to have eaten for six months

Buddhism experts, the interior ministry and Nepal's leading scientific agency have all been called in to investigate the phenomenon, which has attracted thousands of pilgrims and excitement worldwide.


"We told the shrine management committee, 'Either we need to see everything that is going on or, if this is a fraud, you need to close it down,' " said Hari Har Dahal, a local official. "This has got into the media all over the world. If it is not true, it will be bad for the country."


The way donations to the organising committee have been spent has also been questioned.


Hundreds of pilgrims were still entering the jungle near the village of Ratanpuri to see Ram this week, despite the authorities' attempts to discourage the faithful from visiting the site.


"We stop from village to village and people are really keen to come," said Amit Bartola, a bus driver, who had 80 people crammed on to his 36-seat bus.


All the pilgrims The Daily Telegraph spoke to said they believed the claim that Ram had eaten or drunk nothing for six months. The scene's popularity is partly becuase of its resemblance to an episode in the life of the Buddha, born nearby in around 543 BC. The Buddha achieved enlightenment after meditating under a sacred pipal tree for 49 days, a feat of endurance allegedly surpassed by Ram. The boy is sitting under a pipal in the same pose as the Buddha.


Ganga Jeet Bomjon, Ram's elder brother, strongly rejected accusations of cheating. "The investigators say that you guys are doing something - feeding him batteries to give him energy or something," he joked. "But you try sitting with your legs crossed for three hours, never mind six months."


The management committee, mainly composed of young men and teenagers from Ram's village, stands by its claim that the teenager has eaten and drunk nothing for six months. But it has resisted intensive scrutiny.


"I don't mind people coming to check," said Ram Krishna Tamang, a committee member. "But they can't touch him and break his meditation."


Local officials have demanded to see the committee's accounts and have been told that it has received the equivalent of £6,311, a vast sum in Nepal where the average income is around £120 a year.


The committee says that £3,375 is left after the rest of the money was spent on running the site. The authorities want to know in more detail how the cash was spent.


The authorities say they must proceed with care because the issue is religiously sensitive. But there seems little chance that they will drop the case. They are also pressing for tests on the boy and 24-hour observation.


The policeman on guard outside the office where Ram's file is kept gave a clue to the mood at the administrative headquarters.


"He has to eat; he has to drink water," he said. "If we find out that he is lying, he and the rest of them are going to jail."


21 November 2005: Pilgrims flock to see 'Buddha boy' said to have fasted six months



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  • 2 weeks later...
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How can he possibly be the reincarnation of anything? God does not exist!!! The whole concept of religion is just a control system.

It was used to explain the unexplainable before science had the answers.

look into history...the further back you go, the more gods, nowadays we are down to just a few gods....and 100years from now maybe just one. Its all poppycock.


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well it is no doubt interesting, i hope he isn't a fake. i don't know why people put him down, of course it is better to chant Hare Krsna, and speak of Krsna, but he is on the path of enlightnment, hopefully, if he realises Brahman, that is step in the right direction, read your Gita.

It sure sounds like some people around here are jealous of him, why, i don't know.

Go little dude!


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Ok firstly, If a little dude wants to sit under a tree to further his own mental state of awareness then thats fine, but take a wee reality check...a new buddha??? I dont think so as there is no such thig as Gods *full stop*

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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I was studying budha teachings very carefully and than i got BhagavadGita trough mercy of my girlfriend and i must says in full respect, that buddha is atheistic demonic rubish! his enlighment is nothing more than maya he get from Supreme Lord , because Lord will let you do what you want even if it is against himself, understand that everything you do is your karma and you get response from your actions in time..its really simple


only if you truly and with love give yourself to supreme god can obtain from his mercy true wisdom,selfrealization and hopefully you can return to his spiritual kingdom after nirvana and be with him face to face... to serve him, be friend to him, to listen to him and enjoy spiritual life in flawless god consciousnes with trilions of other spiritual beings...this is for me heaven


but if you want to beleive in budha and emptynes and go beyond matter and spiritual world and other halucinations..go there,nothing special is there, but this is for me hell


i want to be with god, iam with god

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lol god exists stupid (not you cherry)



That's not nice Akshar. How is his ignorance different from yours or mine? There are real reasons that people do not wish or cannot believe in the existence of God. Krishna places this forgetfulness and ignorance into our minds because we want it. It is important to remember that KRISHNA does this for us so that we can continue to play as the sumpreme enjoyers. How does calling him/her stupid help anyone?



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I was studying budha teachings very carefully and than i got BhagavadGita trough mercy of my girlfriend and i must says in full respect, that buddha is atheistic demonic rubish! his enlighment is nothing more than maya he get from Supreme Lord , because Lord will let you do what you want even if it is against himself, understand that everything you do is your karma and you get response from your actions in time..its really simple


only if you truly and with love give yourself to supreme god can obtain from his mercy true wisdom,selfrealization and hopefully you can return to his spiritual kingdom after nirvana and be with him face to face... to serve him, be friend to him, to listen to him and enjoy spiritual life in flawless god consciousnes with trilions of other spiritual beings...this is for me heaven


but if you want to beleive in budha and emptynes and go beyond matter and spiritual world and other halucinations..go there,nothing special is there, but this is for me hell


i want to be with god, iam with god


Lord Buddha= Lord Krishna


The great teachers teach according to time and cirsumstance. As the supreme Lord, Krishna (Buddha) knew that the athiestic people were not ready to hear the truth. Lord Buddha taught peace and non-violence in order to end the animal slaughter that was prevalent at the time. Eventually, the people began to worship Lord Buddha and in effect were worshipping Lord Krishna. He is the greatest trickster :)

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